Optimising of Smart Integrated Near Shore Fish Aggregating Device
for Indonesia Ocean Base on Blue Economy
Jangka Rulianto
, Raja Oloan Saut Gurning
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia
Keywords: FADs, Floating building, Fishermen.
Abstract: Small island communities in developing countries depend on income in the capture fisheries sector. They
use traditional equipment to catch fish. Most Indonesian people use a kind of floating building on the sea
with the addition of sago palm leaves to attract fish to gather there. So that makes it easier for fishermen to
find spots for gathering fish. But sometimes people often find their FADs empty, even though to go to the
clump, funds are needed for the needs of the ship's engine fuel, as well as environmental conditions that
sometimes turn out to be very extreme and endanger fishermen. Therefore, we made smart integrated FAD
innovations where we design environmentally friendly, sustainable, and capable FADs that can be
monitored from the ground to illustrate the condition of FADs if there are fish there, making it easier for
fishermen to make decisions when they should go to catch fish. In this paper, the author connected FADs
technology with fish trading to know about fish price base on the shore. It will help the businessman to
make some decision making for their fish business and know when they must save their asset.
Indonesia people have an extraordinary dependence
on fish for food. Fish consumption in Indonesia,
which is based mainly on small-scale subsistence
and commercial fishing for fish associated with coral
reefs, and large pelagic fish (including tuna), is
several times higher than the global average (Bell
JD,2009). Fish typically supplies 50–90% of dietary
animal protein for coastal communities (Bell
JD,2009) and in 10 Indonesia per capita fish
consumption in these communities exceeds 70 kg yr
. As the human populations of Indonesia grow,
governments have been encouraged to provide
access to at least 35 kg of fish per person per year
(Fish and food security,2008), or maintain higher
traditional levels of fish consumption where they
occur (Bell JD,2009), for two reasons. First, fish is
rich in protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and
minerals (Ros N,2007), and is a logical cornerstone
for food security given the high levels of subsistence
and scarcity of arable land on many of the islands.
Second, increased access to fish provides a healthy
alternative to the nutritionally poor imported foods
now pervading Indonesia diets (Cassels,2006).
Greater consumption of fish and other traditional
foods is needed to combat the high prevalence of
non-communicable diseases in the region (Bell
JD,2015). For many Indonesian people, the problem
is that the production of fish from coral reefs will
not yield the recommended 35 kg of fish per person
per year or continue to supply the traditionally
higher quantities of fish, as human populations
grow. Several other Indonesian people will have
problems distributing fish from remote reefs to
urban centres.
To provide access to the recommended quantities
of fish, these Indonesian people will need to allocate
more of the tuna caught within their waters to local
food security. Across the region, tuna will need to
provide 12% of all fish required for food security by
2020, and 25% by 2035 (Bell JD,2015). Although
the amount of tuna needed in 2020 and 2035
represents only 2.1% and 5.9%, respectively, of the
present-day industrial catch from the combined
exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of Indonesian
people (Bell JD,2015), there are considerable
challenges involved in distributing this tuna to the
growing coastal and urban communities.
One of the most practical ‘vehicles’ for
improving local access to tuna is installation of
nearshore fish aggregating devices (FADs).
Nearshore FADs are based on observations that tuna
and other large pelagic fish are attracted to floating
Rulianto, J. and Gurning, R.
Optimising of Smart Integrated Near Shore Fish Aggregating Device for Indonesia Ocean Base on Blue Economy.
DOI: 10.5220/0008549200550058
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology (SENTA 2018), pages 55-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-436-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
objects and often stay in their vicinity for several
days. Nearshore FADs differ from the drifting FADs
and large anchored FADs used by industrial tuna
fleets because they are usually placed closer to shore
in depths of 300–700 m.
Nearshore FADs increase the supply and
consumption of fish in rural communities (Albert
JA,2014) and have been progressively improved
over the past 20 years to increase their working life
and reduce their cost. Analyses of the cost: benefit
of nearshore FADs in Indonesia Islands and show
that the value of tuna and other pelagic fish caught
around them exceed their costs by 3–7 times
(Chapman L,2005). Other studies, comparing catch-
per-unit-effort (CPUE) and fuel consumption of
small-scale fishers operating with and without
nearshore FADs demonstrate that: CPUE near FADs
is 7 to 23 kg h greater, and average fuel consumption
by fishers operating around FADs is 0.5 L lower,
than when fishing is not associated with FADs.
Recent research also shows that nearshore FADs
provide returns on investment (internal rate of
return) ranging from 80% to 180%.
There is also recognition that regular use of
nearshore FADs could have two other possible
benefits. First, it provides communities with the
opportunity to transfer some of their fishing effort
from coral reefs to oceanic fisheries resources and
intervention expected to help prevent over-
exploitation of coral reef fish and maintain the
normal representation of important functional groups
of fish (e.g. herbivores) associated with coral reefs
required to assist these ecosystems to adapt to
climate change. Nearshore FADs could enhance the
success of coral reef management initiatives, e.g.
those by the local marine managed area networks
and give challenge
, by providing practical ways for
people to continue to catch pelagic fish when
regulations are introduced to help coral reefs recover
from overfishing and other local stressors, e.g.
through designation of temporal or spatial fishing
Despite the promise that nearshore FADs hold
for improving access to tuna and other pelagic fish
for coastal and urban communities, and for
improving the management of coral reefs, extensive
planning, monitoring and research are needed to
reap all the potential benefits of FADs. Indeed,
considerable caution is required to implement FAD
programmes so that they do not fall into the same
category as the many technically viable and
seemingly sensible ‘solutions’ littering the region
that have failed.
Figure 1: Concept of FADs.
This paper describes the investments, over and
above the costs of construction and deployment,
needed to optimise the use of nearshore FADs for
improving access to tuna and other pelagic fish for
the food security of rural and urban communities in
Indonesia Island countries and territories.
Figure 2: Concept of smart FADs.
Echo-sounder buoy technology is evolving
rapidly and manufacturers, through collaboration
with scientists, have already begun to solve the
challenges associated with acoustic measurements
on autonomous platforms, such as energy
requirements and remote target classification. As
Handegard et al. (2013) stated, one of the major
constraints when dealing with remote devices is the
lack of biological sampling for verifying taxonomic
composition and validating the conversion of
acoustic backscatter into biologically relevant
measures such as biomass. In this regard, some buoy
manufacturers have begun to integrate multiple
frequencies into their echo-sounder buoys. This
should allow for increased success in species
discrimination capability, especially between swim-
bladder (Yellowfin and Bigeye tunas) and non-swim
bladder (skipjack) tunas.
The investments summarised here offer a
pathway for increasing the availability of tuna and
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
other pelagic fish for rural and urban communities in
Indonesia Island countries and territories. Indeed,
they represent some of the most practical ways of
allowing these com-munities to obtain the relatively
small share of the region’s rich tuna resources they
need for food security.
In addition to providing a platform for improved
public health, such investments also promise to be
win–win adaptations to climate change. In
particular, national FAD infrastructure should help
supply more fish for growing populations in the
short term and provide a continued source of fish as
coastal fisheries decline due to the degradation of
coral reefs caused by increasing sea surface
temperatures and ocean acidification. Even in
Indonesian people where the abundance of tuna is
projected to decrease as climate change causes an
eastward shift in their distribution, nearshore FADs
are likely to contribute to the needs of growing rural
populations for two reasons. First, relatively large
numbers of tuna are expected to remain in the EEZs
of countries in the western Indonesia by 2035.
Second, the percentage of average tuna catches from
the EEZs of all Indonesian people required for local
food security in 2035 is low (0,6%).
The outcome of the proposed suite of
investments described here provides a blueprint for
planning the installation of FADs as part of the
national infrastructure for food security in
Indonesian people. Such investments need to be
given priority in national development plans because
the number of nearshore FADs presently deployed in
Indonesian people is estimated to be well below the
numbers likely to be needed by coastal communities.
Other benefits of the proposed investments will be
more robust information about the quantities of tuna
and other pelagic fish likely to be harvested from
FADs, and the cohesive community arrangements
needed to reap the full range of benefits.
Once the FADs have been deployed in rural and
urban areas, it will be imperative to maintain this
infrastructure. If FADs are not replaced as soon as
practical following loss or damage due to storms,
vandalism or fouling by coastal shipping, the
momentum involved in creating opportunities to
provide the additional fish needed for food security
and transferring fishing effort from coral reefs to
oceanic fisheries resources, will be lost.
Even though co-management of FADs is
essential, national and provincial governments, or
their development partners, should bear the main
responsibility for the replacement of FADs lost or
damaged under circumstances beyond the control of
communities because small-scale fishers are unlikely
to have the resources to replace FADs quickly. In
much the same way that farmers are not expected to
repair roads and bridges damaged by floods, build
wharfs, provide shipping or construct marketplaces
to sell their food (except through payment of taxes),
small-scale fishers should not be expected to
shoulder the cost of providing infrastructure that is
so important to national food security. This is the
domain of governments. However, communities
should be custodians of investments made on their
behalf and maintain FADs to improve the working
life of these assets. Also, where FADs are lost due to
negligence, vandalism or sabotage by community
members, the onus should be on communities to
replace them.
The prime requirements for replacing lost FADs
quickly are stockpiles of spare parts in provincial
areas, together with access to the vessels, staff and
operating budgets needed to install new FADs. The
budgets of national and provincial fisheries agencies
are not presently large enough in most Indonesian
people to cater for the replacement of FADs in this
way. Therefore, national planning offices should
alert development partners about the importance of
nearshore FADs to local food security and request
the resources needed to maintain the required stocks
of FAD materials and specialised staff. Importantly,
stockpiles of spare FADs should be replenished
regularly and maintained above threshold levels.
It is also important that national governments are
committed to, and have ownership of, FAD
programmes. In particular, there is scope in several
Indonesia Island countries for using some of the
substantial licence revenues received from distant
water fishing nations to help fund nearshore FAD
infrastructure. In those nations where industrial
fishing companies deploy large anchored FADs for
use by purse-seine vessels, e.g. PNG and Solomon
Islands, arrangements could also be made with such
companies to assist with the installation of nearshore
FADs needed for local food security.
Although the investments discussed here apply to
a broad range of Indonesian people, it will be
important to ensure that FAD programmes in each
country or territory are developed within the national
or provincial context. Differences in local
governance among (and sometimes within)
Indonesian people mean that attempts to apply ‘one-
size-fits-all’ approaches are likely to add further
complexity to the implementation of FAD
Optimising of Smart Integrated Near Shore Fish Aggregating Device for Indonesia Ocean Base on Blue Economy
The Blue Economic Concept provides an
opportunity to develop more economically and
environmentally sound investments and businesses,
utilize natural resources more efficiently and less
environmentally, produces more efficient and
cleaner systems, produces greater products and
economic value, increase labour absorption, and
provide an opportunity to benefit each contributor
more fairly.
The Blue Economy will ultimately ensure that
development will not only generate economic
growth, but also ensuring ecological and social
sustainability. In general, the Blue Economy can be
understood as an economic model to encourage
sustainable development with a mind-set such as the
workings of ecosystems. This is not independent of
the principles that exist in the Blue Economy
concept, namely:
1. Natural resources efficiency.
2. Zero waste leave nothing to waste. Waste for
one is a food for another waste from one
process is resource of energy for the other.
3. Social inclusiveness, self-sufficiency for all,
social equity more job, more opportunities for
the poor.
4. Cyclic system of production, endless
generation to regeneration, balancing
production and consumption.
5. Open- ended innovation and adaptation, the
principles of the law of the physics and
continuous natural adaptation.
Installation of nearshore FADs is one of the few
interventions that could provide access to the
additional fish needed for good nutrition of
Indonesia people, particularly in rural coastal areas.
To ensure that nearshore FADs fulfil their potential
to become an important component of national
infrastructure for food security, it is imperative that
investments in FAD programmes are not limited to
improving the logistics of installing FADs.
Investments must also extend to the participatory
processes needed to identify those com-munities that
are most in need of FADs, committed to sharing the
benefits equitably, and prepared to engage with
government agencies and their development partners
in the maintenance of FADs. Smooth co-
management of nearshore FADs by communities,
provincial and national governments will not only
help optimise the potential contributions of tuna and
other pelagic fish to local food security, it will set
the stage for determining whether nearshore FADs
add value to management initiatives for coral reefs
by transferring some fishing effort to oceanic
fisheries resources.
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SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology