The Relationship between Perceptions of Management Rules with the
Tendency of Burnout in Nurses
Wasis Purwo Wibowo
, Adnani Budi Utami
, and Niken Titi Pratitis
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Airlangga
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945
Keywords: Perception, Regulatory Management, Perception Management Regulations.
Abstract: Health care is a service that deals directly with the community (human service) as a result of collaboration
between nurses, doctors, and health care organization management teams. The unique characteristics of the
health organization that is the place of research is the alertness of all hospital staff who prioritize service to
patients with a motto of serving with love. This study aims to determine the relationship between
perceptions of management regulations and the tendency of burnout in nurses. Perception of management
regulations is the assessment or evaluation, interpretation and knowledge of nurses on the rules or
agreements of company managers with nurses regarding rules or management, commitments, company
policies, job demands, company support, and awards from management to nurses. Burnout is a condition of
saturation, prolonged stress, and psychological stress caused by physical, mental, and emotional fatigue
which is influenced by several factors, both internal and external factors. The number of subjects in this
study were 140 people taken from 215 nurse populations through simple random sampling technique. The
hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a negative relationship between perceptions of management
regulations and the tendency of burnout to nurses. This research method uses a quantitative approach and
uses two measurement scales, namely the scale of perception of management regulations and the burnout
scale. The analysis used is the product moment correlation parametric statistics that are processed with
SPSS Windows 21 for IBM software. The results obtained show that burnout in high nurses followed by
perceptions of management regulations is also high. This happens probably due to the demands of the
family of patients who want to be able to get immediate service, so many insurance patients need the right
services. Other things include inadequate company facilities that hinder service and cause high burnout of
Health is a very important thing in human life, so
many health service organizations have emerged as a
form of government programs aimed at improving
public health. Health care providers are required to
be able to provide maximum service to the
community. This is important, because patients
expect services that are ready, fast, and thorough for
the healing of the disease they experience. Health
efforts need to be carried out with a maintenance
approach, health improvement (promotive), disease
prevention (preventive), curative healing, and health
care (rehabilitative), which are carried out in a
comprehensive, integrated and sustainable manner
(Khotimah, 2010).
Regarding health services, the role of doctors,
nurses and management teams are very important to
achieve maximum service. Services provided by
health care organizations are services that deal
directly with the community (human service) as a
result of the collaboration between nurses, doctors,
and health care organization management teams
where all are required to support each other in
providing health services continuously in accordance
with the standards has been regulated by health care
organizations. It was stated by Mariyanti and
Citrawati (2011) that inpatient services involving
patients, doctors, and nurses in sensitive
relationships concerning patient satisfaction, service
quality and hospital image. This is what the Husada
Utama Hospital of Surabaya then used as a foothold
in service and gave birth to a vision as a leading
Wibowo, W., Utami, A. and Pratitis, N.
The Relationship between Perceptions of Management Rules with the Tendency of Burnout in Nurses.
DOI: 10.5220/0008585100490054
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 49-54
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
health care center for patients and families through
professional and quality services. Of course, the
consequence of this vision is the demand for nurses
and medical personnel to be able to achieve the
vision of the hospital.
The Demands to be able to provide services
according to standards so that the company can
always achieve excellence, both in terms of
production and services, including demands on
medical personnel at the Husada Utama Hospital
Surabaya. On the one hand, it is natural that the
hospital or company provides the best for patients
and other service users. On the other hand it is also
not uncommon to present its own pressures on
human resources in it. Robbins (2006) argues that
task demands are a factor that is related to one's
work and that it puts pressure on the individual if the
demands of speed assignments are felt to be
excessive and can increase anxiety and stress. These
pressures in psychological terms are known as
Burnout is generally found in human service
professions, namely people who work in fields that
are directly related to many people and perform
services to the general public (Wulandari, 2013).
The study conducted by Rachmawati mentioned the
results of a survey conducted by the Indonesian
National Nurses Association (PPNI) in 2006,
showing that around 50.9 percent of nurses working
in four provinces in Indonesia experienced work
stress (Khotimah, 2010). Such conditions according
to Khotimah (2010) seem to be exacerbated by
demands from organizational management so that
nurses can always provide maximum service.
Based on observations of nurses in charge at the
Husada Utama Hospital Surabaya surgery room unit
conducted by the head of the surgery room unit, it
was shown that some nurses often arrived late, often
slept when guarding the service, were a bit
aggressive when communicating with fellow
employees, seemed less careful in working with
employees other. The same thing was also reflected
in a news article on on
November 5, 2015 which stated that there were
nurses who applied thugs. It happened in the South
Solok Hospital that there were nurses who yelled at
the families of patients with few words that tended
to be rude.
Some behaviors shown by nurses, both in South
Solok and in Surabaya according to Rahman (2007)
are indicators of burnout. Further explained that the
tendency to be cynical, often come late, and skip
work can be a benchmark for the occurrence of
burnout in nurses. Pines and Maslach (1978) said
that several studies of burnout were found in social
workers, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, prison
guards, child caregivers, teachers, and counselors
with almost the same conditions.
As a result of burnout in nurses, often raises
emotional reactions such as anger, anxiety, fear, and
aggression which are very influential on the care of
nurses in patients. Sulistyawati (2007) in her study
wrote that the effects arising from burnout are
decreased motivation for work, cynicism, the
emergence of negative attitudes, frustration, feelings
of being rejected by the environment, failure, and
low self esteem. Maslach (1982) also argued that
burnout has three dimensions, namely fatigue,
cynicism, and low self-esteem and also implicitly
recognizes the existence of supporting factors for the
creation of burnout conditions in the work
environment where the interaction between the giver
and recipient of the service occurs.
The discrepancy between what employees expect
and what the company gives to employees, such as
lack of support from superiors and unhealthy
competition among co-workers is a psychological
working environment that can affect the appearance
of burnout in employees (Sihotang, 2004). Rafii's
research, Oskouie and Nikravesh (2004) which
examined a number of nurses, showed that burnout
causes emotional avoidance, low quality work and
gives a negative impression on interpersonal,
intrapersonal and achievement of an organization.
Pines and Aronso (1989), burnout is defined as a
state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion
caused by long-term involvement in emotionally
charged situations. Sihotang (2004) argues that
physical, mental, and emotional fatigue called
burnout can occur due to stress suffered by
individuals for a long time, in situations that require
high emotional involvement. Burnout can even
cause a low attitude of caring, rude attitude, lack of
self-respect, and an aggressive attitude. Weiten
(2010) added that burnout is often related to job
demands and regulations, which usually occur in
individuals who work in the field of social services.
Job demands as written forms in a company
regulation are explicit statements addressed to an
employee about things that must or should not be
done (Gammahendra, Hamid, and Riza, 2014). Not
infrequently a regulation and organizational policy,
is less clear so that sometimes the perception of
siding with an employee's working period without
seeing ability and lacking more opportunities for
employees in developing abilities or expertise. This
is what is then felt as a stressful demand for
employees which then raises the burnout on the
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
nurse. That is, the perception of nurses and
employees regarding the rules and policies of
hospital organization management is thought to be
the cause of the emergence of burnout.
Different perceptions of nurses regarding the
rules in the company become interesting knowledge,
because according to Notoatmodjo (2003)
knowledge is the basis for doing something or
acting, and related to experience and education.
Chaplin (1999) also argues, perception generally
depends on a number of stimulant factors, ways of
learning, state of mind or mood, and motivational
Perception of management regulations according
to Guntur (2010) is a perception of a regulation that
is made in writing that contains provisions regarding
the terms of work and company rules. Perceptions of
the management regulations need to be examined
further whether this is one of the things that affect
the occurrence of burnout in nurses so that by
knowing what is the right and obligation, the
services performed by nurses can run smoothly and
in line with expectations. According to , J.Bryan,
Tim Barnett, Kim Hester, & Clint Relya (2003)
employee trust in the organization's concern for its
welfare and the value of the contribution given is a
reciprocal relationship. High employee perceptions
of fair treatment of the organization will also
increase the level of work productivity. Conversely,
low employee perceptions of organizational injustice
will lead to decreased productivity and even lead to
emotional exhaustion in work, work stress and
intense burnout.
Based on the background that has been
described, then the formulation of the problem posed
in this study is "Is there a relationship between the
perception of management regulations with the
tendency of burnout on nurses?".
Benefits of research that will be conducted
1. Theoretical benefits of adding a scientific study
in the organization's industrial psychology and
clinical psychology about burnout and
perceptions of management rules on nurses.
2. The practical benefits are
a. For hospitals that researchers hope this
research can be used as a reference and
information in making policy companies
and organizations in an effort to prevent the
occurrence of burnout so that the field of
service and production can be maximized.
b. For the nurse the researcher hopes this
research is used as knowledge and reference
to communicate things that cause burnout at
hospital management.
c. For other researchers that researchers hope
this research into a study of other research
The hypothesis proposed in this study is that
there is a negative relationship between the
perception of management regulation and the
tendency of burnout in nurses. The assumption, if
the perception of positive management rules, the
tendency of burnout in nurses to be low, and vice
versa. If the perception of negative management
rules, then the tendency of burnout in nurses higher.
2.1 Participants
Participants in this study were 140 nurses out of a
total population of 215 nurses at the Husada Utama
Hospital Surabaya, with a confidence level of 95%.
Sample criteria used are nurses of Husada Utama
Hospital Surabaya, aged between 23 to 35 years,
working period of more than 1 year. A total of 140
research samples were selected using simple random
sampling technique, namely by selecting each
individual who was randomly sampled (Latipun,
2.2 Measurement
Data collection techniques used in this study were
questionnaires in the form of a Likert scale with
scores moving from 1 to 4. The researcher only used
4 alternative answers because respondents would
tend to choose a safe and easy middle answer if
there was a choice of answers to abstention or
hesitation. Data collection in this study was obtained
by using two scales, namely the burnout scale and
the perception scale of the management regulations
made by the researcher. The measurement of this
variable uses a burnout scale that was prepared by
the researcher with indicators based on the
dimensions of physical fatigue (such as frequent
headaches, feeling nauseous, frequent colds,
insomnia, lack of appetite, and back pain),
dimensions of mental fatigue (such as less sympathy
with other people, being cynical, insensitive,
difficult to concentrate, and dissatisfaction with
work), as well as dimensions of emotional
exhaustion (such as irritability, irritability, anxiety,
sadness, and despair). The basis of this indicator is
derived from the opinion of Pines and Aronson
The Relationship between Perceptions of Management Rules with the Tendency of Burnout in Nurses
(1989) that there are three aspects of burnout,
namely a) physical fatigue, is fatigue associated with
the physical condition of the body, b) mental fatigue,
is fatigue which involves low self-esteem and
depersonalization, c) emotional fatigue, is fatigue
associated with personal feelings. Measurement of
perceptions of management regulations was obtained
from the perception scale of management
regulations based on the management aspects of the
Main Husada Hospital of Surabaya.
The results of the calculation of a reliable test
with Cronbach Alpha technique on the burnout scale
obtained a value of 0.984 while the scale of
perception of management regulations obtained a
value of 0.924. Reliability test results of both scales
obtained more values than the Cronbach Alpha value
so that on the scale of burnout and the perception
scale of management regulations have good
2.3 Data Analysis
Data analysis used in this research is using statistical
analysis technique. The data technique used in
finding relationships and proving the relationship of
the proposed hypothesis is using product moment
correlation techniques processed with SPSS
Windows 21 for IBM software.
Based on data that has been tabulated and analyzed
using product moment correlation from Pearson with
calculation using SPSS 21 for IBM obtained rxy =
0,461 with significant level p = 0,000 (p <0,05)
meaning there is significant positive correlation
between perception variable to regulation
management with variable tendency of burnout in
nurses so that research hypothesis that read there is
negative correlation between perception to
management regulation with tendency of burnout in
nurse not accepted or rejected.
The results showed that there was a significant
positive correlation between perceptions of
management regulations and the tendency of
burnout to nurses. This shows that the hypothesis of
this study was not accepted.
This happens because when the subject perceives
positively the management regulations by assuming
that the company's management regulations are
positive, they must be adhered to and implemented
properly. And as a consequence, the subject does not
reconsider the physical and mental consequences
that are possessed so that unconsciously the level of
fatigue and saturation of the subject increases and
results in experiencing burnout. This is contrary to
the opinion of Robbins (2006) that task demands are
a factor related to one's work and it puts pressure on
individuals if their demands for speed are perceived
as excessive and can increase anxiety and stress. In
fact, in this research subject when subject
perceptions were positive towards management
regulations, the subjects were increasingly burnout.
From the results of the mean hypothetical and
empirical mean obtained hypothetical mean (ц) on
the burnout scale of 52.5 and the empirical mean of
59.39 so that the hypothetical mean < mean
empirical which means burnout in nurses is high. On
the scale of perception of management rules
obtained the value of ц = 85 and the empirical mean
of 92.03 which means also the perception of high or
positive management regulations. This shows that
burnout in high nurses followed by perceptions of
management regulations is also high or positive,
thus supporting the rejection of the research
hypothesis. This may occur, among others, due to
the demands of the family of patients who want
immediate service, the number of insurance patients
so that they need the right services. Other
possibilities include inadequate company facilities
that hinder service and can cause high burnout to
The results of this study also do not support the
results of the study presented by Noe (1994) that an
injustice perception of compensation received can
lead to negative employee behavior towards the
company and the impact of job involvement which
can be seen from low employee commitment and
ultimately will reduce their work performance.
Further explained about negative perception by
Nitisemito (1980) that psychological work
environment conditions that are not good, such as
poor communication between employees, co-
workers, or leaders, will support and maintain the
onset of psychological fatigue in the work, so there
is the possibility of employees being easily irritated,
anxious, and not concentrating on carrying out tasks.
Based on the results of this study, the perception
of management regulations only contributed 21.2%
to the appearance of burnout in nurses. There are
many other factors that may be related to burnout.
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
This factor illustrates that the hard work in
complying with all the regulations that are set is the
result of nurses who really feel fatigue, boredom,
and drained energy so that it is contrary to the
hypothesis of the researcher. The assumption is that
nurses or individuals who have good perceptions of
management regulations will feel their work or tasks
become normal.
Another opinion was also added as a reference to
the rejection of the hypothesis that the self-efficacy
of nurses in suppressing the occurrence of burnout.
Self-efficacy is a part of self-concept. Self-efficacy
is an individual's assessment of his ability to perform
tasks or actions needed to achieve certain
performance (Sulistyawati, 2007). Bandura revealed
that individuals who have high self-efficacy, when
facing a pressing situation will try harder and last
longer and will be more active in business than
people who have low self-efficacy, and will be more
daring to set targets or goals to be achieved
(Sulistyawati, 2007).
Based on the results of the study, it was concluded
that the hypothesis was not accepted or rejected, that
there was no negative relationship between
perceptions of management regulations and the
tendency of burnout to nurses. Other researchers
who wish to develop and continue this research are
expected to be able to pay attention to other factors
and examine in more detail the level of tendency of
burnout in nurses including gender, nursing or
employee work period, coping stress and self-
efficacy and self-esteem of nurses or employees and
so forth.
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ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings