Narima In
An Effort to Decrease Depression through Local Wisdom on Murder
Case Inmates
, Nanik Prihartanti
and Wisnu Sri Hertinjung
Psychology Faculty, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia
Psychology Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Narima Ing Pandum Intervention, Depression, Inmates (WBP), Experimental Research
Abstract: The inmates (WBP) with murder case in class I penitentiary of Semarang generally get depression. This
leads to this study with narima ing pandum (NIP) intervention. The treatment employed local wisdom
approach to accommodate individual values that the inmates believe. This study aims to prove empirically
the effect of narima ing pandum (NIP) intervention on murder case inmates’ depression. To investigate the
level of depression before and after the training, scale Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was employed. The
materials given in this training are opening, opening the WBP's insights, managing attitudes, let's be
thankful, let's be patient, let's narima, and identifying the purpose of life. The intervention employed an
experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design. The participants were 12 WBP murder
cases who were grouped into experimental groups and control groups. The results of the analysis showed
that NIP group intervention can decrease the depression score more in the experimental group than the
control group. The results of this study can be used by the Prison as alternative solution in overcoming the
psychological problems of WBP and in addition to the study of indigenous research in dealing with the
impact of crime.
Based on the law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 12 of 1995 article 1, that the convicted
person serving a criminal sentence will lose his / her
right of freedom. Losing freedom for a person can
lower one's prestige and dignity as well as self-
esteem and may become a severe stressor on a
particular individual.
Based on the dictionary of law written by
(Widagdo, 2012) inmates or prisoners (WBP) are
defined as those who are undergoing a crime or
sentence in a prison. A person who is imprisoned
means that he has been proven to have committed a
violation of law, which of course is disliked and
opposed by the community. Prisoners / WBPs also
refer to those who have been convicted by a court /
law and must be punished or sanctioned which will
then be placed in a building called a detention house,
prison or correctional institution (Harsono, 2005).
According to the Codes of Criminal Procedure
(KUHP), a prisoner / WBP is someone who is
convicted based on a court decision that has
obtained permanent legal force, while the convicts
undergo a sentence and lost their independence
within a certain time and are placed in prison. The
term 'inmate' is identical with people who are
negative and full of mistakes, so that to eliminate the
impression, it is termed the Correctional Citizens
(WBP) to be more human and not to have a negative
The study, conducted between 2003 and 2009 in
Florida, stated that the main problem in prison is
depression by 25%. WBP is indicated to have severe
depression, while 30% is indicated to have mild to
moderate depression (Gussack, 2009). The study
conducted by (Fazel, S., Danesh, 2002) stated that of
10,529 detainees, there were 7,631 male detainees
who were diagnosed with severe depression. While
the World Health Organization (WHO) has also
conducted surveys in 12 countries covering 22,790
inmates and found in each month the prevalence of
psychosis in WBP men 3.7% and WBP women 4%,
major depression in men's WBP by 10% and women
by 12% (WHO, 2008). While the study conducted
Zamroni, ., Prihartanti, N. and Hertinjung, W.
Narima Ing Pandum (NIP) Group Intervention: An Effort to Decrease Depression through Local Wisdom on Murder Case Inmates.
DOI: 10.5220/0008589803860390
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 386-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at the prison of women in Semarang City on 14
WBP women found the fear, sadness, tense,
confused, disappointed, embarrassed, often crying ,
like daydreaming, aloof, insomnia, feeling desperate,
headache, abdominal pain and body aches (Noorsifa,
2013). This study which was conducted in Class I
Semarang showed that from 24 WBP there were 4
(16.7%) who did not experience psychological
problems (normal), while those with mild depression
were 3 people or 12.5%, moderate depression was 5
or 20, 8% and WBP who experienced severe
depression as many as 12 people or 50%. This
indicates that the majority of the WBP is depressed.
People who are not able to adapt to social norms
and habits applied in certain environments may
experience psychological conflicts and, if it is long
and continuous, they will become chronic (Casmini,
2011). WBP also often experience psychological
problems as described above so that the provision of
interventions to overcome the problems of
psychological conflict should be given to the
depressed WBP so that they are able to live the rest
of the sentence with better psychological conditions.
It will be very helpful for WBP who are depressed
including WBP murder case.
The main symptoms experienced by people who
experience depression include reduced concentration
and attention; lack of self-esteem and self-esteem,
the notion of guilt and uselessness, a gloomy and
pessimistic outlook for the future, an idea or an act
of self-harm or suicide, sleep disturbance and a
diminished appetite (Maslim, 2013).
(Beck, 1985) defines depression as a disorder
that is not only affective, but can also appear in
certain forms. The forms are: a. Specific mood
changes such as sadness, self-feel and apathy; b.
Negative self-concept is followed by blame and self-
reproach; c. Regressive and self-condemning
desires, the desire to avoid and hide or the desire to
die; d. Vegetative changes such as anorexia,
insomnia, and loss of appetite; e. Changes in activity
levels such as retardation or agitation.
According to the diagnostic and statistical
manual of 5th ed. Mental disorders (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013), when a person is
stated to have depression, he or she should have 5 or
more symptoms for 2 weeks or more, where one of
the symptoms should include mood reduction or loss
of interest or pleasure in some or all activities and
should be there all day or almost every day. Other
symptoms include changes in appetite (increased or
decreased), weight gain (gain or loss of 5% in 1
month), or changes in sleep patterns (insomnia /
hypersomnia), anxiety or inaction, fatigue or loss of
energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt excessive,
difficult in thinking and concentration, slow in
making decisions, recurring thoughts of suicide or
death with or without a suicide plan.
One effort to make the WBPs have a balanced
psychological condition is to undergo a routine of
work taught in prisons according to their interests, so
that they are expected to have a mental readiness and
a clear plan when they are free to return to the
community. The prison authorities have also made
every effort to provide various interventions to
address their psychological problems in order to be
able to live the rest of the sentence with good
psychological condition. The therapy which had
been done in prisons class I Kota Semarang was
conducted not only individually through counseling
but also in groups such as art therapy, laughter
therapy, hypnotherapy and so forth. Apart from the
prisons, various therapies have been conducted by
many researchers in prisons and techniques used to
overcome depression problems also vary. Local
wisdom approach was used to handle the
psychological problems of WBP where this
intervention has never been done especially in I
class prison of Semarang City. The therapy used in
this study is Narima Ing Pandum (NIP). NIP is
defined as accepting what God has given to mankind
with a sincere attitude without rejection (Murtisari,
2013). People who have NIP attitudes will receive /
narima every condition or something that happens to
them and with spiritual-psychological awareness
without feeling disappointed (disappointed in the
future after something happens) (Murtisari, 2013).
NIP group training facilitates depressed WBPs to
be able to accept their condition with several
techniques / methods i.e. lectures, discussions,
meditation / relaxation, video playback, practice,
reading inspirational stories, assignments, games /
icebreaking. The NIP group training had 7 sessions:
(1) opening, (2) opening insight of the inmates, (3)
Managing Attitude, (4) Let's be grateful, (5) Let's be
patient, (6) Let's narima, and (7)) Identification of
life goals. With these various activities, WBP were
expected to be able to decrease depression score on
negative aspect toward their selves, as well as
performance aspect and somatic aspect.
The purpose of this study is to prove empirically
the effect of narima ing pandum (NIP) treatment on
depression in the murder case inmates. One of the
theoretical benefits in this study is expected to
contribute to the field of clinical psychology about
the psychological conditions faced by the WBP.
Practically, they are able to assist the WBP to gain
insight on the effort to reduce the depression faced
Narima Ing Pandum (NIP) Group Intervention: An Effort to Decrease Depression through Local Wisdom on Murder Case Inmates
due to the crime that is being undertaken, to provide
additional knowledge and discourse on alternative
therapy based on local wisdom to overcome
psychological problems to improve the quality of
human life, encouraging other studies, especially
indigenous research to provide more in-depth study
results to address the impact of such crimes. The
hypothesis in this study is "There is a decrease in
depression in the experimental group between before
and after NIP intervention" and "There is a
difference in depression in the group receiving NIP
intervention with groups not receiving NIP
intervention at posttest, where the depression of the
group who received NIP training is lower than the
depression of the group who does not get NIP
intervention when having posttest”.
The dependent variable on this study is depression.
Depression is defined as one of the mental disorders
characterized by the emergence of primary
symptoms of depressive affects, negative attitudes
toward self and decreased performance caused by
the loss of beloved objects (loss of freedom, loss of
independence, loss of relationship with the opposite
sex, loss of good service and so on) characterized by
changes in emotion, motivation, function and
behavior as well as cognitive. This depression can be
measured using the scale of BDI (Beck Depression
Inventory) that has been adapted into Indonesian
language, consisting of 21 items that reveal 21
symptoms of depression. Total score ranges from 0
to 63. The higher the score obtained indicates the
higher the depressed level of a person. The
independent variable in this study is the NIP group
training, i.e. a form of NIP group training given to
the WBP with murder case held in three meetings,
where each meeting consists of two to three
sessions, while the duration of each session is about
30 minutes - 180 minutes. This NIP group training
used Javanese cultural approach that uses the values
of patience, thankful and narima as the basis for
formulating the training. This NIP group training
was adapted and modified from the NIP training
program module compiled by (Prasetyo, 2014) and
(Zulyet, 2014). The method used was sharing,
discussing, assigning / filling worksheets, watching
videos, analyzing cases, games (ice breaking) and
The design of this study was pretest and posttest
control group design, which consisted of a randomly
selected group of experiments and control groups.
The assignment of each sample to the research
groups was conducted using random assignment.
This random sampling does not contain bias
meaning that none of the members has a greater
chance of being selected compared to the other
members (Latipun, 2006). Random assignment in
this research was done by using lottery. Each of
these groups would be subject to pretest and posttest.
The participants of this study were WBP registered
in the prison Class I Semarang City with certain
characteristics and must have a murder case without
considering the murder category. The data was
analyzed through quantitative analysis using
Wilcoxon signed rank, and Mann Whitney-U test
with SPSS for microsoft windows version 16, and
qualitative analysis. The criteria were (1) WBP men
who have been a murderer (2) Javanese (Javanese
and live in Java) (3) experienced moderate to severe
depression. (4) Non-recidivist and (5) Walking the
punishment process at least 1 year. The number of
participants in this study was 12 people, 6 people
were admitted into the experimental group and 6
were assigned to the control group.
The condition when the pretest was conducted
showed that the test on the participants of the
experimental group resulted 6 people (100% of
participants) had a level of severe depression, while
the participants of the control group (6 people) also
had the same depression (100%). At the posttest of
the experimental group participants, among 6
participants was known that 1 person (16.7%) had
mild depression, 3 people (50%) had moderate
depression levels and 2 people (33.3%) had severe
depression. In the control group participants, there
were 6 people (100% of participants) in the category
of severe depression. While at the follow-up phase,
the 6 participants of the experimental group were
found that 4 of them (66.7%) had moderate
depression levels while the rest (33.3%) had severe
depression levels. Meanwhile, there were 6 people
of the control group (100% of participants) in the
category of severe depression.
The change of average depression scores in the
experimental and control groups can be seen in
Figure 1. It shows that there is a decrease in the
change of depression score in the experimental
group compared to the control group. The
hypothesis was then tested using Mann Whitney-U
analysis to determine the score difference of the
experimental and the control group after the
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
intervention and using the Wilcoxon signed rank test
to determine the difference of depression score
before and after the intervention in the experimental
Figure 1: The Average Score of Depression on
Experimental and Control Groups
Table 1: The Result of Mann-Whitney-U Test on
Experimental and Control Groups
Mann-Whitney U .000
Wilcoxon W 21.000
Z -2.913
. Si
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .002a
Table 1 shows that the value of Z = -2.913 with
probability value (p) 0.002. It can be concluded that
there was a significant decrease in depression of the
experimental group who had been given NIP
training compared to the control group who had not
given NIP training. This means that the module used
is effective to reduce depression in WBP who
participated in NIP training.
Table 2. The Result of Wilcoxon T Test on Pretest-
Posttest of Experimental Group
Z -2.207a
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .027
Based on table 2, it shows that the value of Z = -
2.207 with a probability value (p) 0.027. It can be
concluded that there was a significant decrease in
depression in the experimental group before (pretest)
and after (posttest) the treatment. This means, NIP
training is effective in reducing depression of WBP
with murder cases.
Table 3. The Result of Wilcoxon T Test on Posttest-
Follow up of Experimental Group
Z -2.226a
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .026
Based on table 3, it shows that the value of Z = -
2.226 with probability value (p) 0.026 (two-way
test). It can be concluded that there was a significant
increase of depression in the experimental group
between after the posttest (with NIP training) and
after 1 week of the treatment (follow up).
This means that the effect of the intervention is
only temporary. Transient effects may be caused by
weaknesses in the use of methods used to arrange
NIP training modules which cause participants
inaccessible to internalize the materials obtained
during training so that the effect of NIP training
cannot last long.
On average score results, the ability of all
participants in each training session also shows an
average of 2.5. This means that all participants were
able to participate in the training process, but they
were less able to provide positive feedback, identify
problems from others, learn from other people's
experiences and identify feelings, thoughts and
behaviors. To maintain the sustainability of the
WBP depression condition, NIP booklets were
provided to serve as guidance on how to behave
when the WBP experiences problems.
The statistical test analysis above concludes that
the provision of NIP Training Group is effective /
significant to reduce depression in WBP with
murder case. This was shown from the significant
differences in depression scores before and after the
training in the experimental group, and there was
significant difference between the experimental and
the control groups in depression scores after the
training. In the follow-up analysis, there was a
significant increase in the depression scores of the
experimental and control groups.
The hypothesis testing of the research proved
that there was a decrease in depression in the
experimental group before and after getting NIP
Group training. In addition, the hypothesis test result
also demonstrated that there was a difference in
depression in the group receiving NIP Group
training with groups not receiving NIP Group
training at posttest, where group depression who
received NIP Group training was lower than group
Narima Ing Pandum (NIP) Group Intervention: An Effort to Decrease Depression through Local Wisdom on Murder Case Inmates
depression who did not receive NIP Group training
when posttest. From the hypothesis test, it also
showed that NIP training significantly decreased
depression in the inmates (WBP) with murder case
in Class I Prison of Semarang City or in other words
the hypothesis was approved.
This study can be concluded as follows. First, there
is a significant difference in depression between the
experimental and control groups. Second, NIP
Group training is effective for reducing depression
in WBP murder cases. Third, NIP training
effectively reduces WBP depression with the
following characteristics: (a) Having support /
support from family outside of prison, (b) having
intrinsic motivation to join NIP training i.e. strong
willingness to change proven by timely presence in
the training session (c) willing and taking the time
and thought to participate in the process of each
session in NIP training, (e) willing to read the
training manual / training module of the participants
thoroughly (f) WBPs who have severe depression.
Fourth, the most effective method of NIP training is
games through icebreaking, discussion, sharing and
watching video, while the most effective material is
sharing the WBP experience, getting acquainted
with narima ing pandum, expressing the gratitude by
making the speech maturnuwun, expressing patience
by making mind alternatives toward problems
encountered, expressing narima by making
pangapunten speech and learning meditation.
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ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings