The Effect of Psychological Capital on Work Engagement:
Investigating the Moderating Effect of Gender and Job
Muhammad Tamar and Hillman Wirawan
Department of Psychology Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: PsyCap, work engagement, gender, job and moderation
Abstract : This study aims to investigate the effect of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) on Work Engagement and
examine the potential moderating effect of gender and job type. The effect of PsyCap on desired work
behavior and work attitude is ubiquitous. However, little is known whether the effect is consistent across
different gender and job type. This study employed a moderated multiple regression analysis to empirically
test the moderating effect of gender and job on PsyCap Work Engagement relationship controlling the
effect of tenure, age and education. The data were collected from 466 participants who were registered as
full-time public transportation personnel (186) and nurses (280) in Makassar city. As predicted, the results
found that PsyCap contributed to employee Work Engagement (ΔR
= .11, β= .34, p< 0.01). The findings
also suggested significant cross-product of PsyCapxGender (ΔR
= 0.02, β= .13, p< 0.01) and PsyCapxJob
= 0.01, β= .14, p< 0.05). This study confirmed a number of previous findings where PsyCap
contributed to employee positive work attitudes. Further, this study added considerably important
information about the moderating effect of gender and job type on PsyCap and its consequences.
Discussion, limitation and future research direction are also included.
There is growing evidence that many
organizations value significant impact of positive
organizational behaviors. Both private and public
sectors found the desired impact of positive
behaviors on employees’ outcomes as well as
organizational performance. One of well-known
findings of the positive organization movements is
the concept of work-engagement (Bakker and
Demerouti, 2008; Leiter and Bakker, 2010;
Schaufeli and Bakker, 2003). The positive behaviors
have brought many significant changes to the way
employers and business owners capture their
employees. There was a great change from seeing
employees as personnel or just ordinary workforce
to treating employees as one of organization/
business capitals (Lepak and Snell, 2002).
Psychological Capital or PsyCap for short
emerged as one of positive organizational
movements. Psychological Capital was coined to
refine the perception of human resources. The
ordinary ideas about human resources only put much
concern on workforce for organizations where
employers demand high task-completions.
Employees should not be treated as workers but also
part of organization’s capital. The idea of PsyCap
has emerged to confirm that people in organizations
are assets with their Psychological Capital.
Positive psychology and positive organizational
behaviors have encouraged the emergence of
PsyCap in organizations. Luthans, Youssef-Morgan,
& Avolio (2015) argued that PsyCap is one of the
most influential positive movements in the areas of
business and management. The study of PsyCap
identified four the most positive traits (i.e., Hope,
Optimism, Resilience, and Self Efficacy) that
potentially benefit positive employees’ outcomes
and organizational outcomes (Choi and Lee, 2014;
Peterson et al., 2011). It is plausible that positive
traits also drive positive employee’s outcomes and
help to fight negative outcomes. For instance, some
of the traits (e.g., Resilience) could help employees
to struggle during hard conditions and achieve better
results after series of failure.
The effect of PsyCap on employees and
organizational outcomes, as mentioned earlier, have
been documented by some researchers. First, the
effect of PsyCap benefits employee’s psychological
states. Youssef-Morgan & Luthans (2015)
postulated that employees with higher level PsyCap
Tamar, M. and Wirawan, H.
The Effect of Psychological Capital on Work Engagement: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Gender and Job.
DOI: 10.5220/0008591705350542
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 535-542
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tend to possess better well-being. The positive traits
may have helped employees to cope with negative
emotions. As found by Rabenu, Yaniv, & Elizur
(2016), PsyCap was negatively associated with
stress, and it also favored employees to cope with
stress. Second, PsyCap also potentially strengthen
positive attitude in organizations. To illustrate,
previous findings have found the positive impact of
PsyCap on employee’s commitment and engagement
(Simons and Buitendach, 2013; Thompson et al.,
2015; De Waal and Pienaar, 2013). In addition,
PsyCap also supports positive behaviors such as
organizational citizenship behaviors (Pradhan, Jena
and Bhattacharya, 2016), satisfaction (Azanza,
Moriano and Molero, 2013), and performance (Sun
et al., 2011; Vanno, Kaemkate and Wongwanich,
Some studies have also found significant
contributions of PsyCap on mediating the effect of
leadership on positive employee’s outcomes
(Bouckenooghe, Zafar and Raja, 2015). Others also
found that PsyCap successfully mediated the
relationship between authentic leadership and
employees’ creativity (Zubair and Kamal, 2015). All
these findings suggested that PsyCap had some
important roles in organizations such as ensuring
positive psychological states, supporting positive
attitudes, and improve performance. It appears that
most studies in this area supported that PsyCap has a
significant contribution to employees and
organization desired outcomes.
The positive effect of PsyCap was found to be
consistent across different studies. Nevertheless,
some findings indicated some variations in using
PsyCap as a positive antecedent of many desired
outcomes in organizations. For example, the cross-
cultural PsyCap also had a positive effect on
employees working in different cultures (Reichard,
Dollwet and Louw-Potgieter, 2014). However, a
meta-analysis found some interesting facts that
PsyCap had a greater impact for US population than
other population, and industry type also moderated
the relationship between PsyCap and employees’
performance (Avey et al., 2011). The effect of
PsyCap on desired employees’ outcomes was more
powerful among US employees than non-western
countries (Reichard, Dollwet and Louw-Potgieter,
2014). The service-based industry showed stronger
correlations between PsyCap and performance and
other positive employees’ outcomes than the
manufacture employees. Considering these findings,
it is plausible to address a new direction of PsyCap
While many scholars consistently documented
the positive effect of PsyCap, this study is intended
to focus on the moderating effect of gender and job
on the PsyCap - Work Engagement relationship.
There were two major issues in generalizing the
effect of PsyCap; first, PsyCap may have benefited
more men than women as some PsyCap components
were found to be stronger for men than women. In
organizations, female employees were found to be
higher on optimism while male employees were
better at resilience (Parthi and Gupta, 2016). This
empirical study confirmed a previous study where
Patton, Bartrum, & Creed (2004) investigated that
unlike men, women’s optimism directly predicted
their career goals. Second, as cited earlier, although
most organizations valued the positive effect of
PsyCap, some job type or industry type may benefit
the PsyCap more than others. Thus, this study will
also focus on the influence of job type on PsyCap.
The significant contribution of PsyCap also
found to be the antecedent of employees’ work
engagement (Avey et al., 2011; Simons &
Buitendach, 2013; Thompson et al., 2015).
However, taking the previous discussions into
account, the effect of PsyCap on Work Engagement
could be determined by some demographic variables
(e.g., gender and job type) as PsyCap functions
differently under different conditions. The effect of
PsyCap on Work Engagement may depend on
gender or job type. Gender and job type potentially
moderate the relationship between PsyCap and
employees’ work engagement.
The theory of Job Demand Resource (JD-R) can
explain the moderating effect of gender and job type
on PsyCap Work Engagement relationship. The
(JD-R) theory stated that work engagement is
determined by employees’ resources (i.e., job and
personal resources) and job demand (Bakker and
Demerouti, 2008). Moreover, job demand may vary
across job type or industry type. For instance, some
researchers investigated the effect of PsyCap among
nurses and found the positive contribution of PsyCap
(Bradbury-Jones, 2015) while others also found the
different effect of PsyCap for police officers (Siu,
Cheung and Lui, 2014). Male and female employees
also have different perception towards job demand,
and in some cases, female employees may suffer for
more physical work demand than their male
counterparts (Aittomäki et al., 2005).
The theoretical background and previous findings in
this area direct this current study to investigate the
moderating effect of gender and job type on PsyCap
and Work-Engagement relationship. This study
hypothesized; 1) PsyCap significantly predicts
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
Work-Engagement (H1), and 2) both gender and job
type moderate the effect of PsyCap and Work
Engagement (H2).
, and 2) both gender and job type moderate the
effect of PsyCap and Work Engagement (H2).
2.1 Participants and Procedure
Participants were 466 employees (Male= 35% and
Female 65%). The participants worked full-time as
public transport personnel (N= 186) in Makassar
(one of the most populated cities in Indonesia) or
nurses (N= 280) in four different public hospitals in
Indonesia. These two organizations were chosen
because they represented two different job types.
The questionnaires were sent to the participants in
sealed envelopes including the consent form and
instructions on how to complete the questionnaires.
This study employed a two-wave data collection
technique to rule out any potential common method
bias. Common method bias could be caused by
collecting data from the same source at same time
(MacKenzie and Podsakoff, 2012). In the first wave,
the demographic data (i.e., tenure, gender, age,
education) and PCQ were sent to 760 participants.
These participants were asked to participate in the
second wave of data collection. The second wave
questionnaire consisting of Work-Engagement Scale
was sent to the participants two weeks later.
However, only 466 returned the questionnaire with
complete responses. In this case, only participants
who participated in the first and the second wave
data collections were included in the analysis.
2.2 Measures
Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans,
Youssef-Morgan and Avolio, 2015) was used to
measure Participants’ level of PsyCap in six
different dimensions (i.e., Hope, Optimism,
Resilience, and Efficacy). The scale has 24 items
with six items for each dimension. In the previous
validation studies, the PCQ satisfied validity and
reliability standard for research purpose (Görgens-
Ekermans and Herbert, 2013; Antunes, Caetano and
Pina e Cunha, 2017). The initial Bahasa Indonesia
version of the PSQ was retrieved from the scale
publisher (Mind Garden). Although the publisher
had provided the Indonesia version, the authors
rechecked each item and asked two experts to judge
the quality of each item. After carefully evaluated
each item, using this current research data this study
found that Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
confirmed the model was close fit (RMSEA< .08)
with Alpha Cronbach coefficient of .81. The
findings indicated that the Indonesia version of PCQ
had the acceptable level of construct validity and
deemed reliable for research purpose. For the
demographic variables, the authors collected
information on gender, tenure, age, education. The
questionnaires were also coded for job types (i.e.,
public transport personnel or nurses). Work-
Engagement was measured using Work Engagement
Scale (Schaufeli and Bakker, 2003). The
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the
model was close fit (RMSEA< .08) with Alpha
Cronbach .82. “I am enthusiastic about my job” is
one of items in the scale. For the demographic
variables, the authors collected information on
gender, tenure, age, education. The questionnaires
were also coded for job types (i.e., public transport
personnel or nurses). The demographic data were
collected using self-report survey. Participant’s
gender and job type were investigated as moderating
variables while tenure, age, and education were
included as control variables.
3.1 Results
There were two main steps in analyzing the data.
First, a descriptive analysis was run to show
differences between mean scores for the variables.
This also included a set of bivariate correlations to
capture significant relationships among the
variables. The following two figures described
participants’ mean score for PsyCap and Work-
Figure 1: PsyCap mean scores.
The Effect of Psychological Capital on Work Engagement: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Gender and Job
Figure 1 showed that in the same job, male and
female PsyCap had only small differences.
However, employees in the public transportation
office tended to have a higher level of PsyCap than
the nurses. It influenced the total differences where
the public transport personnel had a higher level
PsyCap than nurses. For the gender comparisons,
male employees were slightly higher in PsyCap than
their female counterparts. In brief, the graph showed
a quite noticeable comparison across jobs and
Unlike the figure 1, the participants’ Work-
Engagement across genders and jobs tended to be
stable. The mean scores were closely ranged from
64.11 to 65.50 where the differences lower than a
half of the standard deviation. Regarding job type
and gender, no considerable differences should be
noted for the level of Work-Engagement. This
finding showed that job type, and gender did not
have significant influences on employees’ Work-
Table 1: Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations.
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Age 31.91 7.33
2. Tenure 7.89 5.50 .755
3. Education 2.77 1.01 .273
4. PCQxGender 78.07 23.42 .032 .051 .237
5. PCQxJob 75.29 22.37 .217
6. PCQtotal 47.51 5.19 -.088 -.086 -.137
7. WEtotal 64.50 7.65 -.027 .005 .083 .141
Note: N= 466, PCQ= Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PsyCap), WE= Work Engagement, M= mean, SD=
standard deviation,
p< 0.01
Table 2: Model Summary for PCQ Total as
Predictor for Work Engagement controlling
Tenure, Age and Education.
Model R R
dj. R
ΔF β T
.10 .01 .01 .01 1.64 .04
.35 .12 .12 .11 59.69
ote: N= 466,
p<0.01, β= Standardized Beta
Weight, SEE= Standard Error of the Estimate,
Adj.= Adjusted, Δ= change
Figure 2: WE mean scores.
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
Table 2 also showed significant correlations
among variables. The participants’ Work-
Engagement were positively and significantly
associated with PCQxJob, PCQxGender, and total
PsyCap. The cross-product of the total PsyCap and
Job showed significant positive correlations with all
the study variables excluding the total PsyCap. The
correlation coefficients could provide an initial
indication that the interaction between PsyCap,
gender, and job potentially influenced the level of
employees’ Work-Engagement.
The descriptive analysis and the bivariate
correlations indicated that the interactions between
PsyCap and Gender (or Job) determined the effect of
PsyCap on employee’s Work-Engagement. To
examine the effect, Multiple Regression Analyses
with control variables were performed.
In the first Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA),
the first model only ran the analysis with the control
variables to test any significant effects of the
variables then the PCQ total (the total PsyCap) was
included in the second model. As predicted, tenure,
age, and education did not predict Work-
Engagement. In contrast, PsyCap added significant
incremental values (ΔR
= .11, p< .01) to predict
Work-Engagement after included in the model. In
the second model, Education also significantly
predicted Work-Engagement after PsyCap included
in the model. These findings confirmed the first
hypothesis that PsyCap contributed significantly to
employees’ Work-Engagement.
The second MRA also supported this study’s
second hypothesis. The cross-product of
PCQxGender (ΔR
= .02, p< .01) and PCQxJob (ΔR
= .01, p< .01) both showed significant incremental
values in predicting Work-Engagement. Also, none
of the control variables significantly predicted
Work-Engagement. These findings confirmed that
the interactions among employee’s PsyCap, Gender,
and Job predicted employee’s Work-
Engagement. Considering the mean scores in the
previous tables, PsyCap varies across gender and job
Table 4. Conditional effect of PsyCap on Work
se t p
CI 95%
Male .32 .10 3.06 .00 .12 .5
.63 .08 7.50 .00 .46 .7
Job t
PTP .18 .08 2.09 .04 .01 .3
1.02 .10 10.1 .00 .82 1.
Nurse 5 22
Note: PTP= public transport personnel, LL= lower
level, UL= upper level, CI= Confidence Interval
Table 4 showed the conditional effect PsyCap on
Work Engagement at different gender and job type.
For the gender, the results suggested that the effect
was stronger (0.63, p< 0.001) for female than for
male (0.32, p< 0.001) participants. For the job type,
Nurses showed higher effect (1.02, p< 0.001)
compared to public transport personnel (0.18, p<
0.05). Nevertheless, the significant effect of PsyCap
on Work-Engagement was consistently found across
genders and job types.
3.2 Discussions
This study aimed to investigate the effect of PsyCap
on Work-Engagement and to examine the
moderating effect of gender and job type on the
relationship. The positive contributions of PsyCap in
many desired employees’ outcomes have been
documented by scholars in the area of Psychology,
Management and Organization studies. Many
previous publications consistently supported the
argument that PsyCap had positive associations with
employees’ positive outcomes. According to the
positive organization movement, PsyCap also
positively influences employee’s Work-
Engagement. For this reason, many recent studies
aim to develop learning or training to support
employee’s PsyCap (Luthans et al., 2014, 2006,
2008; Reichard et al., 2014; Dello-Russo and
Stoykova, 2015).
Table 3: Model summary for the cross-
roduct o
PCQxGender and PCQxJob as predictors for wor
engagement controlling tenure, age and education.
Model R R
ΔF β t
.16 .03 .02 .02 7.23
.15 .02 .01 .01 5.78
ote: N= 466,
p<0.01, β= Standardized
Beta Weight, SEE= Standard Error of the
The Effect of Psychological Capital on Work Engagement: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Gender and Job
Nevertheless, the effect of PsyCap may depend
on several demographic factors such as employees
gender and job type. This argument was plausible as
the PsyCap construct was developed using pre-
existing Psychological Construct (Lorenz et al.,
2016; Youssef-Morgan and Luthans, 2015; Görgens-
Ekermans and Herbert, 2013). Consequently, the
composite score of PsyCap or the total PsyCap
hypothetically also contained similar moderating
effect with its dimensions (e.g., self-efficacy). As
mentioned earlier, most of the PsyCap dimensions
varied across genders and job type. Therefore, this
study intended to further examine any interaction
effect of gender/job with the PsyCap as composite
The results supported all hypotheses confirming
that PsyCap had a significant positive effect on
Work-Engagement and employee’s gender and job
type played important roles in the magnitude of their
PsyCap. This fact further causes interactions
between gender, job, and PsyCap. To illustrate, one
employee could have higher (or lower) effect of
PsyCap on Work-Engagement as a consequence of
his/her gender or job. PsyCap is treated as the
antecedent of many positive desired organizational
outcomes. Thus demographic aspects should be
considered with cautions. Some employees could
suffer from lower PsyCap than their co-workers due
to having unfortunate demographic factors.
The findings in this study also supported the
previous literature. According to the JDR theory,
personal resources and job resources influence
work-engagement depending on job demand or
employees’ perception towards workload (Bakker
and Demerouti, 2008; Leiter and Bakker, 2010).
This theory was in-line with several studies where
researchers found some variations in the effect of
PsyCap on employees’ outcomes such as the effect
of PsyCap among nurses (Bradbury-Jones, 2015)
and police officers (Siu, Cheung and Lui, 2014). On
the other hand, female employees also experience
more physical work demand than their male
counterparts (Aittomäki et al., 2005) causing
interaction between PsyCap and gender.
This study was very convincing that researchers
and practitioners should carefully interpret the effect
of PsyCap on Work-Engagement or other positive
employees’ outcomes. Some employees in different
industries may experience higher PsyCap than others
throughout their day-to-day work life. However, this
study was unable to detect the antecedents which
may cause the fluctuation of the employees’ PsyCap.
Another limitation, this study only compared two
job types from two distinct industries (i.e., nurses
and transport service personnel). There could be
different interactions between PsyCap, and other
variables or PsyCap could be moderated by other
variables. Having considered those limitations, this
study suggested that future investigations should
empirically test the antecedents of PsyCap, other
demographic variables related to PsyCap, and
examine the effect of PsyCap on Work-Engagement
using an experimental design.
This study has concluded that the effect of
PsyCap on Work-Engagement was moderated by
gender and job. However, it requires further
investigation to find more moderating variables, if
any. Hence, this study only examined the effect of
PsyCap on one outcome variable. The results could
be different if this study included other PsyCap-
related variables such as Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB) or other undesired negative
outcomes. Therefore, future study should
incorporate more variables and examine different
mediating and moderating effects in the
The effect of PsyCap on many positive
organizational behaviors and attitudes is ubiquitous
and easily found in any business, psychology, and
management journals. However, it is also important
to understand the effect as some demographic
variables potentially interact with PsyCap causing
moderating effect between PsyCap and its outcome
variables. This study found that PsyCap consistently
predicted Work-Engagement while controlling for
the effect of age, tenure, and education.
Furthermore, the effect of PsyCap on Work-
Engagement was moderated by employee’s gender
and job type. Employee’s gender and job should be
taken as important variables in understanding the
effect of PsyCap on employee’s outcomes.
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ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings