The Influence of Audiovisual Learning Media with Powtoon
Application to Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Lesson
Azeeta Nur Pratiwi¹, Puji Handayati²*
¹Graduated School of Universitas Negeri Malang
²Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: Audiovisual Learning Media Powtoon, Students’ Learning Motivation, Learning Style.
Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim to know the differences of students' learning motivation between
experimental classes which applied the audiovisual learning media with Powtoon application and control
class which did not apply audiovisual learning media with Powtoon application in the learning process. In
addition, this research also examined the differences in students learning motivation seen from learning
styles aspects. This research used a quasi-experimental research design. The data collection of students'
motivation and learning styles was obtained from the results of questionnaires or questionnaires which were
given to the experimental class and control class. Treatment which was given to the experimental class and
control class was done by using the documentation technique. Based on the results of this research, it is
expected that the teachers can apply learning media. It is because by using media in the classroom can make
the learning atmosphere be more fun and the students are more motivated in learning. Furthermore, it is
expected that this audiovisual learning media can be one of the alternative ways to be applied in the
accounting lesson by the teachers. In addition, teachers also need to know the different learning styles of
students by applying the appropriate learning media and learning methods in order to understand that every
student learns differently.
Learning is a basic process of education, but from
the implementation of this learning we can see and
know whether education has gone well or not.
According to Rusman (2011: 15) learning is a
process of creating conducive conditions so that
there is an interaction between teaching and learning
communication between teachers, students, and
other learning components to achieve learning goals.
This learning component is a tool for two-way
communication between teachers and students to
work well. One component of effective learning to
support learning activities is learning media.
Learning media is a tool used to assist teachers in
teaching and can support the use of teaching
methods used by teachers. This learning media can
stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, attention,
abilities and skills. One interesting and easy to
operate learning media is Powtoon. Powtoon is an
online application, including types of learning media
that can be used by teachers in giving interesting
presentations during learning, such as in accounting
subjects. Audiovisual learning media with this
Powtoon application is expected to help students to
be more active and understand in accounting
learning activities both in class and learning
independently and can increase student motivation
in learning accounting. Motivation functions to
direct learning activities and is a factor that
determines whether or not good in achieving
learning objectives, including accounting subjects.
So that the greater the motivation of students to learn
accounting, the greater the success, so that students
will become active learning and can improve their
learning achievement.
Motivation is one of the important factors that
can improve student learning activities. According to
Hamalik (1992) in Djamarah (2002: 114),
motivation is a change in energy in a person in the
form of real activity in the form of physical activity.
The stronger the motivation in students, the more
enthusiasm of students to take part in learning.
Motivation functions to direct learning activities and
is a factor that determines whether or not good in
achieving learning objectives, including accounting
Pratiwi, A. and Handayati, P.
The Influence of Audiovisual Learning Media with Powtoon Application to Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Lesson.
DOI: 10.5220/0008783900140019
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 14-19
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
subjects. So that the greater the motivation of
students studying accounting, the greater the
success, students will become active learning and
can improve their learning achievement. According
to Ghufron (2013: 10) revealed that an increase in
learning achievement can be achieved by paying
attention to several aspects, both internal and
external. External aspects include how the learning
environment is prepared and facilities are
empowered, while the internal aspects include
aspects of child development and individual
personal uniqueness of children. One of the
individual's unique personalities is learning the style.
Every student has his own learning style in receiving
and understanding the information he gets.
In addition, this study also examined learning
motivation from aspects of student learning styles.
Learning style is the easiest way owned by
individuals in absorbing, managing, and processing
information received. Each student will use their
respective learning styles to understand the lessons
delivered by the teacher. There are three student
learning styles namely the auditory learning style,
visual learning style and kinesthetic learning style.
However, because of the limitations of the
respondents studied, in this study learning styles
were grouped into two, namely visual learning styles
and non-visual learning styles. This difference in
learning styles affects the ability of each student to
understand and absorb the material in the learning
process. In addition, it also causes differences in
learning motivation between students.
This research refers to the research conducted by
Syafitri (2015) with the research title "Development
of Interactive Multimedia Based on Audio Visual
Powtoon in Class XI Accounting Subjects",
Julianingrum (2014) with the title "Model
Pembelajaran Artikulasi dengan Media Animasi
Powtoon untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Mata
Pelajaran Akuntansi Keuangan", and Ardhianti
Yunita (2011) with the title "The Effect of Using
Portfolio Assessment and Student Learning Style on
Student Learning Motivation on Document Making
Competency Standards (Study in Class XI APK at
Muhammadiyah 3 Singosari Vocational School)".
Unlike the research that has been done before,
this study was used to see the effect of using the
Powtoon application on accounting subjects. In
addition, the researchers also wanted to examine
whether the use of audiovisual learning media with
the Powtoon application had an effect on students'
learning motivation when viewed from the aspect of
student learning styles. From this research, it can be
seen that the application of audiovisual learning
media can be a solution to overcome problems in the
differences in learning styles of each student.
2.1 Learning Media
According to Rossi and Breidle (in Sanjaya, 2006:
163) suggest that learning media are all tools and
materials that can be used to achieve educational
goals such as radio, television, books, newspapers,
magazines and so on. Meanwhile, Gadge and Briggs
(1975 in Arsyad, 2002: 4) implicitly say that
learning media includes tools that are physically
used to convey the contents of teaching materials,
which consist of other than books, tape recorders,
tapes, video cameras, video recorders, films, slides
(picture frames), photos, pictures, graphics,
television, and computers. In other words, the media
is a component of learning resources that contains
instructional material in the student environment that
can stimulate students to learn.
Based on the description, it can be concluded
that learning media is a tool that can help the
teaching and learning process and serves to clarify
the meaning of the message delivered, so that it can
achieve better and perfect learning goals. Learning
media are a means to improve the activities of the
teaching and learning process. Given the many
forms of media, the teacher must be able to choose
carefully, so that it can be used appropriately.
2.2 Theoretical Basis for using
Learning Media
According to Arsyad (2002: 9) one of the most
widely used references as the theoretical basis for
media use in the learning process is Dale's Cone of
Experience (cone of the Dale Experience). The cone
is a detailed elaboration of the concepts of three
levels of experience put forward by Bruner.
Increasingly upward at the top of the cone the more
abstract the media is delivering the message. These
sequences do not mean that the learning process and
teaching and learning interactions must always start
from direct experience, but begin with the type of
experience that best fits the needs and abilities of the
group of students faced by considering the learning
situation. Direct experience will give the most
complete and most meaningful impression of the
information and ideas contained in that experience
because it involves the senses of sight, hearing,
feeling, smell and touch.
The Influence of Audiovisual Learning Media with Powtoon Application to Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Lesson
2.3 Development of Research
The learning process will be meaningful if learning
can attract interest and increase student learning
motivation. According to Mc. Donald (in Djamarah,
2001: 114) motivation is a change in energy in a
person's personality which is characterized by the
emergence of affective (feelings) and reactions to
achieve goals. In addition, according to Hamalik (in
Djamarah, 2002: 114) suggests that motivation is a
change in energy in a person in the form of real
activity in the form of physical. So it is known that
motivation is an impulse that converts energy from
within a person into real activities to achieve certain
goals. If the student has a strong motivation in him
then he will be serious to achieve it. Motivation is
one of the important things in the learning process,
because if students do not have motivation in
learning, they will not do learning activities.
In addition, the difference in learning styles is
one of the things that teachers need to pay attention
to during the learning process. To overcome the
problem of differences in learning styles during the
learning process one of them is to use learning
media. According to Ghufron (2013: 148) argues
that various businesses to meet different learning
styles in the teaching and learning process, such as
using certain programs, are more varied methods of
classroom management conducted by educators.
One program that can be used in the learning process
is using the Powtoon application.
Based on the description above, the hypothesis in
the study is:
= audiovisual learning media with powtoon
application influences students' learning motivation.
= there are differences in student learning
motivation when viewed from the aspect of student
learning styles.
This study uses an experimental research design.
The design of this study was called quasi-
experimental research, this design was used to
compare a group with certain treatments. The quasi-
experimental design used was Non-Equivalent
Control Group Designs with the Pre-Control model
of Control Group Designs.
Therefore, the population is divided into 2
groups namely the experimental and control groups.
The first group was the experimental group that was
given learning using audiovisual learning media
with the Powtoon application. The second group is
the control group which is a group given learning
with the lecture model using Point Power learning
To measure how the effect of treatment on
learning motivation students will use a questionnaire
or questionnaire that will be given at the end of the
meeting. In addition, to measure the student's
learning style the questionnaire was also given at the
beginning of the meeting before applying the
treatment to the control and experiment classes. In
the student learning style questionnaire there are
three variables, namely, auditory learning style,
visual learning style and kinesthetic learning style.
However, due to the limited number of respondents,
the learning styles in this study are grouped into 2
variables, namely, visual learning styles and non-
visual learning styles. Non-visual learning styles
here consist of auditory learning styles and
kinesthetic learning styles. To determine which
students are in the learning style, is to look at the
highest questionnaire value on each variable.
The use of audiovisual learning media with the
Powtoon application on student learning motivation
was applied to the experimental class, namely class
XI Ak 1 of Muhammadiyah 3 Singosari Vocational
School. From the testing of normality and
homogeneity it is known that the questionnaire value
is normally distributed and homogeneous, so that in
this study hypothesis testing is done using the
Independent-Sample T-Test. The Independent-
Sample t-test was conducted to determine whether
there was an effect of student learning motivation
after receiving treatment in the form of the
application of audiovisual learning media with the
Powtoon application in the experimental class. The
results of hypothesis testing for student learning
motivation are presented in the following table 4.11.
Table 4.11: The Powtoon Learning Media Hypothesis Test
on Learning Motivation
Parameter t-test for Equality of
Sig. (2-tailed)
Angket 0,000
From table 4.11, it can be seen that there
diverification motivation study between eksperiment
class and control class. This is indicated by a
significance value or probability value of 0,000
<0,05 so that Ho is accepted. It can be concluded
that the use of audiovisual learning media with
Powtoon applications influences students' learning
The use of audiovisual learning media with the
Powtoon application on student learning motivation
was applied to the experimental class, namely class
XI Ak 1 of Muhammadiyah 3 Singosari Vocational
School when viewed from the aspect of student
learning styles. From the testing of normality and
homogeneity it is known that the questionnaire value
is normally distributed and homogeneous, so that in
this study hypothesis testing is done using the
Independent-Sample T-Test. The Independent-
Sample t-test was conducted to determine whether
there were differences in learning motivation
between the aspects of student learning styles. The
results of hypothesis testing for learning style
questionnaires are presented in the following table.
a. visual learning style
Table 4.12 : Hypothesis Test of Differences in Motivation
from Aspects of Visual Learning Style
Parameter t-test for Equality of
Sig. (2-tailed)
Angket 0,000
From table 4.12 it can be seen that there is an
influence of differences in student learning
motivation from aspects of visual learning styles.
This is indicated by a significance value or
probability value of 0,000 < 0,05 so that Ho is
b. non-visual learning style
Table 4.13: Hypothesis Test for Differences in Motivation
from Aspects of Non-Visual Learning Styles
Parameter t-test for Equality of
Sig. (2-tailed)
Angket 0,000
From table 4.13 above, it can be seen that there
are significant differences in student learning
motivation from aspects of non-visual learning
styles. This is indicated by a significance value or
probability value of 0,000 <0,05 so that Ho is
accepted. So, judging from the two tables above it
can be concluded that there is an influence of
differences in learning motivation when viewed
from the aspect of student learning styles.
5.1 The Influence of Audiovisual
Learning Media with Powtoon
Application to Students' Learning
Motivation to learn in this study means the urge in a
person who moves and directs students' learning
behavior so that learning objectives can be achieved.
Based on statistical analysis for the value of student
learning motivation obtained a significance value of
0.000 <0.05. This shows that there is an influence of
audiovisual learning media with Powtoon
application to student learning motivation if
compared to Powerpoint learning media. Researcher
have found that the learning motivation of students
who are taught to use audiovisual learning media
with Powtoon applications and classes taught with
Powerpoint learning media both have an increase
but there are differences in results. This is indicated
by the average value of the final learning motivation
of both classes, that is, for the experimental class of
68,5 and for the control class of 52,8.
Differences in student learning motivation
between control class and experimental class are
seen during the learning process. In the experimental
class, using of audiovisual learning media with the
Powtoon application, the product is in the form of an
animated video, students are interested in following
the lesson and pay attention to what is presented in
the video and explanation from the teacher. Whereas
in the control class, using of Powerpoint media,
students still tend to be passive and less interested
because they only display slides that cause students
to get bored and less motivated in learning.
The results of this study are in line with Mc.
Donald (in Djamarah, 2001: 114) motivation is a
change in energy in a person that is characterized by
the emergence of affective (feeling) and reaction to
achieve goals. According to Suhana (2014: 24)
motivation consists of two types, namely a) Intrinsic
motivation, which is motivation that comes from
oneself without being stimulated or influenced from
the outside; b) extrinsic motivation, which is the
motivation that comes from external stimuli. One of
the stimuli in extrinsic motivation is use of
audiovisual learning media with the Powtoon
application. The application of this learning media,
students become more motivated in class learning.
With the motivation in students, will lead to
encouragement to learn and can affect improving
learning outcomes. So it can be concluded, the
The Influence of Audiovisual Learning Media with Powtoon Application to Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Lesson
results of this study support the theory of student
learning motivation. According to Dayton (in
Arsyad, 2011: 19) argues that, learning media has an
important correlation with stimuli to generate
motivation for interest or action, and stimulation of
learning activities.
5.2 The Influence of Differences in
Learning Motivation Viewed from
the Aspects of Student Learning
Learning style in this study is defined as the typical
way students in learn, both related to the way of
receiving and processing information, attitudes
towards information and habits in learning activities.
Due to the limited number of respondents, the
learning style in this study was grouped into two
namely visual and non-visual learning styles. Non-
visual learning styles consist of auditory learning
styles and kinesthetic learning styles.
Based on the statistical results for visual and
non-visual learning styles, each obtained a
significance value of 0,000 < 0,05. This shows that
there are effects of differences in student learning
motivation seen from aspects of learning styles, both
visual learning styles and non-visual learning styles.
Researcher have found that visual and non-visual
learning styles in the experimental class both
experience increased learning motivation, but there
are differences in results. This is shown by the
average student's final motivation, namely 68,3
visual learning style and 50,1 non-visual learning
Based on research in the field it can be seen that
differences in student learning styles, with the
application of audiovisual learning media Powtoon
affect student learning motivation. In students with
visual learning styles tend to be more highly
motivated, this can be seen when applied Powtoon
learning media, students focus more attention and
enthusiasm in learning in the classroom. Meanwhile,
students with non-visual learning styles tend to have
lower attention and interest.
The results of this study, in line with the opinion
of Nasution (2009: 94) states that learning style is a
consistent way by a student in capturing stimulus or
information, how to remember, think and solve
problems. According to Arsyad (2002: 8), teachers
try to display stimuli that can be processed with
various senses. Learning is done by giving a
stimulus in the form of audio visual learning media
with Powtoon application to students to generate the
desired response. Students show a different response
from one another, this difference is based on student
learning styles. The application of audio visual
learning media with the Powtoon application, causes
students' attention and interest to increase, students
also become more enthusiastic in doing classroom
learning, but there are differences between students
with visual and non-visual learning styles.
Starting from the findings of the study and
discussion, the results of the study conclusion as
follows: (1) There are differences in learning
motivation between students with use of audio visual
learning media with powtoon application and
students with the application of Powerpoint learning
media. This shows that the audiovisual learning
media with Powtoon application affects the learning
motivation of the 1st grade XI students of
Muhammadiyah Vocational School 3 Singosari.
This finding proves the argument of Hamalik and
Arsyad that the application of innovative learning
media can improve student learning motivation.
Increasing interest and students here will also have
an impact on learning objectives, namely in the form
of improving student learning outcomes. (2) There
are differences in learning motivation seen from
aspects of student learning styles, which consist of
visual and non-visual learning styles. This shows
that the difference in learning motivation is
influential when viewed from the aspect of student
learning styles. This finding proved the argument
from Gufron that various attempts to meet different
learning styles in the teaching and learning process,
such as using certain programs, more varied
classroom management methods conducted by
educators. The application of these methods and
media can increase students 'attention and interest
and make students' learning motivation increase.
Based on the above conclusions, the proposed
suggestions are formulated as follows. Teachers as
educators who have an important role in the learning
process are expected to be able to apply learning
media in accordance with the ability and differences
in student learning styles. Audiovisual learning
media with Powtoon application is expected to be an
alternative for teachers to support the learning
process. So that the learning process can be more
effective and efficient in achieving learning goals.
For further research it is expected to be able to apply
audio-visual learning media with Powtoon
applications on other material, not only for count
material but also on conceptual material. In addition,
the next researcher is also expected to be able to
expand research on student learning styles, as
information for teachers about the importance of
diversity in ways of learning students, as well as
developing variables that have not been studied in
this study.
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The Influence of Audiovisual Learning Media with Powtoon Application to Students’ Learning Motivation in Accounting Lesson