Comparative Study of Accounting Subjects using Recitation and TGT
Learning Model by Considering Student
Adversity Intelligence
Mindi Eka Suri
, Tedi
, Nurdin
, Puji Handayati
Economic Education PIPS FKIP University of Lampung
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords : AQ, Understanding, Recitation, Teams Games Tournament
Abstract :The purpose of this study was to determine differences in learning outcomes, interaction using cooperative
learning models from Recitation and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) by considering adversity quotient
(AQ). The research methodology used in this research is experimental research with a comparative
approach. The experimental method is divided into two, namely true experiments and quasi-experiments.
The methodology used in this study is a quasi-experiment. Data collection is done using tests. Data was
collected through achievement tests which were treated with the formula t-test and ANOVA. Based on data
analysis, the results showed that there were differences in learning outcomes and interactions using the
Recitation learning model and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) by considering adversity intelligence
One of the goals of education is education, attitudes,
and skills towards individuals in the form of human
beings who are faithful and devoted to God
Almighty, virtuous and have a sense of
responsibility. As an effort to improve the quality of
education, school functions are very important.
Schools consist of educational institutions that have
the duty to shape people in knowledge, attitudes, and
skills that achieve planned, directed and systematic
Success or failure of students in understanding
the lessons given by the teacher shows the role of
the teacher is very important in the continuity of the
teaching and learning process. But there are some
difficulties faced by teachers in achieving learning
goals, including many students who do not pay
attention to the material conveyed by the teacher or
busy paying attention to others. Besides that the use
of the lecture method in the learning process also
causes students to get bored as a result, the material
delivered is not well absorbed.
Based on the results of preliminary observations
conducted by researchers at SMK 4 Bandar
Lampung, it is known that in the introductory
learning process accounting still uses conventional
learning methods so that students do not understand
the material delivered by the teacher.
Learning methods are also included in the
learning process in addition to the students' ability to
understand learning. Low learning outcomes can be
caused by using inappropriate learning methods. The
lecture method is still applied in SMK 4 Bandar
Lampung, including in the introductory accounting
subject. Variations in learning methods must be
reviewed in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and
compatibility with the learning material and the
condition of students which includes ability, learning
speed and student interest. One method and learning
that is used is cooperative learning methods. In this
case, the recitation and TGT learning methods are
suitable to be applied to students of class X
Accounting at SMK 4 in Bandar Lampung.
The researcher applied recitation and TGT
learning methods because the two learning methods
were considered to be able to improve students'
understanding of accounting subjects that would be
associated with student adversity intelligence.
If the learning model is an external factor that is
thought to influence the increase in student
understanding, then, of course, there are internal
factors that also influence students' understanding of
Suri, M., Tedi, ., Nurdin, . and Handayati, P.
Comparative Study of Accounting Subjects using Recitation and TGT Learning Model by Considering Student Adversity Intelligence.
DOI: 10.5220/0008785501800186
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 180-186
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
adversity intelligence. Adversity intelligence
(Adversity Quotient or AQ) is the ability possessed
by individuals to survive or give up (tenacity or
persistence) in facing various difficulties or
challenges. Learning problems and difficulties faced
by students can make students discouraged in facing
them or vice versa these students become challenged
to solve them. Students who give up easily and
despair indicate that the level of intelligence of
adversity has a low (quitter level), while students
who have high curiosity, and never give up shows
the level of intelligence of adversity that is high
(climber level). The method used to measure an
adversity's intelligence level is to use the Adversity
Response Profile (ARP) test.
The objectives of this research are as follows:
A. To find out the differences in students'
understanding of accounting subjects whose
learning uses recitation learning models with
those learning using the TGT learning model.
B. To find out whether the understanding of
students who learn using recitation learning
models is better than those whose learning uses
the TGT learning model for students who have
low adversity intelligence on accounting
C. To find out whether the understanding of
students who learn using the TGT learning
model is better than those that learn using
recitation learning models for students who have
high adversity intelligence on accounting
D. To find out whether there is a connection
between the use of learning models with
adversity intelligence on student understanding.
In this study, it provides benefits both theoretically
and practically including:
1.1 Benefits Theoretically
a. The results of this study are expected to provide
proof that the application of learning media is
one of the important things in the learning
process that affects student understanding.
b. The results of this study can be study material for
further research.
1.2 Practical Benefits
a. For schools, it can provide a good contribution to
schools in order to provide accounting learning
in particular.
b. For the teacher, as a consideration the teacher in
choosing the learning method that will be used in
providing lessons.
c. For students can improve learning outcomes
accounting students.
Vocational high school is a secondary school level
in which teaching and learning activities students are
educated to become graduates who are able to
compete in the world of work. Accounting subjects
are included in the accounting department along
with entrepreneurship subjects.
Success or failure of students in understanding
the lessons given by teachers shows the role of
teachers is very important in the continuity of the
teaching and learning process. But there are some
difficulties faced by teachers in achieving learning
goals, including many students who pay less
attention to the material conveyed by the teacher or
are busy paying attention to others. In addition, the
use of the lecture method in the learning process also
causes students to get bored as a result, the material
delivered is less well absorbed
According to Oemar Hamalik (2003), the
learning method is one of the ways used by the
teacher in establishing relationships with students
during learning to achieve the stated goals. Factors
that influence students' understanding or success are:
2.1 Internal Factors
a. Physical factors (physiology) include the state of
the five senses that are not experiencing
disability, illness or imperfect development.
b. Psychological factors include intellectuality,
interest in talent and potential achievements.
c. Physical or psychological maturation factors.
2.2 External Factors
a. Social factors include family environment,
school environment, group environment, and
community environment.
b. Cultural factors include customs, technological
science, and art.
c. Physical environmental factors include home and
school facilities
d. Religious environmental factors.
As explained above, students' understanding of
accounting subjects is influenced by the potential
Comparative Study of Accounting Subjects using Recitation and TGT Learning Model by Considering Student Adversity Intelligence
achievements of students. In this case, the role of the
teacher in guiding and providing learning material
also influences the potential for student
achievement. The use of the learning model is one of
the supporting success of students in capturing or
absorbing the lessons delivered by the teacher.
According to Slameto (2003: 88), the recitation
method is a way of delivering learning material by
giving assignments to students to be done outside
the school schedule within a certain period of time
and the results must be accounted for to the teacher.
The method of assignment and recitation is expected
to enable students in the learning process so that
lessons can be easily understood by students.
Accounting science is a type of procedural
knowledge that is the knowledge that teaches step by
step and trains skills specifically. One method of
learning that is suitable to be applied in the process
of learning accounting is the method of giving a
recitation. This recitation method can train students'
abilities independently by giving assignments and
training students to be able to account for the results
made. According to Djamarah (2010: 85) Recitation
method (assignment) is a method of presenting
materials in which the teacher gives a specific task
so that students carry out learning activities. The
problem is that the tasks carried out by students can
be done in the classroom, schoolyard, laboratory,
library or wherever the task can be done. The
method of giving assignments given by the teacher
so that students do learning activities is not only
done at home but can be carried out in the library, at
school and elsewhere.
TGT learning model is a learning model that
involves students in learning and teaching others and
encouraging students to be more active in the
learning process. Starting with the delivery of
material outlined by the teacher, then students are
divided into several groups according to their level
of ability. Students discuss in groups to work on
questions, while the teacher provides sufficient
knowledge. After discussing each representative
from the group, they are welcome to take the
shuffled card, then each group scrambles to answer
the questions that are being completed. Then the
teacher concludes the learning material (Slavin in
the book Etin Solehatin and Raharjo 2009).
If the learning model is an external factor that is
thought to influence an increase in students
'understanding, there is certainly an internal factor
that also influences students' understanding of
adversity intelligence.
As already explained in whatever factors that
influence student understanding above, there is an
explanation of one of the factors that influence
understanding, namely psychological factors that
include intellectual or student intelligence. In this
case, the researcher relates the influence or
relationship between students' understanding of
adversity intelligence.
According to Stoltz (1997), the definition of
Adversity quotient can be seen in three forms,
a. Adversity quotient is a conceptual framework to
understand and improve all aspects of success
b. Adversity quotient is a measurement of how a
person responds to difficulties.
c. Adversity quotient is a tool based on scientific
knowledge to improve one's ability to respond to
Adversity intelligence (Adversity Quotient or
AQ) is the ability possessed by individuals to
survive or give up (tenacity or perseverance) in the
face of various difficulties or challenges. Learning
problems and difficulties faced by students can make
the student despair in facing it or otherwise, the
student becomes challenged to solve it. Students
who give up easily and despair show that their
adversity intelligence level is low (quitter level),
while students who have high curiosity, and never
give up show high level of adversity intelligence
(climber level). The method used to measure a
person's level of adversity intelligence is to use the
Adversity Response Profile (ARP) test.
Explanation of students' adversity intelligence
explained that in the learning process, certainly, not
all students have the same level of adversity
intelligence. To find out whether each student has
high adversity intelligence, low or moderate teachers
need to give a test in order to know how to treat
children at different adversity levels. Of course, this
can affect students' understanding or learning
The purpose of this research is as follows:
a. To find out the differences in students'
understanding of accounting subjects who learn
using recitation learning models with the
learning using the TGT learning model.
b. To find out whether the understanding of
students whose learning uses recitation learning
models is better than those who learn using the
TGT learning model for students who have low
adversity intelligence in accounting subjects.
c. To find out whether the students' understanding
of learning using the TGT learning model is
better than the learning using recitation learning
models for students who have high adversity
intelligence in accounting subjects
d. To find out if there is a link between the use of
learning models and adversity intelligence on
students' understanding.
2.3 Research Focus
The focus of the research in this research is there a
Comparison of Understanding of Students in
Accounting Subjects by Using the Recitation
Learning Model and Team Games Tournament
Learning Model (TGT) by Observing the Adverse
Intelligence of Class X Accounting Students at
SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung Academic Year
2016/2017 ".
2.4 Research Methodology
Research methods or scientific methods are
procedures or steps in obtaining scientific
knowledge or knowledge. So the research method is
a systematic way to compile science.
The research method used in this study is an
experimental research method with a comparative
approach. Experimental research is research used to
find out the influence of certain treatments on others
under controlled conditions. (Sugiyono 2012: 107).
While the comparative research method is a
study that compares the existence of a variable or
more in two or more different samples, or at
different times (Sugiyono, 2013: 57).
Comparative analysis is done by comparing the
theory of one with other theories and the results of
research with one another. Comparatively, through
this, researchers can combine theory one with
another theory, or reduce it if it is seen as too broad
(Sugiono, 2012: 93).
This method was chosen because it is in
accordance with the research objectives to be
achieved, namely knowing the differences in a
variable, namely increasing students' understanding
of tax accounting lessons with different treatments.
This research is quasi-experimental (quasi-
experimental design) with treatment by level design
pattern. Experimental research can be interpreted as
research approaching quasi-experimental or
experiments. According to Sukardi (2003: 16), this
research is widely used in the field of educational
science or other research with the subject being
studied is human. The pattern of treatment by level
design is used for moderator variables (adversity
intelligence) because in this case only learning
models are treated to the level of students'
This study consists of two stages, namely pre-
research and implementation research. The
procedure of this research is as follows:
Pre Research, the activities carried out in the pre-
study are as follows:
a. Submit a preliminary research permit to the
b. Conduct preliminary observations to the school
to find out the number and state of the class that
will become the population and research sample.
c. Conduct interviews with subject teachers to get
information about the learning system applied in
the X Accounting class to be studied.
d. Obtain research population and determine
research samples for experimental class and
control class
e. Give different treatment between experimental
class and control class. In the experimental class,
researchers applied the recitation model and in
the control class researchers applied the Teams
Games Tournament (TGT) method.
In the implementation of this research, the
researcher distributed questionnaires to obtain data
about the level of adversity intelligence possessed by
each student.
The population is an area of generalization which
consists of objects or subjects that have certain
qualities and characteristics set by researchers to be
studied and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono,
2012: 117). The population in this study were all
students of class X Accounting at SMK 4 Bandar
Lampung 2016/2017 academic year totaling 365
The sample is part of the population and
characteristics possessed by the population
(Sugiyono, 2014: 118). The sampling technique used
in this study is a side random cluster technique. This
technique chooses a sample not individually based
but is based more on groups, regions, or groups of
subjects who naturally gather together.
3.1 First Hypothesis
Based on testing hypotheses using the Variant Two
Anava Road Analysis formula, the first hypothesis is
obtained by F count 4.273> F table 4.06 and
significant by 0.045 <0.05 with the hypothesis
testing hypothesis Ho and accept Ha if F count> F
table. Based on the results of calculations, Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded
that there are differences in the average accounting
Comparative Study of Accounting Subjects using Recitation and TGT Learning Model by Considering Student Adversity Intelligence
learning outcomes of students who learn using
recitation learning models with students who learn
using the TGT learning model.
The differences in learning outcomes occur
because of differences in the use of learning models
between the experimental class and control class
which lead to differences in learning activities,
responsibilities, and independence that students must
have. High and low learning outcomes can be
influenced by internal and external factors. One of
the internal factors is the independence and sense of
responsibility that individuals have in learning.
These things are in accordance with Slameto's
opinion (2003: 54) the factors that influence learning
outcomes are divided into two, namely internal
factors and external factors. In the experimental
class, the recitation learning model is applied and the
control class is applied to the Teams Games
Tournament (TGT) learning model, each model has
advantages and disadvantages both in terms of
activity and independent feeling and responsibility
to students.
Experimental class namely class XAK 9 has
been applied recitation learning model for 4 learning
meetings. Recitation is a series of teaching and
learning activities by assignments given by teachers
to students. Assignments can be done in the learning
process or when learning is underway or can be
given outside of study hours. Activities like this
make students more active in finding material or
completing tasks given by the teacher both in class
hours and outside of class hours.
Whereas in the control class that is class X AK 8
applied the TGT learning model for 4 learning
meetings. The TGT learning model explains students
to play games with other team members to get scores
for their respective teams. Game preparation can be
arranged in the form of a quiz in the form of
questions related to learning material.
According to Slavin (2001: 166-167), the steps
of the TGT learning model are five stages, namely:
a. Presentation in class
b. Team or group
c. Games or games
d. Tournament
e. Team recognition
Recitation learning involves students to be able
to complete the tasks given by the teacher in groups
or individually. assignments can be done by the way
the teacher assigns assignments to students
regarding the material discussed on that day, then
students work on the assignments that have been
given. Furthermore, to train students 'understanding
of the material presented, the teacher also provides
assignments for students to look for other material
outside of study hours as well as questions to
increase students' understanding.
Whereas in the TGT learning model the teacher
divides students into 6 groups of 5 people in each
group. The teacher gives the task to students to make
5 questions or questions about the material that has
been studied and the representatives of each group
present the questions that have been made, while the
other groups pay attention and answer the questions
posed by the group in a scramble. Teachers can
guide and assess the results of the learning model
3.2 Second Hypothesis
For the second hypothesis using the T-test formula,
two independent samples obtained tcount 5,387> t
table 2,074 then Ho was rejected and Ha was
accepted, and the value
Sig. 0,000 < 0,025 then Ho is rejected and
accepts Ha which states that the average accounting
learning outcomes of students who learn using the
recitation learning model are higher compared to
learning that uses the TGT learning model for
students who have high adversity intelligence.
The results of the research show that accounting
learning outcomes of students who have a high level
of adversity intelligence in the experimental class
are higher than the control class. This is evidenced
by the second hypothesis test using the separated
variance T-test formula Students who have a high
level of adversity intelligence (climber) will be more
developed if they use recitation learning models.
With the recitation learning model, students can
learn independently. Students are required to be able
to complete the tasks given by the teacher with a
time limit that is determined through learning
resources or learning material sought by themselves
both from textbooks, the internet, and other learning
resources. In addition, the student must be sensitive
towards the development of science and alertness to
change. This is in accordance with the opinion of
Paul G. Stoltz (2007: 35-36) that someone who has a
high AQ (climber) will contribute the most, Climber
will be willing to take risks, face challenges,
overcome fear, maintain vision, lead and work hard
until the work is finished. They realize their full
potential by learning and correcting mistakes. While
if the student climber uses the TGT learning model,
he will be disturbed by lazy students in the group.
This can lead to differences in learning outcomes for
students who have a high level of adversity
intelligence (climber). Climber students who use the
recitation learning model will have higher learning
outcomes when compared to students who use the
TGT learning model.
Climber students can obtain higher learning
outcomes because of the tenacious and persistent
attitude he has. Students who belong to the climber
level will not stop at one point, but they will
continue to plan and achieve higher targets. Climber
students are also not easily satisfied with the
learning outcomes they have achieved. Therefore,
climber students always get the best results in the
3.3 Third Hypothesis
Based on the results of the analysis for the third
hypothesis using the T-test formula, two
independent samples obtained tcount 2.452 > t table
2.074 and sig value. 0.023 < 0.025 then Ho is
rejected and accepts Ha so that it can be concluded
that the average accounting learning outcomes
whose learning uses recitation learning models are
lower than learning that uses the TGT learning
model for students who have low adversity
This is in accordance with the testing of the third
hypothesis using the Ha-separated Ha T-test formula
and Ho is rejected, so it can be concluded that there
are differences in accounting learning outcomes of
students who learn using recitation learning models
and TGT on students who have low adversity
intelligence. This is in accordance with the opinion
of Rusman (2012: 221) which states that the
advantages of using the TGT type are as follows.
The advantages of using the TGT cooperative
learning method are as follows.
a. Students develop and use thinking skills and
group collaboration
b. Nurturing positive relationships between students
from different races
c. Contains elements of the game that can teach the
spirit of learning and contain reinforcement.
d. Learning activities with games designed are
expected to enable students to learn more in
addition to fostering responsibility, honesty,
cooperation, healthy competition and learning
e. Can guide students to compete in a healthy
academic atmosphere.
f. Can train the courage of students to appear in
The results of this study are also in accordance
with research conducted by Eko Oganda Putra
(2013) entitled "The Influence of TGT Cooperative
Learning Model on Learning Outcomes" which
concluded that reject H0 which means there is an
increase in student learning outcomes in classes
using cooperative learning type models The TGT
with an average pretest of 37.54 increased to a
posttest average of 88.26 with an N-score of 82.37.
Student learning activities have increased with an
average value of learning activities of 78.40%. The
aspect of activity that experienced the highest
increase was the aspect of asking questions that is
equal to 81.30%.
3.4 Fourth Hypothesis
Based on testing for the fourth hypothesis using the
Variant Two Anava Street Analysis formula,
obtained F count 30.689 > F table 4.06 or a
significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 so Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that there
is an interaction between the learning model with
intelligence adversity owned by students in
accounting subjects.
In accordance with the opinion of Winataputra
(2008: 173) said that in each student essentially has
a difference between one another. Such differences
can result in differences in other activities, such as
creativity, learning styles, and can even make a
difference in terms of student learning achievement.
Based on data analysis and testing of hypotheses
carried out, the conclusions in this study can be
formulated as follows.
a. There is a difference in the average accounting
learning outcomes of students who learn using
recitation learning models with students who
learn using the Teams Games Tournament (TGT)
learning model. This right can be proven after
testing the hypothesis which states that there is a
second difference in other words, that differences
in student learning outcomes can occur due to the
use of different learning models for experimental
and control classes.
b. The average learning outcomes of students who
learn using recitation learning models are higher
than learning that uses Teams Games
Tournament (TGT) learning model for students
who have high adversity intelligence. This can be
proven after testing the hypothesis which states
the learning outcomes of students who have high
Comparative Study of Accounting Subjects using Recitation and TGT Learning Model by Considering Student Adversity Intelligence
adversity intelligence using the recitation
learning model are more effective than Teams
Games Tournament (TGT).
c. The average learning outcomes of students
whose learning uses recitation learning models is
lower than learning that uses Teams Games
Tournament (TGT) learning model for students
who have low adversity intelligence. This can be
proved after testing the hypothesis which states
the learning outcomes of students who have high
adversity intelligence using the Teams Games
Tournament (TGT) learning model are more
effective than recitation.
d. There is an interaction between learning models
with adversity intelligence that students have on
students' understanding or learning outcomes in
accounting subjects. This can be proven after
testing the hypothesis which states there is a joint
effect or joint effect between learning models
with adversity intelligence that students have on
students' understanding or learning outcomes in
accounting subjects.
Based on the conclusions of the results of the study
the authors suggest.
a. The success of students in learning is determined
by many factors. One of which is factor of using
learning model. For this reason, teachers should
be able to choose and apply learning models that
are in accordance with the material to be
delivered so specific learning objectives can be
achieved well. As an alternative teacher learning
can apply the recitation learning model and
Teams Games Tournament (TGT) in accounting
subjects, so students can get involved well in the
learning process.
b. In the learning process students are expected to
work with other students, so students who have a
high level of adversity intelligence can motivate
students who have low adversity intelligence.
c. It is better if students have low adversity
intelligence in learning can apply the Teams
Games Tournament (TGT) learning model, in
order to get it cooperate with each other.
d. The school should provide full support for the
implementation of the model Learning Recitation
and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) so that the
goal learning can be accomplished.
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Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
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