The Development of Reasoning Ability and Self Efficacy of Students
through Problem-based Learning Model
Muhammad Daut Sia
ian, Rosliana Sire
and Metrilitna Br. Sembirin
Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Jl. Sisingamangaraja. Teladan-Medan. Medan. Indonesia
Keywords: Reasoning ability, Self-Efficacy, Problem Based Learning.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the development of reasoning ability and self-efficacy of students through
Problem Based Learning model. The population in this study is all students of grade XI Prayatna High
School Medan and sampling is done by purposive sampling so that selected class XI IPA-1 as the
experimental class and class XI IPA-2 as the control class. This type of research is a quasi-experiment.
From the test data obtained, the sample comes from a population that has a homogeneous variance and
normal distribution. This research was analyzed by using two way ANAVA test. The results showed that the
development of: (1) the students' reasoning ability using Problem Based Learning model is better than the
conventional model with the value of F arithmetic for learning equal to 119,653 with significance 0,000 <
0,05, (2) self-efficacy of student by using model Problem Based Learning is better than the conventional
model with the value of F arithmetic for learning of 11.392 with significance 0.001 < 0.05.
Mathematics is a knowledge learned by students
from Elementary School level to University level.
This is because mathematics has a very large role in
other knowledge, especially for the exact and social
knowledge, such as economics in the matter of
production, marketing and others. It requires to do
solving based on mathematical rules. Some people
consider mathematics as the most difficult field of
study. Nevertheless, everyone needs to learn
mathematics because it is a means to solve the
problems of everyday life. (Siagian, 2016) explains
that mathematics is one branch of science that has an
important role in the development of science and
technology as a tool in the application of other fields
of science as well as in the development of
mathematics itself. Mastery of mathematical
material by students becomes an indispensable
necessity in the arena of reasoning and decision
making in an increasingly competitive era in this
modern time.
Reasoning ability is one thing that should be
owned by the students in learning mathematics.
Beside mathematics being a knowledge that
obtained by reasoning it also because one of the
goals in learning mathematics is that students are
able to use reasoning in patterns and character,
performing mathematical manipulations in making
the generalizations, compiling evidence or
explaining the mathematical ideas and statements.
Mathematical reasoning ability, is a component that
must be governable by the student. Ayal, Kusuma,
Sabandar & Dahlan (2016) explain that
mathematical reasoning plays an important role,
both in solving problems and in conveying ideas
when learning mathematics. Russell states that
mathematical reasoning is essentially about the
development, justification and use of mathematical
generalizations. The generalizations create an
interconnected web of mathematical knowledge–
conceptual understanding. Seeing mathematics as a
web of interrelated ideas is both a result of an
emphasis on mathematical reasoning and a
foundation for reasoning further (Brodie, 2010). In
an effort to improve students' mathematical
reasoning there are two things that are associated
with reasoning, namely inductive and deductive
reasonings. Inductive reasoning is a process of
thinking that seeks to relate known facts or special
events to a general conclusion. Deductive reasoning
is a thinking process that draws conclusions about a
particular thing that stands from general thing or the
things that have previously been proved (assumed)
are true (Bani, 2013).
Siagian, M., Siregar, R. and Sembiring, M.
The Development of Reasoning Ability and Self Efficacy of Students through Problem-based Learning Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0008889404830487
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 483-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In an effort to improve students' mathematical
reasoning there are Permana and Sumarmo (2007)
stating that reasoning is a process of thinking in the
process of drawing conclusions. Broadly speaking
there are two types of reasoning, namely the
inductive reasoning also called induction and
deductive reasoning also called deduction. The
similarity between deduction and induction is that
both are structured arguments, composed of several
premises and one conclusion. The difference
between deduction and induction on the basis of the
inference conclusion and also the characteristics of
the conclusions it derives.
Besides cognitive, there are things that are also
very important to note by a teacher with regard to
the development of their students’ attitude to
mathematics itself. Attitude is the part that also
determines the success of students in the learning
process. According to the authors thing important to
note is the self-efficacy of students. Research during
the past 30 years has revealed a positive relationship
between self-efficacy beliefs and academic
performance and persistence (Martin & Marsh,
2006; Multon, Brown, & Lent, 1991; Skaalvik &
Skaalvik, 2004). Self-efficacy is in practice
synonymous with "self-belief", although "self-
belief" is a non-descriptive term (Bandura, 1997),
which refers to the power of belief, for example one
can be very confident, but ultimately fail. Self-
efficacy is defined as a person's judgment about his
or her ability to attain desired or determined
performance levels that will influence the
subsequent action (Bandura, 1997). Mathematics
self-efficacy positively impacts academic
achievement by allowing one to use cognitive
strategies, enhancing the belief in successful
completion of tasks, and encouraging one to come
up with alternative solutions for the problem in hand
(Stevens, Olivarez, Lan, & Runnels, 2004). Studies
shows that students with high-perceived self-
efficacy make more effort to accomplish a task and
are more persistent in the face of difficulties (Aşkar
& Umay, 2001). Hackett & Betz (1989) report that
students with higher mathematics self-efficacy have
lower mathematics anxiety and place more value on
Pintrich and De Groot (Rahmi, Nadia, Hasibah,
& Hidayat, 2017) found that students who believed
they could perform academic tasks using cognitive
and meta-cognitive strategies are more and still
doing better than unbelieving students. Self-efficacy
makes a difference in the way people act, as a
follow-up of feelings and thoughts. People who
believe they can do something that has the potential
to transform environmental events are more likely to
act and more likely to succeed than those with low
self-efficacy. Behavior is influenced by the extent to
which a person believes to perform the actions
required by the particular situation.
Based on observations made at SMA Prayatna
Medan, it is known that the ability of reasoning and
self-efficacy owned by students in this high school is
still low. This can be seen from the only few
students who are able to make allegations, perform
mathematical manipulations, give reasons for the
answers, present the results of group work and draw
conclusions from a given mathematical problem.
According to the results of interviews conducted by
the authors to several mathematics teachers and
some students at Prayatna High School Medan, it is
found that the factors that cause the low of reasoning
ability and self-efficacy of students are students are
deficient in understanding the mathematical
concepts such as not precisely solving a problem
provided by teachers, also less using the reasoning
on patterns and characteristic as explaining the
mathematical ideas and statements, lacking the
ability to design mathematical models and
interpreting the solutions obtained. The lacks of
interest in students' learning mathematics are caused
by the lessons and motivations provided by teachers,
difficulty to accept, their absence of interest in
mathematics, lack of facilities and infrastructure,
fear of the math teacher and all of this cause the
students not to be active to ask if there is a lesson
that students do not understand.
Based on the above problems a solution is
needed to improve students’ reasoning and self-
efficacy by providing treatment using a problem-
based model. Borrow (Huda, 2014) defines that
problem-based learning (PBL) is the lessons learned
through the process towards understanding the
resolution of a problem. The problem is found first
in the learning process. Hudojo (in Gunantara, et al,
2014) state that Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a
process taken by a person to solve the problem they
face until the problem is no longer a problem for
them. Also, Sudarman (2014) says the PBL is an
approach to learning that uses real-world problems
as a context for students to learn about critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as to
acquire knowledge and essential concept of the
subject matter.
So based on the explanation above an attempt to
develop students' reasoning and self-efficacy skills,
is done so the formulation of problems in this study
are: (1) Is the reasoning ability of students using
Problem Based Learning model is better than the
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
conventional model? (2) Is the student's self-efficacy
using Problem Based Learning model better than
conventional model?
The type of research in this study is quasi-
experimental research. Quasi-experimental research
is a study intended to determine the existence or
effect of a subject imposed on students. In other
word quasi-experimental research tries to examine
the presence or absence of causal relationships.
Technique used to test the research hypothesis is
Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) a two-way at
significant level α = 0.05. To test the requirements
analysis is done by normality test and homogeneity
test. The design of data analysis is using the two-
way ANAVA. Instruments used to collect the data
are questionnaires and tests of learning outcomes.
Questionnaires are for seeing students' self-efficacy
and tests to measure students' reasoning abilities of
the given material and also seeing students' learning
3.1 Results
To see whether there is a development in reasoning
ability and self-efficacy of students, problem based
learning model ANAVA two-way test is done:
Statistical hypothesis:
∶ 𝜇
∶ 𝜇
Criteria: If significance 0,000 0,05, then
Table 1: ANAVA 2 Way Test Results of Student
Reasoning Ability.
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: N_Gain_PM
Type III
Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.
5 .206 32.101 .000
Intercept 11.903 1 11.903 1852.057 .000
KAM .311 2 .156 24.196 .000
Pemb .769 1 .769 119.653 .000
.044 2 .022 3.430 .038
Error .463 72 .006
Total 15.066 78
1.494 77
a. R Squared = .690 (Adjusted R Squared = .669)
From table 1 above it is obtained of F count for
learning equal to 119,653 with significance
0,000<0,05. Then H
rejected or H
meaning there is an increase in reasoning ability
between experimental class students and control
class students. Besides, it is also concluded that the
improvement of students' reasoning ability by using
learning model of problem based learning is better
than students by using conventional learning.
Furthermore, by using ANAVA two-way test it
will be seen whether the development of self-
efficacy of students using learning model problem
based learning is better than students who are given
learning by using conventional learning.
Research hypothesis:
: Increased self-efficacy of students using learning
model problem-based learning is no better or
equal to the students who use conventional
: Increased self-efficacy of students using learning
model problem-based learning is better than
students who use conventional learning.
Criteria: If significance 0,000 0,05, then
The Development of Reasoning Ability and Self Efficacy of Students through Problem-based Learning Model
Table 2: ANAVA 2 Way Test Results of Students’ Self-
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:N_Gain_SE
Type III
Sum of
Squares df
Square F Sig.
5 .053 6.419 .000
Intercept 6.268 1 6.268 757.013 .000
KAM .059 2 .029 3.547 .034
Pemb .094 1 .094 11.392 .001
.169 2 .084 10.177 .000
.596 72 .008
Total 7.808 78
.862 77
a. R S
uared = .308
usted R S
uared = .260
From the table above it is obtained that F count
for learning of 11.392 with significance 0.001 <0.05.
Then H
is rejected or H
accepted, meaning there is
an increase of self-efficacy between experiment
class students and control class students. So it can be
concluded that the increase of self-efficacy of
students by using learning model problem based
learning better than students who use conventional
3.2 Discussion
Based on the discussion of the results of the
students' reasoning abilities test above it is obtained
that the value of F count for learning is 119.653 with
significance 0,000<0,05. This means that there is an
increase in mathematical reasoning ability between
experimental class and control class students.
Likewise, with students’ self-efficacy it is obtained
F count for learning is 11.392 with significance
0.001 <0.05. This is also in line with the results of
research that has been done by Mulyana and
Sumarmo (2017) that the achievement and
improvement of mathematical reasoning ability of
students who received problem based learning better
than students who receive conventional learning.
The students 'mathematical reasoning abilities using
problem based learning as the model are still
moderate, and the students' mathematical reasoning
using conventional learning is still low. Students on
problem-based learning class still have difficulty in
solving problems in terms of giving reasons for the
truth of a statement. Similarly, the results of research
conducted by Sariningsih and Purwasih (2017) that
the results of the calculation show that the self-
efficacy of the experimental class is better than the
self-efficacy of the control class, meaning that the
experimental class students have the ability to
complete the task of mathematical problem solving
abilities provided well. This can be seen from the
result of mean score percentage of self-efficacy
score in experiment class is greater 3,91 from
control class. Ekinci & Gökler (2017) find that
learned helplessness decreases with increasing
academic self-efficacy as well. Our finding is
consistent with that of (Ekinci & Gökler, 2017).
Based on the results of the research findings,
hypothesis testing and discussion, the conclusions
are: (1) The development of students' reasoning
ability by using problem based learning model is
better than conventional learning model. (2) The
development of self-efficacy of students by using
problem based learning model is better than
conventional learning model.
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The Development of Reasoning Ability and Self Efficacy of Students through Problem-based Learning Model