Figure 9: Analysis of Foundation Construction.
From work unit basic price, the material was
transported as far as 100 m above, then material
transport cost to the work location can be calculated
as follows:
• 1 m3 of split stones
Unit basic price of transport of 1m3 stones
=1.1 x 1.26/1.1 x unit basic price
=1.1 x 1.26/1.1 x Rp 785,910.00
= Rp 990,246.60
• 1 m3 of coral/gravel
Unit basic price of transport of 1 m3 of
coarse/coral aggregate
= 1.0 x 1.26 / 1.1 x unit basic price
= 1.26 / 1.1 x Rp 785,910.00
= Rp. 900,224.18
• 1 bag of cement
Unit basic price of transport of 1 bag of cement
= 1.0 x 0.05 / 1.1 x unit basic price
= 0.05 / 1.1 x Rp 785,910.00
= Rp 35,723.18
From observation results, data processing, and data
analysis using work sampling method on construction
of river-stone foundation in the renovation project of
Penanjakan tribune viewpoint, the conclusions are as
1. From the primary observational data, it is obtained
standard completion time for each m3 of river-
stone foundation, which is 202.086 minutes/m3 or
3.3681 hours/m3. This finding means that the
productivity of 2 workers and 3 workers in one
day is 2.375 m3.
Based on the analysis of unit price of river-stone
foundation installation in the contract, it is
obtained total wages for installing river-stone
foundation/m3 = Rp 365,125. -.
According to field observation, wages for
installing foundation in 1 day (8 Hours) was Rp.
1,010,000. -.
Every 1 m3 took 3.3681 hours, so for every 1 m3,
real direct cost was (Rp. 1,010,000 / 8 hours) x
3.3681 = Rp 425,222. -.
There was a difference in wages as many as Rp
60,097.- for every m3 of river-stone foundation. It
can be interpreted that installed price in the field
is more expensive than the price according to unit
price analysis using Indonesian National Standard
(SNI). This difference was caused by several
factors, such as weather, workplace altitude,
unobserved behavior of the workers.
2. On-site price of material, based on calculations, is
as follows:
1 m3 of split stone = Rp 990,246.60
1 m3 of coral/gravel = Rp 900,224.18
1 bag of cement = Rp 35,723.18
From overall result of this research, the following
recommendations were proposed:
1. Research variables, such as weather, worker
behavior, oxygen level in the body, are recommended
to be added in future research because this research
was conducted in mountainous area, in which the
higher altitude gets, the lower the oxygen level
2. It will be better if the period of observation can
be longer so that more precise standard time can be
3. Other types of work, such as concrete work,
plastering, etc., should be studied in order to develop
job analysis coefficients for projects taken place in
highland areas.
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