degrees. With regard to profession,
40% of the respondents were
temporary workers, and 60% had
permanent jobs. Thirty percent of the
respondents earned less than Rp1
million a month, and 70% earned
more than Rp1 million. Twenty
percent of the respondents
considered that their income was
insufficient for meeting their living
needs, and 80% felt that their income
was more than enough, some of
which they could still save.
In general, 90% of the respondents
had 1 family in one dwelling, and
only 10% had more than 1 family.
The status of the land owned by the
entire respondents (100%) was self-
owned. Ninety percent of the
respondents had permanent
buildings, and 10% had semi-
permanent buildings. Eighty percent
of the respondents left land for the
yard and 20% did not. With regard to
building age, 60% of the respondents
occupied buildings less than 15 years
of age and 40% occupied buildings
more than 15 years of age. Sixty
percent of the respondents had made
repairs on their buildings more than
1 time, and 40% had never made any
repair on their buildings at all.
With regard to the condition of the
business environment, 40% of the
respondents used their land only as a
residential area, and 60% used their
land as places of business. In terms
of the type of business undertaken by
the respondents, 83% of the
respondents were engaged in
businesses in kiosks, and 13% were
engaged in other fields. With regard
to accessibility to environmental
facilities, 30% of the respondents
could reach the facilities easily from
their environment, and 70% had to
be from the outside of the
environment to reach the nearest
facility. In terms of building itself,
20% of the respondents were in an
environment where the entire
buildings were oriented towards the
highway, and 80% were in an
environment where not all buildings
were oriented towards the road.
With regard to environmental
facilities that were available on a
graphical basis, 10% of the
respondents used MCK (bath, wash,
and toilet) facilities in the form of
cubluk, and the other 90% used
latrines in rivers or ponds. With
regard to waste management, the
whole respondents (100%) threw
away their own garbage on their own
land or in ditches. One-hundred
percent of the respondents did not
have any permanent construction of
rainwater channels in their
With regard to environmental
physical conditions, 80% of the
respondents experienced flooding in
their environment, and 20% rarely or
never experienced flooding in their
environment. Environmental
management in the form of
community service was carried out
by 70% of the respondents, while
30% did not carry out any
environmental management. With
regard to the availability of clean
water, the entire respondents (100%)
stated that they obtained the clean
water from the well. As for
environmental road construction,
20% of the respondents’
environment had concrete roads, and
80% of the respondents’
environment had dirt roads. In terms
of the availability of electricity
networks, 100% of the respondents’
environment had been supplied with
Fifty percent of the respondents had
lived in the study area since before
1990, and the other 50% started to
live there after 1990. All respondents
(100%) considered that the location
had an important value. With regard
to ownership status, 90% of the
respondents had land certificates,
while the remaining 10% did not.
Twenty percent of the respondents
had IMBs (Permits for Building),
and the rest (80%) did not.
and Type of
Of all of the respondents, 100%
thought that there were
environmental and technological
developments. Twenty percent did
not consider that there was a change
in technology in their environment.
With regard to land type before
being owned by the respondents,
40% was residential area, and 60%
was vacant land. Sixty percent of the
respondents had occupied the land
for 5–10 years, and the remaining
40% had occupied the land for more
than 15 years.