into structured data and mutual
integration (Maryanto, 2017)
Can be accessed anywhere and on any
computer or through various other
media. No need to install any program
because the only program needed is the
Work becomes easier and more practical
in use. Currently mobile application
users are increasing so that it requires
UINSA to follow the technology trend so
that it can compete with other
Smart Card
Smart Card is a small computer because
it is equipped with a chip that contains a
processor, RAM and ROM, and even a
very high security operating system
(Kadir, 2003)
3.1. Information System Strategic Planning
In IS/IT strategic planning, there are several
characteristics including the existence of the main
tasks, namely, strategic or competitive advantages
and linkages with business strategies, the main
objectives of pursuing opportunities and integrating
IS and business strategies, the direction of senior
executives and management and users. The main
approach is user innovation and a combination of
bottom up development and top down analysis (Pant
& Hsu, 1995).
In the analysis session, there were some tools
which were used to determine the application
portfolio that could support UINSA to attain their
competitive advantage. In addition, validating the
result verification from the stakeholders is quite
important. Therefore, some interviews have been
done to validate the result. From theses interviews, IS
Business strategy, IT Strategy, and IS/IT
management strategy will be discussed below.
3.1.1. IS Business Strategy
The information system has three activities in
producing information which is needed by the
organization to make decisions, control operations,
analyze problems, and create new products or
services (Laudon & Laudon, 2003). From several
analyses conducted, there are 22 information system
applications needed in UINSA. Ten of them are
already used but still need some improvements so that
they can be used optimally to meet the business needs
of universities. Four of them can continue to be used
because they are still considered to be useful and fit
to the future strategy and the other 8 are new
applications (New System) needed by UINSA to
carry out activities so that the work becomes more
effective and efficient.
These applications include the UINSA Website,
SI new student registration, international online
registration system, academic information system,
financial and planning information system, online
lecture or E-Learning, quality assurance information
system, human resources information system, E-
performance, E-office, research and community
service information system, infrastructure and asset
information system, public facilities information
system, relationship information system, experts and
potential information system, tracer study
information system, online graduation information
system, scholarship information system, student
affair information system, e-library, e-journal, and
digital library.
3.1.2. IT Strategy
IT Strategy includes technology investment, service
plans and strategies for acquisition and management
of technology, supplier relationship and specialist
resources (Peppard & Ward, 2016). To formulate IT
strategy, interview with IT steering committee was
held. There are some conclusions which are:
a. Ease of access to information; Maintaining the
ease of access to information for the entire
academic community by implementing an
integrated login (single sign-on). Cooperating
with third parties, such as Google, Moodle, etc.,
might be included
b. IS/IT Standardization; Standardizing the
hardware and software system of IS/IT from
information system applications to facilitate
maintenance. License and legal aspect should be
c. Access Point (AP) Distribution; Distribution of
the access point is intended to allow the internet
network to be used to the maximum extent
possible by the user to perform all activities. In
UINSA, there are some buildings that do not have
AP and are totally disconnected from internet.
d. Bandwidth Management; It is the process of
monitoring the communications (traffic, packets)
on a network in order to prevent network
congestion and network poor performance.
e. RAM Server Escalation; RAM memory is added
to the server that is used for all IT services. It is
expected to minimize the number of users who