geometry function has explained that geometry has
relevant function to express the visual relationship of
an object based on its proportion and also the
development pattern of the object.
The geometry function is practiced on the
building architecture. If the painting and the building
have no geometry principles then the building is
considered to not have aesthetic value at that time.
However, there are a lot of paintings and forms
without geometry norm and those works may still be
categorized as an aesthetic works. Obviously, the
geometry rules in a design would limit the result of
design variation. Other than as visualization
relationship and a proportion of an object, geometry
has a function as a norm to present a size in a building
and shape.
Geometry is one of mathematics sciences that is
implemented in the architectural world and one of the
branches of science that is associated with size,
composition, and proportion. One chapter in the essay
of Dr. Joachil Langhein has stated that “Proportion
as a guiding pattern for establishing beauty.”
Moreover, the proportion has a close relationship
with geometry, even non-geometry procedure
possibly presents a proportion. The proportion in a
geometry is related to symmetry that controls axis
reflection, rotation, stretching, and etc. The geometry
presents because of proportion and building
symmetry. A geometry with symmetrical element
provides a beauty in a building. According to
Mangunwijaya definition, “Beauty is a matter of
subjective. A culture of humanity will define the
standard of a beauty based on their community
(Dayak and Buginese ethnic group probably will have
a different understanding in the definition of
beauty)”. Their definition of beauty will be passed
down through generations and create a specific
'beauty' mindset. Architectural aesthetic of traditional
building is one of the origins of the culture.
Mangunwijaya has interpreted that a beauty is
from a cultural, traditional building. Additionally,
more definitions of freedom of expression in the
context of geometry are: Every people who follows
design processing will present a different product,
even if they have an equal trigger. A diversity that
exists in respective products is one of illustrative
examples in term of 'freedom of expression'. This
freedom refers to an understanding where geometry
does not limit freedom of expression in architecture.
This definition draws a conclusion which stated that
geometry principle in a design could restrict the result
of a design variation. This understanding has changed
along with the exploration of form, function, and
various expressions of architecture with the
application of geometry.
Finally, we will return to the basic of architecture.
Mangunwijaya, in the book of Wastu Citra, has
written: "Berarsitektur or how to make an
architecture is a language in terms of space and
aspect or gatra, along with line, plane, material, and
ambiance. We should create a proper architecture
according to the culture, accompanying the feelings
and responsibility in the application of a proper
architectural language." A beauty in architecture is
architecture that is aware of the value-in-use,
following the aesthetic value as spiritual level inside
the design. The result is not only a product that is
placed as "a statue", but the result is also something
that should provide an investigation on a meaning or
three dimensions (or even four dimensions).
Geometry never limits the expression in an aesthetic.
In fact, geometry offers a freedom in the language of
space, line, and plane.
Briefly, geometry will present a beauty in
architectural art, either in form of place or ornament
and symbol. Geometry can represent an expression in
a space. A difference in respective space function is
frequently explained with a different expression. In
other words, the function will produce an
expressional form. Generally, the expressional space
is an accessible public area for all society. The public
area is part of an environment completed by a pattern
and function as a socialization and communication
area in the society. Principally, the public area will be
defined as a place to facilitate specific activity or
interest for the people either individually or in the
The existences of expressional space have an
influence on the economic development and social
conflict that occur between young people because the
expressional space becomes a facility to express their
interest and individual skill. Examples of hobby
activities are skateboarding and mural painting.
Skateboarding and mural painting are activities that
heavily consume more physical and mental energy.
These activities become popular activities in
metropolitan cities in Indonesia, including Makassar.
Based on this phenomenon, an idea was hit upon
to create an open space to facilitate skateboarding and
mural community in Makassar to limit the problems
of street dysfunction and vandalism of public
facilities on some streets in Makassar. The design of
the public area is expected to become a space for
skateboarding community to express their hobby.
Additionally, mural community will have benefit too.
They can exhibit and sell their artworks. Moreover,
the result may bring an increase in creative economy