education as well as one of the measuring tools in
determining the success rate in the learning process.
The achievement of competency standards is highly
dependent on the ability of lecturers in managing
learning so that students can learn well. The success
of learning that is poured in the competency-based
curriculum at universities not only on the knowledge
and skills chosen by a student but also supported by
the development of personality, behavior, and living
together (Kepmendiknas No. 45 / U / 2002).
World Declaration on Higher Education of the
Twenty-First Century; Vision and Action, by
UNESCO affirms that the vision and core value of a
Higher Education is to contribute to sustainable
development and community development as a
whole. In that context, one of the visions and
functions of universities is to educate students to
meet the needs of all sectors of human activities,
inculcate professionalism and personality through a
combination of science with subjects that are
continually evaluated and continuously developed,
to answer the various needs of today's society and
the future. Therefore, an institution must prepare the
quality of human resources who master the science
and technology and the values of modernity based
on spiritual moral values in order to form human
moral, character, and religious.
Indonesia is experiencing degradation of human
resources. It can be seen from the behavior or ethics
of students in learning, easy to despair if not yet, not
say if not yet, less democratic, not disciplined in
learning, not independent in learning, and also less
creative. Students show counterproductive behavior
in solving task if they can not. This will result in the
dissolution / deterioration of student character.
Many factors make students’ personality or
characters deteriorate. Moral decline is not only a
result of morality and lack of understanding of
religious values or noble character but also the
influence of globalization especially information and
technology ( With the development of
technology, teachers/ lecturers sometimes only
provide information and cognitive knowledge only,
and forget the mental, moral, and spiritual aspects.
In other words, there are many smart students but
experiencing moral crisis, they will become a very
dangerous public pest (
Emotional intelligence places the importance of a
person to learn to discipline, regulate and control
himself, especially when faced with a problem.
Learners who have problems in emotional
intelligence, will have difficulty learning,
socializing, and cannot control his emotions, so far
from the expected values in education. Conversely
learners who have emotional intelligence will form
learners who are characterized in accordance with
the values of character education. This research will
be focused on students of Universitas Negeri
Semarang. The purpose of this study is to find out
how much influence emotional intelligence and
blended learning method affect the development of
student character values.
Emotional intelligence teaches about integrity,
honesty, commitment, vision, creativity, mental
endurance, wisdom, justice, trust principles, and
self-mastery. Goleman (2003) says that
psychologists agree that intellectual intelligence
accounts for only 20 percent of the factors that
determine success, while the remaining 80 percent
comes from other factors, including what is called
emotional intelligence. It is supported by research
conducted by (Purbowosari, 2016) which states that
with emotional intelligence learners can understand
themselves and their environment appropriately,
have confidence, not easily discouraged, and can
form the character of learners. The results shows that
there is a significant effect on emotional intelligence
to plant the values of the characters in the students.
That is, emotional intelligence can improve the
social character of students. Then, it is hypothesized:
H1 Emotional intelligence has a significant
influence in improving students’ characters values
Blended learning according to Orhan (2007) is
"in the learning process, the effort to combine the
advantages of the interned based computer assisted
learning environment with those of the peer
learning- especially by focusing on those futures
concept of hybrid learning ". It means the integration
of face-to-face learning with Internet-based distance
learning. Blended learning method has been done
and resulted in an increase in learning process.
Characters in learning are achieved, among others,
improve student's discipline and creativity that has a
positive effect on learning outcomes (Supandi, et.
al., 2011). It is supported by the results of research
conducted by (Supandi, et. al., 2014) stating that
Blended e-learning provides an opportunity for
students to think openly by doing creative exercises
as creative as the authenticity of work, flexibility.
Thus the character can be grown naturally that is
honesty, discipline, responsibility and independent.
The results shows that blended learning has an effect
on student character. That is, blended learning
method can increase the character values in the
students. Thus; the hypothesis is: