provider partners; such as,, and others. Thus; the
news by Line Today is credible (Sondakh, 2017: 2).
The readers of Line Today mostly are teenage
students. Based on data from, most
Line users in Indonesia are young adults aged 18-24
years or mostly, they are students. The research
focuses on the Universitas Negeri Semarang
students. The purpose of this study is to determine
the influence of using Line Today and students’
information needs to improve students’ interest in
reading the news at Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Line Today is featured on the news providers of
Line application. This feature is a breakthrough to
improve public knowledge of the latest news related
with the content provide on Line. It is because the
people in the globalization more interest to get
information on a smartphone or gadget than reading
on printed and electronic media. Line Today is
created to improve the daily lives of Line users
through up to date and informative content (Fauziah,
2017). It is support by a study by Fauziah and
Nuraeni (2017) on student. The results of the study
show that there is a significant influence on using of
Line Today to read news on students’ interest. It
means that using of Line Today is able to improve
students’ interest in reading the news. So, the first
hypothesis is:
H1 Using Line Today is significant to
influence students’ interest in reading the news.
The Library Association argues that the
information needs is insufficient on a particular
subject (Abdul Hak, 2008). Fulfilling the
information needs is closely related to the literacy
level. Based on research conduct by Permatasari
(2015) that the human the information need is
significant to influence his interest in reading the
news. It means that more people need to read the
news information if they need the information. So,
the second hypothesis is:
H2 the information needs is significant to
influence students’ interest in reading the news.
Reading interest is a strong desire to read
(Rahim, 2013). Strong interest in reading is manifest
in their willingness to receive reading materials and
to read on awareness of self or encouragement from
outside. Hurlock (1999) suggest that the interest
itself consists of two aspects, such as: 1) the
cognitive aspect which is based on the concept of
something related developments with interest, 2) the
affective or emotional depth is a concept which
reveals that the cognitive aspects of interest shown
in the attitude toward the activities of interest.
In the globalization, students fulfil the
information needs by utilizing the internet. Social
media and online applications have largely cover the
information needs of students, such as Line. Line
Today is up to date news providers. It is support by
research conduct by Trianda and Ayub (2017)
related to exposure to information on Line Today.
The research conduct in private schools at Bandung
show that exposure Line Today gives contribution
on the fulfilment of information needs for private
university students at Bandung; thus improving the
fulfilment of information needs made students’
interest in reading higher. The conclusion that
students after taking information from Line Today
give the high impact, for 79.95%; it means that Line
Today users often access information to fulfil their
information needs and improve students’ interest in
reading the news. So, the third hypothesis is:
Figure 1. Theoretical Framework
H3 Using Line Today and the information
needs are significant to influence students’ interest
in reading the news.
Based on above description, the study
proposed the theoretical framework as present in
Figure 1.
3.1 Population and Sample
Siregar (2013) argues that population use to describe
a group of objects that is target research. This
research is conduct at the Faculty of Economics,
Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Then; sample is a data retrieval procedure in
which only part of the population are taken and use
to determine the nature and the desired
characteristics of a population. (Siregar, 2013).
X1 Using of
Line Today
X2 the Needs
Y Students Interest
In reasing the News