(Nurkolis, 2005). Therefore, it is generally
recognized that someone who develops true
professional performance must begin with changes
in their perceptions and beliefs related to teaching
and learning(Gow & Kember, 1993; Ho, Watkins, &
Kelly, 2001 in Yeung, et.al).
The factors that influence the motivation of the
principal work include self-concept and working
period. Self-concept is a view or self-confidence
towards the whole self, both with respect to
strengths and weaknesses, so that it has a large
influence on the overall behavior displayed
(Wahyuni, 2011), and how individuals want
themselves as human beings who are expected and
beneficial to the surrounding environment. Self-
concept is formed from the learning process and not
innate factors, developing from the interaction of
individuals with their environment.
The principal as the top leader in educational
institutions plays an important role in developing the
quality of his institution. The role of self-concept
and working period is one of the factors in
motivating the work of the principal. The working
period of the principal influences his work
motivation. Allegations, while principals who have
experienced for less than 3 years, have experienced
many difficulties in solving the problems they face.
Because background and leading experience are two
aspects that influence the work motivation of the
principal. Beginner school principals with an
undergraduate (S1) education background especially
with the academic field of teacher training are more
easily adapted to the school environment. On the
other hand, principals who are not of an educational
background who are not undergraduate and coupled
with no experience teaching and leading, will find
many problems in school. The level of difficulty
found by school principals is decreasing in certain
aspects along with the increasing experience as a
manager at his school. In addition, serving as the
principal for the reason that the school is his own,
the school stands on its own initiative and the
foundation is privately owned.
Based on data obtained from the Madrasah and
Religious Education Section, only 30% of principals
have an early childhood education background, such
as Kindergarten Teacher Education (PGTK) or
Teacher Education Raudhatul Athfal (PGRA). The
majority of RA Teachers have a background in
Religious Education, such as Tarbiyah, Sharia,
Islamic Law, or Aliyah Madrasah. Besides that,
there are some of the alumni of education, but most
of them are not related to early childhood education.
While the RA curriculum addresses general early
childhood learning which is integrated into the
Islamic religion.
In addition, the experience (period) of the
teacher's work also affects the work. Allegations
while teachers who teach 1 to 3 years’ experience a
lot of difficulties in solving the problems they face.
Because the background and teaching experience are
two aspects that influence teacher competency in
education and teaching. Beginner teachers with
undergraduate education (S1) background especially
with the academic field of teacher training are more
easily adapted to the school environment.
Conversely, teachers who are not from an
educational background who are not undergraduate
and plus have no teaching experience, will find
many problems in the classroom. The level of
difficulty found by teachers increasingly decreases
in certain aspects along with the increasing
experience as a teacher.
This is the background of this research problem.
Researchers are interested in knowing how the work
motivation of school principal Raudhatul Athfal is
viewed from the concept of self and the period of
work. Based on the above problems, the hypothesis
is proposed, namely (1) there is a relationship
between self-concept and work motivation, (2) there
is a relationship between working period and work
motivation, and (3) there is a relationship between
work period and self-concept with work motivation.
2.1 Work Motivation
Motivation is a process initiated and maintained by
activities directed at achieving goals (Schunk, et.al.,
2012). According to Nawawi (2000), motivation is a
condition that encourages or becomes a cause of
someone doing an action/activity that takes place
consciously. Motivation requires a physical or
mental activity. Physical activities include effort,
persistence, and actions that can be observed
directly. While mental activities include cognitive
actions such as planning, memorizing, organizing,
monitoring, decision making, problem solving, and
progress assessment. Work motivation is part of
motivation in mental activities.
According to Maslow (Widianto, 2013), humans
will be encouraged to meet the strongest needs
according to time, circumstances and the experience
involved following a hierarchy. In this context the
first level needs that must be met before other needs
are physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, sex,