increase. Science process skills are the physical and
mental skills associated with the fundamental abilities
possessed, controlled and applied in a scientific
activity, so that scientists succeed in finding
something new (Nasution 2007). With the science
process skills, students become trained to know from
the basic things so that they can acquire and develop
their knowledge. Simultaneously the ability of
conceptual understanding comes along. Conceptual
understanding is the individual's ability to understand
a particular concept (Nasution 2000). That way,
students who have a conceptual understanding,
knowledge is also growing and growing. Students
become more understanding about a concept, can
interpret it, and even apply it. In line with this,
according to Putra et al., a student has had a
conceptual understanding when students have had
meaning or meaning of a concept (Putra et al. 2015).
Based on that opinion, students who have a good
understanding of the concept will become more
critical in facing problems. So that students' critical
thinking skills can also improve for the better.
It can be concluded that students who have the
science process skill and good conceptual
understanding in learning will have good critical
thinking skills. In other words, the higher the science
process skill and the students 'conceptual
understanding the higher the students' critical
thinking skills. So the science process skill and
student conceptual understanding are two variables
which together give positive correlation to student's
critical thinking skill variable.
Conclusions derived from the correlation between
science process skills and conceptual understanding
with critical thinking skills students are as follows:
(1) there is a positive correlation between the skills of
science process with students' critical thinking skill in
Newton's Law material is 70.4%, Ho is rejected. (2)
There is a positive correlation between the
understandings of physics concepts with students'
critical thinking skills on Newton's Law material is
3.21%, Ho is rejected. (3) There is a positive
correlation between the science process skills and the
understanding of physics concepts with students'
critical thinking skills on Newton's Law material of
8.33%, Ho is rejected.
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