How Are High IQ Students Thinking in Making Mathematical
Connections in Solving Mathematics Problem?: A Case of Gender
, I Ketut Budayasa
, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: thinking, mathematical connections, gender.
Abstract: The study aims to describe male and female high IQ students thinking of making mathematical connections.
The qualitative-explorative research was conducted with two students of 12th grade who have high IQ.
There were male and female students. The data was collected through interviews and analyzed by data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this research are that a male high
IQ student did processing of thinking consist of some steps. First, he accepted information by reading
mathematical problems, doing attention and rehearsal, then recall and recognition some information on
mathematical concepts. He manipulated the information by making the connection between mathematical
concepts and principles in solving the mathematical problem. He created six different ways to find the
solution. The six ways were Pythagoras Theorem (first way), tangent rules, sinus rules, Pythagoras Theorem
(second way), wide triangle, and scale. A female high IQ student actually made connections relatively
similar to the male student. She could use similar steps but she created five different ways to find the
solutions. The five ways were sinus rules, Pythagoras Theorem, tangent rules, triangular area, and scale. The
male and female students are also different in recalling information at the time-solving problems using
Pythagoras Theorem and triangular area.
The mathematical connections can be interpreted as
the connections between mathematical concepts,
principals, topics; the relation between mathematics
and other disciplines, and the link between
mathematics and real-life context problems (NCTM,
1989; Goos, Gloria, Colleen, 2007; NCTM, 2000).
The mathematical connections is the implication of
mathematics as a single unity. Thus, in order for the
students to be successful to learn mathematics, they
have to be given opportunities to see the connection,
either between mathematical concepts principles,
concepts, and branches. The mathematical
connections is one of the skilled processes in
mathematical learning. Kemendikbud (2014)
explains the importance of mathematical
connections in mathematical learning which is
included in the 2013 Curriculum.
In order to create a mathematical connection, it
needs a process of thinking. Thinking is a process
which produces mental representation through the
transformation of information to help in formulating
and solving a problem as well as taking a decision
(Ruggiero, 1984; Solso, 2001). One of the widely
used thinking theories is Information Processing
Model. According to this theory, the processing of
information in memory is including the process of
encoding, storage, and retrieval. Encoding is the
process of inserting information to the memory,
storage is the retention of information from time to
time, and retrieval is recalling information for the
memory (Santrock, 2010; Slavin, 2011). The
differences of student’s individual which is
commonly becoming the research focus on the
education discipline are intelligence and gender.
Intelligence is the skill to act with aims, solve the
problems, think rationally, adapt to the environment,
and learn from daily life (Santrock, 2010; Stemberg,
2008; Winkel, 2009). Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a
score received from an intelligence test tool which
describes the level of someone’s intelligence. A
student is said to have high IQ if he/she is on the
superior or very superior level. Meanwhile, gender is
Karim, ., Budayasa, I. and Siswono, T.
How Are High IQ Students Thinking in Making Mathematical Connections in Solving Mathematics Problem?: A Case of Gender Difference.
DOI: 10.5220/0009016200002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 48-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a trait attached to the male or female which is
influenced by the conditions of social and cultural.
The male individual has masculine traits while the
female individual has feminine traits (WHO, 2015;
Showelter, 1989) The gender difference has a high
influence on the differences in the students’ thinking
process of creating mathematical connections.
The research result (Deary, Strand, Smith, and
Femandes, 2007) stated that there is a significant
positive correlation between IQ and students’
learning achievements. (Zhu 2007)reported that
there are differences of abilities between male and
female in solving mathematical problems which are
located on the abilities of spatial, verbal, and
quantitative. Sugiman and Ruspiani (Sugiman, 2010;
Ruspiani, 2000) respectively reported their research
about the low ability of mathematical connection
among junior and senior high school students which
will imply on the low students’ ability to solve
mathematical problems and their result. The research
(Sugiman, 2010; Ruspiani, 2000) had not describe
the students’ thinking process in making the
mathematical connection. Thus, it needs further
research to get the description about students’
thinking process of creating mathematical
connections. In order for classical learning to be
successful, the individual differences also need
attention. So, this research will relate to
mathematical connections, IQ, and gender. The goal
of this research is to describe the thinking process of
high IQ male and female students in making the
mathematical connections. The type of this research
is explorative with a qualitative approach. The
subject is focused on high IQ students because they
have the potential to make a good mathematical
This research uses an explorative type of research
with the qualitative approach. The subjects of this
research are two students of 12th grade in state
senior high school 1 Banjarmasin which consists of
1 high IQ female and 1 male student. Both subjects
have relatively the same IQ level and mathematical
ability. The students’ IQ is measured by a
psychologist. Meanwhile, their mathematical ability
is measured using tests and based on their report
score. In this research, both subjects IQ are the
same, which is 123 (superior).
The instruments which are used in this research
consists of the researcher as the main instrument,
student worksheet, and interview guidance. The
analytical procedure (Miles & Huberman, 1994)
model that includes data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification. The result data of
this research will be explained according to the
Information Processing Theory. This is the
following student worksheet.
Joshua is a member of the Basketball Team of
senior high school 1 Banjarmasin. One day after
training, he stands on a school park corner while
seeing to the flag attached to the flagpole on the
school field. It was known that the distance between
his toe and eyes is 170 cm. On his standing position,
he saw the peak of the flagpole and formed on the
elevation angle of 15o. Later, he walked straight to
the flagpole for 29,5 m and saw the peak of the
flagpole with the elevation angle of 45o. Determine
the height of the flagpole!.
3.1 Thinking Process of High IQ Female
The following thinking process of high IQ
female student in making the mathematical
a. Female student (FS) received the information by
reading the mathematical problem repeatedly
(rehearsal), doing attention, trying to recognize
the mathematical concepts and principles on the
problem, and continued by processing
information through representing her idea in
form of a sketch to make it easier in
understanding the problem.
b. After she understood the problems, FS make a
plan and does it through recognizing and using
the relation between mathematical concepts and
principles, as well as using a certain calculating
operation. FS sets five solving plans and then
implements it. The five sets respectively are
sinus rules, Pythagoras Theorem, tangent rules,
triangular area, and scale.
c. FS rechecked her works by matching
information on the mathematical problems with
her answers. FS processes information through
recognizing equivalent representation from the
same concept so she concluded that the
mathematical problems can be solved through
three approaches: geometry, trigonometry, and
d. FS recalled information through recall and
recognition. The recall is happened when
How Are High IQ Students Thinking in Making Mathematical Connections in Solving Mathematics Problem?: A Case of Gender Difference
remembering, ever experienced the similar
problem but more simple and can be solved
only in one way. Meanwhile, recognition
happens when remembering mathematical
concepts and principals related to the problem-
solving. FS was able to recall mathematical
materials from elementary school, junior high
school, and high school which was she learned.
The concepts of triangular area and Pythagoras
Theorem were recognized by FS since learning
mathematics in elementary school.
3.2 Thinking Process of High IQ Male
The following thinking process of high IQ male
student in making a mathematical connections.
a. Male student (MS) received the information by
reading the mathematical problem repeatedly
(rehearsal), doing attention, trying to recognize
the mathematical concepts and principles on the
problem, and continued by processing
information through representing her idea in
form of a sketch to make it easier in
understanding the problem.
b. After he understood the problems, MS made a
plan and does it through recognizing and using
the relation between mathematical concepts and
principles, as well as using a certain calculating
operation. FS sets 6 solving plans and then
implements it. The six sets respectively are
Pythagoras Theorem (first and second way),
tangent rules, sinus rules, triangular area, and
scale. For the solving using Pythagoras Theorem,
MS did it using two distinct ways. The solving
using Pythagoras Theorem (first way), tangent
rules, sinus rules, triangular area, and scale, is the
same idea which is used by FS. However, the
second way of Pythagoras Theorem is a different
c. MS recheck his work by matching the
information on the mathematical problems using
the answer he got. MS processed the information
by recognizing the equivalent representation
from the same concept so it can be concluded
that mathematical problem can be solved using
three approached: algebra, geometry, and
d. FS recalled information through recall and
recognition. The recall is happened when
remembering, ever experienced the similar
problem but more simple and can be solved only
in two ways. Meanwhile, recognition happens
when remembering mathematical concepts and
principals related to the problem-solving. FS was
able to recall mathematical materials from junior
high school and high school which he learned.
MS was able to recall the junior high school and
senior high school materials.
MS and FS had solved mathematical problems
using various ways. It shows that they were able to
create mathematical connections using many
mathematical concepts and principles. This is
supported by Hodgson (1995) who stated that
mathematical connections as a tool to solve
mathematical problems. It means that when a
student can make more mathematical problems, it
will be easier for him/her to solve the problems and
the ways he/she solves the problems will be more
varies. This is also supported by Winkel (Suhaman,
2005) who stated that high IQ students have chances
that materials management will be deeper so it can
improve memory achievement which is very needed
when a student solves mathematical problems.
The thinking process of MS and FS as a whole is
relatively the same, either when receiving,
processing, and recalling information. This can
happen because both students have high IQ. It is in
line with Suharnan [20] who stated that there are 4
abilities which are had by high IQ students, those are
a short memory, general knowledge, reasoning and
problem solving, and adaptiveness.
Despite the relatively the same thinking process,
but there are a few differences in terms of the
numbers of solving ways and the recalled
mathematical materials when solving a problem. The
solving problems by MS are the same idea as 5
solving ways created by FS. However, when MS
used Pythagoras Theorem, MS can develop it with
first and second way. Another difference is when FS
can recall materials she learned in elementary, junior
high, and senior high school. Meanwhile, MS can
only recall the materials he learned in junior high
and senior high school. This difference can happen
because according to Jensen (2008) the factors that
can influence a certain ability between male and
female student are the development of psychologic,
physical, and brain. This is also explained by Slavin
[8] that by processing information is highly
influenced by the mind, past experiences, previous
knowledge, and motivation.
Base on result and discussion above it can be
concluded that the thinking process of high IQ male
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
and female student as a whole is relatively the same,
either when receiving, processing, and recalling
information. However, high IQ male student can
solve mathematical problems using six different
ways, while high IQ female student can solve it
using five ways only. This can happen because high
IQ male student can develop mathematical
connections on the implementation of the
Pythagoras Theorem. The male and female students
are also different in recalling information at the
time-solving problems using Pythagoras Theorem
and triangular area. The implication of this research
is on the students’ classical learning need to be
taught to recognize and use the connection between
mathematical concepts and principals with paying
attention to their thinking process. Thus, the
problems faced by the students in learning
mathematics can be known to be given help to the
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How Are High IQ Students Thinking in Making Mathematical Connections in Solving Mathematics Problem?: A Case of Gender Difference