"What needs to be done?", "How should it be done?"
"What does it do?", "Does it work?". (Stufflebeam:
Aliakbari & Ghoreyshi (2013) explains that the
model CIPP is correctly adopted as a theoretical
framework for evaluating programs that have been
or are being run to detect the strengths and
weaknesses of the learning process and providing
constructive feedback for the improvement of the
program. Tokmak, Baturay, and Fadde (2013)
explain the reason for choosing a CIPP model to
evaluate an online master program, that is because
the model is based on evaluation and redesign of the
program by defining participants' needs in terms of
context, strategy, planning, activities, interaction,
and assessment. Moreover, the CIPP model aims to
help decision makers make improvements in the
Meanwhile, Dalton (2003) explain that the CIPP
Model is helpful to the stakeholders in making a
decision. Furthermore, Babatunde (2012) adds that
the CIPP model is particularly suitable for
stakeholders to provide a basic framework for
program planning, implementation and assessment.
Karimnia and Kay (2015) also used the CIPP
model in evaluating the TEFL Program at the
undergraduate level at Azad Islamic University in
Iran to find out student's responses using
questionnaires and lecturer's responses through
semi-structured interviews on the implementation of
the TEFL program.
This paper examines how the development of
Curriculum of Japanese Department is done by the
university, what contents need to be strengthened
and become the leading curriculum of Japanese
Department in the future as well as tracer study
result to its graduates and user about competence of
graduates. The result will be an important input for
stakeholders as well as institutions in this case the
Japanese Department to develop a dynamic
curriculum that suits the needs of the field.
This research used descriptive analysis method with
the instrument of research in the form of
documentation studies and interview with the Head
of Japanesse Department and the Dean of Faculty of
Letters of Universitas Komputer Indonesia.
Evaluation of CIPP model is used in this research
to evaluate the context of vision, mission, objectives
and objectives of Japanese Department, input in the
current curriculum as well as the competence of the
expected graduates, and products in the form of
tracer study results to graduates and users about
competence of graduates.
Based on interview and documentation study on
Vision, Mission and Objectives of Japanese
Department of Unikom obtained information that: 1)
The Vision of the Japanese Department is to become
a Japanese Department based on information
technology, globally, and become the pre-eminent
center of Japanese linguistics and literature that
supports national development with the interests of
society, nation, and country; 2) The mission of the
Japanese Department is to organize higher education
in Japanese linguistics and literature towards the
establishment of a society with a conducive
education system, the use of qualified human
resources with a consistent quality control based on
the principle of quality is our tradition. This mission
represents the spirit of how the Japanese Department
is in an effort to provide education, oriented to the
full human development in order to achieve civil
society and in its achievement created a system and
atmosphere of a conducive education. Utilization of
human resources can be manifested not only through
the activities of formal education, but also through
various partnership and community service.
Therefore, the development of partnership network
becomes one of the priorities for the Japanese
Department so that its existence becomes more
meaningful interconnectively in the national and
international association. Thus, the Japanese
Department should be an institution of higher
education that can strengthen awareness of will
(creative-adaptive), awareness of sensibility, and
intellectual awareness as a social capital. Therefore,
the alumni of the Japanese Department is required to
have a strong personality, put forward the quality of
a work, and commitment in development in
accordance with the discipline of science,
intellectuality in the form of awareness, sensitivity,
wisdom, and problem-solving skills challenged by
society, Adaptive to global environmental dynamics;
3) The objectives of the Japanese Department is in
line with the goal of university is to produce good
quality human resources that master the science and
skills in the field of Japanese linguistics and
literature, forward thinking, adept using information
technology, and responsive to the development and
changes that occur in the community, able to