This study used descriptive qualitative method.
Instruments used to collect data are questionnaires,
interviews and literature studies. The location of this
research is Surakarta, Central Java Province.
Triangulation used is triangulation method. The
sample of this research is 15 teachers of civic
education in vocational high school.
In 2005 the Indonesian government passed the law
number 14 of 2005 about teachers and lecturers.
Based on the provision, the teachers have the
position of professionals at the level of basic
education, secondary education and early childhood
education in Indonesian formal education. The law
requires teachers must meet the following
qualifications: academics which gained through
higher education or undergraduate diploma program,
competence, educator certification given to teachers
who have fulfilled the requirements, physical and
mental health that are physical and mental health
conditions that enable teachers can perform the task
well and have the ability to realize the goals of
national education. Meanwhile, competence is a set
of knowledge, skills and behaviour that must be
owned, experienced, and mastered by teachers or
lecturers in performing professional duties. So the
competence of teachers can be interpreted as whole
of knowledge, skills and attitudes tangible acts of
intelligence and full of responsibility in carrying out
the task as an agent of learning.
The Law number 14 of 2005 about teachers and
lecturers mandates that a teacher's competence
includes pedagogical competence, personality
competence, social competence and professional
competence gained through professional education.
Furthermore, the regulation explains that pedagogic
competence is the ability to manage the learning of
learners, personality competence is the ability of a
stable personality, noble character, wise and
authoritative as well as a role model of learners;
professional competence is the ability of mastery of
subject matter widely and deeply. The following is a
manifestation of pedagogic competence:
understanding of insight or educational foundation,
understanding of participants, curriculum
development/syllabus, instructional design,
educational and dialogical learning implementation,
use of learning technology, evaluation of learning
outcomes, learner development to actualize various
Article 20 of the law No. 14 of 2005 about
teachers and lecturers describes that in carrying out
their professional duties teachers have the following
obligations: prepare instructional learning,
performing quality learning process and assessing
then evaluating learning outcomes. While Article 35
of the law No. 14 of 2005 about teachers and
lecturers states that the teacher's workload includes
basic activities including prepare instructional
design, learning, assessing learning outcomes,
guiding and training students and performing
additional tasks. Thus, it appears that instructional
design is one of the mandatory workload.
Planning is a satisfying way to make activities work
well accompanied by various anticipatory steps to
minimize the gap that occurs so that the activities
achieve the stated goals (Uno, 2016). Instructional
design is needed so that learning improvements can
be achieved. Improvement of learning needs to be
done because: to improve the quality of learning
needs to start with prepare learning that is realized
by the existence of instructional designs; to design a
learning needs to use a system approach;
instructional design refers to how one learns, to
design learning by instructional design mean
referred to individually as students; learning will
lead to the achievement of learning goals and the
ultimate goal of learning design is the easy way for
students to learn.
The teacher has the responsibility to develop a
complete and systematic instructional design so the
learning takes place in an interactive, inspirational,
fun, challenging and motivating students to actively
participate and provide sufficient space for initiative,
creativity and independence in accordance with
talents, interests and physical and psychological
development of learners.
The principles that need to be considered in the
preparation of instructional design are the following:
pay attention to individual differences in students,
encourage active participation of students, develop a
culture of reading-writing, provide feedback and
follow-up, linkages and integration and apply
information and communication technology.
Based on educational and culture ministerial
regulations number 22 of 2016 about the standard of
elementary and secondary education processes state
components of instructional design are: school
identity, subject identity or theme/subtheme,
class/semester, subject matter, time allocation,
learning objectives, basic competencies and
indicators of achievement of competencies, learning