is thin between 10-14 percent (RISKESDAS: 2013).
The data is supported by secondary data on the
profile of the Klampis Ngasem Health Center in
2016, that there were 529 infants with less nutrition
than 1370 children under five.
One effort that needs to be done to overcome this
problem is nutrition and health education with a
media. Nutrition education should be given to
mothers of children under five because the
knowledge of mothers greatly influences the
nutritional conditions and development of children
under five who are included in the nutrition-prone
group. Nutrition education is done to change
behavior. Mother's knowledge about nutrition will
help make balanced nutritious foods that are varied
and interesting for toddlers. Great attention in this
case aims to improve the quality of human resources
from an early age.
Efforts to improve maternal nutrition knowledge
that have been carried out in Indonesia, one of which
is counseling every month at the Posyandu. The
implementation of counseling is often not as
expected because it still conducts conventional
counseling through lectures. Other efforts need to be
done to increase maternal interest in receiving
nutritional materials by providing educational
media, one of which is with MOZILA
(Extraordinary Nutrition Monopoly) media that can
be applied to Posyandu in the working area of
Klampis Ngasem Surabaya Health Center. The
concept of MOZILA brought by the author is an
innovation in nutritional education media designed
like a monopoly game with a series of activities
including MOZILA On Training, MOZILA Cooking
Class, MOZILA On The Spot, and Cheap Market
1.1 Formulation Problem
a. How is the educational media mechanism with
b. How to empower cadres as facilitators on
c. How MOZILA can help realize Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)?
1.2 Objective
a. Increase the interest of mothers of toddlers to
receive nutritional information through the
MOZILA media.
b. Make it easier for mothers to understand the
nutritional information obtained from MOZILA.
c. Prevent the occurrence of malnutrition in
children under five as an effort to realize the
Sustainable Development Goals.
2.1 Nutrition
According to the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of
Health 2014 balanced nutrition is a daily food
composition that contains nutrients in the type and
amount that suits the needs of the body, by
observing the principle of food diversity, physical
activity, hygienic behavior and maintaining normal
weight to prevent nutritional problems.
Nutrients are chemicals found in food ingredients
that the body needs to get energy, build and maintain
networks and to run the life cycle. Nutrients by
function are divided into 3 groups, namely
regulating substances, building agents, and energy
substances, all of which must be balanced to meet
the needs in the body.
2.2 Nutritional Status
Nutritional status is a reflection of the size of the
fulfillment of nutritional needs (Sandjaja, 2009).
Nutritional status can be partly measured by
anthropometry (measurement of certain parts of the
body) or clinical biochemistry. Nutritional status is
usually in good or sufficient category, but due to an
imbalanced consumption pattern, poor nutrition and
over nutrition status arise.
2.3 Sustainable Development Goals
2030 (SDGs)
The SDGs are a continuation of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) agreed upon by UN
member states in 2000 and ended at the end of 2015.
But both have fundamental differences, both in
terms of substance and process of preparation.
MDGs agreed upon more than 15 years ago only
contained 8 Goals, 21 Goals, and 60 Indicators. The
goal is only aimed at halving each of the
development problems contained in the goals and
SDGs accommodate development problems in a
more comprehensive manner, both qualitative (by
accommodating development issues that do not exist
in the MDGs) and quantitative targets for a complete