From some facts above shows that there are
several factors that cause misconception. According
to Suparno (2005), in general, the cause of
misconceptions there are five groups of students,
teachers, textbooks, context and way of teaching.
There has been much research on
misconceptions, one of which is done by Rahayu
(2015). He studied misconceptions of students of
SMAN 2 Kabupaten Tangerang and obtained the
result that the percentage of students who
experienced misconceptions of 44.25% of the 40
students studied. The misconception or
misconception of two-dimensional motion study
materials (parabolic motion and circular motion) is
present in indicators analyzing position vectors,
speed and acceleration of parabolic motion, and
indicators formulating the relationship of position,
velocity, and acceleration of parabolic motion. This
misconception does not only occur in SMAN 2
Tangerang students but also experienced by high
school students in general, and even can happen to
In physics, there is a branch of science that
studies the motion of objects called mechanics. The
branch of mechanics is divided into two namely
Kinematics and Dynamics. Kinematics is always
taught before it is taught Dynamics, Heat,
Thermodynamics, Sound, Vibration and Waves,
Electrics-Magnetism, Optics and Modern Physics or
Quantum Physics, so kinematics becomes very
important in physics learning before entering other
branches of science from Physics. Therefore,
selected kinematics material as the material of this
research. Given that there are still misconceptions in
physics, especially in the branches of kinematics,
further research is needed on the types of
misconceptions that occur to students in school and
2.1 Conceptual, Conception,
Preconception, and Misconception
Theory of Tayubi (2005) stated, "concepts are
things, events, situations, or traits that have
distinctive features and are represented in every
culture by an object or symbol". According to the
Great Indonesian Dictionary, the concept is a mental
picture of objects, processes or anything that is
outside the language, which is used by reason to
understand other things. By having a human concept
will be easy in communicating with others.
Yuliana, Karyanto, and Marjono (2013) stated,
"conception is a student's interpretation of a certain
concept of science". Interpretations between
individuals and other individuals will be different,
this is due to the difference in capturing information
at the time of the study. Conception is the
interpretation of a student to a concept he obtained
after obtaining information or studying a particular
science in the formal class.
Suparno (2005) described the learner before the
formal class has a preconception or concept of the
concept. Preconception is an early concept that
students have about a science. Preconception owned
by learners often contains misconceptions. Pujianto,
Nurjannah, and Darmadi (2014) explained that if the
preconceptions of the students do not match the
knowledge given by the expert or scientist, then the
student will experience misconception. The
misconceptions can come from parents, friends and
the environment. The preconceptions that students
have of the physics concepts that students learn
themselves through their experiences in everyday
life have a big role in shaping scientific concepts.
The preconceptions of learners show that their
thinking continues to be active in understanding
something. If the misconceptions of misconceptions
are not immediately corrected, they can disrupt the
formation of scientific concepts.
The misconception is a conception contrary to
the conception of physicists (Berg et al., 1990).
From that understanding, misconception can be
interpreted as a conception that is not in accordance
with the scientific understanding or understanding
received by scientists.
Kurniawan and Suhandi (2015) stated
misconception is a failure in connecting or
explaining the events that exist around with the
concept possessed. According to Muliyani and
Kaniawati (2015), misconceptions can be seen in
concepts that do not fit with scientific concepts.
Misconceptions due to errors of information that
cause errors in the understanding of concepts and
thoughts. Vakani et al. (2012) revealed that
misconceptions tend to be possessed by students.
Suhendi et al. (2014) described the term
misconception associated with a different conception
of students with generally accepted scientific
concepts. Misconceptions are defined as strongly
held conceptions and are stable cognitive structures
but not the same as the conceptions of scholars or
scientific concepts. Based on the understanding that
has been described by the researchers can be
concluded that misconception is a mistake in
understanding the concept of learning materials that