Predict Student Score using Text Mining in English for Librarian
Febrianti Widyahastuti
and Viany Utami Tjhin
School of Information Technology, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia
Department of Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Text Mining, Prediction, Discussion Forum, Classification, Information Retrieval, Learning Analytics,
Learning Management System (LMS)
Abstract: As we know that most information contain text document, studying such issue are promising research areas
because many documents need deep learning to discovery new phenomena. This paper aims to identify and
discover new knowledge through analysis of text extraction in online discussion forum that capable to predict
students’ performance by applying text mining from an undergraduate English for Librarians course for one
semester in Open University, Indonesia. The result of prediction model in this research can be integrated with
the current conventional evaluation process. Additionally, prediction approach can give the best practice that
the evaluation method can be predicted using text mining in online discussion forum. In this research, there
are two approaches used to predict students’ performance: first, incorporating learning material documents
and each students’ response every week. In this case, algorithm using TF-IDF approach is used to leverage
the information from students’ response and learning materials about how often words occur in both
documents. Second, classifying terms into three categories: students’ answer text related to learning material,
English meaningful text related to learning material and Indonesian meaningful text related to learning
material. The correlation result shows that English meaningful text related to learning material have strong
relationship with students’ performance.
Learning analytics can provide powerful analytical
tools from varied sources such as audit logs of
students’ activities and discussion log interactions in
Learning Management System (LMS). The idea has
motivated us to focus on useful informational text on
online discussion forum logs to find meaningful
knowledge using text mining and understanding of
students learning progress and behaviour in the
learning environment.
The use of text mining in document management
become the most promising trends in improving the
accuracy and speed of document analysis. As a part
of the artificial intelligent form, text mining
establishes mapping process of the artificial
intelligent at various levels of implementation.
The fact that majority of web data are constructed
in unstructured text format that is not automatic and
need processes to be understood (Li & Wu 2010); and
the intention of many researchers who try to get
useful information as well as meaningful knowledge
from tremendous amounts of text on online
discussion make it necessary to develop innovation of
prediction model based on text document on online
discussion forum. The result of such kind of research
will help the process of acceleration of educational
assessment and improving the quality of learning.
The focus of this study was on the prediction of
students’ performance based on students’ response on
online discussion forum dataset. The experiment was
conducted by involving 69 students enrolled in
English for Librarian course. Additionally, the texts
used as the basis of analysis were the mixture of
Indonesian and English text.
This study aimed to find texts with the highest
frequency and whether those texts are related to
learning materials. To address such purpose, the data
collection and analysis was done by utilizing TF-IDF
(Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency)
Widyahastuti, F. and Tjhin, V.
Predict Student Score using Text Mining in English for Librarian Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0009016900002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 83-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved