of the new santriwati in Pondok Pesantren Darul
Hijrah, the p.value showed at 0, 035. The p.value
here is less than α value (0,05), which means in
statistically there is connection between vulva
hygiene behavior and vaginal discharge to the new
santriwati of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah.
Table 2: Respondent Distribution based on Correlation of Vulva Hygiene Behavior with Vaginal Discharge.
Behavior Vaginal Discharge F % P
Normal Uncommon
n % n %
Positive 65 90,3% 7 9,7% 2 100% 0,035
Negative 7 63,6% 4 36,4% 11 100%
As known as to new santriwati who experienced
normal vaginal discharge of 86.7% while the
proportion of respondents who experienced
abnormal vaginal discharge was 13.3%, which
means that most respondents experienced normal
vaginal discharge until this study was carried out.
Vaginal discharge is a natural cycle in every woman,
and all women absolutely will experience this.
Normally white vaginal discharge is slightly whitish,
odorless, and does not cause itching, and most new
female students experience vaginal discharge in this
The Importance of caring reproduction organ
from early age need to be done, whether it is the
cleanliness of the reproduction organ itself, the
moisturize, diet pattern, stress management, tired
state, lack of sleep, the tightness of the clothing
when using it, and also the water’s purity degree
when using it. Mostly the factor of vaginal discharge
occurs is the use of public toilet, the culture of
washing up after defaecating or urinating will trigger
the spreading of infectious diseases if the water
which used in public toilet has been contaminated by
other public toilet user. According to Pribakti
(2011), vaginal discharge rarely happen because of
the infection caused by germs, bacteria, fungus, or
mixed infections.
Meanwhile, the uncommon case of vaginal
discharge can be seen by the leaking of yellowish-
white or grayish-white vaginal liquid (either it is
thick liquid or watery). The liquid sure smells bad
and can cause the uncontrollable itchy symptom.
Several of the new santriwati experience the case
that already stated above. This kind of occurrence
cannot be ignored, the further examination and
treatment need to be conducted even the statement
of Yosephine (2016) explaining about the
occurrence of vaginal discharge itself is to clean the
womb and vagina from dead cells and bacteria.
The new santriwati experiencing drastically
psychological occurrence, far from family, and
facing a lot of activities which need to be done by
herself. In santriwati’s puberty period, they can
experience that could be triggering vaginal
discharge. According to Republika (2013), the
triggers of vaginal discharge are puberty,
menstruation, the increase of the daily activity, and
According to Notoatmodjo (2012), the
knowledge is the result of experiencing, and this is
happen after someone sensing toward some object.
Sensing are done by using five human sense,
sighting, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.
The research result which conducted to the new
santriwati of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah were
taken from the answer of 10 questions about vaginal
discharge and vulva hygiene shows that 57,8% of
total respondent having good knowledge, 42,2% of
total respondent having enough knowledge and none
(0%) of respondent having lack of knowledge. From
this result shows most of respondent having good
knowledge which can be seen the answer from the
question of definition of : vaginal discharge, the
moment to wash the vagina and also about how
many times to change the sanitary napkin. The
respondent seems lack to understand about vaginal
discharge, type of vaginal discharge and how many
times a day to change the pants.
The santriwati having lack of knowledge about
vulva hygiene is one of factor that triggering the
vaginal discharge. Another trigger of vaginal
discharge occurs are environment and stress. Stress
also can be occurs just because of the environment,
for example the condition in and around of toilet
which look dirty, the floor covered by dirty plague,
and meanwhile the water to wash up is dirty since
the source of water is from raindrop or not from
flowing water.
The source of information that the new santriwati
get are from pondok’s caretakers, from their