The Correlation of Knowledge and Behaviour of Vulva Hygiene with
Vaginal Discharge to New Santriwati at Ponpes Darrul Hijrah
Nurul Indah Qoriaty, Asrinawaty
Public Health Faculty of UNISKA
Keywords: Vaginal Discharge, Knowledge, and Behaviour.
Abstract: The teenagers’ problems of reproduction organ need to have a serious attention. 33% from the total
amount of diseases suffered by women in the whole world is vaginal discharge. In Indonesia, 75% women
already experience vaginal discharge at least one time in their life and half among them experienced that
occurrence twice or more. Vaginal discharge can be detected by the occurrence of leaking liquid from
reproductive organ which caused by infection of germs, bacteria, or fungi. The vaginal discharge will get
worse because women do not aware how to clean their vagina. Good Knowledge and good treatment are
the main factor in maintain the health of reproduction organ. The aim of this study is to know the
correlation between knowledge and behaviour vulva hygiene with vaginal discharge of new santriwati
Ponpes Darul Hijrah Banjarbaru. The type of research used analytic survey with sectional cross design.
The population of this research is all of the population new santriwati Ponpes Darul Hijrah Banjarbaru
with sampling 83 people. The data analyse used chi square test. The result showed new santriwati had
normal vaginal discharge is 86,7% and uncommon vaginal discharge is 13,3%. There is connection
(0.035) between vulva hygiene behaviour with vaginal discharge and there is no connection in knowledge
(0,514) with vaginal discharge.
The health of teenager reproduction is a health
condition related to the system reproduction
(function, component and process) in physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual. The teenagers’
problems of reproduction organ need a serious
attention, because the problem often arises in
developing countries including Indonesia.
According to World Health Organization (WHO,
2010) women’s bad reproductive health problems
has reached 33% from the total number of diseases
suffered by woman in the world, and one of them is
vaginal discharge (Panda, 2013).
The research data about women’s reproductive
health shows 75% women in the world at least suffer
vaginal discharge once in their life and 45% of them
can experience vaginal discharge twice or more
(Pribakti, 2014). Vaginal discharge occurrences at
Europe happen once at 25% of total female, where
40-50% experience recurrence.
In Indonesia, 75% women have experience
vaginal discharge at least one in their life and half of
them have experience vaginal discharge twice or
more. In normal condition vagina produce a clear
liquid, odourless, colourless, and the amount is not
excessive. The function of this liquid as a natural
protection system, reduce friction in uterine wall
when walking and having sex(Pribakti, 2014).
Vaginal discharge is a symptom of a disease
which marked by leaking liquid from the
reproductive organ and it is not blood. Vaginal
discharge can happen because infection of germs,
bacteria, or fungi(Pribakti,2014). Vaginal discharge
is mostly caused by bacteria kandidosis
vulvovagenitis because many women do not know
how to clean their vagina, other causes is vaginitis
bacterial and trichomonas vaginalis. Especially in
Indonesia, the data about the women who had
experience of vaginal discharge is hard to find, this
is understandable because there were just a few
women who check their reproductive problems
(Health Department, 2010).
Reproductive organ is a very sensitive organ and
requires special care. Good knowledge and good
treatment are the main factor to maintain
reproductive health, one of them is genital
organs(Ratna, 2010). The habit of maintaining
cleanliness, including cleanliness of sexual organs or
reproductive is the beginning to keep health, one of
them is prevent women genital problem which is
vaginal discharge( Pribakti, 2011).
Qoriaty, N. and , A.
The Correlation of Knowledge and Behaviour of Vulva Hygiene with Vaginal Discharge to New Santriwati at Ponpes Darrul Hijrah Banjarbaru.
DOI: 10.5220/0009017200002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 102-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Sari’s research(2012) in SMAN 1 Seunuddon
North Aceh regency in 2012. There are 72
respondent, 38 respondent (97,4%) have less
knowledgeable about viginal discharge. Mediarti
dkk(2016) in SMPN 30 Bandung stated that from 80
respondents, 11,25% of them have less
knowledgeable about vulva hygiene. Health
Department of RI (2010) said need to provide good
information to women to improve their knowledge
and awareness of how important to maintain
cleanliness especially reproductive organs to avoid
genital health problems such as virginal discharge
(flour albus) because it is often happening in
Indonesia, but most of women do not care about it.
The role of the parents -especially mothers- are
expected during growth of teenage girl, including in
terms of the guidance about cleanliness of
reproductive hygiene. Pondok Pesantren Darul
Hijrah is a bilingual boarding school which receives
most of Santriwati from all around South
Kalimantan. The process of boarding school make
them rarely to meet their parents and share
information related to sensitive things, so the
researcher is interested to examine the level of
knowledge and behavior to vaginal discharge,
especially to new the santriwati who is graduated
from elementary school.
Based from the background, the researcher
interested to conduct research entitled “Is There Any
Connection Between Knowledge And Behavior Of
Vulva Hygiene With Virginal Discharge To New
Santriwati Of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah
This kind of research is non-experimental
(observation) with cross sectional design, done to all
over new santriwati of Pondok Pesantren Darul
Hijrah (83 people). Data collections were
questionnaire and measurement.
Sample in this research is the total of 500
santriwati population, it is count with the formula: n
= N / (1+ N (d)2. Bivariate analysis use chi square
test with a level of trust 95%.
The characteristic of respondents in this research are
knowledge, behavior of vulva hygiene and vaginal
discharge. The result of this research shows the
characteristic of respondents which is 86,7% who
experienced normal vaginal discharge and 13,3%
who experienced uncommon vaginal discharge. The
characteristic of respondent based their knowledge
about vaginal discharge and vulva hygiene,
respondents with good knowledge is 57,8%, and
respondents with average knowledge 42,2%. The
characteristic respondents based behavior of vulva
hygiene is 86,7% the positive ones and 13,3% is the
negative one.
3.1 The Correlation between New
Santriwati’s Knowledge and
Vaginal Discharge
This table shows the proportion of respondents
which has good knowledge and normal vaginal
discharge which amount 89,6% from total
respondent, the proportion who has average
knowledge and normal vaginal discharge is 82,9%.
Based on the statistic test related to knowledge with
vaginal discharge to new santriwati in Pondok
Pesantren Darul Hijrah on p.value = 0, 514. The
p.value here is bigger than α (0,05), which means in
statistically there is connection between knowledge
and vaginal discharge to the new santriwati of
Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah.
Table 1: Respondent Distribution based on Correlation of the New Santriwati with Vaginal Discharge Occurrence.
Knowledge Vaginal Discharge F % P
Normal Uncommon
n % n %
Good 43 89,6% 5 10,4% 48 100% 0,514
Enough 29 82,9% 6 17,1% 35 100%
3.2 Correlation between Vulva Hygiene
Behavior and Vaginal Discharge
This table show the proportion of respondents which
has positive vulva hygiene behavior and normal
vaginal discharge which amount 90,3% from total
respondent, the proportion who has negative vulva
hygiene behavior and uncommon vaginal discharge
is 36,4%. Based on the statistic test related to vulva
hygiene behavior and vaginal discharge occurrence
The Correlation of Knowledge and Behaviour of Vulva Hygiene with Vaginal Discharge to New Santriwati at Ponpes Darrul Hijrah
of the new santriwati in Pondok Pesantren Darul
Hijrah, the p.value showed at 0, 035. The p.value
here is less than α value (0,05), which means in
statistically there is connection between vulva
hygiene behavior and vaginal discharge to the new
santriwati of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah.
Table 2: Respondent Distribution based on Correlation of Vulva Hygiene Behavior with Vaginal Discharge.
Behavior Vaginal Discharge F % P
Normal Uncommon
n % n %
Positive 65 90,3% 7 9,7% 2 100% 0,035
Negative 7 63,6% 4 36,4% 11 100%
As known as to new santriwati who experienced
normal vaginal discharge of 86.7% while the
proportion of respondents who experienced
abnormal vaginal discharge was 13.3%, which
means that most respondents experienced normal
vaginal discharge until this study was carried out.
Vaginal discharge is a natural cycle in every woman,
and all women absolutely will experience this.
Normally white vaginal discharge is slightly whitish,
odorless, and does not cause itching, and most new
female students experience vaginal discharge in this
The Importance of caring reproduction organ
from early age need to be done, whether it is the
cleanliness of the reproduction organ itself, the
moisturize, diet pattern, stress management, tired
state, lack of sleep, the tightness of the clothing
when using it, and also the water’s purity degree
when using it. Mostly the factor of vaginal discharge
occurs is the use of public toilet, the culture of
washing up after defaecating or urinating will trigger
the spreading of infectious diseases if the water
which used in public toilet has been contaminated by
other public toilet user. According to Pribakti
(2011), vaginal discharge rarely happen because of
the infection caused by germs, bacteria, fungus, or
mixed infections.
Meanwhile, the uncommon case of vaginal
discharge can be seen by the leaking of yellowish-
white or grayish-white vaginal liquid (either it is
thick liquid or watery). The liquid sure smells bad
and can cause the uncontrollable itchy symptom.
Several of the new santriwati experience the case
that already stated above. This kind of occurrence
cannot be ignored, the further examination and
treatment need to be conducted even the statement
of Yosephine (2016) explaining about the
occurrence of vaginal discharge itself is to clean the
womb and vagina from dead cells and bacteria.
The new santriwati experiencing drastically
psychological occurrence, far from family, and
facing a lot of activities which need to be done by
herself. In santriwati’s puberty period, they can
experience that could be triggering vaginal
discharge. According to Republika (2013), the
triggers of vaginal discharge are puberty,
menstruation, the increase of the daily activity, and
According to Notoatmodjo (2012), the
knowledge is the result of experiencing, and this is
happen after someone sensing toward some object.
Sensing are done by using five human sense,
sighting, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.
The research result which conducted to the new
santriwati of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah were
taken from the answer of 10 questions about vaginal
discharge and vulva hygiene shows that 57,8% of
total respondent having good knowledge, 42,2% of
total respondent having enough knowledge and none
(0%) of respondent having lack of knowledge. From
this result shows most of respondent having good
knowledge which can be seen the answer from the
question of definition of : vaginal discharge, the
moment to wash the vagina and also about how
many times to change the sanitary napkin. The
respondent seems lack to understand about vaginal
discharge, type of vaginal discharge and how many
times a day to change the pants.
The santriwati having lack of knowledge about
vulva hygiene is one of factor that triggering the
vaginal discharge. Another trigger of vaginal
discharge occurs are environment and stress. Stress
also can be occurs just because of the environment,
for example the condition in and around of toilet
which look dirty, the floor covered by dirty plague,
and meanwhile the water to wash up is dirty since
the source of water is from raindrop or not from
flowing water.
The source of information that the new santriwati
get are from pondok’s caretakers, from their
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
seniors’ experiences (their senior got their
experiences from the health awareness-raising event
by medical officers which conducted at pondok),
and from their parents before the satriwati become
the students of Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah. The
number respondent which having good knowledge
and having normal vaginal discharge is 89,6% from
the total responden, the number respondent which
having enough knowledge and having normal
vaginal discharge is 82,6%. According to the
statistical test of relationship between the degree of
vaginal discharge knowledge and having vaginal
discharge at Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah Putri
2017 the p value was showing at 0,514 -which is
bigger than α (0,05)-, which means that statistically
proven that there is no relation between good
knowledge of vaginal discharge and the occurrence
of having vaginal discharge at Pondok Pesantren
Darul Hijrah Putri 2017.
This research result is having same result with
the research that conducted to teenage girls by
Safrina (2010). Vaginal discharge can be happened
to teenagers which having bad knowledge to take
care the sanity of vulva hygiene. Lack of knowledge
also can be caused by the lack of information intake
to make the brain understood that taking care vulva
hygiene could decrease the possibilities having
vaginal discharge.
The research result related to the good
knowledge of vulva hygiene showing 86,7% from
total respondent and the enough knowledge of vulva
hygiene is 13,3%. This can be reflected at
respondents’ statement which claimed that: always
wash the genital from the front (vagina) to the rear
(anus), shaving the pubes around the vagina, and
washes their hands before touching the vagina.
Several of the respondents stated that they did not
change their underwear twice a day or change it
when it the underwear started to become moist.
Knowledge is an important thing to shape
someone’s behavior (Notoadmojo, 2010). The result
of this research shows that proper knowledge will
build and shape the good behavior and good
understanding in the santriwati’s minds. The good
understanding about the knowledge will lead into a
good behavior.
The respondent which having positive vulva
hygiene behavior and having normal vaginal
discharge is 90,3% from total respondent, the
respondent which having negative vulva hygiene
behavior and having normal vaginal discharge is
63.6% from total respondent. According to the
statistical relation test between the behavior of vulva
hygiene and vaginal discharge occurrence at Pondok
Pesantren Darul Hijrah Putri 2017, the p value of
this research was 0,035 –which is smaller than α
value(0,05)– which means that statistically there is
no meaningful relation between vulva hygiene
behavior and vaginal discharge occurrence of new
santriwati Pondok Pesantren Darul Hijrah 2017. This
research result having similarity with the research
which conducted by Annisa(2016) about the
knowledge, behavior and personal hygiene medical
awareness of female teenagers around 13-17 years
old at Pondok Cabe Ilir. With the (n.74), the result
shows 59,5% respondent having bad behavior and
having uncommon vaginal discharge, meanwhile
51,8% respondent having good behavior and having
uncommon vaginal discharge. So, between 2
variables (behavior and having uncommon vaginal
discharge), there is no meaningful relation.
The similarity of Annisa’s research result and
this research result can be caused by several factors,
such as the use of vaginal antiseptic, the use of tight
pants, and also the lack of effort to take care female
genitalia from the moist. Behavior also could be
affected by several factors, mainly because of
knowledge and attitude. Demographical factor (such
as financial status) and supportive factors (facility,
infrastructure, environment and friends) also be a
part of this similarity.
5.1 Conclusions
Most of new santriwati having normal vaginal
discharge (86,7% of total respondent), having
good knowledge (57,8% of total respondent)
and positive behavior (86,7% of total
There is no relation between having knowledge
and vaginal discharge occurrences (p. value
about this matter in this research is 0.514)
There is no relation between behavior and
vaginal discharge occurrences (p. value about
this matter in this research is 0.35)
5.2 Suggestions
Santriwati must take care of their reproduction
organ and take seriously about vaginal
discharge matter.
The parents of santriwati ought to give personal
guidance about menstruation, healthy life
The Correlation of Knowledge and Behaviour of Vulva Hygiene with Vaginal Discharge to New Santriwati at Ponpes Darrul Hijrah
pattern and the sanitation of reproduction organ
before the santriwati face the dormitory life.
Pondok can be a place of medical awareness
raising and spreading the information about
vaginal discharge.
here is a need to conduct further research about
another factor which related with vaginal
discharge and need to conduct further action
with more samples.
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