Feasibility Study of Smash Book based Guided Inquiry as Chemistry
Learning Media on Buffer Solution Material
Herlina Apriani, Fitria Rizkiana
Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin
Adhyaksa Street No.2, Banjarmasin, South Borneo, Indonesia
Keywords: buffer solution, learning media, guided inquiry, smash book
Abstract: Less interesting and less engaging in chemistry learning media makes chemistry learning boring and
difficult. Smash book based guided inquiry on buffer solution material is an innovative development of
chemistry learning media that facilitates students to studies in an interesting, active and creative way. The
aim of this development research is to test the feasibility of smash book based guided inquiry media as
chemistry learning media on buffer solutions material. This research uses R & D research design.
Instrument in this research is questionnaire of feasibility smash book media on buffer material from
validators and students. The data was analyzed using descriptive technique. The result of research and
development shows that the smash book based guided inquiry is feasible to be used as chemistry learning
media on buffer solutions material.
Education is a conscious effort that aims to develop
the quality of human beings as an effort to realize
the common welfare and the life of the Indonesian
nation. Implementation of education is in a
continuous process in each type and level of
education as well as related in an integral or
integrated education system. One way to implement
the goals of education is through learning.
Learning is basically an effort to help learners do
learning activities. Learning process is also a process
of communication between the sender of the
message to the recipient of the message. The process
of delivering such messages can be made easier by
using certain media called learning media.
Learning media is anything that can facilitate
teachers to teach and facilitate students learn
learning materials. In the process of learning,
learning media is a container and channel message
from the source message, the teacher to the recipient
of the message in this case students (Mahnun, 2012).
One of the main functions of learning media is as a
teaching tool that also influences climate, condition,
and learning environment arranged and created by
teacher. Selection and use of learning media must be
tailored to the purpose and characteristics of the
media itself. In addition, the selection of media must
also consider the conditions and facilities of the
fulfillment of the media. The role of instructional
media is not only as a tool to convey teacher
messages to students. Moreover, the learning media
is expected to attract participants to learn more about
the content of the material presented by the teacher.
Media learning continues to grow more creative
and innovative. The development of learning media
aims to create an effective and efficient learning
media innovation in helping students learn the
material. Learning media developed should pay
attention to the purpose of learning, the needs of
students and trends. Because, if the learning media
developed does not pay attention to these three
aspects, then the learning outcomes will not be
Another important thing to consider in
developing instructional media is the educational
paradigm. The educational paradigm that is being
implemented in Indonesia is contructivism.
According to Pali, contructivism is an educational
paradigm that considers teaching is not the activity
of transferring knowledge from teacher to student,
but for the creation of an atmosphere that allows
students to build their own knowledge. Teaching
means active participation of teachers and students
in building knowledge, making meaning, seeking
Apriani, H. and Rizkiana, F.
Feasibility Study of Smash Book based Guided Inquiry as Chemistry Learning Media on Buffer Solution Material.
DOI: 10.5220/0009017300002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 107-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
clarity, being critical and justifying (Iskandar 2011:
Learning media that have been developed by
researchers in the form of a smash book based
guided inquiry on the material buffer solution.
Smash book is becoming a growing trend among
teenagers. Wilson defines a smash book as a journal
book that is decorated and has a specific theme,
containing writing and some images or decorations
that are intentionally affixed using glue (Wulandari,
2015). Smash book is a medium to write or draw a
similar diary but has a more creative and interesting
appearance. Basically, a smash book is a personal
journal book that someone has to store memories,
moments, and musings. Because the display of
smash book is unique and interesting, it allows
smash book is used as a learning media that is
expected to optimize learning outcomes.
Today the term inquiry becomes important,
because inkuiri is the main strategy in learning
science (Iskandar, 2011: 17). Wenning (2006) in
Aprilia (2015) states that inquiry learning strategy is
a series of learning activities that train students to
learn to seek knowledge or information, or learn a
symptom. According to Gormally et al (2011) in
Pratiwi et al (2015) the type of inquiry that is
suitable for high school level is guided inquiry, since
guided inquiry provides more direction for students
who are not ready to solve problems with open
inquiry because of lack of experience and
knowledge or has not reached the level of cognitive
development. The use of guided inquiry is also
intended to facilitate the management of time and
class, as well as to reduce misconceptions that may
occur during learning (Cheung, 2007). Here are the
advantages of guided inquiry learning: cultivating
students 'curiosity, open-minded students, increasing
students' self-confidence, being aware of science,
liking and upholding the values of science, skilled in
using logic, critical thinking, integrating skills of
science processes, using mathematical operations,
communicating (Iskandar, 2011: 44), and solving
problems (Fitriyani et al, 2017).
Buffer solution is one of the materials on the
chemistry subjects studied by high school students.
The material often has a low learning mastery. The
material has the prerequisite materials of acid-base
and stoichiometric solutions. The buffer material
material has conceptual and mathematical
characteristics. The concept of buffer solution
related to macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic
aspects requires a medium that can solve the
problem of chemical representation in the learning
activities of buffer solution (Gustiani, 2013). In
addition, the number of mathematical calculations
that must be studied in the material buffer solution
requires an interesting learning media and encourage
learning activities so that students not only
memorize the formula to solve mathematical
Learning media smash book based guided
inquiry learning that has been made is tested its
feasibility by 3 experts, that is 2 chemistry lecturer
and 1 Chemistry teacher. The media feasibility test
includes aspects of content, presentation, language
and graphics. In addition, the feasibility of smash
book based guided inquiry can also be seen from the
responses of a number of students. The feasibility
test results are expected to be a consideration for
teachers to use smash book base guided inquiry in
chemistry learning.
Based on the above explanation, this study aims
1) Produce smash book based guided inquiry on
buffer solution material.
2) Knowing the feasibility of smash book based
guided inquiry on buffer solution material.
This research used the Research and Development
(R & D) design. The following stages are: 1)
potential and problem, 2) data collection, 3) product
design, 4) design validation, 5) design revision, 6)
product trial, 7) product revision, 8) trial usage, 9)
product revision and 10) mass production
(Sugiyono, 2011: 298). But due to time and cost
constraints, researchers do not perform mass
production stage.
In the potential and problem stages, researchers
identify problems that arise in the learning of
chemistry, such as lack of interest and motivation of
students to learn chemistry, low student learning
outcomes, learning resources, media and learning
activities that tend to monotonous. Researchers
judge that the use of learning media can overcome
the above problems.
At the data collection stage, researchers began to
study the literature on learning media that is a trend
among teenagers. Researchers assess that smash
book as one of the learning media can be applied to
the learning of chemistry because of its unique
appearance. In this case, researchers also feel the
need to adapt guided inquiry strategy in the
development of smash book media so that students'
learning activities are not monotonous.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
At the design stage of the product, researchers
first conduct an assessment of student learning
resources such as books and LKS. From these
activities it is known that the display of books and
chemical LKS tends to be monotonous. After the
assessment, the researcher begins to define the
objectives and topics of learning, define the
problem, develop the hypothesis, find information
from various sources related to the buffer solution,
and determine the smash book decoration.
In the design validation phase, the researcher
asked 3 experts to rate the smash book that has been
made. Each expert is required to assess the
feasibility of smash book media from the aspect of
content, presentation, language, and graphic, so it
can be known weaknesses and superiority of
products made.
In the design improvement phase, the researcher
improves the product that has been made based on
input from 3 experts. The revised product can then
be tested to a particular group. In the test phase, the
product is tested to 10 students of grade XI IPA
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Banjarmasin.
At the product revision stage, researchers refine
the smash book based on feedback from the product
trial subjects. The revised product is then tested
again at the trial stage of usage. At the trial stage of
use, the researchers used post-test nonequivalent
control group design to assess the success of the
product made. In this design, the experimental and
control groups were selected without random
placement procedures and performed both pretest
and posttest. It's just that the control group is not
given a particular treatment (creswell, 2009: 160).
At the end of this test phase, the researcher asks all
students in the experimental group to respond by
filling in the shared questionnaire. The student's
response to the experimental group will then be used
as feedback on the revision phase of the product.
There are 3 Instruments used to collect data in
this research are: (1) questionnaire of smash book
filled by 3 experts, (2) questionnaire of smash book
readiness filled by 10 high school students of class
XI, (3) response questionnaire filled by students
from the experimental group. The data obtained
from the questionnaire is analyzed descriptively
quantitatively by calculating the percentage of value
provided by the expert and students.
The result of this research is learning media in the
form of smash book. In the smash book there are 8
subtopics of learning, namely: (1) definition of
buffer solution; (2) components and means of
making acid buffer solution; (3) components and
means of making basic buffer solutions; (4)
calculation of pH of acid buffer solution; (5)
calculation of the pH of the base buffer solution; (6)
pH and how acid buffer solution works when added
water, acids and bases; (7) pH and the working of an
alkaline buffer solution when added water, acids and
bases; (8) the function of the buffer solution in the
body. The presentation of each subtopic uses guided
inquiry strategy, consisting of the stage of problem
formulation, hypothesis formulation, hypothesis
testing and conclusion drawing. However, the smash
book is developed, the stages are not written in
Indonesian, but written in English is quite popular
among students to look different than other types of
print media. The first guided inquiry stage is the
formulation of the problem. At this stage students
are given a phenomenon, data, or giving examples
and non-samples, then students are guided using
supervisor questions so that students can understand
the problems that have been formulated.
Furthermore, in the second stage of the hypothesis
formulation, students are asked to write down the
alleged or temporary answer to the given problem.
In the third stage of hypothesis testing, students are
asked to study the literature, analyzing the
illustrations of images or data provided. In the fourth
stage of drawing conclusions, students are asked to
write conclusions in the places that have been
In addition to paying attention to aspects of
content and presentation, the development of smash
book also pay attention to the decoration aspect. In
the developed smash book there are many ornaments
such as paper clips, cartoon pictures, origami papers,
quote, ice cream sticks, page delimiters and others
are deliberately affixed to increase the attractiveness
of the resulting learning media. In addition, the
developed smash book also provides prerequisite
materials that can be completed or completed by
each student before studying the material in the core
activities. Examples of smash books that have been
developed can be seen in Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Smash book based guided inquiry that has been
made is tested its feasibility by 3 experts, consisting
of 2 chemistry lecturers from Lambung Mangkurat
University (ULM) and 1 chemistry teacher. The
results of the media feasibility test can be seen in
Table 1.
Feasibility Study of Smash Book based Guided Inquiry as Chemistry Learning Media on Buffer Solution Material
Figure 1: Home page of smash book.
Figure 2:
There are quotes, cartoon pictures and
prerequisite materials in smash book.
Figure 3:
There are inquiry activities in smash book.
Figure 4: there are place to write conclusions
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Figure 5: There are practices.
Figure 6: sheet of discovery activity.
Table 1: The result of feasibility test smash book based
guided inquiry.
Aspect Expert 1
Expert 2
Expert 3
Content 100 100 85.71
Presentation 100 100 100
Language 87.50 100 100
Graphic 100 83.33 100
Based on data in Table 1, the average percentage
of feasibility on every aspect of the test can be seen
in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Average percentage of feasibility on every
Table 1 and Figure 7 show that every aspect of
the feasibility test get high scores from all experts.
The content aspect consists of seven statements
about the purpose of learning, the correctness of
concepts, the order of the material, the completeness
of the information and the exercise question. The
aspect of the presentation consists of eight
statements relating to guided inquiry activities,
guidance, encouragement of learning activities,
learning motivation and practice questions. The
language aspect consists of three statements relating
to the ease of the language used. The graphic aspect
consists of six statements relating to the type and
size of letters, illustrations, color combinations and
Based on the data in Figure 7, the feasibility of
smash book on aspects of content, presentation,
language and graphic into the category very well.
Therefore, when calculated total score of 24
statements (questionnaire) filled out by three
experts, the average percentage of the feasibility of
the overall media smash book amounted to 95.83%,
and included in the category of very decent.
There are two suggestions from the three experts
to smash book developed, namely (1) the
representation of the components forming the buffer
solution should be adjusted to the shape of the
Feasibility Study of Smash Book based Guided Inquiry as Chemistry Learning Media on Buffer Solution Material
molecule that is the truth, (2) guide the activities in
the smash book less, the absence of instructions for
students to observe illustration regarding buffer
solution components. These suggestions are subject
to revisions for product improvements before
proceeding to the pilot phase.
The revised smash book was then trialled to ten
high school students of Class XI IPA. In the
experiment, the researcher distributed a
questionnaire containing 10 statements. The result of
the percentage obtained from the questionnaire can
be seen in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Percentage of smashbook’s feasibility from
These statements are related to the display, the order
of presentation, the illustrations, the sheets provided
for writing the answers, the language used, the ability
to generate learning motivation and the opportunity
to discover the concept itself or the formula, and the
suitability of the smash book as a chemical learning
Based on the data in Figure 8 can be seen that the
percentage of feasibility smash book by 80%
categorized as excellent and 20% good category.
This indicates that the smash book based guided
inquiry can be easily used by students as learning
media. There are 2 suggestions from the
experimental results, (1) the space provided for
writing the answer is not very broad, (2) the colors
used to decorate the smash book should use neutral
colors. The suggestion that has been obtained is used
as the material of the smash book revision before it is
used in the trial phase of usage.
The revised smash book is then tested to the user,
in this case is the grade XI student of SMA KORPRI
Banjarmasin. Trial usage is done in four meetings. In
learning using smash book based guided inquiry, the
teacher invites students to find their own concept or
formula in a creative and interesting way. Students
are guided to build their own knowledge through
data, images, examples and non-examples or
instructions contained in the smash book. Before
building their knowledge, students are invited to
recall the previous lesson material that became the
basis for studying the material of buffer solution. In
this way, in addition to the teacher can check the
mastery of students to a previous concept, teachers
can also help students connect the previous concept
with the concept to be studied. Such learning will be
easier for students to remember.
Learning media smash book based guided inquiry
not only presents learning facilities to students in
interesting forms and ways, but also trains students in
developing curiosity and enhances learning activities.
This is done by giving students a number of topics in
the form of questions relating to the material of the
buffer solution. Students are welcome to guess the
answer and then invited to prove the truth of the
answer. The curiosity that arises will increase
students' enthusiasm in learning the material given,
so that students will become active during the
learning. The more students are invited to validate
answers to the topics presented, the more accustomed
students will become to think critically.
Trial use of learning media smash book based
guided inquiry is done in four meetings. After the use
trial is done, the researcher distributes a response
questionnaire to the students. The questionnaire is
intended to find out the students' responses to
chemistry learning using smash book based guided
inquiry on buffer solution material. Questionnaire
responses consist of twelve positive statements to be
filled by students by giving score 1 if the student
does not agree with revelation and score 2 if the
student agrees with the statement. Statements on
related questionnaires on the following points: (1)
ease of students in studying buffer material using
learning media smash book based guided inquiry, (2)
learning motivation developed through the use of
learning media smash book based guided inquiry, (3)
learning motivation developed through the use of
learning media smash book based guided inquiry, (4)
the learning generated through the use of learning
media smash book based guided inquiry, (5) the
opportunity to interact with other students during the
learning process, (6) the opportunity to find their own
concepts or formulas (7) examples of problems and
exercises on smash book media in helping the
mastery of buffer material, (8) the opportunity to ask
during the learning process, (9) Instruction on
learning media smash book based guided inquiry in
facilitating the solving of the problem , (10) more
interesting learning using learning media smash book
based guided inquiry, (11) design of smash book
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
based guided inquiry and (12) feasibility of smash
book based guided inquiry as a learning media of
buffer material. The result of the trial of the use of
smash book based on inquiry is guided by the
material of buffer solution through student response
questionnaire can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: The percentage of students' responses to the
learning media smash book based guided inquiry.
Percentage (%) Category
68.2 Very good
22.7 Good
9.1 Enough
Data in Table 2 shows that the distribution of
student response data is divided into three categories
that is very good, good and enough. Based on the
responses submitted by the students in the trial class
of product usage, some of them at the beginning of
the meeting are still not accustomed to learning by
way of inductive because so far the ordinary
teachers invite students to learn in a deductive way.
But all students stated that the inbuilt based smash
book media is worthy to be used as a learning
medium for chemical buffer material. Overall, the
average student response to the learning of buffer
solution material using smash book based guided
inquiry as learning media is good.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it
can be concluded that smash book based guided
inquiry on buffer material has been feasible to be
used as a learning media in terms of content,
presentation, language, and graphic.
Thanks to RISTEKDIKTI who has provided
research grants, headmasters and chemistry teachers,
all students at SMA KORPRI and SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Banjarmasin, and all college
students who have helped this research.
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Feasibility Study of Smash Book based Guided Inquiry as Chemistry Learning Media on Buffer Solution Material