At the design stage of the product, researchers
first conduct an assessment of student learning
resources such as books and LKS. From these
activities it is known that the display of books and
chemical LKS tends to be monotonous. After the
assessment, the researcher begins to define the
objectives and topics of learning, define the
problem, develop the hypothesis, find information
from various sources related to the buffer solution,
and determine the smash book decoration.
In the design validation phase, the researcher
asked 3 experts to rate the smash book that has been
made. Each expert is required to assess the
feasibility of smash book media from the aspect of
content, presentation, language, and graphic, so it
can be known weaknesses and superiority of
products made.
In the design improvement phase, the researcher
improves the product that has been made based on
input from 3 experts. The revised product can then
be tested to a particular group. In the test phase, the
product is tested to 10 students of grade XI IPA
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Banjarmasin.
At the product revision stage, researchers refine
the smash book based on feedback from the product
trial subjects. The revised product is then tested
again at the trial stage of usage. At the trial stage of
use, the researchers used post-test nonequivalent
control group design to assess the success of the
product made. In this design, the experimental and
control groups were selected without random
placement procedures and performed both pretest
and posttest. It's just that the control group is not
given a particular treatment (creswell, 2009: 160).
At the end of this test phase, the researcher asks all
students in the experimental group to respond by
filling in the shared questionnaire. The student's
response to the experimental group will then be used
as feedback on the revision phase of the product.
There are 3 Instruments used to collect data in
this research are: (1) questionnaire of smash book
filled by 3 experts, (2) questionnaire of smash book
readiness filled by 10 high school students of class
XI, (3) response questionnaire filled by students
from the experimental group. The data obtained
from the questionnaire is analyzed descriptively
quantitatively by calculating the percentage of value
provided by the expert and students.
The result of this research is learning media in the
form of smash book. In the smash book there are 8
subtopics of learning, namely: (1) definition of
buffer solution; (2) components and means of
making acid buffer solution; (3) components and
means of making basic buffer solutions; (4)
calculation of pH of acid buffer solution; (5)
calculation of the pH of the base buffer solution; (6)
pH and how acid buffer solution works when added
water, acids and bases; (7) pH and the working of an
alkaline buffer solution when added water, acids and
bases; (8) the function of the buffer solution in the
body. The presentation of each subtopic uses guided
inquiry strategy, consisting of the stage of problem
formulation, hypothesis formulation, hypothesis
testing and conclusion drawing. However, the smash
book is developed, the stages are not written in
Indonesian, but written in English is quite popular
among students to look different than other types of
print media. The first guided inquiry stage is the
formulation of the problem. At this stage students
are given a phenomenon, data, or giving examples
and non-samples, then students are guided using
supervisor questions so that students can understand
the problems that have been formulated.
Furthermore, in the second stage of the hypothesis
formulation, students are asked to write down the
alleged or temporary answer to the given problem.
In the third stage of hypothesis testing, students are
asked to study the literature, analyzing the
illustrations of images or data provided. In the fourth
stage of drawing conclusions, students are asked to
write conclusions in the places that have been
In addition to paying attention to aspects of
content and presentation, the development of smash
book also pay attention to the decoration aspect. In
the developed smash book there are many ornaments
such as paper clips, cartoon pictures, origami papers,
quote, ice cream sticks, page delimiters and others
are deliberately affixed to increase the attractiveness
of the resulting learning media. In addition, the
developed smash book also provides prerequisite
materials that can be completed or completed by
each student before studying the material in the core
activities. Examples of smash books that have been
developed can be seen in Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Smash book based guided inquiry that has been
made is tested its feasibility by 3 experts, consisting
of 2 chemistry lecturers from Lambung Mangkurat
University (ULM) and 1 chemistry teacher. The
results of the media feasibility test can be seen in
Table 1.