same condition was in the borrowing the archive,
when the customer of education want to borrow an
archive, the clerk’s archives is not register first. The
registration of archives is a vital activities in the
management of record, because an archives can
facilitate the re-invention of the archives quickly and
precisely. However, if the archive is not register, the
archives will be difficult to rediscover. So, it will
make an archive be able to be lost physically and
In addition, the registration of archive aims to avoid
the falsification of archives. The falsified of document
or archive will destroy the legalities and original of the
archive. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (July 30
, 2002) in the
book “Why Record Management?” by PRISM
International said "
Utilizing a system of record
keeping which conceives rather than discloses or makes
it difficult to identify or dissect it." Hence, recording is
important to note. The impact of the absence of
registration of archive is
losing an information and
physic of archive. While, the registration of archive
needed to be done, because if the archive needed
suddenly, the archive will be provided well.
Rahmawati and Ismiyati (2016:331-345) said that
the registration of archive needs to realize the filing
and complete the documents of accreditation.
In accordance with the purpose of record
management is to ensure the availability,
authenticity, integrity, security, and safety of the
archives (Saeroji, 2014: 183). Therefore, the
registration of archive should be done because
archives at any time will be needed, if the archive is
not recorded properly and correctly, it will be
difficult to find and finally in the fulfilment of
information needs for those who need, it will be
stunted disturbing the administration (Rahmawati
and Ismiyati, 2016: 331-345).
From the above, it can be concluded that Vocational
High School at Kudus has a good school quality that
is indicated by the achievement of school
accreditation, but the management of the archive
was not optimal, thus affecting the effort in
completing the document supporting school
accountability. So, Vocational High School at Kudus
was a quality school but not yet accountable. In
other words, the school follow the procedures for the
management of record as well as, so the supporting
document of accreditation can be served in
authentic, accurate, and complete.
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