Truth Dare Technique in Reducing Students' Loneliness for IX
Grade at SMP 1 Belawan
Rahimah, Farial, Nurmiati
Guidance and Counseling Program, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education, Universitas Islam Kalimantan
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
Keywords: Truth Or Dare; Loneliness; Isolated Students.
Abstract: Loneliness is a feeling that often occurs in every person, but it is different for each individual, loneliness can
cause students to be isolated as a result of individuals not socializing or because of a group that does not
accept themselves because of something. This study aims to determine the level of loneliness in isolated
students and test whether group guidance with the effective truth or dare technique for isolated students.
This study uses a quantitative approach with Pre-Experimental Design research design The One Pretest-
Posttest Group. the population in this study amounted to 55 people and a sample of 48 people. The results
showed 12 students with loneliness before being given treatment with a score of 55.87 and after being given
treatment the number of students who experienced loneliness decreased to 11 people with a score of 54.35.
This study was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and paired-sample t test with value sign. (2-
tailed) is 0.004 <0 , 05. Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho
is rejected. Relationship in friendship is very important, because as social beings can not live without the
help of others. So make the best connection.
Wartini (Rosidah, 2016) isolated students are
students who experience alienation from their
environment, such as not having friends or friends.
Isolation is divided into two, namely involuntary
subjective, namely " a child assumes that he feels
wasted in his environment, while an objective
involuntary " otherwise he experiences rejection in a
group or a community.
Based on the understanding of isolated
children, that there are problems within themselves
due to their nature that make students not want to
socialize. That act will later make students become
isolated in their groups. According Cherry (Hidayati,
2015) these conditions can lead to loneliness, but the
feeling of loneliness that is common or frequently
occurs in individuals and different.
Isolated students have the following
characteristics, these characteristics are based on
research from Elsa and Najlatun (Rosidah, 2016)
which states that isolated students prefer to do their
own activities, when there are assignments from the
teacher he often does not get groups, does not dare
to answer or express his opinion, when he breaks he
is silent himself, not friends. Researchers also found
the same event with the study of Elsa and Najlatun
(Rosidah, 2016), when researchers conducted
observations at school researchers see there are some
students who are in exile by a friend who is their
environment and isolated students doing various
activities alone.
Peplau and Perlman (Hapsari and Ariana,
2015) the relationship of isolated students with
loneliness is when a child who is struggling to make
friends in the school environment has different
needs. Where these needs of children experience
rejection in the environment of their peers, when that
child feels loneliness he thinks that his social life is
narrow and limited not as desired.
Loneliness according to Cherry (Hidayati,
2015) is a feeling that often occurs in individuals,
the situation is different in accordance with its
portion. As for the shortage of loneliness, people
experiencing loneliness lonely life will feel no
passion, and assume social life less than they
wanted. While the advantages of this loneliness ,
researchers see from various definitions there are no
advantages in loneliness itself.
Rahimah, ., Farial, . and Nurmiati, .
Truth Dare Technique in Reducing Students’ Loneliness for IX Grade at SMP 1 Belawan.
DOI: 10.5220/0009018600002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 186-189
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to Nisa (2017), the game truth or
dare (honest or challenge) is a game with techniques
which later can provide convenience in providing
group guidance services. This game is related to
loneliness, in order to reduce loneliness in students,
a truth or dare game is needed, because this game
has already been used in research and is effective.
Based on research from Nisa (2017) that the
use of the truth or dare game excretory system
affects student learning outcomes. This is evidenced
by the honest game or the challenge there is a good
influence than those who do not use the game.
Based on the phenomenon and research results
of Gibson and Mitchell (Rosidah, 2016) that to
reduce the level of isolation of students, it is
necessary to hold group guidance with the aim that
someone can understand himself, prevent problems,
be able to improve themselves, and undergo
development optimally. In addition, to overcome
students who are isolated researchers also use truth
or dare techniques . Isolated students need to
practice social skills so that the game will help them
to be accepted in their group of course with a
relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.
Whereas based on information through
observation with class IX BK teachers at Belawang
1 Public High School students who experienced
loneliness in isolated students almost 40% occurred,
these students were students who were less
socialized, shunned by peers, students left by their
parents traveling far, broken home, and so.
Loneliness in isolated students is a big problem
for BK teachers and students, especially from body
health can be decreased because the influence of
social pressure and student achievement of isolated
students will also decrease due to negative impacts
experienced by students.
Based on the explanation above, it can be
explained that group guidance is a process of
providing assistance to individuals by utilizing
group dynamics. While the truth or dare technique
for isolated students functions to make individuals
practice their social skills and also help them to be
accepted by a group. The researcher will take 48
samples of class IX students to be given group
guidance with the truth or dare technique , of the 48
students who experienced loneliness, they
wereexpected to reduce or decrease loneliness in
isolated students.
The research design used in this study is Pre-
Experimental Design The One Pretest-Posttest
Group . In this design one subject group is used
without a comparison group. In the design of this
study, subjects were given treatment with two
measurements. First, the initial measurement ( pre-
test ) of the level of loneliness in isolated students
before the treatment was carried out, then carried out
a treatment for a period of time with the guidance of
the truth or dare technique group . Then a re-
measurement ( post-test ) was carried out to see
whether or not there was a treatment effect on
changes in the loneliness score in isolated students.
The population in this study were 55 respondents
and a sample of 48 respondents. To measure the
level of loneliness the researcher used R-UCLA
loneliness scale from Russell, each of which had
been translated into Indonesian, with choices of
choice which often felt (SM), felt (M), sometimes
felt (KM), and never felt (TPM ) the total number of
items of this scale is 20, with 10 positive items and
10 negative items.
FDescriptions of the results of this study are
presented in the form of tables, graphs and images.
Treatment in this study was carried out by
researchers, group members and guidance and
counseling teachers. The results of the pre-test and
post-test are presented in the following graph:
Figure 1. Comparison of Student Loneliness Levels Before
and After Given Guidance Group with Truth or Dare
Based on the results of the pre-test calculation of the
48 samples obtained the average loneliness with a
value of 55 , 87 . After being given group guidance
with the truth or dare technique to reduce loneliness
in isolated students tended to decrease by 54 , 35
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46
Truth Dare Technique in Reducing Students’ Loneliness for IX Grade at SMP 1 Belawan
with a decrease in score of 1.97 and also an increase
in loneliness with a score of 0.45 . So it can be
concluded that group guidance with an effective
truth or dare technique to reduce loneliness in
isolated students is seen from changes that occur
before and after treatment is given .
Then for data analysis researchers used a paired
sample-test where to do the test, the data must be
normally distributed first. So, the researcher used the
Shapiro Wilk normality test to test whether the pre-
test and post-test data were normally distributed or
not. The following are the results of the Shapiro
normality test the researcher presented in tables and
Table. 1. Normality Test Results
Statisctic Df Sig
Pre-Test .968 48 .218
Post-Tes .977 48 .477
Figure 2. Pre-Test
Figure 3. Post-Test
Based on the tables and figures above, the
results of the Shapiro Wilk normality test show that
the significance value for the pre-test is 0.218> 0.05
and the significance value for the post-test is 0.477>
0.05. Then it can be concluded that the data for the
pre-test and post - test is normally distributed.
Then, to find out the variable X has an effect
on the Y variable, it is necessary to test the
hypothesis. To test the hypothesis the researcher
used data analysis techniques, namely paired sample
test , with the help of SPSS version 22.
Thefollowing is the formulation of the hypothesis.
Formulation H ipotesis:
Ha: If sig <0.05, the hypothesis Ha is accepted,
meaning that variable X is significant towards
variable Y.
Ho: If sig> 0.05, the hypothesis is rejected, meaning
that variable X is not significant to variable Y.
Next, the researcher will explain the results of
data analysis using a paired sample test, the
following is presented by the researcher in the form
of a table:
Table 2. Paired Sample Test
Variable Mean Sig. Sig. (2
Pre-Test &
1.52083 0,000 0,004
Based on the table above shows that the
significance level is 0.004 <0.05, which means that
the hypothesis in this study variable X determines
significantly to the variable Y. Thus Ha is accepted
and Ho is rejected. So the conclusion of the
hypothesis is that there is the influence of providing
group guidance services using truth or dare to reduce
loneliness in isolated students. Its effectiveness in
this study can be seen based on the significance
value (2-tailed) of 0.004 if it is used as a percentage
of effectiveness in this study amounting to 0 , 4 %.
This study relates to research from Nastiti and
Naqiyah (2013), that the game technique in group
guidance can reduce the level of loneliness in
isolated students. This can be seen by the reduction
in scores between the initial questionnaire and the
final questionnaire. After being given treatment by
the group game techniques, the scores of isolated
students can decrease.
Based on the results of research and discussion,
research on "Group Guidance with the Truth Or
Dare Technique to Reduce Loneliness in Isolated
Students". He can draw the conclusion that the
magnitude of the loneliness level beforetreatment is
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
given 55 , 87 and after being given treatment
decreases to 54.35. Then, with the treatment group l
an d ayanan guidance truth or dare techniques
proven effective to reduce loneliness in students
isolated, this effectiveness can be seen in the value
of significance (2-tailed), ie 0.004 <0.05.
Based on the results of the research carried out,
the suggestions from the researchers were:
For Research Subjects
Researchers suggest that they maintain their
friendship well and in various social activities, as
well as adjust themselves to the environment,
with the hope that they are not lonely.
For Further Researchers
In order to pay more attention to the factors that
influence loneliness , both from internal and
For Guidance and Counseling Teachers
To be more active in carrying out group guidance
activities using truth or dare techniques or with
other techniques and services, to reduce
loneliness in isolated students. So that loneliness
does not affect the learning outcomes and
physical condition due to the situation.
For schools
Schools should be able to participate more
actively and can help collaborate with guidance
and counseling teachers in assisting in the
implementation of counseling services .
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Truth Dare Technique in Reducing Students’ Loneliness for IX Grade at SMP 1 Belawan