using a web page linked to a topic that is going to
discuss in which students are given opportunity to be
engaged in improving their target language with the
authentic materials (Al-Khataybeh & Al-Awasa,
2016, p. 113).
Additionally, in teaching of English as foreign
language (EFL) particularly teaching writing,
WebQuest is now an effective learning device, and it
can strongly motivate students in learning
(Alshumaimeri & Bamanger, 2013). Almasri,
Alfadda, and Alshumaimeri (2011) state that using
WebQuest activity in foreign language learning can
direct students to enhance their writing skills. Thus,
by incorporating WebQuest in English class of
writing, it can help teachers to engage their learners
in the teaching of writing in the 21
-century era.
WebQuest was established in 1995. At San
Diego State University (SDSU), Dr. Bernie Dodge
firstly introduced it as an inquiry-oriented learning
activity in which all information students need can
be explored and found from internet with a
particular web page (Dodge, 2001). WebQuest leads
students to have an approach in their problem-
solving through learning process (Dodge, 2001).
Also, WebQuest can be applied in writing learning
for all levels and ages of students, and it is an
authentic assignment supported with the internet
resources in which students can obtain all
information to be summarized, synthesized, and
evaluated for the particular assignment being tasked
by their teachers (Yang, Tzuo, & Komara, 2011). In
addition, WebQuest contains six major elements:
introduction, task, process, resource, evaluation, and
conclusion (Dodge, 2001; Hadriana, 2017). Thus, by
using WebQuest in writing instruction it could
engage the students in a way of the writing learning
through the process of writing that agrees with the
components of the WebQuest model.
In the process of writing instruction, Al-
Khataybeh and Al-Awasa (2016) suggest that to be
the effective use of time when implementing
WebQuest activity, students can use the links of web
page given by teacher and then explore for all
information related with the topic they are going to
learn write. The students can apply it through both
individual and collaborative activities. In short, the
use of WebQuest in language learning such as
writing learning can enhance communicative
interaction among learners and give them chance to
be engaged in the writing process.
The various points related to the use of
WebQuest in English language teaching more
specifically in writing instruction in the context of
first and second or foreign language settings have
been examined. A study conducted by Chuo (2007)
investigating the effects of the WebQuest writing
instruction program on EFL learners' writing
performance. It is suggested that integrating web
resources into EFL writing instruction using the
WebQuest model is effective for increasing learners’
writing performance and it strongly provides an
interesting learning experience.
Abbitt and Ophus (2008) examined a research
investigating the impacts of the WebQuest
instructional strategy on teaching and learning of
writing. The results indicated that the strategy using
WebQuest activity had significantly given a high
effect towards students’ collaborative writing
abilities and their attitude.
Kocoglu (2010) investigated comparing the
effects of WebQuest EFL university students'
reading and writing performance. The results
revealed that using WebQuest in EFL reading
instruction enhanced their reading comprehension.
On the other hand, the WebQuest activity did not’
significantly improve students’ abilities in writing
because they did not follow the steps such as
introduction, development, and conclusion.
Therefore, it needs to engage students in the writing
process when applying WebQuest activity with the
high support of the authentic materials available in
Almasri, Alfadda, and Alshumaimeri (2011)
conducted a study on how WebQuest as an internet-
based learning tool gives impact on the EFL
students’ writing skills. Results showed that
WebQuest activity engaged students in the
environment of classroom interaction in which they
could work collaboratively and got motivation in
writing learning.
Alshumaimeri and Bamanger (2013) applied an
experimental study to find out the significant
difference between EFL students taught using
WebQuest writing instruction and those taught using
traditional instruction. The findings indicated that
the writing performance of the students taught using
WebQuest was better than those taught using
traditional methods. Its difference is affected from
the terms of length, vocabulary, and grammar. It
means that WebQuest activity significantly gives
effects on students’ writing skills in the teaching of
Another study was conducted by Al-Khataybeh
and Al-Awasa (2016). It investigated the impact of
using WebQuest on improving students' writing
skills. Results showed that there was statistical
difference between experimental group taught using
WebQuest and control group taught traditionally.