3.1 Faculty of Economy and Business
Based on the analysis that had been done, the form
of language errors that found in the Faculty of
Economy and business thesis UNS as follows. First,
spelling mistakes include: misuse of capital letters,
use of italics, use of word combinations, use of
prepositions, the use of number symbols, the use of
periods, and the use of commas. Second, errors in
the field of diction, including: word misconduct and
word accuracy. Third, the error in sentence level,
including the sentence coherence. In addition to the
errors mentioned above, the thesis that became the
source of research also had other errors. Other errors
included: inconsistent use of letters / words and
repeated explanations in paragraphs. For example
the use of inconsistent letters / words, namely the
writing of Regional Revenue (Pendapatan Asli
Daerah) written by using acronyms (PAD) and was
not written in acronyms. Capital letter error (18),
standard word error (14), comma error (7),
preposition error (6), number symbol error (4), colon
error (4), incorrect word error (4), misconduct
writing (3), period error (1). Based on the analysis
that had been done, there were several factors that
caused the error of language in the thesis of
Economic Development Study Program of Faculty
of Economy and Business.
3.2 Faculty of Law Thesis
After analyzing language errors in thesis of Faculty
of Law UNS it was found 21 types of language
errors, especially in writing, 3 of them were found in
huge numbers, namely the initial capital letter error
were 11, 18 errors of prepositions, and standard
words as 18 errors. From such analysis it was
concluded that the author had not fully understood
the spelling and grammar that existed so that errors
appeared as above. In addition to absence factors
and lack of knowledge about spelling and grammar,
it was found another factor that is the accuracy so
that errors such as "slip of the pen" or lapses
occurred. Lapses is a mistake in writing due to
accidental or omission in writing a word. In addition
there is inconsistent words, sometimes by using
capital letters as a prefix sometimes not. Many of the
phrases were ambiguous and there was no variation
and effected to monotonous form and there were
some sentences that were repeated in the next
3.3 Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences Thesis
The typical language used by FISIP students is in the
form of long and circling elaborations. This is very
tiring for the reader. Plus the students often make
mistakes related to punctuation, spelling, and other
key things in scientific writing. Sentences tended to
long. In that long sentence there were many
redundant and inappropriate words. As a result, the
sentences were not unified and ambiguous. In a word
level, the students of this faculty had made a lot of
language errors, especially in terms of: (1) -space
(use of capital letters, italics, standard vs. non-
standard words, inappropriate borrowed words etc.
and (2) punctuation (point, comma, conjunction,
stirrup, etc. which were misplaced). At the level of
sentence many also encountered errors (such as:
ineffective sentences, illogical sentences, and
incoherent sentences). As for paragraph levels, errors
occurred was numbers of main idea in one paragraph
so it was difficult for readers to understand.
3.4 Faculty of Medical Thesis
The style of thesis writing in faculty of medical
students is as follows. First, spelling errors included:
misuse of capital letters, use of italics, use of
derivative words, combined use of words, use of
compound words, use of prepositions, use of number
symbols, use of periods, and use of commas.
Second, errors in diction level, include: word error.
Factors considered to encourage errors in both
spelling and term or grammar. These factors can be
either external factors or internal factors from a
writer. Language rules mastery was still inadequate.
Authors who had not mastered appropriate
Indonesian language rules in terms of spelling,
diction, sentence, or paragraph. The influence of
foreign languages. Due to foreign language affected
for example in terms of words choice or diction.
Especially the use of popular words in the field of
medicine or terms from Latin. Lack of writing time.
When it comes to writing skills as a process it is
clear that there are three stages to be completed
during the writing process, those are pre-writing,
writing, revising. In fact, during revision phase, a
review stage related to the quality of writing
(including grammar) that should be done by
students, was rarely done because of lack of time.
3.5 Faculty of Teaching and Education
Language skills are important aspect that must be
possessed by a person. Because language skills can