of them (Zhao, Aiping, et. Al, 2013). Learning
materials must be well-prepared to be used in
learning process and to achieve learning goals
containing in syllabus (Mazgon & Sefanc, 2012).
Learning materials are one of medium to consider if
TISOL students can achieve learning goal or not.
During this time, developing TISOL learning
materials is still ineffective and conventional. This
development is adapted TISOL learning goals,
students’ condition, local culture, and expectedly
can increase TISOL students’ motivation to study
Indonesian language (Kramasch, 2000). Thematic
learning is an integrated learning with interrelating
some subjects in a theme, so learning process can
give a meaningful experience to students (Howar,
Jay, et. Al, 2014). Some theories applied in
thematic learning include philosophical theory
related to students’ learning process and experience,
psychological theory referring to student’s
psychological development and learning
psychology, and juridical theory dealing with Law.
Thematic TISOL learning materials development
integrates some themes in learning materials for
TISOL students (Smith, Nancy, & Hefner, 2009).
These materials tend to show culture and local
wisdom. Local culture is used in TISOL learning
because cultural aspects become one of 5 standards
related to foreign language proficiency such as
TISOL which also has those standards (Crawford-
Lange & Dele, 2011). Those standards compulsorily
fulfilled by foreign students, according to Levinson
(2000), including (1) communication, (2) culture, (3)
connection, (4) comparison and (5) community.
The study was conducted in TISOL Program
operated in Indonesian higher educations or
institutions. The problems formulated are
appropriate with research activity and aim of the
study. The aim refers to integrating TISOL learning
materials based Indonesia culture with thematic
approach to improve learning materials
implementation. Therefore, the study was
categorized as development research (Borg & Gall,
1983). The stages of research and development
include 10 stages. However, this study only
conducted 4 stages, including (1) introductory study
or exploration, (2) prototype development stage, (3)
prototype assessment, and (4) product dissemination.
The approach utilized was content analysis and
qualitative. Content analysis employed to analyze
TISOL learning materials based Indonesian culture
through thematic approach. Qualitative research was
conducted to describe and to explain perception of
students, lecturer and TISOL organizer (Moleong,
2014). Besides, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was
employed to develop prototype model. Moreover,
the study also employed triangulation of theory and
method, as well as informant review. Triangulation
of theory utilized some different theoretical
perspectives to investigate problem, so the study will
formulate logic and acceptable; conclusion.
The differences of TISOL students background
describe variation in specific learning goals.
However, the aim of learning Indonesian language
for foreign speakers is generally to make students
able in using Indonesian language communicatively
and pragmatically (Saddhono, 2015). Consequently,
determining learning materials considers learning
goal in terms of general and specific. One of
alternative way to determine a good learning
materials for TISOL students is to involve
Indonesian culture integration aspect.
By learning integrated culture, TISOL students
will be more able to know and to love culture where
they live. This situation resulted from TISOL
students’ experience, who are given chance to
experience those cultures directly (Matsumoto &
Okamoto, 2003). They will get happy and warm
feeling, because they automatically become a part of
culture. Besides, there is possibility that they will
study from culture of their friend. Henceforth,
culture is very important to teach, especially for
TISOL students.
Formulating thematic instructional materials
based Indonesian culture needs to encourage TISOL
teacher to have an innovative idea in delivering
learning materials in accordance to interrelation of
materials and daily life with cultural oriented.
Multicultural perspective in learning materials can
condense cultural experience and students’
perspective in mastering Indonesian language
(Siegal & Okamoto, 2003). Thus, TISOL students
can master Indonesian language which is appropriate
with Indonesian culture context.
Hence, learning materials in intercultural context
should be arranged with some considerations,
including (1) learning materials containing direct
instructions of target culture materials mastery; (2)
learning materials used as a map which clearly focus
on giving an overview about structured program in
terms of linguistics and culture in which students