pictures and videos to student about one of Javanese
cultural phenomenon. After that, teacher gives
questions to student related to video. In the end,
student is expectedly to retell story related to videos
or figures presented with using own language. After
performing story, teacher give comment and
evaluation about student’s speaking skill.
In learning Javanese language for foreign student,
the process must be well-designed which is
interrelated to Javanese learning goals for foreign
student. The aim is to make foreign student have
good language competence and skill (related to
communicative and pragmatic purpose), as well as
good knowledge about culture. Hence, a curriculum
or Javanese learning module for foreign speaker is
required to arrange. Learning material and media
utilized has to be based local culture to give more
information in terms of language, culture and other
aspects which are need for communication practice.
Javanese teaching material for foreign speaker
should not only discuss linguistic and language skill
aspects, but also integrate cultural dimension and
concrete cultural phenomenon in Java. Those
teaching materials can give comprehensive
knowledge for Javanese student of foreign speaker
because learning activity and cultural practice are
two things which cannot be separated in learning
Indonesian language and culture.
We thank TISOL institutions in six higher education
institutions (UM, UNESA, UNS, UNNES, UGM,
and UNY) for supporting research process. Besides,
we also would like to show our gratitude to everyone
who cannot be mentioned directly for helping us in
arranging research report. This study is specifically
dedicated to Javanese lecturers and students, and
generally for Javanese society
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