manner the reading leads to the understanding of the
message contained in the texts.
1.2 Reading to Learn
A reading passage, how simple it might be, must
contain some “message”. In the case of learning
foreign language, the learning to read and the
reading to learn go side by side. At a time, the
learning to read takes more time while at other time
the reading to learn takes more time and interest.
At STKIP, students majoring in teaching English
must get adequate awareness that they are trained to
become English Teachers. As English Teachers they
must be good example in reading English passages
for the class. He must be the model for his students.
Based on the early observation the students of
STKIP-PGRI Banjarmasin who take reading II
cannot reach the expected goal of learning
achievement. Because of lack vocabulary
knowledge, they didn’t have enough understanding
about the text even the lecturer already explain the
meaning of it, it can be prove from the trouble that
they have when they ask to answered reading
comprehension question. Consequently both the
lecturers and the students have a problem in
teaching-and-learning process for reading II.
This research focus on the students of second
semester who took Reading II and the lecture who
teach Reading II as a subject of the college at
STKIP-PGRI Banjarmasin. This research problem
formulation is What are the problem encountered by
both the lecturer and the students in the teaching-
and-learning Reading II.
Research conducted is descriptive qualitative
research, which aims to explore or build a proportion
or explain the meaning behind reality. The
researcher is based on reality or events that take
place in the field. Furthermore, researchers will
explore further why this phenomenon occurs. This
qualitative descriptive model emphasizes a holistic,
pragmatic, strategic, and self-reflective description.
Qualitative research is described according to
several experts. According to Creswell (2009) "A
qualitative study is a process of understanding a
social or human problem, based on a complex
holistic picture, formed with words, reporting
detailed views of informants, and conducted in
antural settings."
In this study researchers used qualitative
methods that were descriptive in nature whose
purpose was to describe, describe or describe objects
that were systematically, factually and accurately
examined about the facts, traits and phenomena
investigated In the data collection methods used
researcher, as prevalent in the qualitative study were
interviews, observation and documentation. Data in
qualitative research is more in the form of opinions,
then interviews become very important devices. The
interview method is a conversation process in the
form of question and answer in person.
Researchers in this study to determine the
validity of the data using Triangulation techniques.
Qualitative data analysis is inductive, which is an
analysis based on the data obtained then developed a
particular relationship pattern formulated..
Data from the results of research in this study were
obtained through in-depth interviews conducted by
the Researchers where all the informants conducted
in-depth interviews are both the lecturers who teach
Reading II and the students who took reading II
From the results of interviews obtained results
that in teaching-and-learning reading II there wasn’t
any reading basic course outline, no reference books
were recommended, and low interaction between the
lecturer and the student.
Besides that the researchers also did an
observation while the teaching-and-learning process
happened, from the observation the researchers
found that there wasn’t any variation in teaching-
and-learning process in reading II and the lecturer
governed the class. So the students got bore.
The researchers also did the documentation
observation through the present list, Semester
Learning Plan, the answer sheet from reading II test
and the score from Study card results (KHS). As a
results the researchers found out that some of them
didn’t come to the class for reading II subject,
mostly the students got lower score in Reading II
Subject and they also didn’t have any information
what will they study when entering the class in
reading II, because the lecturer didn’t make the
semester learning plan (RPS). That’s why there are
problem in teaching-and-learning process for
reading II.