for the workplace; d) ICT increases the quality of
education process and learning outcome; and e) ICT
turns learning environment into learner-centered of
learning (Aktaruzzaman, 2011).
Based on the description above, the use of the
ICT has many benefits for education, namely: 1)
display of multimedia in ICT can improve the
retentive memory of students, 2) teachers can easily
explain complex instructions and ensure students’
comprehension, 3) teachers are able to create
interactive and active classses and present the lesson
more enjoyable, 4) improve students attendance and
concentration, 4) removing the fear of students to
some subjects that abstract and considered difficult,
and 5) improving student achievement.
ICT Competence for teacher has been vey
important in this era. So that, Indonesia Government
has determined the ICT competencies as one of the
skills that must be mastered by the teacher
(Regulation of National Education Minister No. 16,
2007). The use of the ICT in education has
supported some characteristics of curriculum 2013.
Such as, suggesting the communication from
anywhere, to anywhere, emphasizing the importance
of cooperation and collaboration in solving
problems, increasing attention of educators (Wang &
Woo, 2007).
On the other hand, the ICT functions can not be
claimed will replace the role of the teacher. ICT is
just a tool introductory message or one of the
students' learning facilities. Therefore, teachers need
to keep active in guiding the process of learning
activities. The position of ICT in the communication
system can be described as follows (H. H. Batubara,
Picture 1. The position of ict in the communication system
The need and urgency for developing
technological literacy, although not a new idea,
emerged with greater emphasis in the early 1980’s.
With this increasing awareness and interest,
technology quickly was recognized as a powerful
vehicle for offering educators innovative ways to
enhance student learning. In the early 1990’s the
International Society for Technology in Education,
ISTE established standards defining technological
literacy for teacher education. ICTs are a potentially
powerful tool for extending educational
opportunities, both formal and non-formal, to
previously underserved constituencies – scattered
and rural populations, groups traditionally excluded
from education due to cultural or social reasons such
as ethnic minorities, girls and women, persons with
disabilities, and the elderly, as well as others who for
reasons of cost or because of time constraints are
unable to enrol on campus (Aktaruzzaman, 2011).
The systematic of ICT integration into teaching
and learning is divided into three areas, namely: (1)
design planning, (2) creating learning media, and (3)
using in teaching and learning. According to
Sukiman, the components of integrating ICT to
create lesson plan are consists of: (1) analyzing the
needs and characteristics of students, (2) formulating
standard competencies and indicators of learning
outcomes, (3) developing subjects content, (4)
formulating assessment instrument, and (5) writing
story board. The components of ICT integration in
creating learning media are consists of a teacher's
ability in : (1) operating application of graphic
design, audio, video, and animation, (2) blended
media component using the computer application,
and (3) evaluating product based on the principles of
ICT media development (Sukiman, 2012). There are
some general principles in creating ICT are: 1)
Visible: easy viewing, 2) Interesting, 3) Simple, 4)
Useful for students or users, and 5) Accurate: true
and on target, 6) Legitimate: legitimate and
reasonable, 7) Structured: well structured, and 8)
coherent (Aqib, 2013).
According to Totok A. Soefijanto, education
observer of Paramadina Public Policy Institute, the
use of ICT in Indonesia school is still about 20
percent. Even less in Elementary School (Admin,
2015). The factors that affect elementary teachers’
decision to integrate ICT in education are limited
teacher to join training in ICT integration, technical
support, pedagogical support, access to technology
resources, teachers’ skill in using multiple ICT tools
and skills (Hafez, 2013).
The result of initial study on Elementary teachers
as participant training interactive media showed that
most elementary schools already have facilities that
support the use of ICT. So, the purpose of this study
is to explore teachers’ competencies in ICT
integration in creating lesson plan, creating learning
media, and teaching and learning process, This study
is important to be done in order to know and to map
the teachers’ competence so the data can use as a
tool to increase the teachers’ competence.