According to the explanation above, it is needed a
program that can create a positive understanding of
the need for the anticipation of the issue of
radicalism and environmental issues.One of the
examples is the program that conducted at the
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya, the
Green Islamic Campus (GIC) program.
The Green Islamic Campus (GIC) program at
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya is a
program aimed at providing an in-depth
understanding to the Academic Community of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya on the
importance of environmental conservation and its
resources and the importance of applying universal
values in Islamic teachings.
GIC program contains two main concepts,
namely the concept of go green and the concept of
Islam. From the concept of go green, GIC program
is expected to form the Academic Community that
has the behavior of respecting, saving, and
preserving the environment in the campus
environment and later in the community. Such
behavior is needed when graduates interact in a
global society, as resource saving and environmental
preservation issues are among the central issues in
the future. While viewed from the concept of Islam,
GIC program is expected to form the Academic
Community who understand and practice the
concept and teachings of universal Islam, such as
tolerance, mutual respect for each other, discipline,
neatness, and the like.In line with the values of the
universality of Islam, the Islamic campus should be
directed to efforts to actualize the values of universal
Islam, so as to accommodate the interests of
Academic Community who are not Muslim.
Fauzi (2012), states that the source of Islamic
teachings, namely the Qur'an and hadith is about
social and humanitarian issues than ritual worship
problems, Respect for social values and humanity is
one proof of the universality of Islamic teachings.
The universality of Islam can take the form of inter-
religious tolerance, respect for human rights, ethics
in various forms, discipline, hygiene, and the need to
protect the environment.According to Al-Qadri
(2010), the Quranic verses that prohibit Islamic
radicalism are included in Al-Baqarah verse 148,
and Al-Maidah verse 48. Intolerance is precisely
because of a superficial understanding of Islam.
Anshari (2013), which examines religious tolerance
in Sorong, Papua, finds that one's extreme and
intolerant attitude tends to arise as a result of the
shallow understanding of the true religion, or only
by a mere textual understanding.
Salampessy and Pranggono (2015) define
green campus as an environmental management
effort conducted by educational institutions to create
environmentally friendly campus environment by
prioritizing the conservation of resources in a
participatory manner. Hapsariet al. (2014) state that
green campus is an environmentally friendly
education system, research, and community service
and involves campus residents in environmental
activities that can provide positive environmental,
economic and social benefits.
The creation of green campus can be started
from the creation of a healthy, comfortable and
environmentally friendly campus environment so
that the academic community is well aware of the
benefits of the green campus program. Mahajan and
Bist (2014) (2015) stated that the goal
of green campus is to cultivate the awareness and
sensitivity of students deeply on environmental
conservation, so that efforts can foster concern for
environmental sustainability, share knowledge about
related problems and solutions, and support various
research on environmentally friendly technologies,
which in turn can serve as part of the mission of
many universities.
The implementation of the GIC Program in
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkarayahas six
areas of activity that is (1). Improved understanding
of the academic community about the GIC program,
(2). Resource saving program which includes
electricity, water, paper, and other energy-saving
pre-facilities / resources, (3). management and
reduction of waste bins and plastic, (4).
Environmental Setup Program, (5). Islamic Campus
Activities, and (6). Non-academic activities that
support the GIC program.
The activities are socialization of Islamic
campus program, Ashar prayer program, followed
by a lecture on the concept of universal Islam,
tolerance and togetherness theme and go green
theme, Baitul Arqam and Darul Arqam activities,
arranging clothing with certain standard of decency,
determination of non-smoking area and free from
drugs, and provide space for the activities of non-
Muslim students. Meanwhile, the GIC program have
activities are socialization of green campus program,
electricity saving program, paper saving, plastic
waste reduction and management, and the addition
of green open space. In terms of electricity savings
programs, attempts have been made to replace
streetlights in the campus environment into solar-