implemented in daily life can hinder someone from
being dependent to the others rather than to the God
Almight alone.
In Islam, it is stated that whoever is not gentle, is
not one of the wise who can place anything on the
right place; they are also far from being the servants
of Ar Rahman (ArRisalah, 2006: 36). Gentleness is a
commendable attitude as it is far from individualism,
instead it shall bring togetherness and harmony in
society (ArRisalah, 2006: 22). This symbolism is
relevant to the Sastra Nusantara learning outcome in
the aspect of being taqwa to the God Almighty and
showing religious attitude. Taqwa and religious
attitude are shown by doing one of the God’s
commands to always establish good relationship
with the other men (Hablum Minannas).
Besides resembling sincerity and gentleness, the
use of calx also symbolizes bravery. This symbolism
is derived from the function of calx itself to redden
betel leaf. It represents that beyond the sincerity and
gentleness of Dayak people lies bravery. According
Maridjan (in Baharuddin, 2013: 231), bravery is an
attitude to always fulfill the obligation and
responsibility no matter what. Religiously, according
to Hamzah and Hamzah, bravery is the way
someone shows their faith; for without bravery,
despair shall dominate. Moreover, in any religion,
being desperated is forbidden since despair is a sign
of disbelief to the Oneness of the God Almighty
(2006: 99). In Islam, one is not allowed to be feared
to anything but the God Almighty alone (Faris,
2006: 113). The bravery represented on the use of
gambier (gambir) warns us to not be feared to
anything but Allah and to be always optimistic in
facing this life.
Lime paste also uses gambier. Although gambier
is sour in taste, it exactly makes chewing betel leaf
tasty. The sour taste of gambier and the effect it
makes symbolize that although this life is rife of
suffering, Dayak people realize that suffering is the
part of life, that has to be faced,which eventually
makes them strong and tenacious. This symbolism is
relevant to the Sastra Nusantara learning outcome in
the aspect of being taqwa to the God Almighty and
showing religious attitude. According to Umar (16:
2014), tenacious people are those who surrender
anything to the God Almighty while according to
Zabady(2013: 99), tenacious people are those who
are noble in character.
Another symbolism in the use of gambier in lime
paste is bravery. According to Hamzah and Hamzah,
bravery is the way someone shows their faith; for
without bravery, despair shall dominate. Moreover,
in any religion, being desperated is forbidden since
despair is a sign that one disbelieve the Oneness of
the God Almighty (2006: 99). In Islam, one is not
allowed to be feared to anything but the God
Almighty (Faris, 2006: 113). The bravery
represented on the use of gambier warns us to not be
feared to anything but Allah and to be always
optimistic facing this life.
The next symbolism is the use of ai’ pasasahatn,
which symbolizes sanctification. This symbolism
comes from the nature of water which is pure;
colorless, odorless, and tasteless; and functions as a
means to make something clean.The symbolism of
purity; colorless, odorless, and tasteless; represents
the character of Dayak people in blending into
society. Dayak people are often show themselves as
it is; they are humble, difficult to manipulate the
situation. Therefore, Dayak people is renowned for
their innocence which often makes them easy to be
controlled by the other people for their own benefit
(2014: 144). It is supported by Nitipawiro, in his
forewords, who states that due to the innocence of
Dayak people, they are easily persuadable.The
symbolism of ai’ pasasahatn is relevant to the
Sastra Nusantara learning outcome in the aspect of
being taqwa to the God Almighty and showing
religious attitude that any religion teaches people to
be always clean up thephysical and mental bodies
through sanctification from any negative
Egg offerings in Gawai Dayak ritual simbolizes
asking for protection over the crops to Jubata. The
symbolism of protection is resembled on the
characteristics of egg itself which contains a new life
form or embryo; hence, it represents the coming to
the next stage of life. In facing the new stage of life,
Dayak people hope and pray once again to Jubata
for the protection over themselves andthe protection
over the crops from pest, similar to the egg crust
protecting the embryo. This symbolism is relevant to
the Sastra Nusantara learning outcome in the aspect
of being taqwa to the God Almighty and showing
religious attitude. The relevance is on the act of
asking for help and protection to god (Jubata). In
Islam, Rasulullah SAW ever preaches to Ibnu Abbas
r.a to always pray to Allah SWT alone, because it is
He alone who has the right to be asked for help (Al-
BughadanMistu, 2014: 138).Someone who always
pleads and prays only to Allah is a group of
believers (Amva, 2010: 307).
The next symbolism is on the chicken offering
which represents a sacrifice served by the humans to
Jubata. Faqieh (2008: 57) states that sacrifice is
symbolized by the animal slaughtering as
exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim when he was asked