The Formation of the Students Attitude Post following the Family
Communication Training
Hanny Hafiar, Yanti Setianti, Priyo Subekti, and Heru Ryanto Budiana
Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University
Keywords: Family Communication, Parents, Children, Attitude, Harmony.
Abstract: Along with the social changes that occur in the community, making the communication patterns within the
family between parents and children is now undergoing changes. These changes include alterations of the
quantity and quality of communication that tends to decline. Therefore this paper intends to find out and
expose the formation of the attitude of students after they join the family communication training, either
from elements of perception, feelings, nor the will to do something. The method used is descriptive
quantitative with the technique of sampling survey to all the participants in a class of senior high school in
Bandung. As for the results obtained, the majority of students after following family communication
training experienced considerable attitude formation on aspects of cognition, affection, and also conation.
Thus the training of family communication is needed to reinvigorate the substantive values should be
embodied in the relationship between children with parents in order to create a harmonious communication
between them.
The child is a gift for every parent, however, this gift
sometimes feels difficult in the event of unwanted
conflict occurs between parents and children. The
conflict between parents and children mostly
resulted from poor communication within families,
both of the quantity or quality of communications.
Many factors lead to the deterioration of the family
communication, one contributing factor is the
busyness of the parents in search of a living for the
sake of sufficient family needs.
It is implied in the interview below:
“Rarely .... very rarely I can have long chats
with my mama and papa at home, because
both of my parents are very busy with their
work, ma'am.......especially, with my mama,
mama much busier compared with papa,
because at her office, mama is an official,
so mama often assigned to out of town or
even outside the country. when mama was
assigned outside the office, she is often
away for long periods of time, so I'm used
to the absence of a mom at home. This
condition has been going on since I was a
kid, so that's not a problem for me
anymore..... If something happens then I
have to take care of it by myself, except
when there is a very important had
happened only then I contacted my parents”
Based on the results of those interviews noted
that one factor in the decline in the intensity of
communication between children and their mother
was caused by the existence of the busyness in the
work performed by the mother. In principle based on
the statement above, the child simply understands
the preoccupations of his parents, but over time,
gradually the intensity of communication within the
family will be reduced.
There are other factors apart from the busyness
of the parents, it turns out that there are factors that
are derived from the child itself, it is reflected in the
following interview excerpt:
“When I was a kid, I used to do it, I did it
until junior high, often chatting, often
asking, in case something happened, I often
talk with my parents ... but sometimes after
I told my problem then they even ranting at
me, blamed me.... so the problem gets
worse and they also do not give any
solution, sometimes what they say is not
related to my story, so that in case
Hafiar, H., Setianti, Y., Subekti, P. and Budiana, H.
The Formation of the Students Attitude Post Following the Family Communication Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0009021300002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 377-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
something happened I prefer to tell the
stories only to my friends, or does not tell
the story at all, I tried to divert the problems
with playing or doing other activities at the
school, more palatable, no dizziness”
Referring to the statement, it can be known, that
the children tend to take discuss with friends that
became a peer group, or by diverting attention to
activities that are considered capable of changing
moods from the restless became more fun, one of
them looking for things or activities that are
There are a few things that cause communication
between parents and children take place in a way
that is not appropriate. The warm and intimate
discussion could have been turned into a conflict
that is accompanied by a loud noise and emotion that
arises. If this continues, the communication patterns
between both parents and children, often have a
reluctance to open up communication in the form of
a quality discussion. If there is any conversation,
tend to run as conversational pleasantries.
This certainly needs special attention,
considering that the communication between parents
and children, especially adolescents, is an important
communication in the formation of character and
values that should be held by the child as a guideline
for them in taking their lives until them adulthood.
This is in accordance with the results of researchs,
such as(Hafiar & Sani, 2015), Family has a very
important role in determining one's character. School
alone is not enough to shape a person's character,
inevitably we should turn to the family. The family
contributes to the formation of values so that the
child can discover his identity (Budi & Sidemen,
2013), the norms and rules instilled in the family
will melt within the child so that his behavior
outside is a mirror of his behavior in the family,
though (Lutfiyah, 2016), which in essence states that
communication within the family affects the
character and attitude of adolescents.
Communication between parents and children
become cooled off triggered byincomprehension
between the two sides. So, should the family
instinctively feel the feelings and atmosphere of
children and other members in communicating and
interacting among fellow family members (Subhan,
2013). Parents tend to have difficulty to understand
the desire and their child's behaviour which is
considered out of placewhile the children also tend
to have difficulty in capturing the intent and purpose
of their parents, which is conveyed in the activity of
family communication. Disadvantages of this
understanding will drift into a conflict that is
tapered. Therefore, it is necessary to do an activity to
remind children about the largeness of hope and
affection of the parents to their children, in the form
of training of family communication.
Accordingly, this paper is presented in order to
explain the results of a family communication
training activity in an effort to form a positive
attitude of the child of the importance of family
communication that includes factors in cognition,
affection, or conation. The results of this research
are expected to give an overview regarding the
attitude that ultimately owned by children after
following the material about the importance and
severity of duty as a parent.
This research uses the descriptive method that is
used to describe the attitude of the participants after
the training of family communication, the instrument
used in the form of questionnaires and interviews,
and also observation. Each answer is calculated
based on the frequency and further specified into
single tabulation were subsequently used as
withdrawal material to produce the conclusion.
Based on the results of questionnaires were obtained
after the family communication training activities,
obtained the answers of the participants regarding
aspects of knowledge as follows:
Figure 1: Awareness of the Heavy Burden of Parenthood
Referring to the diagram above, it can be noted
that most of the participants became more knowing
that the burden and the responsibility shouldered by
their parents is very heavy. It is a positive thing
given the role as parents for the individual; it is the
conditions and responsibilities that always presents a
variety of new situations and conditions at any time,
thus demanding a continuous adjustment (Mappiare,
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
1983:161). It is therefore necessary that this
condition be communicated to the child, so that
children understand that being a parent is also a
learning process. In communication activities can
also be instilled values that educate, because parents
as educators in the family have a big role in
educating their children (Antasari, 2016). Therefore
it is required to communicate it to the children, so
that children understand that being a parent is also a
learning process.As for the indicator of the trust, the
results are as follows:
Figure 2: The Trust of Good Purpose of Parents Disallow
When looking at the results from the
questionnaire, it is known that almost all the
participants believe that the prohibition conveyed by
their parents with regard to a particular case, is a
prohibition committed to the good of the children
themselves. Establishment of trust is also
strengthened by the interview excerpts as follows:
“it is true ... I also sometimes know what
that means, if my parents' forbid it certainly
they meant well, but maybe sometimes I
was stubborn hehe ... so I often do not
comply with my parents prohibition, but
sometimes I was also annoyed with my
father and mother commented 'told you so
...!' so irritated ma'am”
In addition to knowledge and trust, the
participants also showed their understanding of the
formation, as illustrated in the diagram below:
Figure 3: Better Understanding about the Reason Behind
Parents Decision
The majority of participants stated that they are
now more able to understand that every decision
made by their parents is the best decision and have
gone through the process of consideration.
Nevertheless, it would be better if in a family, the
decision was taken as a consensus, this refers to the
statement that: “in consensus decision making,
discussion continues until agreement is reached.
This may involve compromise and flexibility but the
desired goal is a solution acceptable to all involved”
(Galvin &Brommel, 1982: 158). The background of
a decision-making process, is something that can not
be separated from the value(Mulyana, Zein, &
Setiawan, 2017). Therefore it is necessary to give
praise and advice to the child proportionately
3.1 Affection
On the activities of family communication, not
infrequently appear role as an indicator of emotional
affection from the parties involved. Based on the
results of questionnaires obtained the formation of a
sense of joy that can be described as follows:
Figure 4: More Loving the Parents
Based on the diagram, it can be said that the love
of the children to their families become increased.
Therefore, parents and children are supposed to
mutually closeness and sharing in order to create a
sense of affection between them, as expressed by
Sternberg in the theory of love, namely: the
closeness and mutual sharing are indicative of their
love categorized in intimacy (Sternberg &Grajek,
In addition to the growing sense of love for the
parent grow in size, comes a feeling of regret that
comes from the awareness that there is a
participants' behavior as a child who is not in the
proper towards their parents, as described in the
following diagram:
The Formation of the Students Attitude Post Following the Family Communication Training
Figure 5: Regret Feeling After Disobey the Parents
Regrets that appears within the child when
considering the actions they had done when
disobeying their parents indicated that they love
their parents because in principle they realize that
the act of noncompliance that makes parents upset or
inconvenient. This is in line with that expressed in
the following statement :“if you love someone, you
care about them, and therefore you want to do
things for them, make them happy, help them, give to
them, share with them, fulfil their needs, and if
necessary, sacrifice for the,” (Strauss & Quinn,
1997: 200).
3.2 Conation
The closeness or intimacy can be awakened in a
communication. The effect of wanting to get closer
is also a tendency to act as part of the conation
factor. As one conation element which appears in the
participant is to want more frequent communication
can be seen in the following diagram:
Figure 6: Willing to Communication more often
The desire to communicate more frequently with
their parentsarising within the children.This
indicating the formation of attitudes that want to be
closer to his parents. Communication to be woven
should be interactive. These are interactive
communication according to Porter and Samovar
(1982) requires a reciprocal situation. Situations are
things that also affect the development of children.
Situations can be internal and external factors.
External factors are social factors or factors that
come from outside the individual self such as family
environment and community environment (Falentini,
Taufik, & Mudjiran, 2013). Therefore, the family
must play an active role in the change and
development of children (Nurrohmatulloh, 2016),
including changes that are influenced by the
situation factors.
While other conation elements arising is
determined to be filial to their parents, which
become determination by the whole participants,
with the following diagram:
Figure 7: Determining to be more Filial to The Parents
The emergence of a determination to become a
more dedicated child is a positive result.
Considering one of the goals of the training
activities was cause a motivation within the
participants to do things according to the purpose of
the training. As for the purpose of this training one
of them is to make the student participants into
children more dutiful to their parents, as expressed
by the head of the training as follows: "one of the
goals of this family communication training for high
school students is so that they can become a child
that more filial to their parents”. One of the devotion
of a child is to study earnestly according to the
expectation of parents, therefore it is the duty of
parents also to keep the child to always be in a
conducive social environment. Because, the better
the social environment will result in higher
motivation to learn (Yuliani, 2013).
Family communications training conducted by the
team members of community service for high school
students can say to be quite successful. This is
evidenced by the positive response from the students
who participated in the training which indicates the
formation of positive attitudes of participants
towards family communication. One of the results
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
found is the growth of the trust, and love of their
parents, as well as the determination of the children
to be a filial child to their parents.
Therefore, this kind of training should be
conducted on an ongoing basis to youth, considering
in the teenage years, they often have conflicts with
their parents indicated by the presence of family
communication deteriorating likely to appear.
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The Formation of the Students Attitude Post Following the Family Communication Training