something happened I prefer to tell the
stories only to my friends, or does not tell
the story at all, I tried to divert the problems
with playing or doing other activities at the
school, more palatable, no dizziness”
Referring to the statement, it can be known, that
the children tend to take discuss with friends that
became a peer group, or by diverting attention to
activities that are considered capable of changing
moods from the restless became more fun, one of
them looking for things or activities that are
There are a few things that cause communication
between parents and children take place in a way
that is not appropriate. The warm and intimate
discussion could have been turned into a conflict
that is accompanied by a loud noise and emotion that
arises. If this continues, the communication patterns
between both parents and children, often have a
reluctance to open up communication in the form of
a quality discussion. If there is any conversation,
tend to run as conversational pleasantries.
This certainly needs special attention,
considering that the communication between parents
and children, especially adolescents, is an important
communication in the formation of character and
values that should be held by the child as a guideline
for them in taking their lives until them adulthood.
This is in accordance with the results of researchs,
such as(Hafiar & Sani, 2015), Family has a very
important role in determining one's character. School
alone is not enough to shape a person's character,
inevitably we should turn to the family. The family
contributes to the formation of values so that the
child can discover his identity (Budi & Sidemen,
2013), the norms and rules instilled in the family
will melt within the child so that his behavior
outside is a mirror of his behavior in the family,
though (Lutfiyah, 2016), which in essence states that
communication within the family affects the
character and attitude of adolescents.
Communication between parents and children
become cooled off triggered byincomprehension
between the two sides. So, should the family
instinctively feel the feelings and atmosphere of
children and other members in communicating and
interacting among fellow family members (Subhan,
2013). Parents tend to have difficulty to understand
the desire and their child's behaviour which is
considered out of placewhile the children also tend
to have difficulty in capturing the intent and purpose
of their parents, which is conveyed in the activity of
family communication. Disadvantages of this
understanding will drift into a conflict that is
tapered. Therefore, it is necessary to do an activity to
remind children about the largeness of hope and
affection of the parents to their children, in the form
of training of family communication.
Accordingly, this paper is presented in order to
explain the results of a family communication
training activity in an effort to form a positive
attitude of the child of the importance of family
communication that includes factors in cognition,
affection, or conation. The results of this research
are expected to give an overview regarding the
attitude that ultimately owned by children after
following the material about the importance and
severity of duty as a parent.
This research uses the descriptive method that is
used to describe the attitude of the participants after
the training of family communication, the instrument
used in the form of questionnaires and interviews,
and also observation. Each answer is calculated
based on the frequency and further specified into
single tabulation were subsequently used as
withdrawal material to produce the conclusion.
Based on the results of questionnaires were obtained
after the family communication training activities,
obtained the answers of the participants regarding
aspects of knowledge as follows:
Figure 1: Awareness of the Heavy Burden of Parenthood
Referring to the diagram above, it can be noted
that most of the participants became more knowing
that the burden and the responsibility shouldered by
their parents is very heavy. It is a positive thing
given the role as parents for the individual; it is the
conditions and responsibilities that always presents a
variety of new situations and conditions at any time,
thus demanding a continuous adjustment (Mappiare,