modern ojek-based order. PT GO-JEK Indonesia
which has been passing its journey since 2011. GO-
JEK is made from indonesia which was first born
with good intention to provide solution to facilitate
daily life in the middle of urban congestion. At that
time, how can people get easy, safe, convenient, and
reliable services with clear tariffs, while partners can
become easier in getting customers and increasing
revenue. The organized GO-JEK service is well-
liked by the community and partners, although the
number is still very small compared to now. At that
time, the services offered by GO-JEK include
transportation, courier, and shopping. Goal PT GO-
JEK time is to improve the performance of the
motorcycle taxi drivers. In 2015 PT GO-JEK
decided to provide GO-JEK services in the form of
an application. So GO-JEK becomes a technology-
based solution that facilitates all the daily life needs
of the community. This is where the growth of GO-
JEK becomes very significant. When the GO-JEK
app is launched in 2015, there are three services
offered: transport, instant courier, and shopping.
GO-JEK has features in the form of transport
services that can be ordered online, using GO-JEK
APP (apps) that can be downloaded via smartphone
or with other gadgets, consumers can order GO-JEK
drivers to access all 10 services, with how to enter
the person's address to find out the cost of using the
service, then use the use my location service to
direct the driver to where the person is located.9
GO-JEK offers 8 (eight) service features that can be
utilized by its customers ie Go-Send Goods), Go-
Ride, Go-Food, Go-Mart, Go-Glam, Go-Massage,
Go-Go, Go-Clean, GoBusway and Go-Tix.
emphasizing excellence in speed, innovation and
social interaction. GO-JEK is a company in legal
status as a service provider. GO-JEK is also working
with several business partners as a supporter in
operating GO-JEK itself, as GO-JEK company
implemented a recruiting partner system in order to
increase employment for ojek drivers who were not
yet tied to any company. The establishment of GO-
JEK Company is based on Law Number 40 Year
2007 regarding Limited Liability Company, as the
legal basis for establishment of GO-JEK Company
and become a company that has legal status. In
practice, PT GO-JEK INDONESIA is registered at
KEMENKUMHAM as an Application Service
Provider Company. This company as a liaison
between passengers (consumers) with ojek driver
(business actor) easily. 9 http://www.go- accessed on March 6th at 21:22
WIB 11 As a technology company, GO-JEK has
Trading Business License (SIUP), Business Place
License (SITU), Domicile Certificate Company
(SKDP), Company Registration (TDP) and
Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP). 3.
Motorcycle Taxi Online as a Public Motor Vehicle
The definition of transportation according to Article
1 number 3 UULLAJ is "the movement of people
and / or goods from one place to another by using a
vehicle in a road traffic space". According to the
Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. 35 of
2003 on the Implementation of the Transport of
people on the street by public transportation,
Transports are "the movement of people and / or
goods from one place to another by means of
vehicles". Based on article 1 point 10 UULLAJ jo
article 1 point 5 PP Number 74 Year 2014 on Road
Transport states that public motor vehicles are "any
motor vehicle used for the transport of persons and /
or by a fee". Basically, the existence of motorcycle
taxi as a motorcycle has two advantages and
uniqueness since ojek can provide door to door
service, can reach difficult locations such as alleys
and narrow roads, or able to pass the traffic jam. But
motorcycle taxi drivers are said to be illegal public
transport, because there is no regulation specifically
regulating motorcycle taxis in motorcycles. The
existence of motorcycle taxi itself can be said to be
needed by the community. Motorcycle taxi is said to
be the transport of people with two-wheeled motor
vehicles. Not specifically regulated on motorcycles
as public transport vehicles, because there are some
problems in the administration of ojek registration as
a public motor vehicle in the Department of
According to Daymon & Holloway (2008), case
studies are a research strategy with multiple sources
of evidence (qualitative, quantitative, or combined
evidence) of a time-limited and observed
observation unit. To quote Daymon & Holloway's
opinion, this research method uses case study
approach that is by taking the example of cases by
describing qualitatively, researching the facts
available and available in the field.
According to Yin the case study was conducted
using evidence obtained from empirical experience in
investigating. The case study methodology can be
used if:
1. Researchers have little information about the
subject matter
2. The focus of research is a phenomenon that has
been going on