Application of Citizen Journalism based on Information Technology
Alexander Setiawan
, Ido Priyana Hadi
, Agusly Irawan Aritonang
and Desi Yoanita
Petra Christian University, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Informatics Department,
Siwalankerto Street 121 131 Surabaya 60236
Petra Christian University, Faculty of Communication Science, Communication Science Department,
Siwalankerto Street 121 131 Surabaya 60236
Keywords: Information Technology, Citizen Journalism, Media Applications.
Abstract: The development of information and communication technology in the present time is growing rapidly and
increasingly easy to access information. Variety of news can be enjoyed through the presence of mainstream
media such as newspapers, television, radio until the new media so that the emergence of media with new
formats such as news portals from online media and the emergence of television streaming service that makes
the needs of news to be very simple. With that made a research with the making of citizen journalism
application based on information technology, which in this application will focus on the implementation of
citizen journalism web-based using JSON and AJAX programming model. The purpose of applying the
citizen journalism website is to expand the reach of the media and make it easier for guests to get facilities
from citizen journalism. From the results of the implementation and testing of the application, will generate
some facilities in this website, including the use of facilities divided into 3 parts, namely for guests, members,
and administrators. Content of this website provides images and news information so that members can clearly
know the news to be submitted and can make the addition of news online, as well as the latest news posting
information, selection of news types, and guest book for members on this website so it will provide added
value for applications.
As we know that every news reported by the media is
not always true and often have a specific purpose. That
is why citizen journalism is required because
compared to the media, the writings of a civilian are
more neutral because he has no interest whatsoever
unless he is part of the formation of public opinion as
is commonly practiced by the media. Examples of
disputes between citizens and companies, not
infrequently the news conveyed by the media is half-
truth news and then where the other half? The other
half may not be covered or deliberately covered. New
media arises and with it the readership of the
traditional media coupled declines. Public
participation in the news process gives rise to
independent online journalism (Rodrigues & Braham,
The important role of citizen journalism is to
overwhelm what the media does not, to clarify the
truth. Media used in citizen journalism is a social
network applications like facebook, twitter, and also
blogs. Residents can report the incident from the scene
shortly after the incident took place over professional
journalists. Technological advances, especially the
internet, encourage citizens to become a 'journalist'.
Citizen journalism (citizen journalism) has become a
trend among the public.
The activities usually done by journalists can now
be done by ordinary people though, easy access to
internet also facilitate in doing activity coverage so
that the coverage can be received by the press
company immediately. Citizen journalism covers all
types of print, electronic, or online media. However in
Indonesia as well as in other countries, is increasing
rapidly with online media.
New Media is a term used for all media forms mass
communication based on communication and
information technology. New media that have these
Setiawan, A., Hadi, I., Aritonang, A. and Yoanita, D.
Application of Citizen Journalism based on Information Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0009021500002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 388-391
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
characteristics is the internet. The Internet is a wired
and satellite phone network that connects the
computer (Vivian, 2008). In this new media theory
there are two views about the era of the first and
second media. First, the view of social interaction:
differentiate media according to how close the media
is with model of face-to-face interaction. Second, the
view of social integrity: this approach illustrates
media not in the form of information, interaction, or
dissemination, but in ritual form or how humans use
the media as a way of creating society with uniting
society in the form of mutual belonging.
The development of new media technology is
very influential on the development of citizen
journalism. The technology is the internet which is
the network computer that allows the exchange of
information without distance and time constraints. the
emergence of the Internet or commonly called the
new media provides opportunities for non-
professional journalists (citizen journalism) to
publish their articles in the media.
The term social media journalism has no classical
communication and journalistic literature. this term
emerged later as the development of social media as
part of online media (Romli, 2008).
The need for application and maturity of
information technology in the citizen journalism
environment requires an integration of technology
and information. This need will be seen in decision-
making at the top level that must be supported by
information technology. The Information
Technology process can be seen Figure 1.
Figure 1: Information Technology Processes.
The utilization of information technology to
support organizations or institutions in responding to
business / government pressure and achieving its
objectives has been regarded as a necessity by every
organization, government, and company. Increased
complexity, interconnectivity, and globalization
make developers of information technology requires
a large cost and also cause various risks. At the same
time, information technology also provides enormous
opportunities as journalists and changes the thinking
patterns of citizen journalism (Setiawan, 2015).
AJAX is a technique to make the display more
quickly and dynamically. AJAX allows the display
can perform updates by exchanging small amounts of
data. The advantage of using AJAX is able to reload
in a section on the display without having to refresh
the entire page (W3schools, 2016). The goal is to
move most of the interaction on a computer web
surfer, to exchange data with the server behind the
scenes, so that the web page does not have to be read
as a whole every time a user makes a change. This
will increase interactivity, speed, and usability
(Setiawan, Handojo, & Hadi, 2017).
The task of the admin is to do insert, update, delete,
view information on web applications are provided
through a web browser. In a system of admin user can
view information - information about the kind of
culture that is selected, and the user can also add news
and information via web application. Admin tasks
that perform insert, update, delete illustrations and
questions from the web applications. Design system
citizen journalism can be seen Figure 2.
Figure 2: Design System Citizen Journalism Application.
The first time accessing the website citizen
journalism will appear index page that can make the
login process to enter into the website. Login form
application can be seen Figure 3. If not registration,
then user must do registration process. Registration
form application can be seen Figure 4.
In creating a new article then the user needs to
specify the category, title, article content, image or
article thumbnail. Users will submit articles to be
published, by click Write Article on the profile page.
is enabled by
and considers
IT Processes
The control of
which satisfy
Application of Citizen Journalism based on Information Technology
Once completed then the user can click the submit
button. Article submitted form application can be
seen Figure 5.
At the very top of the page the user can see who
uploaded or created the article. Then follow below,
the content of the article itself. Then when the user
wants to add a comment on this article then the user
can scroll to the bottom of the article page, it will
show comment field as follows. Article comments
application can be seen Figure 6.
Figure 3: Login Form Application.
Figure 4: Register Form Application.
Figure 5: Article Submitted Form Application.
Figure 6: Article Comments Application.
At the end of the design and development of citizen
journalism application, some conclusions can be
drawn through the existence of online journalism will
encourage the transparency of the more easily and
openly in news reporting. This causes professional
journalists to start creating blogs to seek informative
feedback from the audience.
Rodrigues, Usha M. and Braham, Emily 2008, Citizen
journalism and the public sphere: a study of the status
of citizen journalism, Australian journalism review,
vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 49-60.
Vivian, J. 2008. Teori Komunikasi Massa, edisi Kedelapan
(The Media of Mass Communication, 8th edition).
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Tinggi Swasta Yogyakarta Dengan Model Cobit
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(SEMNASIF) (Vol. 1, No. 5).
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Application of Citizen Journalism based on Information Technology