Meanwhile, Kompasiana develops citizen
journalism with a writing platform for social blogs.
Write about social media, which allows writers to
connect with each other. Because it will directly deal
with many readers. Writing in Kompasiana his form
can be in the form of sentences, paragraphs, or can
be on several pages. On the other hand, who
commented on our idea ofKompasiana not only the
netter who became our friend, but the other
Kompasianer (contributors) scattered.
The writing platform in Kompasiana is divided
into three activities, IE citizen version of events,
reports, citizen opinion writing, and fiction writing
by citizens. Generally, events are written in the form
of news, features, in the form of travel reports,
culinary, or biographies. However, most writings
appear in the form of opinion or fiction, which of
course raises criticism that Kompasiana cannot be
called the media citizen journalism
4.2 The Focus of the Editor's Policies
are Mainly on Content
Kompasiana editors reserve the right to moderate
each content to ensure it does not violate the terms
and conditions. If Kompasianer does not agree,
please do not access and use this site. As for every
best content, Kompasiana will promote it 7x24
hours to be read by more people.The reason people
read, as well as contributor information is very
diverse. One of them to share information. The
content they access gives an understanding of what
reality is. Furthermore, Suparno Jumar (45 years)
one of Pasang Mata active contributors said,
"Pasang is able to create an awareness
about the importance of public participation in
delivering useful information, concerning the public
interest and what is not found in mainstream media".
Kompasiana focus to the content. As stated by
Iskandar Zulkarnaen (Chief Operation Officer) to
the researcher, “so anyone who writes or sends
anything to Kompasiana will be seen carefully.
Given since the beginning Kompasiana platform has
been writing. Indonesian society, writes”.
Meanwhile, Pasang Mata contributors must send
their own and new content, photos and videos. Not
allowed to take the property of others. If this is not
considered, will be blacklisted by the editor.
Managers or administrators are parties who have
access to moderate and manage content. Managers
are responsible for checking and managing incoming
content, processing account verification, and
establishing communications with members.
Managers have the right to remove content that
violates the terms, edit the content, manage the time
of the content, serve the warning, and block the
4.3 Discussion
Pasang Mata and Kompasiana are few cases of
citizen journalism, media that can survive. Where
until this research is done in 2018, the media has
become a kind of open virtual campus, a gathering
of many contributors and authors with diverse
interests and interests to share information.
Contributors will be better off if they write based on
their own experiences, in accordance with what they
know and experience.
Citizen participation in content production
systems puts citizens at the center of information
speed. Citizens become important and decisive
actors in information dissemination. The social
action of citizens reporting events or events is a form
of citizen journalism with the speed of a live report
on the spot and the principle of the news that you
can use. Reports from citizens, by citizens and for
citizens give a space of expression and encourage
the strengthening of information from citizens, by
citizens, and for citizens.
Ordinary citizens are free to voice their hearts, so
through this media channel citizens are noticed,
heard, appreciated as citizens who have the right to
speak. As affirmed in the democratic participant
media theory, the practice of citizen journalism is a
form of horizontal communication.The implications
give rise to a growing space of intellectual dialectics
that is healthy, democratic, and there is no repressive
attitude of the government. The public is free to
express their ideas while maintaining the courtesy of
internet communication. As affirmed by Nugraha
(2013) that a writer is bound by good morals and the
value of the universal value of goodness that exists
in each of his own authors.
Freedom of speech in virtual space still demands
good ethics and morals from every communication
actor. Therefore, the demand for equality of rights
and duties must be balanced. Unrest among ordinary
citizens of ideas or opinions not channeled in the
mainstream media can be mediated by the media
citizen journalism. Citizens can write anything as
facts for dissemination and sharing of information
including opinion writing. On the other hand, the
democratic readers can also judge, criticize, and
comment on the writing.