Friday sermon as a whole is a complete discourse.
Therefore in Friday Sermon can be identified its
structure. Friday sermon consists of two parts,
namely the first sermon and the second sermon. In
the Friday Sermon the boundary between the first
sermon and the second sermon is marked by the
preacher sitting on a chair. Each section of the
sermon consists of opening, content, and cover. In
general the structure of the Friday Sermon consists
of greetings, prayer call, hamdalah recitation,
Shahada recitation, selawat recitation, godly
testament, Quran recitation, and prayers. The
structure of the second Friday Sermon consists of
recitation of hamdalah, shahada, selawat, godly
testament, conclusions, and closing prayers
(Saddhono, Wardani, & Ulya, 2015).
Friday sermon on the first sermon can be divided
into Arabic and Javanese sermons. At every
preaching the sermons khotib uses the Arabic speech
which is the pillar of the Friday sermon and
Javanese right after. Each sermon then closes with a
prayer that uses Arabic. The first Friday Sermon
structure consists of greetings, call to prayer,
recitation of hamdalah, shahada, and selawat, godly
testament, Quran recitation, and prayers. The
structure of the first sermon can be identified the
opening, the contents, and closings. In the opening
section consists of reading salam, prayer calling,
recitation of hamdalah, syahadat, and selawat, and
godly testament. In the contents section can be
identified from the material presented by the
preacher by quoting the recitation of Quran as a
pillar of a Friday Sermon. On the closing is
indicated by the reading a short prayer before the
preacher sat between two sermons.
The second sermon has an opening, content, and
closing elements. In the opening section the second
sermon is marked by the recitation of hamdalah,
shahada, selawat, and godly testament. In the
contents section in the form of emphasis on the
material of the sermon which contains in general is a
conclusion of the Friday Sermon. As for the closing
of the closing prayer and destined for the Muslims.
Da'wah that serves to convey a message or a
mandate that contains moral education and religious
teachings is relatively much demanded because
usually dai/ daiyah (Muslim preacher) or people who
deliver sermon can convey the things wisely, able to
choose a proper greeting, pick topics relevant,
provide explanations and judgments (of good or bad)
objectively and display holy verses of the Quran and
hadith. Dai expresses moral or religious values
clearly with examples or stories by utilizing speech
codes that match the right tone and intonation. Dai
or daiyah also revealed appeals, criticisms, innuendo
and prohibitions. The language used is easy to
understand and does not offend other people. These
things seem to be a contributing factor that causes
his name to soar and relatively many devotees of his
The Friday sermon pattern is generally illustrated
in Chart 1 which is derived from (1) opening
greetings, (2) prayer calling, (3) the first sermon, (4)
the reading, (5) the greeting, (6) the content of the
Friday sermon, (7) the quote of the Qur'an and the
hadith, (8) the closing prayer of the first sermon, (9)
sitting between two sermons, (10) second sermon,
(11) readings, (12) the greeting, (13) the conclusion
of the sermon, and (14) the closing prayer. This
pattern is known as the Friday sermon.
In chart 1 Friday Sermon Pattern number 1 form
of opening greetings that read Assalamu'alaikum
Waraḥmatullāhi Wabarakātuh which means may
Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you. The
meaning of this greeting is very deep because in
addition to the expression of the meeting can also be
said as a prayer, both for speakers and partners.
In addition to the above, Firday semon is a
typical discourse. The peculiarities contained in this
Friday sermon are specific terms or vocabulary that
appear. The term is a word or combination of words
that carefully expresses a meaning, concept, process,
circumstance, or characteristic in a particular field. If
it is understood further that the vocabulary in the
Friday Sermon can be categorized as an ideological
dialect. The situation in Indonesia which has various
religions can cause variations of language used.
There is a special term that appears in the Friday
Sermon because the discourse of the Friday Sermon
is a distinctive discourse.
Diction here is the typical vocabulary that
appears in each mosque with a different
environment. Speech locations in sociolinguistic
studies determine speakers in using their language.
If someone speaks at home it will be different when
someone speaks in the office or in the mosque. The
vocabulary that appears in each place will be
different between at home, in the office, and in the
mosque. In this study even the vocabulary that
appears in each mosque that is based on the
environment also appears difference.
Friday sermons that took place in the family
were chosen by the mosque inside the Surakarta
Hadiningrat Palace. This selection is based on the
assumption that Javanese culture is still very
dominant in the palace compared to outside the