Meaning and Legal Position in Thoughts of Syeikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al - Banjari
Rakhmat Nopliardy, Jarkawi
Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, Banjarmasin
Keywords: The Meaning of Law. Legal Stance, Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
Abstract: This article aims to analyze with the juridical discriptical method of the meaning and position of law. The
text of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari (1122 H-1227 H / 1710 M-1812 AD) in the book of Sabîl al-
Muhtadîn li at-Tafaqquh Amr ad-Dîn has a philosophical dimension , and history, no one has previously
examined the meaning and position of the law in thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari as the
basis of the formation of law by the Institution of the Sultanate of Banjar around the XVIII-XIX century.
The text of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the field of syari'ah, as well as the influence and
practice of Sheikh Muhmmad Arsyad Al Banjari in the Sultanate of Banjar during the reign of Sultan
Tahmidullah bin Sultan Tamjidullah able to surpass the institution of the sultanate of Banjar, so the Sultan
uses the script of thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in running the imperial government in
terms of achieving justice and the welfare of the people at that time. One of the texts even in the time of the
Sultanate of Adam was used as a reference as the forerunner of the birth of the Sultan Adam's Law and until
now it is mentioned in the Marriage Law No. 01 of 1974 article 35.
Y Study of Meaning and Legal Position "The
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary in
the Sultan of Banjar administration system" is a field
of law study, especially the science of constitutional
law, which is indirectly related to philosophical,
political, and historical point of view.
In the perspective of the study of law, there are
important things that need to be explained first is:
what or what will be studied from the Thoughts of
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary in the system
of the Sultan of Banjar ". Is the script or the contents
of the action of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjary in the administration system of Sultan
Banjar ", and / or both. According to the author, both
are equally important because: on the one hand, 'The
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in
the system of the Sultan of Banjar administration' is
a political act that creates a new law
(rechtsscheppen). On the other hand, the 'text' itself
serves as a form of legal proof (rechtsvaststellen) on
the sultan's policy of Banjari. This is in line with
what will be extracted from this study is the essence
and existence of the Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary in the government
system of Sultan Banjar "in the Sultanate of Banjar
The legal issues that arise are: what is the legal
meaning of the Thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of the Sultan of
Banjar's government "; The thought of Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the Sultan of
Banjar government system "is a political or legal
action; Is the Text of Thought Sheikh Muhmmad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the Sultan of Banjar
administration system "can be qualified as" norm
"(legal norm); What is the legal basis of the binding
force of the Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of the Sultan of
Banjar "; Why the Sultanate of Banjar and the
Indonesian Ulama especially the people of South
Kalimantan respects, obeys, and implements the
values, principles and principles contained in the
text of the Thinking Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari; as well as the extent of the substance of the
Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari in the system of the Sultan of Banjar
administration "has been used as a spirit in the
organization of national and state life in the
Sultanate of Banjar at that time.
Nopliardy, R. and Jarkawi, .
Meaning and Legal Position in Thoughts of Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Al - Banjari.
DOI: 10.5220/0009022700002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 465-476
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
On the other hand, the problem of the legal
position of the Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of Sultan Banjar
administration "is equally important to be examined
on this occasion. Conceptually, whether the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in
the Sultan of Banjar administration system "can be
qualified as Grundnorm in the sense of Hans Kalsen
or more precisely as staatsfundamentalnorm in the
sense of Hans Nawiasky.
Practically speaking, it is also questionable
where the legal position of the text of the Thoughts
of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the
system of the Sultan of Banjar 's government is: Is in
the realm of the material legal source or the source
of formal law; then if linked in the perspective of the
provisions of the laws and regulations prevailing in
the time of the Sultanate of Banjar at that time,
where is the legal position of the Thoughts of Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of the
Sultan of Banjar's administration? as well as the
extent to which the implications of the meaning and
legal position of the Thought Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the government system of the
Sultan of Banjar "to the implementation of life of
nation and state in the Sultanate of Banjar at that
Back to the question of the legal meaning of
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the system
of Sultan Banjar administration ". To deepen the
meaning of the thought of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjary is essential, it is not enough just
to read the text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of the Sultan of
Banjar ". Rather it must be seen the historical
context behind it, as well as the factors that
influence the text of the Thinking Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of the
Sultan of Banjar administration "made the policy of
Sultan Banjar.
In the context of a more holistic study, the
values, principles and principles of Islam from
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the system
of the Sultan of Banjar administration "can only be
known that the meaning of the text is related to the
substance of the Qur'an and hadith.
The author performs an integrated interpretation
(integrated) between text, context, and contextual.
This is in line with this method of interpretation in
philosophy known as the "Hermeneutics" method (
Whereas to know where the position of the law
of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the
system of the Sultan of Banjar ", theoretically the
least possible approach with two points of view:
First, in the perspective of Stufenbautheorie or
Stufenbau des Rechts Hans Kelsen. It is subdivided
into two theories of "the theory of the origin of the
source of law" which is always associated with the
terminology of Grundnorm and the "legal ladder
theory" in relation to a hierarchical order of the laws
of a country. For the latter, by Hans Nawiasky called
the theory of Die Theorie vom Stufenaufbau der
Rechtsordnung . Second, it refers to the theory of the
source of law, namely the source of material law and
the source of formal law.
The side of philosophical study of some of the
above problems lies in ideas containing the values of
"truth" and "justice" in bringing about prosperity and
justice. Or with the reverse assertion that all forms
of the ideology are contrary to the values of faith,
therefore it becomes a common enemy.
Epistemology about: what is the meaning of zakat
thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari; what
is the essence of the empire, why the empire exists;
or where the empire came from. This problematic
thing is difficult to ascertain before, although the
meaning of productive zakat thought, custom of
abstinence, tabala, Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari and the factors of sultanate policy can be
studied and still open to debatable.
Another philosophical reflection of the meaning
of the thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari in the area of the Banjar sultanate is perhaps
traceable from the conception of man as an
individual being (creature of God) who has been
given freedom in making his choice responsibly . As
a nation, the people of the sultanate of Banjar also
attached the right to self-determination (self-
determination) as a sultanate.
The side of his political studies, lies in the reality
that the thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari is a single political act that expresses his
opinion as a cleric in the Sultanate of Banjar. The
problem is where to find the source of political
legitimacy for Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari as a cleric at that time so that his thoughts
became the source of law by the Sultan in arranging
the rules and policies of the Sultanate at that time .
While the side of historical studies is whether the
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari is
the result of the study that during it was done on the
way to Mecca and Egypt. As to whether the
conception of the thought of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari built in the fight against
conventional thinking earlier at that time.
Departing from some of the main issues (main
problems) above, according to the writer is in need
of a deep understanding so that this research / study,
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
given the juridical, meaning and legal position of the
Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari in the system of government Banjar
Kesultan "until now is still used by the community,
compared to now the role of ulama is only for the
purpose of da'wah in society, while in the present
government system the role of ulama has not
significant meaning in the life of nation and state.
Similarly, at the implementation level, there are
occasional government policies that are still far from
the ideals and spirit of justice and prosperity. The
authors' expectations of this research study can be
one of the links for on going legal reform efforts
being undertaken by various parties. Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari wrote the book of
Sabil al-muhtadin to meet two needs: cultural needs
and structural needs. Cultural needs, because Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjary sees the existence of
the emptiness of the fiqh book Malay language in
the country while the structural needs, the request of
the sultan Tahmidullah bin Sultan Tamjidullah to
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari to write
books of jurisprudence in Malay. The Book of
Sabilal Al Muhtadin is intregrative between the
Sultan's wishes with the wishes of al-Banjari as the
Application of Law and Islamization to be the
guideline of the life of a country. The legal product
that was built by Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari is good if it is felt the effect by the life of the
society and keep the law which still applied still
relevant in Banjar society until now.
In the perspective of Kelsen's theory of "legal
origin" ; value, soul, and spirit contained in the Text
of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Thinking
of his legal position as the basic norm. In the
perspective of Nawiasky's "legal ladder" theory, his
legal position as Staatsfundamentalnorm. Whereas
in the perspective of the theory of "source of law":
Substantively, the existence of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari Script can be categorized in the
source of material law; Formally or in terms of its
legal form (after being formalized into the Rules of
the Sultanate), the Text of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari's Thought is the foundation for
the establishment of the positive law of the sultanate.
The law offered is to re-actualize the meaning of
freedom of thought of independent and modern
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari without the
influence and pressure of power both internal and
external, renewed policy conceptions of the
institution of sultanate, sovereignty and thought of
ulama, and the source of law of the institution of the
Referring to Ibn Khaldun's thought that "the
people will follow the religion and customs of their
kings" . The existence of Islamic political
institutions is a strong indication that Islamic law
has been applied in the life of the archipelago at that
time, the kings together with the ulama encouraged
their subjects to follow the rules and regulations set
forth within the scope of royal political institutions
and to enforce Islamic law as positive law .
The Banjar Sultanate of XVIII-XIX centuries
which in its time was born a scholar named Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari 1710-1812M author
of the book Sabîl al- Muhtadîn li at-Tafaqquh fî Amr
ad-Dîn. was born in the village of Lok Gabang on
Thursday 15 Safar 1122 H, coinciding March 19,
Regarding the text on sheikh Muhammad Arsyad
Al Banjari can be said to be still in a marginal
position in Islamic historiography in Indonesia, the
existing form of writing is limited to a discussion
centered on Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari,
not in the relationship and position of ulama in
general. Although Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari there are some similarities with the position
of ulama in Javanese and Sumatran societies, but in
it is also tucked uniqueness due to various factors
that surround it.
The name of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari is attributed to his origins from Banjar
(Borneo or South Kalimantan today). The term
Banjar itself is a brief mention for Banjarmasin. A
great Sultanate that once stood in Borneo. The term
Banjarmasin is called for Kampung Oloh Masih or
Orang Melayu . The origin of Banjar itself seems to
be the second wave of Malays who migrated to
Borneo from Sumatra in the past. The first wave was
the Malays who had already settled in Borneo or
Kalimantan now. The people of this first wave were
then pressed by the arrival of the Banjar people.
They (the first wave people) then shifted into the
interior, which later called the Dayaks .
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari as a study
in this study due to several considerations. First, he
is an independent and modern mujtahid who gives
the spirit to make ideas and thoughts in
implementing Islamic law in the life of a new state
without having to tie to an old heritage that is less
suited to the era at that time; second, he is a
productive scholar with his various works in the
field of fiqh and ushûl fiqh, da'wah, politics,
education, Islamic economics, tasawuf, third, insight
fiqh Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari The
flood that leads to the attitude of tawasut (moderate)
and realistic to the changes of time so that
Meaning and Legal Position in Thoughts of Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Al - Banjari
acceptable modern society, fourth, able to
communicate contemporary problems with the way
of thinking modern people, fifth, fatwa-fatwas have
scientific weight and very influential in the Islamic
world, , as an advisor to Sultan Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari contributed many legal thoughts
to the sultanate of Banjar so the sultan ordered
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari to make the
book as a guide for life especially Banjar and Banjar
people in general and the book is called Sabîl al-
Muhtadîn li at -Tafaqquh Amr ad-Dîn, the book in
the Sultanate of Adam used as a reference as the
forerunner of the birth of the Law of Sultan Adam
and became one of the reference Compilation of
Islamic Law in Indonesia.
Understanding the meaning and legal position of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari uses
several theories, among: Hermeneutics Theory,
Stufenbau des Rechts Theory and Theory of Law
Resources, as a knife of analysis.
To meet the two demands: the demands of
cultural needs and structural needs, cultural needs,
because Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari sees
the existence of a vacuum of Malay-speaking
jurisprudence in the country while the structural
need, demand from Sultan Tahmidullah bin Sultan
Tamjidullah (1761-1801 M) to write the book of
jurisprudence of Malay is the Book of Sabil al-
Muhtadin li at-Tafaqquh fiAmr ad-Din. The book is
a reference of Islamic law in the sultanate of Banjar
which nuanced Islamization but was opposed in the
Dutch colonial era. The object of investigation in
this research is Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari Textile Thoughts, while the main problem to
be solved is about the meaning and position of law
of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Thoughts
in the royal system of Banjar Sultanate.
Based on the object of research above, the type
of research used is "normative legal research", with
approaches: "juridical-philosophical", "historical",
and "comparative law". The focus examined in the
normative legal research method is to examine the
rules and legal principles associated with the
meaning and position of the law. Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari and its implications .
While the approach method used with the juridical-
philosophical Approach. The juridical approach is
used to study the meaning of law and the legal
position of the Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the constitutional system of the
Sultanate of Banjar. While the philosophical
approach that the author means is to use
"hermeneutics". The philosophy of hermeneutics is
the philosophy of the nature of things to understand
or to understand something, namely philosophical
reflection that analyzes and interprets a text
(including the Text of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari). Things or activities understand something
essentially the same as the activity of interpreting .
Historical approach, used to examine the essence
and existence of the text of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari Thought in the context of its legal
history. This means in what kind of atmosphere
Thesis Sheikh Muhammad Al-Arya Arsyad Banjari
was prepared, and what the motivation and purpose
of the Sultanate of Banjar makes the text becomes
the policy of the Sultanate of Banjar in running the
life of the Sultanate of Banjar.
The legal history approach approach must also
meet objective, logical, and honesty requirements .
Comparative legal approach. In order to evaluate
and find the meaning of law and correctly
positioning the legal position of the Text of Thought
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the
archipelago system of the archipelago at that time.
We Based on the description on the background, the
problem identification is formulated as follows:
a. What is the legal meaning of the text of the
Thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari, so that it can be qualified as the basis for
the formation of the law?
b. How is the legal position of the text of Thought
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the
system of the Sultanate of Banjar?
c. How far the implications of the meaning and
legal position of the Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari against the
implementation of the state life in the Sultanate
of Banjar?
The purpose of this study is to examine critically to
find a clear and precise conception of the meaning of
law and legal standing Thought Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari in the system of the Sultanate of
Banjar. With this conception, it is further expected
to find the meaning of law and to set clear
benchmarks on the Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari as the foundation of
the formation of positive law that time in the
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Sultanate of Banjar. Subsequently positioned or
precisely placed the legal position of the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari,
both in the theoretical level (Stufenbau's theory,
Kelsen-Nawiasky and the theory of the source of
law) and in the practical level developed in the
monarchical system of state administration at that
The usefulness of this research is academically,
the findings can be used as a basic reference for the
development of theoretical law, especially in the
legal sciences normative and especially on the
science of law of the country. Practically, the
findings can be a source of inspiration for all
government and community organizers in realizing
the aspirations of a nation and a just state in an
We From the above theme, there are at least two
variables, namely: "The Meaning of the Law of
Thought Thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari" and "The Legal Position of the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari" as
independent variable. "State System of Republic of
Indonesia" as dependent variable, but there is still
intervenning variable that is "Legal Implication of
Thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari".
Then in terms of "Meaning and Legal Status of the
Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari" is contained the meaning of the meaning of
law and position the law. While the word "law" in
this sentence is more emphasis on aspects of study
or legal analysis that is within the framework of the
analysis of theology of state law.
The term "The Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari" is referred to here,
such as the manuscript of zakat, the custom of
abangan (treasure gono-gini), Tabala (coffin) in the
Book of Sabîl al-Muhtadîn. To understand the
meaning (essence and soul), it is not enough just to
see in terms of the formulation of his text, but must
be seen in the context of what situation he was born,
what his motivation, and how far the substance of
the text of thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari has been contextualized in the life of the
nation and state in the government of the Sultanate
of Banjar at that time.
Based on the above description, it can be
described the relevance of variables studied in the
form of research paradigm as follows:
Figure 1: Paradigm on the Meaning of Law and Legal
The theoretical foundation used as a blade-
analysis and to help solve basic problems in advance
is: the theory of "Hermeneutics" as the grand theory.
The theory of "Stufenbau" (Kelsen and Nawiasky)
as middle-range theory, and the theory of "Source of
Law" as applied theory. This discussion also
elaborates further on the theories referred to in
analyzing the meaning and thought of Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari about the zakat in
the Book of Sabîl al-Muhtadîn as his ijtihad.
Broadly speaking the understanding of
hermeneutic theory can be known by two
approaches: "Hermeneutics as the foundation of
philosophy of law science" and hermeneutics as "a
method or way of interpretation ."
First, hermeneutics as the foundation of
philosophy of law science. The philosophy of
hermeneutics is the philosophy of the nature of
things that understand or understand something,
namely philosophical reflection which analyzes the
conditions of possibility for the experience of
thinking and association of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari with reality, including the events
of understanding and / or interpretation. The
philosophy of hermeneutics focuses on all things
thought about Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
about productive Zakah, Customs of
abstinence(treasure gono gini or Adat Perpantangan)
and Tabala which has meaning as far as it can be
revealed that he called language and understandable.
In general, the hermeneutical philosophical object is
a text that can be tangible writing, painting,
behavior, natural events, and so forth . In this case
according to the author's thought that the text of the
Thinking Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari is
one of the objects reflection philosophy
Second, hermeneutics as a method of
interpretation. The process of interpreting the
Meaning and Legal Position in Thoughts of Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Al - Banjari
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
about productive zakat in the Book of Sabîl al-
Muhtadîn takes place in the process of
hermeneutical spiral circle (hermeneutische zircel),
ie movement back and forth between parts or
elements and the whole, so as to achieve
Consumation (final result) with the formation of a
more complete understanding. So each part can only
be understood precisely in the whole context,
otherwise the whole can only be understood based
on an understanding of the parts that make it happen
Hermeneutics is basically a method or means to
interpret symbols in the form of text or something
that is treated as text to search for meaning and
meaning. Where this method requires the ability to
interpret the past is not experienced, as the thought
of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari about
zakat productive, customs of abstinence (treasure
gono gini), Tabala in the book of Sabîl al-Muhtadîn
as an ijtihad of him which of course the
circumstances of that time we do not experience,
then brought into the present .
More simply in the process of hermeneutics there
are 3 (three) main components in looking at the
Thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
about the zakat are:
the text of giving zakat to the poor can be used
for productive activities is the result of ijtihad
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, the reference
books, the opinion of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari is about the permissibility of the zakat
portion for the poor and the poor is used for
productive purposes already explained by Ash-
Shafi'i in the Book of Al-Umm, and when further
traced, such an opinion is not much different from
that stated by 'Umar ibn al-Khattab which also refers
to hadith.
Viewed Context at that time the poor faculties
who receive zakat have not been able to utilize the
charity is well feared the recipient of zakat only take
advantage of momentary can not continuously, and
contextualization done synergistically in an effort to
understand, interpret, interpret, as well as to
reconstruct meaning or if it is necessary with the
deconstruction of meaning, of course the recipient of
zakat in Ijtihad Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari will be more meaningful that the received
zakat must bring benefits that are only used in a
short time but long term so that the ability to utilize
the gift of zakat is not only a recipient of zakat but
than able to give zakat. In principle, the effort of
reconstruction or deconstruction of occasional
meaning is necessary to find a new meaning that is
more in line with the times. Because not infrequently
the meaning of the text at the beginning of its
creation, is not in accordance with the social reality
in the future.
Specific interpretations of the text of the law (eg
documents in the form of manuscripts) are always
related to their content. Because, between the text of
law with the contents of the law complement each
other and strengthen in its function. For example:
The distribution of Zakat for the poor and the poor is
used for productive purposes (in terms of content or
material content), it is the thinking that serves to
create a new law in accordance with justice and
welfare at that time, while the text of thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari (in the sense of legal
form), legally serves to strengthen or reinforce the
content and actions of thought itself .
Similarly, the customary text of the taboo or now
known as the gono gini treasure is the common
property of the husband and wife they earn by
working each and producing during marriage. If one
of them dies or divorce occurs, then his property,
before inheritance, is divided in two first. Half the
treasure is given to his living partner, half of whom
then divided for the heirs according to the provisions
of the applicable fiqh. The custom of the Challenge
(Adat Perpantangan) or Treasure Gono-Gini is not
mentioned either in the Qur'an, Al-Sunnah (hadith)
or the books of Fiqh. This custom of abstinence has
never existed in Islamic history before. This custom
of abstinence is the thought of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad al Banjari. In Banjar the division of
inheritance like this has been running for a long time
and is called "adat Perpantangan". In the Acehnese
society this tradition has also lasted a long time
called the "all-treasure" treasure. Adat Perpantangan
is a contextual thought that takes into account Banjar
people at that time who must live from work on the
river, either trading or fishing or fishing. This work
is not only done by a husband alone, but done by
husband and wife together and individually by
dividing the role of the job.
The thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari about the operation of the corpse. In chapter
janaiz. In this chapter it is explained about
understanding , Sabil Al-Muhtadin Li Tafaqqihi Fi
Umuriddin, (Darul Al-Fikr,, Juz. I), one of
which is burying the dead using a tabala. Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari explains: "And
makruh again bid'ah planted the dead in the tabala
but because of excuse like a watery ground or on the
land that rupuy or there are women who do not
attend mahramnya or fear of wild animals that
scraped the tomb , then there is no makruh, it is only
mandatory tabala it if the fear of wild animals as the
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
previous reality ". In general, the Banjar area is
located in the lowlands, so the water is close to the
ground level. It could even have been under water.
Against this condition, burying corpses has
become a habit for the Banjar people by using tabala
as a means to honor and care for the corpse . Thus,
the thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari relating to burying the corpse by using
tabala is for low areas (swamps), before the corpse is
buried, it is inserted in a chest which the Banjar
people called tabala. Therefore, the size of the
burrow hole (grave) is more narrowly bathed with
grave on high ground or non swamp (usually only
1.5 depax 3 span). Banjar people use tabala to bury
corpses because of the watery soil conditions. But
for non-aquatic lands the Banjar people buried
bodies not using tabala. It is very clear that the
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in
burying the corpse by using a kind of casket with the
purpose of benefit.
Thus a valid and valid interpretation of the text
of the law (The Thinking Text of Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari) can be categorized
in one corridor of intact interpretation between
explicit and implicit meaning or between the sound
of legal formulation and the spirit of the law. In this
case, the role of language becomes important,
because the accuracy of understanding (subtilitas
intelligent) and the accuracy of translation
(explicandi subtilitas) is very relevant to the law .
In the capacity as a middle-range theory, the
theories of "grundnorm" and "stufenbau des rechts"
make it possible to see the legal position of the text
of the Thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari both in theoretical and procedural contexts.
Because in this study, on the one hand the writer
wants to see whether the Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari can be qualified as
the highest and final norm or called grundnorm, this
is considering the ability of the Sultanate in
translating and interpreting the command of Al
Qur'an and Hadist in language Malay arabic at that
time still lay so that the existence of thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari becomes light in the
dark meaning of a text. On the other hand, the author
looks at the location and legal position of the
Sheikh's Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari text of
thought in the regulation hierarchy of the Sultanate
of Banjar at that time. In the perspective of
grundnorm theory it is used in its capacity with the
theory of "the origin of the source of law", while the
stufenbau des rechts are used in its capacity with the
theory of "legislative hierarchy" in a country, so the
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
about Zakah and productive customs describes it as
a legal source.
Methodologically, the search for a norm
underlying the lower norm does not persist
indefinitely (regressus ad infinitum). Ultimately
there must be a norm regarded as the highest and
final norm, or until it stops at the highest norm on
which there is no higher norm.
The thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari at that time is the legal basis that can be
understood by the Sultanate in understanding the
rules of religious principles. The highest norm of
this kind is seen by Kelsen as Grundnorm or Basic
Norm. Grundnorm can not be established by a power
(which of course will require higher norms as the
basis of its authority), but its existence is assumed or
assumed to exist by the sensibilities of the Sultan in
the basis of the regulatory policy drafted by the
Sultan .
According to Kelsen the notion of "Grundnorm"
as it is written in the original book: "Grundnorm
voraussetzt: man soll sich so verhalten, wie die
Verfassung vorschreibt, das heibt: wie es dem
subjectively Sinn des verfassunggebenden
Willensaktes, den Vorschriften des
Verfassunggebers, entspricht. " Max Knight
becomes "The basic norm that one ought to behave
in the constitution of the constitution. "(Grundnorm
is a person who is supposed to act (obey) as
stipulated in the constitution, that is, one should
behave as the subjective meaning of the act / will /
will that constitutes the constitution) . J.H.M.
Klanderman in his book also provides insight into
the conception of Grundnorm Kelsen: "... de
Grundnorm niet een rechtsnorm maar een gedachte
norm is "(Grundnorm is not a legal norm but a
conceivable norm exists in mind).
Thus, the Grundnorm Kelsen refers to the
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari on
the Zakat in the Book of Sabil almuhtadin that the
distribution of Zakat for the poor and needy to be
used for productive interest is something that is
assumed, very abstract, and charged with commands
that one should behave as established by a legal
basis. Thus, the Grundnorm is not gesetzt, but
verausgesetzt, and it is not included in the positive
legal order. The grundnorm lies outside and
becomes the foundation of the rule of positive law,
or by another term as "meta juristic".
Regarding the validity of a legal norm, not
because it has a certain content, but because it is
created in the ways defined in what is considered
Grundnorm. Therefore, any content can be the
content of legal norms. Verausgesetzt of Grundnorm
Meaning and Legal Position in Thoughts of Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Al - Banjari
has nothing to do with the recognition of values that
go beyond positive law. The function of Grundnorm
merely provides the basis for the objective
application of a positive rule of law .
Furthermore, Kelsen in his Stufenbau des rechts
or stufenbautheorie theories divide that level of
norm into several layered or gradual layers of stages:
starting from "Grundnorm" (as the highest / last
level of norms, the sense as described above) up to
"norm" (as the level of norms that are below it and
so on down to the lowest level of norm).
Hans Nawiasky, one of Kelsen's disciples
through "Theorie vom Stufenaufbau der
Rechtsordnung", expressed a different view from his
predecessor that the level of norms is divided into
several levels, ranging from:
"Staatsfundamentalnorm" (State Fundamental Norm,
as the highest level of norm) , "Staatsgrundgesetz"
(the Constitution of the State), "Formellgesetz" (Act
in the formal sense), to "Verordnung und
Autonomesatzung" (Regulation of Implementation
and Autonomy Regulations, as the lowest level of
Abdul Hamid S. Attamimi attempts to compare
between the two opinions above with the illustration
as follows : in this case Nawiasky criticizes Kelsen,
that the highest norm in the state should not be
called "Staatsgrundnorm", but
"Staatsfundamentalnorm". The consideration is that
Grundnorm of a normary order is essentially
unchanged, whereas the supreme norm of a state
may be altered by rebellion, coup d'etat, conquest,
and so on.
The above illustration of Attamimi according to
the author is not clear enough, therefore the author
adds the following understanding: Grundnorm is
different from Staatsfundamentalnorm. The
Fundamental Norms of the State
(Staatsfundamentalnorm) is indeed the highest norm
in a country, but not the same degree as Grundnorm
in the Kelsen sense. Because Grundnorm is
something that is assumed, abstract, universal, and it
lies outside and underlies the legal system, so meta
The study of the sources of law in various
literatures varies greatly, depending on the point of
view used by the authors, therefore it takes
carefulness in understanding it. In the context of the
development of jurisprudence, the issue of the
source of law also has a major significance for law-
makers and law enforcers.
Joeniarto shared the notion of the source of law
in three kinds of meaning: The source of law in the
sense as the origin of positive law. The source of the
law in the sense as the forms of law which is also a
place of the discovery of positive law. The source of
law in the sense of things that should be the content
of positive law.
Willem Zevenbergen further classifies the
meaning of the source of the law, namely :
1. The source of the law in the basic sense is known
as the principle of law (rechtsbeginsel), is as
something in the last institution underlying the
law, for example: the will of God, human reason,
the soul of the nation (volksgeist).
2. The source of the law in the former legal sense
and from it is embodied in the present law. For
example fiqih about Zakat, Islamic law which
became the law of the Sultanate.
3. Sources of law in the sense of being a binding
base (de geldingsbron), rule of law such as the
Sultanate, community organizations, and so on.
4. Legal sources may also mean the source of the
legal or kenbronal identifiers, namely in the form
of explanations for the present law and the laws
of the past. The legal identifier (kenbron) is also
said to be "monuments de droit". In this sense the
source of the law is in the form of documents or
events, in which the contents of the law can be
5. Sources of law in the sense as a source of
existence or the emergence of law
(oustaansbron), that is as a source for the
existence or the emergence of law.
According to Van Apeldoorn, the source of the
law is used in a variety of ways depending on the
establishment of their respective pen, can be from
the point of history, society, philosophy, and formal
meaning. For the purposes of this writing it is
relevant to borrow a notion of the source of law in
the sense of philosophy which is divided into two
meanings, namely :
1. As a source for the content of the law. In terms
of problems when the content of the law can be
said exactly as it should be? or relating to what
issues are used as a measure to test the law as
(law) is good.
2. As a source for the legal binding force. It relates
to the question of why we should follow the law?
In general the factors of the law's binding force
are due; philosophical, juridical, and sociological
Regardless of the diversity of the notion of the
source of the law and the definition of the source of
material law that the author sarikan above, it should
be noted Bagir Manan's view that: in studying and
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
studying the source of law requires prudence,
because the term source of law contains various
understandings. Without careful and careful
precision about what is meant by the source of the
law can lead to errors, even misleading.
After the theory of hermeneutics and
stufenbautheory successfully used as a knife analysis
to find the meaning and legal position of the text of
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Thinking, the
theory of legal sources will easily determine whether
the Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari can be qualified as a source of legal law or
formal legal source .
Exploring the meaning of the text of the thought
of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, the
authors affirm that the thing to be interpreted is a
unity between the "script" and "thought" it. Because
the thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari reflects the political action that created the
law (Rechtscheppen), while the text serves as a legal
proof (Rechtsvastellen) for the use of the thought of
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari. So the
understanding of the Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in the corridor of an
inseparable unity between the two elements. After
the author looks at the structure of sentences and the
use of language (legal language) from the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
about productive Zakat, custom parpantangan, and
the use of that tabala. This is in line with his theory
that the object of hermeneutical philosophical
reflection is language (in the form of spoken
language, writing, nature, body, art, and other types
of languages).
The thought of Shaykh Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari About Zakat in the Book of Sabîl
Al-Muhtadîn The distribution of Zakat for the poor
and indigent is used for productive, customary
purposes which illustrates the fulfillment of the
principles of justice and the use of the tabala for the
corpses to be buried in the watery areas, carefully
examined on the basis of an apodictic proposition
which is the necessity of truth from the explanation
given by predicate to the subject on the basis of
reason associated with the theory of speech acts in
the classical version , Zakat clearly productive ,
illustrated by a command of God or a book of
command of believers or people to obey His
command, then there are three important thoughts
about productive zakat, described in Sabîl al-
Muhtadîn which is not described in ash- Shirâth al-
Mustaqîm. First, the recipient of zakat does not only
use the part of zakat for the purposes of temporary
or cosumtif, the two divisions of zakat may be
developed on the productive so that the recipient of
zakat who can not utilize the zakat part can continue
to use it. Third, by being allowed to be used for
productive things and developed then that was only
the recipient of zakat can also be a giver of zakat. If
so, then by the law of fiction, highlighting the
instruction of what consequences, move the
modified state into a relative clause . One can
observe this will be a divine echo. The thought of
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari glorifies the
power of the word Zakat as the command of God
becomes lighter. He no longer has to instruct people
on how to share and use the results of zakat; that
paying Zakat demonstrates the Law's obedience,
articulating its power of what it will bring about in
the world within the framework of Zakah benefits.
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in his
thoughts about parpantangan, parpantangan or
introspection is customary law in Borneo or South
Kalimantan now with respect to the property of
husband and wife. The word parpantangan comes
from the word abstinence or pintang in Banjar.
Bapintangan or bapapintangan have opposite
meanings, meaning is dealing equally in comparison
between two circumstances , where he observes the
difference of family life of Arab society and then
compare it with family life of Banjar society at that
time which is external factor in his thinking. Wives
in Arab society generally do not work. They are
entirely the responsibility of her husband and are
only obliged to decorate and serve her husband, so
that in general wealth which is obtained during life
as husband and wife is the result of husband's
business. Therefore, if her husband died then the
wife only gets a certain part according to the law of
fara'id only. In contrast to the Arab community, in
Banjar Sultanate society at that time and in effect
today in South Kalimantan, especially in the area
around the residence Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari namely In Pagar Village, not only head of
the family who make a living to meet the daily needs
family, husband and wife share the role in earning a
living according to their ability.
By using jukung (a small boat without a motor
with a rowing driver) , they are riding shoulder
paddle along the Martapura River to bring
merchandise to the market, search for wood, fish,
and so on. Seeing the reality of both working
together, Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari
considered it unfair if women in the end did not get a
share of the hard work. The Qur'an is revealed in the
Arab lands, where women do not work to help their
husbands to provide for their household needs, not to
mention the issue implicitly and explicit ly.
Meaning and Legal Position in Thoughts of Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad Al - Banjari
Therefore, Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari
argues that women should be given, at least, half of
the wealth they get with their husbands.
Occurrence of working wife culture does not
occur immediately. There are at least two factors
that encourage the culture. Among these are the
social factors in which the position of women and
men of Banjar society is considered equal and the
existence of economic factors. The economic life of
the Banjar people in the past was closely related to
the state of nature. Banjar communities, especially in
the past, have been living in river valleys, such as
the Martapura River, Nagara River, Tapin River, and
others. The rivers are relatively fast and influenced
by the tidal currents of sea water so easily accessible
from the Java Sea. This of course causes the
concentration of the population to occur in these
areas, which are generally in the form of swamps .
The natural situation in the form of swamps and
surrounded by the river caused some people to work
as fishermen of freshwater fish.
In addition, trade is also one of the main
livelihoods of Banjar people. The economic
condition of Banjar society in the past is highly
dependent on the natural conditions caused the
uncertainty of income earned. In addition, the main
route of transportation that they must travel to both
fish and trade is the river. To pedal down the river
would require a lot of energy. This then causes the
income that is only obtained by the husband is often
not sufficient, so eventually the wife worked.
There are a number of factors affecting Shaykh
Muhammad al-Banjari Arsyad in eliciting thoughts
about parpantangan In this case, those factors can be
grouped into two groups, namely internal factors and
external factors. Internal factors that are intended in
this paper is related to his personality and way of
thinking that is open to the locality is stated in his
thoughts. The external factor in question is the
condition of the Banjar community in South
Kalimantan, especially in Kampung Dalam Pagar
area, where he lives.
Thought Sheikh Mohamed Arsyad Al Banjari on
Tabala about the use of Tabala makruh again bid'ah
planted the dead in the tabala but because of aging
such as watery land or on land that no bodies were
rupuy or women who do not attend mahram or fear
of wild animals that scrape the dirt grave it is not
makruh, it is only mandatory tabala it if the fear of
wild animals as the previous reality.
It is very clear that the thought of Sheikh Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in performing the
burial of the corpse by using a kind of casket with
the purpose of benefit. And in Islamic law this is
rukhsah given by God if human experience
difficulties in running his shari'ah. All forms of
conveniences including rukhshah that gives
spaciousness in human life, and in fact there is no
rukhshah shall not be lost one of the elements that
dharuri it, but people will be in trouble . Thus the
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
can be collected that the aim is a form in the level of
The legal implications of the text of the Thinking
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari as a source of
reference here is more directed to the discussion of
its existence as the foundation for the establishment
of the positive law of Banjar Sultanate. We know
that the limitations of jurisprudence at that time are
still very limited, at once there has been the creation
of a new law, even though the written positive law
has not yet been established. Since then the previous
legal order was ignored and built on it a new legal
order namely the legal system of the Sultanate of
Banjar. One day later, the Sultanate's administrative
system and its positive legal order began to be built,
and so it proceeded and worked on until now.
In the previous section it has been discussed that
in the Sultanate of Banjar the legal position of the
Text of Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari can be qualified as Grundnorm (but not in
the sense of Kelsen). Where, the location of
Grundnorm is not on the Text of Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, but on the spirit and
soul it contains. Because the spirit of Islam in the
thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in
the form of the principle of help, solidarity,
prosperity, and justice, is universal, abstract, and
meta juristic nature.
The thought of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al
Banjari in that sense can be used as a source of
material law and / or the source of all sources of
formal law. The logical explanation is why people
obey the rule of law in social intercourse between
them, because there is a regulation that binds it, why
people obey the rules, because there is a legal source
that regulates it, while the source of law is the norm
that is considered the highest and used by the Sultan
in the provisions regulation of the Sultanate of
Banjar. The next question is where the source of
binding power and the validity of the source of the
law, the answer is because there is Grundnorm. The
sultanate of Banjar Grundnorm lies in the spirit and
soul of Islam itself. Therefore, should people respect
and obey what is poured in the Thought Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari as a source of law.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Based on the results of research and analysis of some
key issues that have been put forward earlier, then
the conclusions can be submitted as follows:
Meaning of Script Thoughts Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad Al Banjari is an Islamic fiqih script about
productive zakat, custom parpantangan and the use of
tabala in the policy practice of the Sultanate of
Banjar as a nation. While the freedom of the nation in
free religion is a nation free from all imperialist, and
free and independent to determine, organize and
manage the state according to the purpose of its
source of law, although at that time the struggle for
imperialism was a threat to the banjar empire.
The legal position of the text of the Thought
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari in
Stufenbautheorie's perspective: First, the text of
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari can not be
qualified as Grundnorm in the sense of Kelsen. As
for the case in the Sultanate of Banjar, the values,
principles, and principles contained in the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
domiciled as Grundnorm. It is the source of all
sources of law and its existence exists outside the
legal system (meta juristic). Everybody should
respect and obey what is stipulated by the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
especially about Zakat. Secondly, the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari can
not be qualified as Staatsfundamentalnorm in the
sense of Nawiasky. As for the case in the Sultanate of
this Banjar, Staatsfundamentalnorm it is the Book of
Sabil Al Muhtadin, in which has the rules of Fiqh
about Zakat that deliver a just society and prosperity.
In the perspective of the theory of the source of law
as well as in the government of Banjar Sultanate:
substantively, the rules contained in the Text of
Thought Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari can
be qualified as a source of material law. While
formally the legal position of the text of Thought
Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari has not got a
place in it.
The legal implication is that the text of Sheikh
Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari is a source of
inspiration, reference and judgment (criticism) for the
Sultanate of Banjar in making the provisions of the
Sultan's regulations and policies in the life of the
nation and the state.
From the above three conclusions after reflection we
can benefit from abandoning disciplinary ambitions
and interdisciplinary claims as being capable of
conveying an analysis and institutional priority. The
suggested term as a substitute is the simpler
"infradisipliner", which has the virtue of generating
a pre-disciplinary future that we sometimes boast
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Banjari; Ulama Besar Juru Da’wah, Banjarmasin,
Penerbit Karya.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social