participated in this cash waqf, because the cash waqf
was initiated by scholars from the Hanafiyah School.
Second, recognition of the existence of cash waqf
that is still not strong, lack of legal certainty in
several articles, and there are several articles that
still have not embodied the justice values, such as
the existence of Nazhir where there is injustice to
Nazhir in his status as the waqf manager, but his
legality as Nazhir is not accommodated by the State
or by the BWI, then Nazhir has no burden of
accountability so that it is appropriate in its
implementation there are still many Nazhirs who are
not serious in working. In addition, lack of Nazhir's
human resources also impacted Nazhir's
professionalism itself, and ultimately had a negative
impact on the empowerment of the cash waqf itself.
Third, the rules of cash waqf in the Waqf Law and
other things that are closely related are still weak
and unclear. These weaknesses can be found in the
rules of cash waqf in The Undang-Undang Nomor
41 tahun 2004 on Wakaf which only amounts to 5
(five) articles, which are considered less
3.2.2 Weakness of Cash Waqf Law in the
Undang-Undang Nomor 41 tahun 2004
on Wakaf
If we look at the application of the cash waqf law in
the lives of Indonesian people, it cannot be denied
that the implementation is still not fully successful,
as is the expectation of cash waqf positivisation
itself so that it is regulated in the Waqf Act. Cash
waqf should be accepted by the Indonesian people as
a whole, because it is a rule in the Act which must
be addressed by all Indonesians. If not, then it is
certainly reasonable to assume that this Waqf Act
still has significant lacks and weaknesses that are
difficult to implement.
Cash waqf as law which works in the
community, must have at least 3 (three) perspectives
from the legal function, namely:
First, as social control. In this perspective the
main function of a legal system is integrative
because it is intended to regulate and maintain social
regulation in a social system. Therefore, Bergers
said, that there is no society that can live forever
without the social control of the law as a means.
Furthermore according to Parsons, as quoted by
Campbell, so that the law can carry out the control
function, suggests there are 4 (four) functional
prerequisites of a legal system, namely:
(1) The basic problem of legitimacy, which concerns
the ideology that is the basis for the arrangement
of the rule of law;
(2) The problems of the people rights and
obligations that are subjected to legal regulation
of the legal process;
(3) The sanctions and institutions that implement
these sanctions, and
(4) The authority to enforce the rule of law.
Second, as social engineering. Satjipto Rahardjo,
stated that there were 4 (four) main requirements
that had to be fulfilled so that a rule of law could
direct a society, namely hearing ways:
(1) A good depiction of a situation faced;
(2) Analyze assessments and determine levels of
(3) Verification of hypotheses; and
(4) There is a measurement of the effectiveness of
the applicable law.
Third, the perspective of public emancipation
toward the law. This perspective is the bottoms up
view of the law, the law in this perspective includes
objects of study such as legal capacity, legal
awareness, law enforcement and others.
By adopting the core of these 3 (three) legal
perspectives, it is theoretically possible to say that
empowering cash waqf in a legal perspective has
failed to integrate interests that are a prerequisite for
the functioning of a legal system both as a control,
and in directing the community in accordance with
the objectives law. So that this becomes a fatal
weakness for the cash waqf law which is
accommodated in the Waqf Act.
We can see that the Waqf Law until now is seen
as still closing for the general public to control
(social control), because it is not regulated in the
contents or articles of the Waqf Act. If something
goes wrong, deviations from the management of
waqf, both individuals and institutions or legal
entities, the community cannot take legal action,
such as class action. Furthermore, the rules of the
cash waqf have not been given a barometer on the
effectiveness of the application of the waqf law
which regulates the cash waqf. This is certainly not
in accordance with the legal perspective as social
engineering. Finally, in terms of the perspective of
public emancipation toward the law, rules of the
cash waqf still do not have the legal ability to make
people aware to the importance of cash waqf for
themselves, nation and state.
Based on the description described above, the
researcher can assess that the lacks and / or
weaknesses of the law of the regulation on cash
waqf will have a negative impact on the