Urgency Analysis of the Needs of Banking and Country Services
Yulizar Abidarda, Jarkawi, Irhamni
Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari, Indonesia
Keywords: E-book interactive, TISOL, Independence, Foreign Student
Abstract: As time went on, demands arose as desired by aid service users that a professional counselor must have a
track record of academic education and professional education in the field of guidance and counseling.
Today the main tasks of BK services are no longer handled side by side by school teachers who in fact are
administrators of certain fields of study. The categorization of "educators" in the scope of education in
addition to subject teachers and homeroom teachers (can be positioned as mentor teachers), also expanded
with the introduction of the BK teaching profession as part of the educator component (recognition of the
existence of this guidance and counseling profession as stated in the National Education System Law No.
20/2003 Article 1 paragraph 6 and Permendiknas No. 27/2008 concerning Academic Qualification
Standards and Counselor Competencies). Along with the development, many hopes and optimism were
based on BK teachers who could bring fresh air to changes in the atmosphere and process of education in
schools. The focus of his work is clear and firm, facing the possibilities of the emergence of psychological
problems in the lives of students and the development of students in the context of education. The demands
faced by guidance and counseling teachers are currently very complex. We have all understood that
guidance and counseling as integral parts of the education system have an important and strategic role in
supporting the achievement of educational goals that are independent. The main purpose of BK services in
schools is to provide support for the achievement of personality maturity, social skills, academic abilities,
and lead to the formation of individual career maturities that are expected to be useful in the future.
An understanding of guidance and counseling (BK)
as a system and institutional framework cannot be
separated from the general view that BK services are
an integral part of the education system. The school
BK program is a series of BK service activity plans
in schools which will then become guidelines for
each personnel in their implementation and
accountability. If currently the BK program is
development-oriented, the consequence is that the
management of the BK program must meet the
The orientation of this development requires that
BK services develop all aspects of students, all
students in educational institutions without anyone
being ignored and creating an environment that
supports the development of students. The
educational environment that supports the
development of students can be in the form of
schools, families, communities, communities,
various kinds of information media that influence
students' mindsets, attitudes and so on.
Initially, the term counselor was often attached to
people who were considered to have the ability and
important role in helping others, such as advisers,
clerics, preachers, pastors, and so on. The term
counselor profession also in its development later
became a profession that is inherent in the main
tasks for those who are engaged in the field of work
that are helping others, such as doctors, nurses, and
As time went on, demands arose as desired by
aid service users that a professional counselor must
have a track record of academic education and
professional education in the field of guidance and
counseling. Today the main tasks of BK services are
no longer handled side by side by school teachers
who in fact are administrators of certain fields of
study. The categorization of "educators" in the scope
of education in addition to subject teachers and
homeroom teachers (can be positioned as mentor
teachers), also expanded with the introduction of the
BK teaching profession as part of the educator
component (recognition of the existence of this
guidance and counseling profession as stated in the
Abidarda, Y., Jarkawi, . and Irhamni, .
Urgency Analysis of the Needs of Banking and Country Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0009023500002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 528-535
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
National Education System Law No. 20/2003 Article
1 paragraph 6 and Permendiknas No. 27/2008
concerning Academic Qualification Standards and
Counselor Competencies).
Along with the development, many hopes and
optimism were based on BK teachers who could
bring fresh air to changes in the atmosphere and
process of education in schools. The focus of his
work is clear and firm, facing the possibilities of the
emergence of psychological problems in the lives of
students and the development of students in the
context of education. The demands faced by
guidance and counseling teachers are currently very
complex. We have all understood that guidance and
counseling as integral parts of the education system
have an important and strategic role in supporting
the achievement of educational goals that are
independent. The main purpose of BK services in
schools is to provide support for the achievement of
personality maturity, social skills, academic abilities,
and lead to the formation of individual career
maturities that are expected to be useful in the
It seems that from time to time, the BK
profession tries to answer the challenges that from
time to time are increasingly complex. These
challenges are answered in the formulation of the
program that is able to cover all aspects of the needs
of students. Over the past few years, various efforts
have been made to address these challenges and
have created a new paradigm of the ideal model of
guidance and counseling services, namely
comprehensive school guidance and counseling.
Thus a comprehensive school BK program is
structured to reflect a holistic approach to the
foundation of program implementation, program
implementation, management systems and
accountability systems.
But on the other hand, the breakthrough
regarding Comprehensive BK also needs to be
analyzed what aspects are needed so that
Comprehensive BK can always be implemented in
the field by BK practitioners, of course. Analysis of
this need is also not a simple matter. Many parties
need to support both materially and non-materially
so that the guidance counseling services that are
packaged in a comprehensive format can be realized.
Arikel This will specifically review the needs of
counseling guidance formatted in the form of
Comprehensive BK as a trend that is deemed
appropriate to answer the challenges of the task
context as well as the expectations of current BK
2.1 Comprehensive Bk Program
In the book Professional Professional Education
Planning Counselors and BK Services in Counseling
in the Formal Education Pathway (Ministry of
Education, 2007), it is explained that the BK
program contains four components of service,
namely 1) basic guidance services; 2) individual
planning services; 3) responsive service; and 4)
system support. The understanding of each
component of the service is as follows:
2.1.1 Basic Services
Understanding. Basic services are defined as the
process of providing assistance to all counselees
through activities in classically structured experience
or group preparation which are presented
systematically in order to develop long-term
behaviors in accordance with the stages and
development tasks (which are defined as
independence competency standards) needed in
developing capabilities choose and make decisions
in living their lives.
In the United States itself, the term basic service
is more popular as the guidance curriculum. Not
much different from basic services, this guidance
curriculum is expected to facilitate the improvement
of knowledge, attitudes, and certain skills in students
that are appropriate and in accordance with the
stages of development (Bowers & Hatch, 2000)
The use of development assessment instruments
and scheduled face-to-face activities in class is
needed to support the implementation of this
component. Needs assessment is needed to form the
basis for developing the structured experience
Aim. This service aims to help all counselees to get
normal development, have a healthy mentality, and
obtain basic life skills, or in other words help the
counselee so that they can achieve their development
tasks. In detail, the purpose of this service can be
formulated as an effort to help counselees to (1)
have awareness (understanding) about themselves
and their environment (education, employment,
social culture and religion), (2) able to develop skills
to identify responsibilities or set of behaviors who is
fit for adjusting to his environment, (3) able to
handle or meet his needs and problems, and (4) able
to develop himself in order to achieve his life goals.
Urgency Analysis of the Needs of Banking and Country Services
2.1.2 Responsive Service
Understanding. Responsive service is the provision
of assistance to counselees who face needs and
problems that need immediate assistance, because if
they are not immediately assisted it can cause
disruption in the process of achieving developmental
tasks. Individualized counseling, crisis counseling,
consultation with parents, teachers, and transfer of
hands to other experts is a variety of assistance that
can be done in responsive services.
Aim. This responsive service aims to help
counselees in meeting their needs and solving
problems that are being experienced or helping
counselees who experience obstacles and failures to
achieve their development tasks. The purpose of this
service is also as an intervention in personal
counselee problems that arise immediately at that
time, both regarding personal, social, learning and
career issues. Responsive service will enable
students to care by immediately neutralizing the
turmoil of the problems they experience, because the
longer he harbors problems that in fact he cannot
solve themselves, the more obstructed the task of
development in the counselee will be.
Individual Planning
Understanding. Individual planning is defined as
assistance to the counselee in order to be able to
formulate and carry out activities related to future
planning based on an understanding of their
strengths and weaknesses, as well as understanding
the opportunities and opportunities available in their
environment. The understanding of the counselee in
depth with all its characteristics, interpretation of the
results of the assessment, and the provision of
accurate information in accordance with the
opportunities and potential of the counselee is
needed so that the counselee is able to choose and
make the right decisions in developing their
potential optimally, including giftedness and special
needs counselee. Orientation, information,
individual counseling, referral, collaboration and
advocacy activities are needed in the implementation
of this service.
Aim. Individual planning aims to help the counselee
to (1) have an understanding of himself and his
environment, (2) be able to formulate goals,
planning, or management of his development, both
concerning personal, social, learning and career
aspects, and (3) can carry out activities based on
understanding, goals, and plans that have been
The purpose of this individual planning can also
be formulated as an effort to facilitate counselees to
plan, monitor, and manage their own education,
career and social-personal plans. The contents of
individual planning services are the things that the
counselee needs to understand specifically about her
own development. Thus, although individual
planning is intended to guide the entire counselee,
the services provided are more individual in nature
because they are based on planning, objectives and
decisions determined by each counselee. Through
individual planning services, counselees are
expected to be able to:
1) Prepare to take part in further education, career
planning, and develop social-personal abilities,
which are based on his knowledge, information
about the School / Madrasah, the world of work,
and the community.
2) Analyze his strengths and weaknesses in order
to achieve his goals.
3) Measuring the level of achievement of his goals.
4) Take decisions that reflect his planning.
System Support
The three components above are direct giving
guidance and counseling to the counselee. Whereas
system support is a component of service and
management activities, work procedures,
infrastructure (eg Information and Communication
Technology), and the development of professional
counselor skills in a sustainable manner, which
indirectly provides assistance to counselees or
facilitates the smooth development of counselees.
This program provides support to counselors in
facilitating the implementation of the above services.
While for other educating personnel is to facilitate
the implementation of educational programs in
Schools / Madrasas. This component assumes that
the more fulfilled the need for system support that
improves the performance of the counselor, the more
optimal the counseling services.
2.2 Need Analysis of Comprehensive
BK Components
2.2.1 Basic Services
Development Focus. To achieve these objectives,
the focus of behavior developed concerns personal,
social, learning and career aspects. All of this is
closely related to efforts to help counselees in
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
achieving their development tasks (as independence
competency standards). Basic service material is
formulated and packaged on the basis of
independence competency standards including
development: (1) self-esteem, (2) achievement
motivation, (3) decision making skills, (4) problem
solving skills, (5) interpersonal relationship skills or
communicate, (6) awareness of cultural diversity,
and (7) responsible behavior. Matters related to
career development (especially at the junior / senior
high school level) include development: (1) religious
functions for life, (2) strengthening choice of study
programs, (3) professional work skills, (4) personal
readiness (physical- psychic, physical-spiritual) in
the face of work, (5) development of the world of
work, (6) the climate of the world of work, (7) how
to apply for a job, (8) criminal cases, (9) the dangers
of mass fights, and (10) the impact of free
Need Analysis. Meeting the needs of students'
independence standards needs to be supported by the
skills of the school's own counselors in managing
and implementing the program designed. Counselors
need to equip themselves with an understanding of
the material related to the topic of student
independence standards. In this context, the role of
the system support component is the main thing so
that basic comprehensive BK services can be
realized optimally. The standard aspects of
independence competence above include aspects of
personal, social, learning, and career skills of
students with the aim of cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor skills of students. For this reason, it is
necessary to support all facilities and infrastructure
that enhance the transformation of insight into all
aspects of the students' standard of independence.
The facilities and infrastructure can be tangible
material such as funding for tourism or scientific
visits, practicum in the field, presenting speakers,
making events / events, or providing innovative
learning tools and facilities.
2.2.2 Responsive Service
Development Focus. The focus of responsive
service depends on the problem or needs of the
counselee. The problems and needs of the counselee
are related to the desire to understand something
because it is seen as important for their positive
development. Another problem is related to various
things that are perceived as disturbing the comfort of
life or hampering the counselee's self-development,
because their needs are not met, or failing to achieve
developmental tasks. Counselee problems are
generally not easily known directly but can be
understood through the behavioral symptoms they
Problems (symptoms of problem behavior) that
may be experienced by the counselee include: (1)
feeling anxious about the future, (2) feeling inferior,
(3) behaving impulsively (childish or doing
something without considering it carefully), (4 )
ditching from School / Madrasah, (5) lazy learning,
(6) lacking positive learning habits, (7) lack of
socialization, (8) low learning achievement, (9) lazy
to worship, (10) promiscuity problems ( free sex ),
(11) brawl problems, (12) stress management, and
(13) family problems.
Need Analysis. As we understand together, the
service function of BK is a preventive function
(reinforcement), curative (healing), preservative
(maintenance), and developmental (development).
All of these functions can be framed in a plan that
has been structured as a systematic program.
Likewise responsive services in counseling that offer
optimal services so that the assistance process can be
provided even in situations of spontaneity or
This condition naturally leads BK professionals
and other parties who helped support the program in
a joint commitment to prepare as much as possible all
material services both informative, persuasive, and
curative in order to achieve excellent service for the
benefit of many parties. Not only that, responsive
services also need to be supported by facilities that
make it easy for counselors to provide assistance to
the counselee immediately. Examples of such
facilities include communication equipment, a place
or location for convenient counseling, easily
accessible information media, or even if it allows
accommodation to prostitute operational counselor
To understand the needs and problems of
counselees can be reached by way of assessment and
analysis of the counselee's development, using a
variety of techniques, such as inventory development
tasks (ITP), counselee questionnaires, interviews,
observation, sociometry, attendance list counselee,
leger, psychological test and list of problems
counselee or tool reveals a problem (AUM).
2.2.3 Individual Planning
Development Focus. In detail the scope of the
individual planning focus includes the development
of aspects (1) of academics, including utilizing
Urgency Analysis of the Needs of Banking and Country Services
learning skills, conducting the selection of further
education or choice of majors, selecting appropriate
courses or additional lessons, and understanding the
value of lifelong learning; (2) careers include
exploring career opportunities, exploring work
practices, understanding the need for positive work
habits; and (3) social-personal includes developing
positive self-concepts, and developing effective
social skills.
Analysis of Needs. As described in the previous
sub-chapter, the purpose of individual planning
services is the ability of students to understand
themselves, plan themselves, and implement
planning according to the understanding of the
capabilities they have received. Then the elements of
need that need to be provided so that the objectives
of individual planning can be fulfilled is by
launching various instruments that are able to track
individual understanding both test and non-test.
Various instruments of understanding individual
tests or non-tests can be in the form of ITP, AUM,
DCM, IKMS, Psychology, orother techniques such
as interviews or personal and academic databases of
The above instruments will not fully describe
aspects of the individual, but can be taken into
consideration in formulating a self-planning. After
the data from the results of the instrument are
obtained, the counselor helps describe the data in a
series of sentence editions that are able to be
understood by the counselee, and especially able to
be accepted by the counselee as an illustration of the
counselee's personal condition. Furthermore, the
counselor also needs a variety of information that
will be shared with the counselee about knowledge,
understanding, analysis, and evaluation of valuable
values in life or insights around career and future.
The next stage is to help the counselee step up in an
effort to equip themselves with skills, so that the
counselee is more ready to actualize herself in
welcoming the future.
Support System
Development Focus. System support is formulated
as activities that lead to self-development and
professionalism of the counselor. Indirectly, the
higher the quality of the counselor's performance,
the guidance and counseling services received by the
counselee will also be more optimal. On the other
hand, system support also functions to facilitate the
implementation of services because if these
components are met as they should, the majority of
the needs of facilities and infrastructure will lead to
Needs Analysis. The implementation of the
counseling program is synergized as analogous to
the cycle of each element have portion and role
determine quality guidance program counseling that
alone. Elements involved in implementation of the
guidance program counseling that is "input-process-
output evaluation ". All element that is play a role in
portion each and framed in something system
framework work in it there is code ethics, context
work, standard professional, as well as expectations
the performance. System support consists of
management activities that form, maintain and
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of school
guidance and counseling as a whole. Fathur Rahman
(2008) explains that school counselors use their
skills to promote systemic change. Below this will
describedaspects that need to be implemented by a
counselor as form its contribution to development
guidance counseling in the field, at the same time
explain What just what is needed in fulfillment
aspect the said ;
a) Developing professional: school counselors
routinely involved in updating and sharing their
knowledge and professional skills through: (a)
Service training: school counselors attend school
service training to ensure their skills will be
updated in the areas of curriculum development,
technology and data analysis. They are also
given in-service teaching in the school
counseling and counseling curriculum as well as
other fields relating to school and society, (2)
Professional association membership: along with
the concept and orientation of school guidance
and counseling that continues to change and
develop, school counselors can improve their
competence by attending conferences and
meetings professional association, (3) Post-
graduation education: in line with the completion
of a series of work in school, school counselors
should add insight and abilities by attending
further education that contributes to the quality
of their profession.
b) Consultation, collaboration and group formation:
through consultation, partner formation,
collaboration and group formation, school
counselors make an important contribution to the
school system: (1) Consultation: counselors
should consult with teachers, school staff and
parents / guardians of students on a regular basis
in order to obtain information, provide support to
the school community and to receive feedback
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
on students' needs, (2) Establishment of partners
with staff, parents / guardians and related
communities: this involves the orientation of
staff, parents / guardians, business and industry,
social organizations and community members in
comprehensive school counseling programs
through activities such as partnerships, local
media, newspapers, and presentation, (3)
Network development: activities included in this
area are designed to help counselors gain
knowledge about resources in the community,
referral agents, sites, job opportunities and
information about the local job market. this could
also include visiting counselors to local business
institutions, industries and agents on a habitual
basis, (4) Advisory bodies: active school
counselors in service at advisory bodies,
community committees and so on by supporting
other programs in schools and communities,
then school counselors will get support for
school counseling and guidance programs.
c) Program management and operations: these
activities include planning and management
tasks needed to support activities carried out in
the school counseling and guidance program,
including responsibilities that must be borne as
school staff members : (1) Management
activities: include financing, facilitation, policies
and procedures, as well as research and
development of resources, (2) Data analysis: the
counselor analyzes the links between student
achievement and guidance and counseling
programs. This activity is useful for evaluating
guidance and counseling programs, conducting
research on the activities produced and finding
gaps between groups of students that need to be
straightened out. Data analysis helps develop
school guidance and counseling programs along
with the resources within them, (3) Fair
distribution of responsibilities: as members of the
education system, school counselors must
display a fair distribution of responsibilities.
2.3 Analysis of Other Needs That
Support Guidance and Counseling
Gysbers (2005) explained that the implementation of
the Guidance and Counseling program needs to be
supported by resources that are divided into
personnel, finance and political support. Personnel
(human) resources include staff. Financial resources
are used to support the provision of materials,
equipment, and facilities for the implementation of
guidance and counseling. Political resources are
shown by the policies made to support this program.
Because of the diversity of resources that will be
used in the guidance and counseling program, it
requires commitment from the staff involved.
In more detail, Gysbers outlines the components
that support the smooth running of the BK program,
Personnel. Staff or employee school others too have
role mentor in this program. In some school often a
counselor share problem with party administration
school. Then work same between all parties in the
school very support the implementation of this
Source Power Finance. Source the intended power
here is Support funds needed in the guidance
program and counseling school. Supply material,
equipment and amenities is some example that can
supported. The firstthing to do is make design fees
that will needed on the guidance program and
counseling this. Although not there is post fund
special for this program, however often fund school
used for the same purpose. Collating salary para
employee school, provision tool write, supply
materials for guidance programs and counseling
(books, videos or films, pamphlets, tests, and system
assessment).Information this will give away
perspective financing for this program. Costs
required often more big from who has been
Material. Collection materials that already thereis
play role that is not small too. Material could
grouped based on needs or level existing class.
Steps could traveled with way make list that loads
title, content, date manufacture, rights copyright, and
for is material that is will used. Need too for
knowing How origin material that is to ban for
borrow materials that is.
Equipment. With inventory equipment available
then will known quantity and quality tool that will
used. Equipment like audiovisual or computer not
can underestimated its role adult this. Its utilization
in a manner maximum will make it easier
implementation of BK.
Amenities. Information about facilities available for
guidance programs and counseling very much
needed. Places as room class specifically who will
functioned as room guidance or center information
or information career will support this program. If
development or manufacture The new space will eat
Urgency Analysis of the Needs of Banking and Country Services
up more many time and cost then utilization existing
space could make it easier the smooth running of
this program. By because it's data about facilities
available could give away sufficient information
valuable in p this.
Source Power Political. Element political question
here is on office service region or para maker policy;
regulations area or related association with this
program could help for make something standard
feasibility. this too covers para staff working in the
development program guidance and counseling this.
Policy. Policies issued by service region or national
could provide a work barometer for programs that
will you run it this. For compile a program,
especially first we should recognize regulations,
understanding that there are and aim from the
program already walk for this; components
structural from the guidance program and
counseling. Executor guidance and counseling
should knowing rules are applied government about
education. State regulations governing about Policy
financial for guidance programs and counseling.
policies that support developing career, and
education technology, prevention of drop out,
prohibition consumption medicines forbidden etc.
This fund flowed to governments local for then
distributed to all over region.
Standard Professionalism. Standardization of
guidance programs and counseling arranged by
department education, regional accreditation, and
association associated professionals. Standardization
this covers ratio comparison between student
counselor. ASCA, 2004, states that 1: 250 is the
ratio that is considered right. Standard for guidance
programs and counseling has been applied on more
from 30 countriesparts in America (Sink and
Macdonald, 1998) and ASCA ( ASCA 2005).
Support Staff. Some counselor school very expect
positive change and hope on Support from existing
staff; while others tend to for make planning own
with ignoring factor this. the insurer guidance
program answer and counseling should consider too
para existing staff and could work with staff both
related in a manner directly with this program or not
order this program could developing with good.
Supportparty administration and teacher - form
representative The main target of this program,
student-very needed order for change could happen
with effective. So too with Support from para
counselor school. Then all the existing should want
what 's the best for para students. They too maybe
will often ask about role a counselor school in
development potential. Support from board school
and party administration school too very expected
could spur all party for support this program.
Because without Support from all party then this
program only will is over to be a plans are very
beautiful only(Taylor, 2002).
The fundamental reason for the importance of needs
analysis intended to support the implementation of
the Guidance and Counseling program is that
Guidance and Counseling services in schools have a
positive impact on students and other parties who
are also served. Guidance and Counseling services
can occur incidentally without being planned.
However, these incidental situations and needs also
need to be formulated in a planned program even
though there are predictive elements in them.
Services without planning cannot guarantee the
optimal positive impact on students.
Guidance and Counseling Komperhensif is
perceived as a program that is able to answer various
challenges and obstacles in today's education world.
So BK needs analysis is more focused on what is
needed Counseling Guidance with a comprehensive
program in implementation in the field. Programs
that have been neatly arranged in the form of details
of activities and needs that are needed certainly
require a strong commitment from all program staff
not only Guidance and Counseling officers and
counselors, but also supporting school leadership
factors. This includes the involvement of subject
matter teachers in understanding the philosophical
and conceptual framework of the program and BK
services that are supportive of learning programs.
Through these supports, the service objectives and
competencies that will be achieved can be realized
Bowers, JL & Hatch, PA 2000. The National Model for
School Counseling Programs. American School
Counselor Association.
Fatur Rahman. 2008. Compilation of BK Programs in
Schools ; (Material of Education and Training for
Professional Teachers in Yogyakarta and Central Java
11). Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta State University.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Ministry of Education. 2007. Structuring Professional
Education of Counselors and Guidance and
Counseling Services in Formal Education Pathways.
Bandung: UPI Publisher.
Norman C.Gysbers, et al., 2005, Developing & Managing
Your School Guidance and Counseling Program.
American Counseling Association: America.
Urgency Analysis of the Needs of Banking and Country Services