achieving their development tasks (as independence
competency standards). Basic service material is
formulated and packaged on the basis of
independence competency standards including
development: (1) self-esteem, (2) achievement
motivation, (3) decision making skills, (4) problem
solving skills, (5) interpersonal relationship skills or
communicate, (6) awareness of cultural diversity,
and (7) responsible behavior. Matters related to
career development (especially at the junior / senior
high school level) include development: (1) religious
functions for life, (2) strengthening choice of study
programs, (3) professional work skills, (4) personal
readiness (physical- psychic, physical-spiritual) in
the face of work, (5) development of the world of
work, (6) the climate of the world of work, (7) how
to apply for a job, (8) criminal cases, (9) the dangers
of mass fights, and (10) the impact of free
Need Analysis. Meeting the needs of students'
independence standards needs to be supported by the
skills of the school's own counselors in managing
and implementing the program designed. Counselors
need to equip themselves with an understanding of
the material related to the topic of student
independence standards. In this context, the role of
the system support component is the main thing so
that basic comprehensive BK services can be
realized optimally. The standard aspects of
independence competence above include aspects of
personal, social, learning, and career skills of
students with the aim of cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor skills of students. For this reason, it is
necessary to support all facilities and infrastructure
that enhance the transformation of insight into all
aspects of the students' standard of independence.
The facilities and infrastructure can be tangible
material such as funding for tourism or scientific
visits, practicum in the field, presenting speakers,
making events / events, or providing innovative
learning tools and facilities.
2.2.2 Responsive Service
Development Focus. The focus of responsive
service depends on the problem or needs of the
counselee. The problems and needs of the counselee
are related to the desire to understand something
because it is seen as important for their positive
development. Another problem is related to various
things that are perceived as disturbing the comfort of
life or hampering the counselee's self-development,
because their needs are not met, or failing to achieve
developmental tasks. Counselee problems are
generally not easily known directly but can be
understood through the behavioral symptoms they
Problems (symptoms of problem behavior) that
may be experienced by the counselee include: (1)
feeling anxious about the future, (2) feeling inferior,
(3) behaving impulsively (childish or doing
something without considering it carefully), (4 )
ditching from School / Madrasah, (5) lazy learning,
(6) lacking positive learning habits, (7) lack of
socialization, (8) low learning achievement, (9) lazy
to worship, (10) promiscuity problems ( free sex ),
(11) brawl problems, (12) stress management, and
(13) family problems.
Need Analysis. As we understand together, the
service function of BK is a preventive function
(reinforcement), curative (healing), preservative
(maintenance), and developmental (development).
All of these functions can be framed in a plan that
has been structured as a systematic program.
Likewise responsive services in counseling that offer
optimal services so that the assistance process can be
provided even in situations of spontaneity or
This condition naturally leads BK professionals
and other parties who helped support the program in
a joint commitment to prepare as much as possible all
material services both informative, persuasive, and
curative in order to achieve excellent service for the
benefit of many parties. Not only that, responsive
services also need to be supported by facilities that
make it easy for counselors to provide assistance to
the counselee immediately. Examples of such
facilities include communication equipment, a place
or location for convenient counseling, easily
accessible information media, or even if it allows
accommodation to prostitute operational counselor
To understand the needs and problems of
counselees can be reached by way of assessment and
analysis of the counselee's development, using a
variety of techniques, such as inventory development
tasks (ITP), counselee questionnaires, interviews,
observation, sociometry, attendance list counselee,
leger, psychological test and list of problems
counselee or tool reveals a problem (AUM).
2.2.3 Individual Planning
Development Focus. In detail the scope of the
individual planning focus includes the development
of aspects (1) of academics, including utilizing