Belief System of Chinese Community toward Tatung in the
Celebration of Cap Go Meh in Singkawang City
Abd. Basith
, Slamat Fitriyadi
, Susan Neni Triani
, Fitri
Scholar in Central China Normal University, Wuhan. China
STKIPSingkawang, Singkawang. Indonesia
Keywords: Belief System, Tatung
Abstract: The objectives of this research are: 1) to describe Chinese belief system toward Tatung at Cap Go Meh
celebration in Singkawang city, and 2) to describe some factors that underlie Chinese society belief towards
Tatung at Cap Go Meh celebration in Singkawang city. This research uses qualitative method with in-depth
interview for the data collection technique. The subjects in this study are three Tatung men and seven
Chinese people. The data analysis techniques include data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing.
Meanwhile, the test data validity uses source triangulation. The result of the research shows that: 1) the
belief system of Chinese society towards Tatung means the existence of great religious value toward
Tatung, the existence of strong belief on Tatung, intrinsic-religious oriented, and a perspective which
emphasizes on obedience and loyalty toward the teachings of the ancestors, 2) the factors that underlie the
Chinese society in believing Tatung are their past experiences, belief to God, and hereditary culture.
Culture is a uniqueness that lies within a group of
human and very influential on the human behavior
itself in living their life. Culture is any kind of idea,
belief, technology, custom, or practice gained
through learning from others (Heine, 2016). This
opinion provides a description that culture is a result
of human creativity believed by others and then
inherited from generation to generation deeply
rooted in certain groups of people.
Indonesia is one of the countries having rich
culture. One of the most multicultural and
multiethnic areas is Singkawang city, West
Kalimantan. The community is dominated by
Chinese, Malay, Dayak, and other ethnic groups.
There are many unique cultures that exist in this
city; one of them is Cap Go Meh, which is a culture
of Chinese ethnic. Cap Go Meh is initially started in
17th century, when there was a great migration of
people from Southern China. During Han dynasty,
on the night of Cap Go Meh, the king went out of
the palace to celebrate it along with his people. The
word Cap Go Meh is taken from the dialect of
TioCiu and Hokkian, meaning 15
night. While in
the Hakka dialect, it is called CangNyiat Pan, which
means middle of the first month. In China itself it is
called 元宵 (yuánxiāojié), meaning a festival held
on each 15
day of the first month according to
Chinese calendar (Andriani, 2013)
The farmers set up lanterns called ChauTian
Can around their fields to ward off pests and scare
away the plant-destructive animals, and also to
create beautiful scenes at the 15th day of the first
month. As well as to scare or expel the plants-
destroying animal, they also play music and perform
barongsai to make it more crowded and beneficial to
the farmers. Cultural beliefs and traditions are
inherited from generation to generation, both in
China and throughout the world. This is one version
of the original stories of Cap Go Meh (Andriani,
In the Western countries, Cap Go Meh is
considered a carnival party of Chinese ethnic
because there is a long march that generally starts
from Kelenteng (temple). Kelenteng is a general
term for the place of worship of three religions/"Tri
Dharma" (Buddhism, Taoism and Confuciusm). The
name of Kelenteng is now converted into Vihara
which is actually a term for Buddhist monasteries
(Andriani, 2013).
Cap Go Meh, in Imlek (Lunar New Year), comes
from the Chinese tradition which is regarded as an
expression of gratitude to the God over good
Basith, A., Fitriyadi, S., Triani, S. and Fitri, .
Belief System of Chinese Community toward Tatung in the Celebration of Cap Go Meh in Singkawang City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009023700002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 549-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
harvest, and at the same time, it is also a form of
hope for the better result next season. Imlek is
always celebrated for 15 days in a row and the 15th
day is called Cap Go Meh. So, in Chinese tradition,
it means that the fifteenth day is the peak of Chinese
New Year and Cap Go Meh celebrations. The peak
of Imlek or Cap Go Meh event is also intended to
ward off disturbance or misfortune in the future. The
expulsion of evil spirits and the abandonment of
misfortune in Cap Go Meh are symbolized in the
"Tatung" show(Harningsih, 2014)
The term "Tatung" has been familiar to the
public. Tatung, in Hakka language, means a person
possessed by a spirit, a god, an ancestor, or a
supernatural power (Sirojudin, 2018).Keep in mind
that Tatung is not only held at the peak of Lunar
New Year or Cap Go Meh. But on a normal day,
Tatung can also be performed by people who have
become experts with a specific purpose, such as to
help healing the sick, and so forth. Tatung is the
main medium of Cap Go Meh. Tatung attractions
are filled with mystic and tense, because many
people will be "possessed" by spirits believed as
Chines gods. Tatung calling ceremony is led by a
Tatung chairman who deliberately brings the
spirits of the gods to possess the chosen people.
The spirits are believed to be good ones which are
capable of warding off evil spirits that are going to
interfere with the harmony of life and are believed
to be the heroes of Chinese legends, such as
warlords, judges, writers, princes, and other saints
(Sirojudin, 2018).
The invited spirits will only possess the chosen
ones, who in this case are the descendants of the
family who pass on knowledge to be possessed by
the gods, and those who have gone through various
rituals and have qualified in the stages required to
master that knowledge. Tatung people are required
to fast and become vegetarian for three days and
three nights before the celebration day, and this is
intended to make them in a holy state before the
event is held (Harningsih, 2014)
Right on the day of Cap Go Meh, Tatung players
who have been possessed by the spirit of god will
behave beyond the normal human capabilities in
general; like trampling a blade of a sword or knife,
and plugging steel wires pointed to the right cheek to
penetrate the left cheek. Strangely, they are not even
scratched or injured when the sharp objects are stuck
in their bodies. Some of other Tatung players
voraciously eat animals or chickens alive and then
drink their fresh and raw blood. (Harningsih,
.Another unique thing in the celebration of
Cap Go Meh in Singkawang is that Tatung
procession is not only done by Chinese ethnic, but
also they come from Dayak who participate in
Tatung show. They are encouraged to participate
because the ritual ceremony "Kesurupan" is a
Tatung-like ceremony held by Dayak people
(Harningsih, 2014)
The Cap Go Meh celebration, which is held at
the peak of the Lunar New Year celebration on the
15th day, is performed with a Tatung players’ parade
that perform their play along the highway and
become a good show for the local people. This
culture will continue to be preserved and it is the
responsibility of all Indonesians to preserve the
richness of indigenous, traditional, and cultural
affairs in the country. This tradition is inherited from
generation to generation (Harningsih, 2014)
For people beyond the Chinese ethnic, this will
be seen as something abnormal because in Tatung, it
is believed that the players have been controlled by
the gods or other mystical spirits. For other cultures,
it may be sees as a strange or unnatural custom.
However, for Chinese people, this has become a
common tradition for every year in the celebration
of Lunar New Year. In the contemporary perspective
of abnormal psychology based on a socio-cultural
perspective, we cannot judge that a person is
abnormal, if the things he has done are according to
his own culture/belief, because every culture has its
own characteristics (Nevid, dkk, 2005).
The uniqueness of Tatung is very interesting to
be investigated more deeply, particularly related to
the psychological aspects of community groups that
implement and believe it. One of the most important
psychological aspects of is the belief system that
exists in that community groups. In the cognitive
theory, the belief system is a basis of one's attitude
and behavior in living his life. The belief system is
an interrelated and varied structure of norms,
especially at a systemic level. The meaning of
systemic in the belief system is an interrelation
between some beliefs (DoménechdanSelva, 2016).
This opinion implies that the belief system is
motivated by pre-existing beliefs in the individual
and then becomes a unity in his strong belief system.
Tatung in the Cap Go Meh celebration has
become a culture inherent in Chinese society. The
culture prevailing in a society must be carried out
consistently due to the strong belief in the culture.
For a person who holds a particular culture, the
ultimate goal is to fulfill the culture itself and to gain
salvation now and in the future. Culture itself is
specifically consisted of cultural values, knowledge
and beliefs that are used as guidance or reference in
the pattern of community life. Tatung culture for the
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Chinese community has been believed for
generations so that there is no more debate on it.
This belief has led the Chinese people to celebrate
Cap Go Meh with Tatung play in order to gain
salvation in current and following years.
The individual belief system will have effects on
his/her perceptions, cognitions and actions, and will
affect his/her psychological processes and
behaviors(George E. Belch, 1978). It is likely that
the actions of individuals involved in some types of
decision process will be influenced by their own
belief systems and concepts. Thus, individuals of
each system must manifest variations relative to
their perceptions, beliefs, and actions. The belief
system can be understood more by exploring deeper
into the elements embedded in it. There are seven
important elements in the belief system, i.e. values,
basic beliefs, orientation, language, perspective,
commands and prohibitions, and ideological
technology (DoménechdanSelva, 2016).Because this
research is related to sub culture, then it only takes
some elements, value, basic belief, orientation and
Values are highly esteemed in human life.
Values become the basis for a person to act by
determining what is good or valuable. Substantive
beliefs are all things that underlie a person's belief so
that his faith is getting stronger to uphold it, as God
exists with all His creations. Orientation is the center
of attention or the tendency of a person in carrying
out everything that becomes his belief. Perspective
is a person's view of the culture that exists in his
social environment and affects his belief system to
the culture around him.
Every human being has a belief system that they
use to represent a set of tendencies to comprehend,
interpret, and translate stimuli or events consistently,
so that through this mechanism, individuals can
interact well with the world around them. The
context of understanding, interpreting and
translating the stimuli or events must have deep
meaning, harmony and peace created between
human beings due to these attitudes which are
always applied in everyday life to honor and respect
another belief system.
Tatung in the celebration of Cap Go Meh, has
become an inherent culture in the Chinese society
that is consistently implemented due to strong belief
in the culture. For a person who holds a particular
culture, the ultimate goal is to fulfill the culture itself
and to gain salvation for now and in the future
(Hadikusumo, 1990).Culture itself is specifically
consisted of cultural values, knowledge and beliefs
that are used as the guidance or reference in the
pattern of community life. Tatung, for the Chinese
community, has been believed for generations so
that there is no more debate on it. This belief has led
the Chinese people to celebrate Cap Go Meh with
Tatung play in order to gain salvation in current and
following years.
This research used qualitative method in
phenomenological perspective. Husserl's
phenomenological perspective (Moleong, 2014)
means "a way of approaching to acquire knowledge
on something (object) just the way it is and becomes
the experience of human consciousness. "The
phenomenological qualitative method in this
research, is used to reveal the Chinese society’s
belief pattern on Tatung at Cap Go Meh celebration.
The subjects were three Tatung players and seven
Chinese people. The data collecting technique used
was in-depth interview analyzed in three stages,
namely data reduction, data display and conclusion
(Miles dan Huberman, 2013). The data validity test
used source triangulation by comparing or checking
the data obtained from different sources.
Speaking about Tatung, there is certainly an
underlying thing so that emerges the Chinese
society’s belief about it. In this case, the researcher
tries to collect the data through in-depth interviews
on Tatung players and some Chinese people related
to their belief system on Tatung, which includes four
elements: values, basic belief, orientation and
Tatung has a very high religious value because
there is a religious ritual that comes from ancient
Taoism. Such religious rituals as fasting and rituals
incorporate the spirit of god into the human body.
Tatung is a proof that the Gods can save people from
the disorder of evil spirits. All good or bad, pleasure
or misery, and wealth or poverty found in humans
can be controlled by the Gods. Tatung expresses the
goodness of the Gods who can give happiness,
pleasure and wealth and keep away from all
disasters. This is in accordance with the opinion of
Djojosantoso which reveals that religion means
bonding and attachment to God, or more precisely,
the human accepts the bond of God as a source of
tranquillity and happiness (Hariyani, 2008:15).
Belief System of Chinese Community toward Tatung in the Celebration of Cap Go Meh in Singkawang City
The basic Chinese belief in Tatung is that
everything Tatung has predicted would happen, the
miraculous healing of the gods, the guidance to earn
the right living according to the instructions of
Tatung, the existence of appropriate names for the
stores to influence their development and benefits,
the existence of a belief that Tatung can ward off
disruptive evil spirits, then only Tatung can master
the spells for the burial of every Chinese who has
passed away. In the Chinese community, Tatung is
the embodiment of the God in the sense in which the
person who becomes Tatung player is controlled by
God so that he has a power beyond the ability of
ordinary people. Tatung is a must-have attraction in
the celebration of Cap Go Meh, so it becomes an
inherent culture in Chinese society. Tatung, in Cap
Go Meh celebration, is held to anticipate undesirable
things, such as poverty, disaster, illness and other
ugliness. Because of this, the people believe in
Tatung and use it in the celebration of Cap Go Meh.
The orientation of the Chinese community on
Tatung is a form of obedience and loyalty toward the
religious teachings that have been inherited by their
ancestors. The Chinese community believe that the
religious teachings left by the ancestors need to be
preserved and always carried out without criticizing
them. This orientation belongs to the intrinsic
religious orientation (Allportdan Ross, 1967).
Intrinsic Religious Orientation is a religious way of
thinking about commitment toward the religion
thoroughly and treats that commitment sincerely as
the ultimate goal (Batson & Schoenrade, 1991)
individuals with religious intrinsic, the teachings of
religion are internalized and followed as a whole
part, because religion serves as a framework in life.
More specifically, an Intrinsic Religious Orientation
is someone who makes an earnest effort to live his
teachings and follow religious instructions without
any question.
Next, the Chinese community's perspective on
Tatung is that Tatung is a culture that must always
be preserved and implemented every year, because
there is a very strong religious ritual inside which
can maintain the balance in the concept of religious
teachings. If it is not implemented well, it will
violate the teachings that have been handed down by
the ancestors and will invite a major disaster against
a country. This shows that Tatung has a connection
with the world beyond this (not only on the present
experience of the individuals, but also on the overall
experience). A belief can be considered as a
collection states of an organism bound together by
attachment to the external world, entirely or partially
(Suriasumantri, 2001:72).
The Chinese community's belief in Tatung is
built by several factors: previous experiences, belief
in God, and hereditary cultures. According to some
informants, the belief in Tatung does not emerge
without any reason, because something is believed
to be true. Many of the sick people then gradually
recovered because of a spell given by Tatung, the
people who have sought sustenance according to
Tatung's guidance are then getting rich, the shops
whose names are given by Tatung become the
bestsellers and have many loyal customers, and
someone who is often possessed by evil spirits could
be cured and the evil spirits never come back. These
past experiences become a factor that mostly
influence the Chinese community's belief in Tatung
in the celebration of Cap Go Meh. The previous
experiences which become the main factors of the
Chinese community's belief in Tatung is similar to
Plato's explanation that a belief should be supported
by three conditions, they are: true and based on the
facts, believing that it is true, and evidence to
support the belief (Plato dalam Sjamsuri, 1989).
Based on the results of the discussion, it can be
formulated the research conclusions as follows: The
belief of the Chinese community toward Tatung in
the celebration of Cap Go Meh is based on: 1) high
religious values in Tatung, 2) the existence of a
strong belief base on Tatung, as they can drive out
evil spirits, 3) intrinsically religious oriented, and 4)
a perspective that emphasizes adherence and
obedience to the teachings of the ancestors.
Meanwhile, the factors influencing the Chinese
belief on Tatung in Cap Go Meh celebration are as
follows: 1) previous experiences, 2) belief in Gods,
and 3) hereditary culture. Of the three factors, the
most dominant factor that encourages people to
believe in Tatung on Cap Go Meh celebration is the
previous experiences. The Chinese people believe in
Tatung in the Cap Go Meh celebration because they
already have the proofs in their everyday life.
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