Improvement Model of Lecturer Ability in Preparation of Assessment
Instruments Civic Education in Higher Education
Wijianto, Winarno, Rini Triastuti
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Keywords: Model; Assessment Instruments; Civic Education; Higher Education
Abstract: This study aims to produce a model for improving the ability of lecturers in the preparation of assessment
instruments for civic education in universities. The method used in the form of ADDIE instructional design
development model with stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. Resarch
involves lecturers of civic education in the city of Surakarta. The results showed that the model of
improving the ability of lecturers in the preparation of assessment instruments for civic education in higher
education at the stage of needs analysis found problems, not reflecting the characteristics of students, not
oriented to the assessment component of civic education, there is no instrument for assessment of civic
dispotision and civic skill.
In Learning analytics can improve learning practice
by transforming the ways we support learning
processes (Olga, Mathias, Olof, Anna, 2018). The
learning process in higher school or universities is
highly expected to use innovative learning models,
which did not develop cognitive aspects only, but
can achieve affective and psychomotor aspects. The
implementation of Civic Education in universities is
realized in the form of learning, which are includes
planning, implementing, and evaluating. These three
stages are designed towards that they cannot be
separated from each other to achieve a learning goal
(Liu, Kang, Zou, Lee, Pan, Corliss, 2017)
The planning stage is the initial stage in learning
activities that are very important as signs in the
implementation of learning itself. In-depth analysis
is needed to design learning plans. So that learning
planning is obtained which accommodates the three
expected competencies, namely cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor aspects (Jivet, Scheffel, Specht,
Drachsler, 2018)
The education paradigm is related to 4 (four)
things that are the basis for the implementation of
education, namely students, lecturers, materials and
education management. In implementing education,
there are at least two poles of paradoxical paradigm,
namely the feudalistic paradigm and the humanistic
paradigm. The feudalistic paradigm has the
assumption that educational institutions
(universities) are a place to train and prepare
students for the future. (Rienties and Toetenel, 2016)
Therefore, students are placed as objects only in
learning, while lecturers as the only source of
knowledge of truth and information, behave
authoritarian and bureaucratic. Learning material is
structured rigidly so that it encapsulates the
creativity of students and lecturers. (Rubel and
Jones, 2016) Meanwhile, education management
including learning management is centralistic,
bureaucratic and monolithic. In applying the
learning strategy, it is very dogmatic, indoctrinative
and authoritarian.
Meanwhile the humanistic paradigm based on
the assumption that students are human beings who
have different potential characteristics. Therefore, in
this view students are placed as subjects as well as
objects of learning, while lecturers are positioned as
facilitators and student dialogue partners.
(Brickhouse, 1990) Learning materials that are
prepared based on the basic needs of students, are
flexible, dynamic and phenomenological so that the
material is contextual and has relevance to social
demands and changes. Also the management of
education and learning emphasizes on a
decentralized, non-bureaucratic dimension,
recognizing plurality with the use of varied and
democratic learning strategies. Observing the
Wijianto, ., Winarno, . and Triastuti, R.
Improvement Model of Lecturer Ability in Preparation of Assessment Instruments Civic Education in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009024100002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 575-579
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
direction of change and refinement of the signs for
the implementation of the Civic Education Course
that has been determined by the Directorate General
of Higher Education, has indicated using the
humanistic paradigm. (Hancock and Gallard, 2004)
However, the learning process is closely related
to the evaluation system. To be able to know the
success of a learning process, the evaluation system
prepared must be in accordance with the paradigm
and characteristics of learning civic education.
Therefore, the planning of assessment instruments is
very important and must be truly mastered by the
lecturer in preparing the instructional design course.
This article discusses the data of model for
improving the ability of lecturers in the preparation
of instruments for assessing civic education in
There are several stages of the design process which
are divided into four activities, namely: constructing
criterion referenced test, media selection, selection
format, initial design. Activities carried out at this
stage include: 1) Compile the criteria test, as the first
action to find out the initial ability of students, and
as an evaluation tool after the implementation of the
activity. 2) Selecting learning media that is in
accordance with the material and characteristics of
students. 3) Selection of the form of presentation of
learning adapted to the learning media used. If the
teacher will use audio visual media, at the time of
learning, of course students are told to see and
appreciate the audio visual media show. 4) Simulate
the presentation of material with the media and the
learning steps that have been designed. When the
learning simulation takes place, assessment is also
carried out by peers (Oster, Lonn, Pistilli, and
Brown, 2016)
In the design stage, researchers have made a
prototype or product design. In the context of the
development of teaching materials, this stage is
carried out to make modules or textbooks in
accordance with the content framework of the results
of curriculum and material analysis (Nistor, Demtl,
and Klamma, 2015) In the context of developing
learning models, this stage is filled with activities to
prepare the conceptual framework of learning
models and tools (material, media, evaluation tools)
and simulate the use of the learning models and
devices in a small scope (Banta and Associates,
Before the product design continues to the next
stage, the product design (models, textbooks, etc.)
needs to be validated. Product design validation is
carried out by peers such as lecturers or teachers
from the same field of study/expertise (Rienties,
Toetenel, Bryan, 2015) Based on the results of the
peer validation, there is a possibility that the product
design still needs to be corrected according to the
validator's advice.
Another importent process within instructional
design is a division of the development stage which
is devided in two activities, namely: expert appraisal
and developmental testing (Wise, Vytasek,
Hausknecht, and Zhao, 2016) Expert appraisal is a
technique to validate or assess the feasibility of
product design. In this activity an evaluation was
conducted by experts in their fields. The suggestions
given are used to improve the material and learning
designs that have been compiled. Developmental
testing is the activity of testing product designs on
the real target subject. At the time of this trial data
was searched response, reaction or comment from
the target user of the model. Test results are used to
improve the product. After the product has been
repaired, it is re-tested until it has effective results
(Williams, 2017)
In the context of instrument development, the
development stage is carried out by analyzing
instrument requirements and then testing the
instrument products to the experts involved during
design validation. The test results are then used for
revision so that the instrument really meets the needs
of users.
This research was conducted at the Sebelas Maret
University, Surakarta, in the general subject of
Citizenship Education. The object of the research
study is the design instructional learning plan made
by all Lecturers of the General Lecture on Civic
Education at the Sebelas Maret University,
Surakarta. To construct a learning assessment design
model, researchers dig up information through Focus
Group Discussion with experts who have expertise
and experience within Civic Education Subject at
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
This research used ADDIE instructional design
development model. ADDIE was Analysis, Design,
Development or Production, Implementation or
Delivery and Evaluations. ADDIE model developed
by Dick and Carry (1996) an explanation of ADDIE,
as follows:
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
3.1 Analysis
At this stage, the main activity is to analyze the need
to develop new learning models/methods and
analyze feasibility and the requirements for
developing new learning models / methods. The
development of new learning methods begins with
an internal problem learning model / method that has
been applied.
3.2 Design
In designing learning models/methods, the design
phase has similarities with designing teaching and
learning activities. This activity is a systematic
process that starts from setting learning goals,
designing scenarios or teaching and learning
activities, designing devices learning, designing
learning materials and learning outcome evaluation
tools. The design of the model/learning method is
still conceptual and will underlying the next
development process.
3.3 Development
Development in the ADDIE model contains design
realization activities product. In the design stage, a
conceptual framework for implementation has been
prepared new learning model/method. In the
development stage, the framework it is still
conceptualized into a ready product implemented.
For example, if the design stage has been designed
use of new conceptual models/methods, then at the
stage development is prepared or made with learning
tools new models/methods such as lesson plans,
media and subject matter.
3.4 Implementation
At this stage the design and methods have been
implemented developed in a real situation that is in
class. During implementation, the design of the
model/method that has been developed is applied to
conditions which are actually. The material is
delivered according to the new model/method
developed. After applying the method then an initial
evaluation is carried out to provide feedback on the
application of the next model/method.
3.5 Evaluation
Evaluation is carried out in two forms, namely
formative and summative evaluation. Formative
evaluation is carried out at the end of each meeting
(weekly) while summative evaluation is carried out
after the activity ends in its entirety (semester).
Sumative evaluation measures the final competency
of subjects or learning objectives to be achieved.
Evaluation results are used to provide feedback to
parties user model/method. Revisions are made in
accordance with the evaluation results or needs that
have not been met by the new model/method. The
table bellow showed ADDIE process in this study:
Table 1. ADDIE Development Design
The Procces of ADDIE in Improvement Model
A Analysis
Analyze the lack of instructional
design courses for civic education
in universities
D Design
Make a mapping design of
instructional design courses for
civic education in universities
D Develop
Develop a model of instructional
design courses for civic education
in universities
Implementing a model of
instructional design courses for
civic education in universities
E Evaluate
Evaluating the model of
instructional design courses for
civic education in universities
Based on document review and focus group
discussion, researchers found that the majority of
instructional design for civic education in higher
education made by lecturers was oriented to the
cognitive/knowledge aspect, which reached 80% of
the total 92 Classes. Of the total 80% of cognitive-
oriented instructional design, 60% have low
cognitive levels. This data showed that the thinking
orientation of the lecturers of civic education is
dominated by cognitive orientation, thus the
assessment process will only lead to cognitive
evaluation only.
As for more detailed data regarding instructional
design courses on civic education are as follows:
Improvement Model of Lecturer Ability in Preparation of Assessment Instruments Civic Education in Higher Education
Figure 1. Instructional Design Problem Civic Education
in Universities
Based on the chart above, we know that
instrukctional design problem within civic education
learning process in higher education are 82 or about
90% of the 92 instructional designs studied were
found not to be oriented towards Civic Disposition
and Civic Skill. 69 instructional designs (75%) out
of a total of 92 instructional designs found errors in
the use of operational verbs in the learning process.
72 or about 78% of the 92 instructional designs
studied, found that there were no measurable ability
stages so that the target of learning achievement was
not known and what. 78 or about 85% of the 92
instructional designs studied, are not known or not
included about the formulation of attitudes in the
learning process.
Other data found related to assessment
instruments on civic education instructional design
are as follows:
Figure 2. The Problem of Affective and Skill's Assessment
There are problems in the affective assessment
planning process and skills in instructional design.
90% or around 83 of the total 92 RPS studied, there
were no affective and skill assessments. That is, only
10% of the overall instructional design that has the
completeness of the assessment process planning is
cognitive assessment, affective assessment, and
psychomotor assessment.
The problem in the instructional design planning
process carried out by lecturers in civic education
courses in universities is dominated by immature
planning problems at the planning stage of
assessment instruments which are still difficult in
compiling their assessment instruments. Lecturers
find it difficult to develop operational verbs in the
affective and skill assessment stages. As for the
cognitive assessment stage, lecturers of citizenship
education did not experience problems.
Based on the data, researchers have made an
improvement model of lecturer ability in preparation
of assessment instruments civic education in higher
education bellows:
Figure 3. Improvement Model in Preparation of
assessment instrument
The results showed that the model of improving the
ability of lecturers in the preparation of assessment
instruments for civic education in higher education
at the stage of needs analysis found problems, not
reflecting the characteristics of students, not oriented
to the assessment component of civic education,
there is no instrument for assessment of civic
dispotision and civic skill. Lecturers find it difficult
to develop operational verbs in the affective and
skill assessment stages. As for the cognitive
assessment stage, lecturers of citizenship education
did not experience problems.
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by leaders in the field, addressing practical issues, but
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assessment instruments and other topics.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
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Improvement Model of Lecturer Ability in Preparation of Assessment Instruments Civic Education in Higher Education