The Strategy of Strengthening Civic Literacy in Learning Democracy
and Election based on Actual Issues
Erna Yuliandari
SebelasMaret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Civic Literacy, Democracy and Elections, Actual Issues
Abstract: Democracy and Election Courses aim to shape students into good citizens who understand democracy and
elections so that students are able to behave and implement democratic values in their daily lives. The
student's civic literacy in democracy and elections learning is still lacking. The purpose of this study is to
identify the civic literacy of students and to describe the strategy of strengthening student civic literacy in
democracy and elections learning based on actual issues to improve student civic literacy. The research
method used is descriptive qualitative. Data sources used were questionnaires, interviews, observations,
document studies and focus group discussions. The results showed that the level of student civic literacy
towards the problems of democracy and elections was still low by learning based on actual issues in the
field of democracy and elections had implications for improving student civic literacy.
Democracy and Election Course is one of the
subjects in the Pancasila and Citizenship Education
Study Program FKIP UNS. This course aims to
formalize students to be citizens who understand
democracy and implement democratic values in their
daily lives. The era of globalization that brings the
world to an increasingly open state has a negative
and positive influence on national character in
Indonesia. One of the negative influences for the
younger generation, among others, has begun to
forget national identity. One of the negative
influences for the younger generation is that they
have begun to forget national identity. People have
the responsibility to maintain the identity of their
nation, along with the flow of globalization and
modernization, it is necessary to strengthen
democratic values through democracy and election
During this time, the level of student literacy in
democracy and election subjects is still low. The
Civic literacy becomes a demand along with the
development and advancement of technology and
the flow of globalization. Civic Literacy is an
important thing for citizens, especially, for students
because the mastery of civic literacy will form good
citizens.Good citizens are needed for the
advancement of citizens in the life of the nation and
state. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the
civic literacy.
The problems examined in this study are:
1. How the Civic Literacy of students in democratic
and electoral learning is
2. How do students' civic literacy strengthening
strategies in democratic learning and elections
use actual issues in the field of democracy and
elections do
2.1 Civic Literacy
The Civic literacy is defined as the capacity of the
knowledge and ability of citizens to actively
participate, and the civic literacy is the basis for a
democratic society. (Dwipayana, 2013) According to
Suryadi (2010), in the civic literacy, there is a
mastery of the form of citizens' political knowledge
which will be implemented in the forms of
citizenship activities. The Civic literacy is defined as
the capacity of the knowledge and ability of citizens
to understand their political world, or more broadly
interpreted as the capacity of knowledge about how
to actively participate and initiate change in the
Yuliandari, E.
The Strategy of Strengthening Civic Literacy in Learning Democracy and Election based on Actual Issues.
DOI: 10.5220/0009024200002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 580-583
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community and society. This willingness and ability
to participate in public discourses is in line with the
aims of democratic and electoral courses to form
citizens who understand democracy and implement
democratic values in their daily lives.
With the civic literacy in the learning of
democracy and election subjects, students are
expected to shape the critical soul and mind as
citizens in dealing with everyday life both in the
social and political world. Political learning in class
can improve political literacy or civic literacy.The
learning democracy and elections that have been
carried out so far is only in the process of gaining
new knowledge and it has not been able to
reconstruct issues so that students become active and
2.2 The Learning of Democracy and
Election based on Actual Issues
This approach departs from the idea that the learning
of democratic and elections are fostering citizens
and have a significant role in improving civic
literacy about democracy and elections. The
approach of using actual issues in democratic
learning and elections becomes strategic, because in
this case, learning democracy and elections can be a
vehicle for fostering citizens to have a civic attitude
and awareness of democratic values.Strengthening
the civic literacy of students requires spirit support
which is the main foundation to rise up against the
various challenges facing the nation. Strengthening
the civic literacy about democracy and elections is
important so that students are able to understand the
political developments faced by their nation and
Learning democracy and elections based on
actual issues is in line with the constructivism
learning model. Knowledge is not a fact of a reality
that is being studied but as a person's cognitive
construction of objects, experiences, and
environment. (Bambang Warsita,2008).
Constructivism learning emphasizes meaningful
knowledge so that students can participate fully,
capable and committed to democracy and elections,
learning follows the views of students and
emphasizes learning processes and activities in a real
context. Democracy and election courses are
directed to foster values and awareness of
democracy. Hence, with democratic and election
learning, there will be an awareness of citizens to be
good citizens who have an awareness of democracy.
The method used in this research is descriptive
qualitative. Data sources used were questionnaires,
interviews, observations, document studies and
supported by focus group discussions (FGD). The
research location was at the SebelasMaret University
Surakarta (UNS) Civics and Science Education
Study Program (FKIP) in the course of Democracy
and Election.
Components in the civic literacy are knowledge of
citizenship (Civic Knowledge), citizenship skills
(Civic skills), and character or attitude of citizenship
(Civic dispositions). Based on the results of student
civic literacy research, especially. The knowledge
component that understands the material taught in
democratic and electoral courses such as the
concepts of democracy and elections is good, but in
the components of knowledge related to problems or
issues in the field of democracy and elections are
still lacking. This can be seen when students analyze
the issues that are circulating and developing in the
community both from the printed mass media and
from social media, students cannot provide an
analysis of these issues because students do not
aware of these issues. Students' ignorance of these
issues is caused by the fact that students have not
been interested in following issues in politics and
democracy. So that students do not have the
motivation and enthusiasm to read or look for actual
issues in the field of politics and democracy that are
developing in the community today. The low level
of students' civic literacy towards the emerging
problems of democracy and elections is, of course,
implicated in the low components of their
citizenship skills and the components of their
citizenship attitude.
Strengthening the Civic literacy through the
learning strategy of democratic and electoral based
on actual issues is carried out through a structured
and systematic learning process, from the process of
identifying learning problems, discussions and
analysis to the evaluation stage.
Democracy and election courses do not only
provide students' knowledge and understanding of
the concepts of democracy and elections but also
foster awareness and application of democratic
values to students. The steps in democratic learning
and elections are based on actual issues:
The Strategy of Strengthening Civic Literacy in Learning Democracy and Election based on Actual Issues
1. In the Planning stage
Lecturers organize democratic and election
material in accordance with the syllabus or RPS
(semester learning plan)
2. In the Implementation stage
Delivering democratic and electoral material and
giving assignments. At this stage, determining
the material to be studied for each group grouped
into 5 groups. Each group discusses and
examines each material along with actual issues,
then each group conducts an analysis, and
responds to each material and the actual issues
examined from each group. At this stage, the
strategy of strengthening civic literacy in
democratic and elections learning based on
actual issues was developed through
a. assignment and exploration of each group
towards the material and also the actual
issues that have been identified at the
planning stage in the form of tracing in the
print media, mass media, online media as
well as field observations in accordance
with the themes being studied.
b. Students share information by presenting
the results of the study and observations of
each group. At this stage, students either
individually or in groups discuss the issues
presented. Students provide critical analysis
related to actual issues in the field of
democracy and elections
3. Evaluation stage
From the planning and implementation phases,
reflection and feedback are carried out as well
as assessments from the results of written
report studies and from the results of the
presentations made by students.
After learning based on actual issues in the
subjects of democracy and elections, it can be seen
that there is a positive response that leads to
adequate capabilities related to civic literacy after
strengthening through actual issues in the field of
democracy and elections. this is shown by the
development of the thinking power and critical
analysis ability of students in processing and then
analyzing systematically and structurally related to
actual issues in democracy and elections. Students
in responding to the problems of democracy and
elections try to find the source of the truth of the
news, then analyze it, and respond and behave with
what is believed to be implemented in their civic
attitude in daily life. Mastery of students in the study
of certain issues in democracy and elections builds a
critical attitude of students based on their political
knowledge or known as their civic literacy to behave
and determine concrete steps that are the
embodiment of the civic attitude of students. The
strengthening of student civic literacy is very
important because the development of information
technology is growing in the community, especially
through social media, which is increasingly
widespread and the increasing news of the truth is
doubtful, but some people even believe in issues that
are not true because of the low civic literacy of the
community. With democratic and electoral learning
based on actual issue issues, students have the
motivation to be active in understanding how
political life around them raises awareness of
democracy in students.Learning democracy and
elections based on actual issues emphasizes
meaningful knowledge so that students can
participate fully, be capable, have commitment and
have the ability to think about democracy and
The Civic Literacy of students related to issues or
issues in the field of democracy and elections is still
lacking. This is seen when students analyze the
issues that are circulating and developing in the
community, both from printed mass media and from
social media. Students cannot provide an analysis of
these issues because students are not aware of these
issues at all. Strengthening the Civic literacy through
the learning strategy of democratic and electoral
based on actual issues is carried out through a
structured and systematic learning process, from the
process of identifying learning problems,
discussions and analysis to the evaluation stage.
Strengthening Civic Literacy in the learning of
democratic and elections through actual issues in the
field of democracy and elections can improve
student mastery of the study of certain issues in
democracy and elections, so as to build a critical
attitude of students based on their political
knowledge or civic literacy. Political learning in
class can improve students' political or civic literacy
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The Strategy of Strengthening Civic Literacy in Learning Democracy and Election based on Actual Issues