participation in making money is an alternative way
to get around the gap in income of fishermen in the
famine season, and increase the resilience of the
fisherman's household economy during the harvest
The fisherman's wife must work with the main
motivation of seeking additional insights in trying to
meet their household economic needs, which seems
to be a necessity. Family economic conditions where
the number of needs increases with increasing family
members, namely children and other social costs
such as education, health, and social. While the
husband's income which is only as a fisherman labor
is not enough to fulfill all these needs. Fishermen's
husbands only rely on fish catches from their work
activities at sea, where the gambling element
between getting fish catch is always there. For
fishermen who work for bosses / ship owners, they
must share the profits from the catches obtained
during sailing for about 20 days. The opportunity for
the role of women fishermen to have a good chance
of improving the household economy because their
husbands have good habits is to give up the results of
their fishing efforts to women and at the same time
give confidence to women to manage. Coastal
women can also work in various types of work both
related to the fisheries sector and those not related to
the fisheries sector. The role of women can be
involved in productive economic activities. These
forms of productive economy can be fish farming,
fish processing, fish marketing, and supporting
services such as the provision of other production
2.3 Family Income
Family income is the amount of real income from all
members of the household that is used to meet
shared needs and individuals in the household.
Family income is a reply to the work or service
or compensation obtained because of donations
given in production activities. Concretely family
income comes from:
1. The business itself: for example trading,
farming, opening a business as an entrepreneur
2. Working with other people: for example as civil
servants or employees
3. Results of the election: for example land leased
and others. Revenues can be in the form of
money or goods such as compensation in the
form of rice, housing facilities and others. In
general, human income consists of nominal
income in the form of money and real income in
the form of goods. (Gilarso, 2008)
If income is more emphasized on household
income, then income is the total amount of formal,
informal income and subsystem income. Formal
income is all income in the form of money or goods
received usually as remuneration. Informal income
in the form of income obtained through additional
work outside of the main work. While subsystem
income is income derived from the production sector
which is valued by money and occurs when
production with consumption is located in one hand
or small community. (Nugraheni, 2007).
There are several studies. Research on coastal
communities has often been carried out both
individually and in groups. Researches that have
been carried out include:
Research conducted by Slamet Widodo,
HendriBustamam, and Soengkono, in 2011 with the
title Model of Economic Empowerment of Poor
Fishermen Family Women through the Application
of Integrated Appropriate Technologies (Studies of
Fishermen's Families in Kelapa DistrictNorth
Bengkulu Regency). The results of this study
include: a) standardization of 4 (four) integrated
effective technology modules processing of random
fish is the basis for the development of business of
poor fisherman women, namely the dry fish business
module, fish nugget business module, fish farming
business module, and fish cracker business module;
b) the formulation of an integrated model of
appropriate technology development that is adapted
and adapted to the potential of human resources, the
potential of natural resources, social potential, and
existing environmental conditions; c) the
formulation of a model for empowering women
fishermen in coastal areas can be developed through
3 (three) stages, namely group development
(community development), pre-business
development, and business development.
Research conducted by Tri UtamiAkbarini,
IwangGumilar, and RoffiGrandiossa in 2012 entitled
Women Fishermen's Productive Economic
Contributions to Fishermen's Family Income in
Pangandaran, Ciamis Regency. This study resulted
in the wife of fishermen contributing large enough to
the family of fishermen as much as 31.32%. The
highest work time is spent on economic productive
activities around 9 hours. Decision making in the
household is carried out democratically dominated
by fishermen's wives in terms of meeting food needs
by 90% of the level of decision and purchasing
100% of household appliances.