isolation. This means that the subsequent separation
is only performed on the selected extract or active
fraction as anti-HCV. The anti-HCV antiviral
activity screening was conducted on a concentration
of 30 µg/ml, which found that the water extract,
70% Ethanol, and Methanol had 100% inhibition
value, while the Hexane and DCM extract did not
have anti-HCV activity. The results of inhibition
percentage were showed, then IC
value was
calculated using probit log and the result showed
that Methanol had resistance to Hepatitis C antivirus
with an IC
value of 10.39 μg/ml. Ethanol 70% had
activity against Hepatitis C antivirus with an IC
value of 9.44 μg /ml and Water had activity against
Hepatitis C with an IC
value of 6,06μg/ml. The
selected water extract was included in the next
separation process.
The profile of TLC S. quadrifida with stationary
phase RP 18 and mobile phase Methanol : Water
TFA 0.03% (1:2) showed the presence of blue and
green on uv 366, possibly containing phenolic group
compounds. Plants containing a wide variety of
active chemical components, such as flavonoids,
terpenoids, lignins, sulfites, polyphenols, coumarin,
saponins, alkaloids, proteins, and peptides, tend to
inhibit replication cycles of different types of DNA
or RNA [7]. Previous studies onS. Quadrifide
showed that it contains phenolic acid compounds
that can inhibit the growth of C. albicans bacteria,
with 3-hydroxyoctadecanoic compound is the main
compound in the extractive substance of S.
quadrifida to inhibit the growth of C.albicans fungi
[8]. Previous study to analyze the antibacterial and
antioxidant of ethanol extract of S. quadrifida bark.
Fraction 3 showed the highest antibacterial activity
(IC50) against B. subtilis bacteria (90.51 μg/mL), E.
coli (80.12 μg/mL), S.aureus (77.87 μg/mL), and S.
thypi (61.23 μg/mL). The antioxidant activity test
showed that fraction 2 had the highest phenol
content (34.16±0.76 mg ) and antioxidant activity
[9].The main content of phenolic acids and
flavonoids in the stembark of S. quadrifidahad
various effects on various organisms, including to
cure lumbago, kidney, rheumatic, liver, and other
internal diseases [10,11].
The toxicity test was conducted on Water Extract
(sqsw), Methanol (sqsm), Ethanol 70% (sqse),
Dichloromethane (sqsd), Hexane (sqsh), and Water
Faction 1-7. Toxicity testing was performed using an
MTT reagent, which was then converted to crystals
of purple formazan by succinic dehydrogenase in the
mitochondria in living cells. The higher intensity of
purple color produced meant more number of living
cells [7,12]. From the toxicity test results, it is
known the extraction and fraction of water had a
good safety value and were safe to use at the
separation stage to obtain the active substances
contained in faloak.
Methanol extract (sqsm), 70% ethanol extract (sqse),
water extract (sqsw), fraction 5, and fraction 6 of
water extract from S. quadrifida R.br stembarkhad
potential activity as anti-HCV.
The authors are grateful to NPMRD (Natural
Product Medicine Research and Development),
Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga.
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BROMO 2018 - Bromo Conference, Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity