Analysis of Albumin Levels in Farmed Sidat Fish (Anguilla
Marmorata) and Natural Breed Toman Fish (Channa Micropeltes)
Hari Santoso
Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Unisma, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Albumin, Anguilla marmorata, Channa micropeltes.
Abstract: Sidat fish (Anguilla marmorata)) is one of consumed fish species with relatively high nutrition contents,
vitamins, micronutrients and albumin. Similarly, albumin is found in toman fish (Channa micropeltes) which
is of the same family as gabus fish (Channa striata). In this research, sidat fish (Anguilla marmorata) is
obtained from fish farms in Lamongan while toman fish (Channa micropeltes) is naturally obtained from
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan where the two fishes have high albumin content. The investigation is aimed
at analysing the albumin level in sidat fish (Anguilla marmorata) found from fish farms and toman fish
(Channa micropeltes) found naturally in swamps. The samples used for sidat fish and toman fish had average
weight of 250 and 230-250grams respectively. Using unpaired T-test from SPSS 23, the data analyses showed
the average albumin level in sidat fish and toman fish is X ̅ = 13,2025 and X ̅ = 10,807 respectively. This
means that there is a significantly high difference in the albumin level found between sidat fish (Anguilla
marmorata) and toman fish (Channa micropeltes).
Fish is one of the most abundant food sources
beneficial for its protein content and medicinal
purposes. Protein has specific function in terms of
building and maintaining cellular tissues inside our
body which cannot be replaced by other nutrients
As energy source, protein is needed at appropriate
amount so that balanced nutrient intake can be
achieved as well
In the first place, naturally-occurring protein, also
known as native protein, can undergo changes due to
heating process (denaturation). This happens as a
result of the degradation of chemical bonds in its
tertiary structure and secondary molecules, which in
turn allows protein to be more easily digested by
hydrolytic enzymes during metabolism process inside
the digestive system
There are a number of globular proteins present
inside our body, such as albumin, globulin, histone,
and protamine
. Albumin is a water-soluble protein
and coagulates by heat. It is the most abundant protein
inside blood plasma at about 60% of the total plasma
volume at 4.5 g/dL. Albumin functions to maintain
plasma osmotic pressure and to transport small
molecules through plasma as well as other
extracellular fluids
Other than that, albumin regulates intravascular
colloid osmotic movement, eases the movement of
internal body fluid and facilitates transport of
nutrients inside the body. In a typical human body,
alongside other proteins, albumin is synthesised by
liver tissue at ± 100-200 µg/g per day
. Inside human
body, albumin has important role during post-op
wound healing due to its antinociceptiveand anti-
inflammatory characteristics
One way to boost albumin intake is by consuming
HSA (Human Serum Albumin). However, it is very
expensive thus alternatively people look for white
egg, sidat fish or toman fish which are cheaper yet
contain albumin with similar clinical aspects. Also,
albumin from fish extract is also proven to contain
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
In previous studies, Indonesians have used fish for
its albumin content. For instance, people in
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, make use of
steamed gabus/toman fish for wound healing from
afterbirth processes
. From this study, it was proven
that albumin extracted from freshwater fishes can
substitute albumin serum
Nonetheless, previous studies did not clearly
investigate the albumin level found in freshwater
Santoso, H.
Analysis of Albumin Levels in Farmed Sidat Fish (Anguilla Marmorata) and Natural Breed Toman Fish (Channa Micropeltes).
DOI: 10.5220/0009846100002406
In Proceedings of BROMO Conference (BROMO 2018) - Symposium on Natural Product and Biodiversity, page 1
ISBN: 978-989-758-347-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fishes nor investigate the difference between those
which are farmed and breeding naturally. This study
thus wants to analyse the albumin level in farmed
sidat fish (Anguilla marmorata) and toman fish
(Channa micropeltes). The two fishes are chosen
because they are generally consumed and have been
shown to contain albumin which is used by the people
who consume them.
2.1 Materials
Freshwater sidat fish from the species of Anguilla
marmorata (Q.) with the average weight of 250g per
fish were obtained from ASPIN (National Fish
Farmers Association) of Pasar Sore Village,
Lamongan. Meanwhile, toman fish from the species
of Channa micropeltes were taken from Banjarmasin,
South Kalimantan, had the average weight of 230-250
g per fish. Overall, 2 kg of each fish were used in this
Albumin level test make use of bromocresol green
method with bromocresol green reagent, albumin
standard reagent and control reagent.
2.2 Sample Preparation
The fishes had their stomach, scales, fins, tails and
heads removed. Also it was ensured that blood and
mucus were properly eliminated. The cleaned meat
were sliced into boneless fillets and cut into smaller
pieces. These pieces were blended and added with
solvents at the ratio of 1:1 v/w (100 mL water solvent
to 100 g fish meat).
2.3 Extraction Process
Albumin extraction was performed by using 0.1M
HCl as solvent for the meat solution and that the
solvent-solution mix was heated at 35-50 C for 10
minutes. To separate the mixture with its supernatant,
filtering process was done with addition of 200 mL
hexane. This was followed by mixing the solution
until two separate substances, oil and water can be
seen. The water substance is the extract of albumin.
2.4 Qualitative Test
Take 500 µL of blended fish samples and add 4 mL
of biuret reagent in. Positive result is shown by the
display of reddish or bluish violet.
2.5 Quantitative Test for Albumin
Photometer was used to investigate the highest
albumin level between sidat fish (Anguilla
marmorata) and toman fish (Channa micropeltes)
which had been treated with bromocresol green
% albumin = [(mL sediment x N x P)/50] x 6.25
mL sediment : sediments collected
N : nitrogen quality from the
result of standard curve
P : albumin sedimentation
dilution factor
Standard equation Y = 0.646X 0.003 and R
0.982 for the left side of the equation
3.1 Analytical Result from Qualitative
Biuret test showed that both fish extracts contained
Table 1: Qualitative Analysis of Albumin Level
Test Method
Sidat Fish
Extract 500
Toman Fish
Extract 500
From Table 1, biuret test showed that all samples
turned violet, which showed the presence of albumin
protein. The test was able to detect the change in
peptide bond which resulted in colour change. Ion
from the reagent in basic solution reacted with
polypeptides that form proteins to form violet-
coloured complex compound.
Sidat fish from Lamongan Regency has higher
albumin level than that of toman fish from
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. This conclusion
comes from the visible spectrophotometry
absorbance results which showed that sidat fish
BROMO 2018 - Bromo Conference, Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity
samples from Lamongan have the highest absorbance
values at 0.641 and the lowest at 0.626 as compared
to toman fish samples at 0.602 and 0.519 respectively.
Figure 1: Standard Curve of Nitrogen Conc. Using Biuret
Fish meat samples used in the test were taken
from lower head area and above tail area. For the head
area, each sample used 2.5 g of meat from the right
side of lower head area and 2.5 g from the left side of
the same area. Similarly, for the tail area, each sample
made use of 2.5 g of meat from the right side of tail
and 2.5 g from the left side. The albumin level of
toman fish seemingly differed between the head and
tail area. The same observation was also made for
sidat fish.
Each fish species recorded different albumin level
and isoelectric point at around 4.6 4.9
. The
difference in albumin level between the two areas is
probably due to the different isoelectric point.
Myogin content, including albumin, in small fish
is higher than that of large fish because large fish
accumulates more fats
. Albumin level difference is
probably due to the difference in terms of weight of
fish samples, whereby out of the 2kg sample, each
toman fish sample weighted around 230-250 g while
it was about 250 g for sidat fish. Also, for sidat fish
from Lamongan, they were farmed and given fish
food rations which has a role in increasing their
albumin level
The best way to extract crude fish albumin is to
use vacuum extractor with heating temperature at
about 35 deg.C for 12.5 minutes because albumin as
a protein is vulnerable to heat
. In this experiment,
the sample was incubated at the temperature of 37
inside water bath for about 10 minutes. It is probable
that incubation influences the difference in albumin
3.2 Analytical Result from
Quantitative Test
Albumin Level
Sidat Fish
Note: * shows significant difference
From the above results, it can be seen that the average
albumin level in sidat fish from the species of
Anguilla marmorata is 0.508 mg/100g while for that
of toman fish from the species of Channa
micropeltes, it is 0.234 mg/100g. Statistical test using
unpaired T-test shows that there is a significant
difference between the albumin level in sidat fish
from the species of Anguilla marmorata and toman
fish from the species of Channa micropeltes
Albumin level found in farmed sidat fish from the
species of Anguilla marmorata is higher than that of
natural breed toman fish from the species of Channa
micropeltes found in brackish water. With this result,
farming of freshwater fish can be promoted for the
purpose of utilising albumin for health purposes.
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