Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and
Nur Hayati
, Firyal Nabila
, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul
and Ardana Reswari Miranda Ningrum
Psychology Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Assertiveness, Sexual harassment experience, Help-seeking
Abstract: Sexual harassment cases experienced over time. Annual Note of the National Commission of Women 2017
indicates sexual violence that occurs in community reach 3,092 cases. Sexual harassment victims who face
intimidation from perpetrator tend to bury their experience and do not tell others, refuse to seek help from
professionals. Most victims do not want to tell the story because shame, fear, and afraid will suffer more,
both socially and economically. Victims also feel that reporting their cases may lead to negative public
stigma and lead to chronic trauma. The subject in this research is the female student of UIN Malang. This
research uses purposive sampling technique of 322 subjects. The instrument used in data collection is the
Sexual Experience Questionnaire scale developed by Fitzgerald et al., the Assertiveness scale, Mental
Help-Seeking Attitudes Scale. The results showed that overall, there was an effect of assertiveness and
experience of sexual harassment on attitudes in relief seeking. The partial analysis shows that as the more
severe the experience of sexual abuse experienced, the more reluctant the victim seeks help. This result
means that victims who get light harassment such as gender harassment will tend to seek professional help,
whereas victims of severe sexual coercion will tend to be reluctant to seek help.
Currently, the community often faced with cases of
sexual abuse experienced by children and adults.
Sexual harassment defined as a behavior that
contains sexuality elements and is done by some
people so that the victim gets an adverse effect on
the behavior that happened.
Victims of sexual
harassment will feel ashamed, angry, humiliated
even feel losing their self-esteem.
In this case, the
perpetrators' sexual
harassment includes flirting,
puffs, touch on specific body parts, invitation to
have sex and rape (Bahri, 2015). Perpetrators of
sexual harassment are generally male, and most of
the victims are women and children.
Annual Note of the National Commission of
Women in 2017 describes the sexual violence that
occurred in the community reached 3,092 cases
(22%). In comparison with other cases of women,
sexual violence was ranked first with 2,290 cases
(74%), then physical violence 490 cases (16%) and
other violence below 10%, such as psychological
violence 83 cases (3 %), migrant workers 90 cases
(3%), and trafficking 139 cases (4%).
Type of
sexual violence is most common in the community
sphere is rape (1,036 cases) and sexual abuse (838
In cases of sexual violence that occur, often
not found relation kinship, biological relationships
or marriage between the perpetrator and the victim.
The perpetrators of sexual violence are employers,
neighbors, teachers, co-workers, community leaders,
or unknown persons (Perempuan, 2017)
Another analysis of the Ministry of Women
Empowerment and Child Protection of the Year
2017 shows the number of sexual violence that
occurred in Indonesia divided into several categories.
First, based on the crime scene: 622 cases occurred
in the household,
18 cases at work, 58 cases at
school, 128 cases in public facilities, and 238 cases
elsewhere. Second, victim classification based on
consists of 232 victims are in elementary
education, 206 are in junior high school, 406 victims
are in high school education,
92 victims are not in
school, 107 victims are in higher education. Third,
based on the relationship between the victim and the
perpetrator, the perpetrator is the victim's parents
166 cases. The perpetrator has a family relationship
Hayati, N., Nabila, F., Nuqul, F. and Miranda Ningrum, A.
Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and Assertive.
DOI: 10.5220/0009926002440251
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 244-251
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with the victim 64 cases. The perpetrator has
marriage relationship 273 cases; the offender is the
boyfriend of the victims 186 cases, the perpetrator is
the teacher of victim 34 cases, while the other
relationship of perpetrators and victims not
identified as many as 169 cases.
This case shows
that sexual violence still occurs anywhere with an
unbalanced power relations relationship and a more
submissive inclination of victims (SIMPONI_PPA,
The results of Artaria revealed 11 victims of
sexual abuse at a renowned faculty in Indonesia.
Most victims do not want to tell the story because of
embarrassment, afraid, worried about experiencing
other consequences both socially and economically
when the perpetrator knows that the victim has told
him what he has done.
The victim feels that it will
significantly affect the psychological condition and
negative stigma of the community when it is known.
They also claimed that the incident caused trauma
well after the incident and many years after the
Victims from their student environment
will change academic plans,
cancel even they quit
college (Artaria, M.D, 2012)
Victims tend not to be able to reject invitations
because they get threats from the perpetrator. This
condition is allegedly related to the victim's
A study says that an assertive person
is a person who can defend, express the feelings,
opinions, and wishes
of others directly, frankly, and
firmly without any feelings of anxiety and not envy
Individuals with high levels of assertiveness
tend to perform effective and adaptive self-defense
when faced with threats, whereas others with low
levels of assertiveness tend to experience mental
Individuals with assertive behavior have the
belief that people can learn from their mistakes
because mistakes are not the end of everything.
Mistakes are necessary corrected. Formation of
assertive behavior can be done through steps to
realize what beliefs have been in the self-individuals
and realize the rights they have (Jempormasse,
Another study found that in sexual violence in
courtship, women will tend to seek help over men.
Help-Seeking Behavior (HSB) is an action taken by
a person to get help from others, both formally and
informally, according to the difficulty level of the
problem faced with the goal of solving the problem
at hand. The victim will seek help from a man or
woman who is still in close contacts, such as a
parent, friend or person who happens to be around
the incident. Satisfaction of sources of assistance
obtained from friends is higher than other aid
providers that is as much as 79.9% (Panglipur, 2014).
Victim attempts to report sexual harassment at the
institution will tend to decrease if it gets
a negative
response from the institution (Bergman, Langhout,
Palmieri, Cortina, & Fitzgerald, 2002).
evidence shows the risk of significant sexual
violence affecting both girls and boys in many
geographical and institutional settings. Married
teenage girls are vulnerable to sexual violence by
couples in their homes. Children in schools are
vulnerable to sexual abuse by peers and adults.
Victims rarely reveal incidents and rarely seek
support. Besides, the experience of trauma in
childhood was strongly linked to acts of sexual
violence and revisitation in the future (Rumble et al.,
In Indonesia, the phenomenon of sexual
harassment has relatively recently discussed.
Various factors inhibit the emergence of phenomena,
especially individual factors. Sexual harassment
victims faced with an equally painful choice of
losses faced by sexual harassment and
embarrassment when the issue publicized.
absence of clear legal procedures and regulations in
Indonesia regarding sexual harassment resulted in
unsatisfactory sexual harassment problems.
As a
result, victims of sexual harassment choose to
resolve non-legal issues such as reconciling
with the
perpetrator, resolving family matters, withdrawing
from work or ignoring the disorder with the risk of a
psychological impact affecting his or her
performance (Dzuhayatin & Yuarsi, 2002).
those exposures, the study of the impact of the
experience of sexual harassment and the victim's
assertiveness on the attitude of seeking help
becomes essential for the study.
2.1 Sexual Harassment
There are three important aspects of sexual
first, behavior. In this case, the
person's behavior associated with the sexual content,
whether the individual's behavior is sexual. Second,
the situational aspect. A situational speak of review
differences in individual behavior and where such
behavior occurs.
Third, the aspect of legality,
whether the behavior of individuals is reasonable
and legal.
These three aspects can generally define
sexual behavior (Cornell, 2016).
Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and Assertive
Based on behavioral aspects, sexual harassment
described as a form of behavior in which there is a
sexual element so unwanted by the recipient or the
Such behavior arises in various forms, both
temporally and verbally. In general, verbal abuse
happens more often than physically. Experts
mention the verbal form of unwanted sexual
harassment in the form of sexual jokes, dating
messages that contain sexual elements
and requests for continuous sexual services with
Sexual harassment in the form of physical
temptation that often happens is gaze on the parts of
the body of the opposite sex that can increase the
perpetrator's sexual desire,
not infrequently the
perpetrator will give a different look to the victim
usually in the form of an eye blink.
It can happen in
a quiet and supportive situation. Besides, sexual
harassment also viewed from the situational aspects
that can occur and be done anywhere in certain
Most of the victims were women and
children of racial origin, age, characteristics, marital
status, social class, education, occupation, workplace,
and income (Fitzgerald & Cortina, 2017).
2.2 Assertivity
Baron argues that assertiveness is an individual's
ability to express what he feels, ideas and beliefs
openly and to maintain the truth without being
aggressive. While Myers's assertiveness is the style
of personal communication that is open, direct, and
honest in expressing feelings, maintaining rights,
thoughts, as well as needs (Baron & Byrne, 2005)
according to Lloyd, assertiveness behavior is an
active behavior,
direct and honest. Individuals who
have assertive behavior can express concern for
themselves and others so that there is good
communication about what the desire, needs and
self-rights with what others want (Novalia &
Dayakisni, 2013).
Assertive behavior influenced by gender this is
related to the role, and education applied to men and
Since childhood, the community has
instilled that men must be firm and women tend to
be passive, so it is seen as a weak individual because
it tends to be subject to command.
It means that men
will be more assertive behavior compared with
women (Bossuyt & Van Kenhove, 2018; Parham,
Lewis, Fretwell, Irwin, & Schrimsher, 2015).
Lloyd argues there are several assertiveness
characteristics, including
a) able to say no politely
and decisively; the individual can state no when
there is a desire from
others or his views. b) able to
express honest feelings, the individual does not deny
his or her feelings or feelings
toward others, be
realistic, the individual does not exaggerate,
downplay something
. c) the individual will speak
truthfully and honestly to others
, and d) be able to
express likes and priorities, the individual does not
suspend anything to associate with anyone and the
individual will express his or her priority without
any distress (Novalia & Dayakisni, 2013).
2.3 Attitude Seeking Help (Helping
Seeking Behavior)
Helping-seeking is an individual effort to get help
from others. Help-seeking is a complex and
dynamic process that includes people who ask for
help, people who provide help, the type of aid
requested, and the situation when asked for help.
Rickwood and Thomas define help-seeking as a
form of communication with others to get help. Such
help may be in the form of advice, information, and
support for troublesome problems or
experiences(Rickwood & Thomas, 2012).
seeking can interpret as a form of problem-solving
that depends
on the help of others. Help-seeking or
seek assistance is defined as a process of responding
to problems that cannot solve on their own,
including active efforts and involving third parties.
As a process, the behavior of seeking help has three
characteristics, namely: problem-oriented, deliberate
action, and interpersonal interaction (Cornally &
McCarthy, 2011)
Sexual harassment is an act that contains the
element of sexual intercourse, which in most cases
the perpetrator is male and the victim is a woman.
While the form of acts committed to sexual
harassment in the form of physical and non-physical
A study shows that significantly women
who are victims of sexual abuse tell more about their
experiences of sexual abuse because of limited
perceived support (Young, Pruett, & Colvin, 2018).
Assertive behavior is an honest behavior can
convey the wishes, needs and what is right in line
with what the other person wants.
So that
communicate well. In cases of sexual
violence, victims tend not to be able to reject the
invitation because they get threats from the
This condition is related to the
assertiveness of the victim. Assertiveness can help
the victim to respond negatively to the invitations
and threats of the perpetrator.
Besides, assertiveness
can also encourage victims to seek help after the
occurrence of sexual harassment. The victim will
ask for help to men or women who still have close
relationships such as parents, friends or people who
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
happen to be around the incident. Satisfaction of
sources of assistance obtained from friends (79.9%)
(Panglipur, 2014). So it can be concluded that
assertiveness may affect the attitude of seeking help
in sexual harassment cases.
This research uses a survey method with a
quantitative approach. The reason for using this
method is that the researcher wants to do mapping of
student experience related to sexual harassment that
is related to motivation to seek help and
assertiveness. The results of the data obtained will
be analyzed using the statistical calculation of
multiple linear regression analysis. The goal is to
know the effect of the dependent variable can be
predicted through independent variable predictors,
individual, or together.
The population of this study is a female student
of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which
amounted to about 9000 students. Reason for using
the female student as a respondent because from
previous studies mentioned that compared to male
students, a female student has a higher susceptibility
sexually abused.
The sample used in this study are 322 female
students taken by purposive sampling. From the age
of the participants in this study between the ages of
17-24 years with an average of 19.6 years
Data collection instruments used; 1). Sexual
Harassment Experience Scale: this scale adapted
from the Sexual Experience Questionnaire (SEQ)
develop by Fitzgerald et al., (1988), consists of 35
items. The scale divide to 3 sub-scale that is; a).
Gender harassing; On a subscale consisted of 7
items. In this research have the value of Cronbach's
alpha of 0, 629. The example items for the sub-scale,
e.g., "Looking at you from head to toe to the fullest
lust." b) unwanted sexuality concerns. On a
subscale consists of 21 items. In this research have
the value of Cronbach's alpha of 0.875. For example,
Inviting "you to sit beside him for some reason"; c)
forcing sexual coercion:
On a subscale consisted of
7 items. In this research have the value of
Cronbach's alpha of 0.441. For example, "firing you
when you are not physically or sexually related to
her. 2). Assertiveness scale from Alberti &.
Emmons The scale consists of 18 items. Examples
of the items I can express my feelings to others
frankly. (Alberti & Emmons, 1970) 3). Seeking-Help
Attitude scale. (Hammer, Parent, & Spiker, 2018).
This scale consists of 9 items that are semantic
differential. In this research have the value of
Cronbach's alpha of 0.830 For example, asking for
help from others for sexual trespassing on campus
"in vain - useful."
This research uses the method of analysis of
linier multiple regression analysis and description.
The data analysis is done using the Microsoft Excel
help and Statistical Product and Serice Solution
(SPSS) 20 for windows. A report of the report aims
to expose the subject description for each of the
dimensions in sexual harassment and Helping –
seeking attitude — analysis of categorization by
using a scale of norms by calculating the mean
hypothetical (M) and standard deviation (SD).
Categorization divided into three categories covering
high, medium and low on each variable.
Table. 1. Categorization Standart
Category Range
High >Mean+1SD
Medium 1SD - Mean + 1 SD
Low < Mean-1SD
To perform hypothesis testing or to view the
relationship between the variables of assertiveness,
gender harassing; sexuality concerns: forcing
unwanted sexual coercion toward helping-seeking
attitude. Using multiple linear regression analysis.
As described above, that in order to give you an idea
about the description of the data, then the following
descriptive data analysis results for each variable.
Table 2: Experient As Gender Harassment Victim
Intention Frequency Percent
Often 1 ,3
Ever 32 9,9
Never 289 89,8
Total 322 100,0
Most of the participants or 89.8% claimed to
have never experienced gender harassment. On the
other hand, there are 10% more female students are
involved as participants in the study admitted to
never and often experienced abuse as women.
Includes harassment start talks about gender and
sexually charged jokes, teasing, showed interest in
gestures or words.
Table 3. Unwanted Sexuality Concerns Victim Experient
Intention Frequency Percent
Often 1 ,3
Ever 25 7,8
Never 296 91,9
Total 322 100,0
Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and Assertive
Most of the participants or 91.9% admitted not ever
to treat unpleasantly related to sexuality. On the
other hand, there are 8.1% more female students are
admitted once and often have gotten treatment.
Unwanted sexuality concerns, e.g., pokes at the hit
and other treatments deemed objectionable shows
good pictures as well as videos, sites related to
pornography. Try to make physical contact, such as
poking, patting shoulders and pinch
Table 4: Experient As Forcing Sexual Coercion Victim
Intention Frequency Percent
Often 0 0,0
Ever 2 0,6
Never 320 99,4
Total 322 100,0
. The data shows that almost all respondents
claimed to have never experienced coercion to
sexual intercourse, there are only two people, or
0.6% admit to never experience the imposition for
sexual intercourse. Some things money related to
coercion in a sexual context is pleading for sexual
intercourse, threatening, libelous, and if as a tool for
sexual intercourse. Also, there have been attempts to
perform acts of kissing even raped physically.
Table 5. Helping Seeking Attitude
Categorization Frequency Percent
High 246 76,4
Medium 71 22,0
Poor 5 1,6
Total 322 100,0
Most of the participants had a positive attitude
that the assistance of professionals will give
advantages for search help. There is only 1.6
percent claiming to be not too sure that assistance in
the case of sexual harassment did not have a positive
In seeking a helping attitude shows the extent to
which the subject rate that professional help in the
case of sexual harassment on campus have the effect
of rewarding, invigorating, runs effectively, are
considered essential, desired by the victim and
Based on the analysis of experiences of sexual
harassment and assertiveness influence the attitude
of seeking help. The regression results show that (F
= 2.495. P < 0.05). In the experience variable sexual
harassment contributes (R
= 0.031) or in other
words 3.1%. The results of partial analysis based on
among the variables described in Table 6. as
Table 6. Analysis for effect sexual harassment and
assertiveness toward attitude helping seeking
Model Standard
t P
Assertiveness 0,016 0,282 0,778
0,140 1,671 0,096
-0,107 -1.216 0,225
Sexual coercion 0,153 -2,383 0,018
Based on table 6 is described that the variable
experience of sexual abuse has three aspects which
contribute to a higher gender (β = 0, 140) compared
with the unwanted aspects (β = -0.107 ) and on the
sexual aspect has a contribution (β = -0.153). It
means that the
more severe the sexual abuse
experienced, the lower the person will be to perform
assertiveness behavior. Meanwhile, assertiveness
variable contributes (β = 0.016). As for the partial
assertive (t = 0,282; p > 0,05), variable
experience of
sexual harassment on the gender
aspect (t = 1.671 ,p > 0.05), unwanted aspects (t = -
1.216: p > 0.05) and on the sexual aspect (t = -2.383,
p < 0.05). That is, a variable experience of sexual
and variable assertiveness do not affect
the attitude of seeking help. This result happens
because the higher the experience of sexual abuse
that experienced than the individual will be lower to
ask for help to others.
From the results of the data shows that most of the
participants claimed to have never experienced
sexual harassment, either gender harassing; sexuality
concerns: forcing unwanted sexual coercion as
reflected in the data. Although the figures did not
show a statistically dominant, but these data
illustrate that there are strict precautions in the
handling of the case of sexual harassment in the
institutions of higher education.
The reasons could put forward is; the first that
the campus is the institution that is supposed to be
zero accident. It means that the campus should be
completely clear of sexual harassment cases. Given
the campus became the site of education upholding
Colleges as institutions and campuses as the
location of learning had the official mandate and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
expected to create private students to uphold the
values and culture of the sublime. The campus is
expected to contain with like-minded people outside,
well-behaved and deep spirituality. People who are
on the campus, ranging from leadership, professors,
employees, and students must meet these criteria.
Students as agents of change need to learn to
control themselves on campus, as well as a lecturer,
the leadership and employees as the more powerful
to have a central role in shaping a student personal
should be a role model either. Ironically, relations
of power between student-lecturers became a factor
in the occurrence of sexual harassment on campus.
Second, cases of sexual abuse are a sensitive case;
not everyone was reluctant to reveal the case. The
phenomenon of the iceberg followed this case. It is
this means that the data revealed surface represents
only the facts.
For victims of sexual abuse is not a comfortable
experience to tell. The condition of trauma, fear,
threats and feel sinful are the psychological
conditions often experienced by victims. For victims
telling others, even with a trusted person ever need
struggle. For victims recount experience sexual
harassment which had befallen him is tantamount to
opening a personal disgrace, especially if under
Third, another vulnerability in the case of sexual
abuse is a victim of a potentially sustainable loss —
a psychological condition that filled with the trauma
of making victims angry even depression.
Impingement this anger can be in the form of the
direct perpetrators of the assault, but that much is
redirection by doing redirects to another object.
Even not rarely do impingement by doing self-injury.
Feelings of anger will make victims feel entitled to
do everything, then as the victim who is still a
student's status as this incident will make him
experience a decrease in concentrations and even to
the failure in the study
Results of research conducted on 322 female
show that the experience of sexual abuse
and assertiveness influences the attitude of seeking
The significance value of the attitude of
seeking help to female students is (F = 2.495.
p < 0.05).
While the experience of sexual
harassment shows that the higher the experience of
sexual harassment then the attitude of seeking help
will be lower, the majority of respondents chose not
to tell what had experienced because
of its shame,
useless and even be
life-threatening. As Rusyidi and
Nurwanti findings, the absence of resistance by
victims of sexual harassment does not mean they are
willing to be raped. The victim experienced feelings
of fear, anger and threatened the safety of his soul so
choose to avoid and not to fight to anticipate the
occurrence of things worse. Also, a passive attitude
in seeking help can cause by the victim has not
believed that there are people who can keep a secret
and can provide solutions (Rusyidi & Nurwati,
Seeking essential help is done by people who are
not able to solve their problems because the
behavior of seeking help has a
positive effect on
mental health (Liang, Goodman, Tummala-Narra, &
Weintraub, 2005). However, some individuals
looking for help is unnecessary as a way of
finding solutions (Schreiber, Renneberg, &
Maercker, 2009).
One of the factors that influence
the intention of seeking help is the individual's
attitude toward seeking behavior for help. Attitudes
toward information seeking behavior are weak
predictors of behavior controls believed to be.
Logsdon et al. (2009) also found that attitudes were
not a significant predictor of the intensity of seeking
help to teenage mothers (Logsdon, Usui, Pinto-Foltz,
& Rakestraw, 2009).
An individual who believes that the behavior of
seeking help will bring benefits and goodness to
himself will have the possibility to have an intention
to seek help.
Conversely, if one believes that the
behavior of seeking help will not bring benefits and
goodness for himself will have a small possibility to
seek help (Nabi, Southwell, & Hornik, 2002).
The results show that the victim will feel that the
help of others is increasingly burdening the problem.
There is a tendency that the more severe the abuse
experienced by victims will be more reluctant to tell
stories and not believe that help will be a solution.
Help-seeking is an essential factor in the handling of
victims. The reluctance to seek help is due to mental
blocking. The victim felt dirty and reluctant to
stigmatize the community further. This condition is
deplorable for the victim. If not addressed
immediately, the negative emotions experienced by
the victim can trigger a prolonged trauma even
depression that leads to self-injury. Based on the
result, it can suggest, to handle sexual harassment
cases, besides improving the system of the world of
work or campus atmosphere for prevention, the role
of professionals to "pick up the ball" on victims of
sexual abuse becomes very important to help the
victim. Reliable channels like peer counseling are
helpful. Results show that no correlation between
assertive and a positive attitude of seeking help
illustrate that the victim of sexual abuse who has
self-efficacy to express his or her desires will likely
Attitudes to Help: Reviewed from Sexual Harassing Experience and Assertive
choose to overcome his problems to avoid further
risks if asked for help.
Some of the weakness in the study is the first not
all participants have experience regarding sexual
harassment. Researchers understand that finding
victims is difficult if any exist they are not
necessarily willing to become participants in the
There is no presence of the influence of
assertiveness against the attitude of helping-seeking
is the thing that needs to test again. Theoretically,
assertiveness is a variable that can reduce sexual
harassment. One of the things that could consider is
the obedient culture developing in college. For it
was suggested at the next researcher to involve
several variables that could help explain about this
phenomenon, such as a trust to authority and social
From this research, it can conclude that the more
severe sexual harassment tends to be the more
making victims feel reluctant to seek help. In
addition to this assertiveness no effect on a positive
attitude in seeking help. Sexual harassment provides
a substantial psychological impact on victims. It is
necessary for the involvement of institutions in the
prevention and healing of victims
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