Moderating Effect of Emotional Parent-child Closeness on Relation
between Psychopath and Empathy
Fathul Lubabin Nuqul
Psychology Faculty Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Empathy, Psychopathy, Parent-Child Emotional Closeness.
Abstract: Psychopathic personalities are considered to have contributed in the act which bears to hurt other people.
Several studies have consistently found a lack of empathy characterizes psychopaths. On the other hand, the
relationship between parents and children that positively correlated with empathy the child. This research
aims to look at the role of parent-child closeness as a moderator in the relationship between psychopathic
personalities with empathy. This research involves 166 high school students who complete a psychopathic
personality scale, quality of empathy scale and emotional relationship between child parents. The results
showed that the psychopath shows influence negatively to empathy. So also with the quality of children's
emotional relationship, parents have a positive influence of empathy. However, the emotional relationship
of the child-parent relationship changes between psychopathic and empathy.
In recent years this little community information
space via the internet, television as well as social
networking is filled with various news of violence.
The violence pattern that involved children and teens
no matter the more varied and higher risk, like
bullying, cyberbullying and motor gangster. For
cases of violence involving children as victims or
perpetrator is concern seriously. Indonesian Child
Protection Commission (KPAI) in 2011 to
September 2017 has received 2600 cases of children.
The highest report received KPAI is children who
are dealing with the law. "Children are dealing with
the law as much as 34 percent of one example of
cases of violence or bullying on his friend
besides, cases of domestic violence and parenting 19
Another form of violence is cyberbullying. The
data showed as many as 55% of parents said they
know a child suffered cyberbullying
( The cyberbullying
threats are obtaining from the results of IPOS
Research in 2011, which is a global research
company from France. IPOS provides surveying to
18,687 residents in 24 countries, including
Indonesia, through an online survey methodology
(Safaria, 2016).
For the case of the motor-gang, there is no
concrete data, but Polda Metro Jaya recorded during
the period 2012 through early 2013 noted there are
10 cases of crimes either persecution or Mass fights
involving the motorcycle gang that occurred in
Jakarta (Tribunnews, 2013)
Psychopathy is a substantial effect on a various
source of violence (Baumeister, 2001). Psychopath
is adjactive from anti-social behavior. The anti-
social behavior is the presence of a chronic and
pervasive disposition to disregard and violate the
rights of others. Manifestations include repeated
violations of the law, exploitation of others,
deceitfulness, impulsivity, aggressiveness, reckless
disregard for the safety of self and others, and
irresponsibility, accompanied by lack of guilt,
remorse, and empathy. (Colman, 2015)
Hare (1996) had previously also suggested the
psychopath is a constellation of conditions that
showed indications of antisocial personality (Hare,
1996). In some previous studies comparing
psychopaths with a non-psychopath, also revealed
that the psychopathic become potentially violent
behavior in prison as well as in other forensic
settings (Edens, Buffington, & Tomicic, 2000). The
Psychopath is also a valid predictor for acts of
violence (Cale & Lilienfeld, 2006) and repetition
(recidivism) (Hemphill, Hare, & Wong, 1998;
Salekin, Rogers, & Sewell, 1996) as well as on a
Nuqul, F.
Moderating Effect of Emotional Parent-child Closeness on Relation between Psychopath and Empathy.
DOI: 10.5220/0009927613561362
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1356-1362
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
teenager that psychopathic related to crime or
violence either repetition more (Edens, Campbell, &
Weir, 2007).
In the dynamics of individuals with psychopathic
tendencies are strong can be seen based on the
severity of the dysfunctional behavior and inability
to manage their emotions. The characteristics most
often used as an indicator of anti-social characters
are as follows: to lie and deceive, the lack of concern
for others, a minimal emotional intelligence, lack of
remorse or guilt, and aggression either active or
passive — the most severe on the spectrum. People
with indications of psychopathy to behave without
emotion in action painful and destructive the other
(Hare, 1996).
Psychopathic more controlled by thought and
their behavior and typically does not feel any
attachment to interpersonal (Owens, McPharlin,
Brooks, & Fritzon, 2018). It can study imitated the
various emotions and demonstrate socially desirable
behavior, acceptable, and reliable to get what they
want or to blend. That is why many people like that
are called high functioning. They can be very
manipulative and often motivated by a sense of
power and control.
Many perpetrators are unidentified because they
have learned to disguise a socially or because they
are in an entirely safe situation. Others describe
many people who fit here as being attractive, or
healthy, or dear, or a family-oriented or hard worker,
smart, successful, or excellent people. Such people
have learned how feelings and actions to get what
they want without negative consequences. It is all
about personal gain, at the expense of wounding
others (Edens et al., 2007).
Empathy is understanding a person from his or
her frame of reference rather than one’s own, or
vicariously experiencing that person’s feelings,
perceptions, and thoughts. Empathy does not, of
itself, entail motivation to be of assistance, although
it may turn into sympathy or personal distress, which
may result in action. In psychotherapy, therapist
empathy for the client can be a path to
comprehension of the client’s cognitions, affects,
motivations, or behaviors (Colman, 2015)
Empathy is the fundamental factor to be taken
into consideration and evaluated when trying to
understand the incident hurt others happen because
empathy is the ability to understand how feelings
and other thoughts and care. Empathy is the key to
the development of ordinary moral people. Since
early life, children are being taught not to hurt others
and has told to speak well. The kids quickly feel
very different to violate this rule (Karos, Meulders,
Goubert, & Vlaeyen, 2018; Pajevic, Vukosavljevic-
Gvozden, Stevanovic, & Neumann, 2018).
The emotional closeness of parents and children
regarded as a dominant factor in increasing empathy
(Browne, 2010). The emotional closeness between
parent-child characterized by mutual love and the
desire to maintain the physical closeness, in that it is
the emotional ties between the child and the parent
(Anthony et al., 2005).
Empathy had been making a difference. Every
time it hurt someone, people will empathies can feel
the others people distress. Moreover, begin
associating other pain with the own pain.
Furthermore, violence then feels as bad thing
intrinsically (Winangsih, Yuniarti, & Aprianti,
2018). On the other hand, helping others make a
person feel the happiness that helped, and will start
to feel good. If a person with lack empathy, this will
never happen. In another hand, hurting other people
will create fatal harm anyone else.
The ability to feel empathy and act with
compassion is usually reduced or even completely
lacking among people with psychopathic traits
(Pajevic et al., 2018). Ordinary people do not
perform aggression against other people because
they empathize with the pain of others and don't like
it. People with psychopathic traits are more powerful
not care if they hurt others, or they want to hurt
others. The fact that they hurt others does not bother
them (either because of denial, delusion, or lack of
consideration) (Cale & Lilienfeld, 2006).
Some people justify it by saying, it is "they
deserve it, or" "they request it, or" "it is wrong to
them," and others, but that is just blaming the victim.
In many cases, a documented rapist or perpetrators
of violence on children assume they deserve it.
Psychopathic personality includes a series of
characteristics that appear early in life and are
affected by the insecure attachment between
children and their parents. Problems in the
interaction with a parent-child influenced the
development of empathy (Panfile & Laible, 2012),
that contributes to impaired relations with others and
judgments on you in the extended run (Mack,
Hackney, & Pyle, 2011). The interaction between
psychopathy and parent-child emotional closeness, a
low level of empathy, and the ability to regulate
one's emotions have been investigated separately in
many studies (Donahue, McClure, & Moon, 2014;
Mack et al., 2011; Mikulincer & Shaver, 2003).
However, few studies have examined the complex
interaction of all these variables together and causal
mechanisms in a non-clinical population of elusive
(Mack et al., 2011). Individuals who are they
Moderating Effect of Emotional Parent-child Closeness on Relation between Psychopath and Empathy
psychopaths tend to more easily engage in crimes
compared with non-psychopathic (Cornell et al.,
1996). The similar thing that was done by
Woodworth and Porter that psychopathic tendencies
have involved more torment as much as 48%
compared to that which is unpsychopathic
(Woodworth & Porter, 2002).
According to the explanation above, the research
aims to explore the dynamics of the role of parent-
child emotional closeness in its effect on empathy
and psychopathic, directly or indirectly.
This research uses a quantitative approach with
method survey. The approach emphasizes
quantitative analysis of numerical data (numbers)
processed with statistical methods. In General,
quantitative research is research that uses a large
sample (Saefudin, 1998). The survey method used
in this research use a structured and systematic
question to many people for later recorded,
processed and analyzed. Those questions used to
measure variables research (Prasetyo, n.d.)
2.1 Participant
The participants of this research were a senior
school student in SMA Mazra’atul Ulum Paciran
Lamongan East Java Indonesia. The sum of
partisipant in the reseach totaled 166 students,
Partisipants details of 86 men and 80 Women. The
age ranges 14-16 years. The sample determines by
random sampling technique.
2.2 Measurement
Measurements in this study using three scales,
namely, psychopathy scale, empathy scale, and
parent-child emotional closeness scale. For further
described as follows:
2.2.1 Psychopathy Scale
Psychopathy scale amounts to 6 items. The scale
adapted from dark trait scale short version (Jones &
Paulhus, 2014). The following sample of an item
from Psychopathy scale in Indonesian “Orang-
orang yang mengacaukan hidup saya akan menyesal
kemudian.", and “Saya suka memberontak terhadap
otoritas/guru/sekolah” In the study, Psychopathy
scale has alpha cronbach 0,687. Scale scoring used
the Likert model with 1-4 range score
2.2.2 Empathy Scale
The scale of Empathy amounts to 9 items. In the
study, The following sample of an item from
empathy scale in Indonesian “Saya dapat
merasakan perasaan sedih orang lain walaupun dia
tidak mengatakannya” and “Saya sering merasa
terharu ketika melihat hal-hal yang menyentuh
hati”.The empathy scale has alpha cronbach 0.759.
The empathy cale scoring used the Likert model
with 1-4 range score
2.2.3 Parent-child Emotional Closeness
The scale of Parent-child emotional Closeness
that adds to 9 items. The following sample of item
from parent-child emotional closeness scale in
Indonesian; “Komunikasi saya dengan ibu/ayah
terjalin dengan baik dan nyaman" and ”Saya sering
bertukar pikiran dengan ibu atau ayah di rumah” In
the study, parent-child emotional closeness scale has
alpha cronbach 0.759. Scale scoring used the Likert
model with 1-4 range score.
2.3 Data Analysis
Before testing the hypothesis, also carried out an
analysis of categorization by using a scale of norms
by calculating the mean hypothetic (M) and standard
deviation (SD). Categorization divided into three
categories covering high, medium and low on each
both variables are psychopathic, empathy and
parent-child closeness. As for the determination of
various categorization as follows in table 1.
To determine the relationship between
psychopathic, empathy and parent-child emotional
closeness use analysis of product-moment Pearson
Table. 1. Categorization Standard
Category Range
High >Mean+1SD
Medium 1SD - Mean + 1 SD
Low < Mean-1SD
Therefore to determine the results of the mediation
effects formula used hence Andrew Hayes
(Darlington & Hayes, 2016).
Before analyzing the data to test the hypothesis,
a descriptive analysis was carried out. The results of
which were as follows
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 2: Categorization of Empathy
Categorization Frequency %
High in Empathy 132 79,5
Medium in Empathy 34 20,5
Law in Empathy
Total 166 100,0
From the results of the categorization, shows that
there are 132 (79.5%) subjects have a high level of
empathy, while the remaining 34 (20.5%) have
moderate empathy. The also show none of the
subjects had low empathy. These results indicate
that overall the subject has a high tendency of
Table 3: Categorization of parent-child emotion
Categorization Frequency %
High in emotion closeness 87 52,4
Medium in emotion closeness 78 47,0
Low in emotion closeness 1 ,6
Total 166 100,0
From the results of categorization, calculations
showed that there were 87 (52.4%) participant
subjects had close emotions with high parents. On
the other hand, there are 78 (47%) having parent-
child emotions closeness with moderate parents.
There is only one or 0.6% of subjects who lack
closeness with parents. These results indicate that
participants tend to have close parent-child well.
The categorization results showed that there were
only 3 (1.8%) people who had a high tendency to
behave psychopathically. While most or as many as
108 (65.1 %) psychopathic tendencies at the
moderate level. Subjects who had low psychopathic
studies were 55 (33.1 %) participant. The result
shows that most participants have little potential to
act psychopathically.
Table 4. Psychopathy Categorization
Categorization Frequency %
Low in Psychopathy 55 33,1
Medium in Psychopathy 108 65,1
High in Psychopathy 3 1,8
Total 166 100,0
Research hypothesis predicts Empathy correlated
with the immediacy of feeling older parents and
psychopathic tendencies.Correlation of test results
shows that there is a significant relationship between
empathy and immediacy of feeling older parents (r =
0.36, p < 0.05), and between empathies with
psychopathic tendencies (r = -0.31, p < 0.05).
Table 5. Data description.
No Variable Min Max Mean SD
1 Psychopath 7,00 21,00 12,46 2,50
2 Empathy 20,00 38,00 29,27 3,03
3 Parent-Child
17,00 36,00 27,97 3,47
There is a direct effect of the psychopathic
personality tendency effect negatively to empathy (r
= - 0.3321; p < 0.001). As well as the proximity of
the emotions the children parents have a positive
influence towards empathy (r = 0.3033; p < 0.001).
However, from the results of a calculation to answer
the hypothesis of the existence of emotional
closeness of moderation effect child-parent
relationship between psychopathic personalities and
empathy found that the influence of the parent-child
emotional closeness as moderator is - 0.035, with
standard error (95% Confidence Interval based on
5000 resamples of 0.0934 until 0.0181). It concludes
the effect is not significant or moderator effect from
parent-child emotional closeness not exist.
Table 5: Intercorrelation result between psychopathy,
empathy, and parent-child emotional closeness.
No 1 2 3
1 Psychopath -
2 Empathy -0,309
3 Parent-Child
-0,101 0,375
** Significant at p < 0,01
Empathy is one of the essential individuals in
particular adolescents. Empathy makes the
individual will retains the ability to feel the feelings
experienced by others. On the research indicates the
result that most of the subjects have empathy. The
subject of this research is on high school students.
The study supports other research that that teenagers
tend to do indeed tend to be high, especially on the
peers (Angraini & Cucuani, 2014). Empathy is high
in teenagers especially those still sitting in school
will reduce the negative impact in socializing as a
On the other hand, adolescents tend to
experience emotional problems rises. This result will
be correct with the high grade of empathy in others.
Despite this high empathy in teenagers could also
give a negative impact, especially on the group.
Moderating Effect of Emotional Parent-child Closeness on Relation between Psychopath and Empathy
Empathy will make the group the more closely.
Teenagers will build the cohesiveness of the group.
A cohesive group will provide roundness in the
decision to act. It will then give directions that could
be negative or positive. The result implies that the
impact of empathy for the lives of the group depends
very much on the norm group. If the norm is right,
then the action group would also be helpful.
The study results also show that the subject is a
lot more that have the closeness between himself
and the emotions parents firmly. This result suggests
that the need to interact both physically and non-
physical with parents in a family is still high. The
family is the smallest unit in the life of socialization.
The family became the first place for the children to
get to know and learn about life. Each child always
wanted to have a family that gives a sense of
security and harmony, when one of his parents is not
present, then there are inequalities in the
development of psychology.
A similar study on teens who do not live with a
father and mother will culminate in substance abuse
(Hoffmann, 2002). The problem of such behavior is
affected by the absence of fathers in children's lives
to provide explicit limitations upon good behavior.
The involvement of fathers in parenting gives a
positive impact on all aspects of child development,
namely cognitive, achievement, intellectual,
emotional, social, moral, kind of role as well as a
decrease in a negative child (Nangle, Kelley, Fals-
Stewart, & Levant, 2003).
The relationship of belonging to teens and their
parents can give a significant influence on the
development of teenagers through openness,
harmony, and solving conflicts. Teens who have a
good relationship with his parents will have good
behavior and a little-distorted behavior (Shek, 2007).
The quality of the relationship teenagers and parents
consists of quality teen relationships with fathers and
mothers with teenage relation quality (Shek, 2007).
For example, a teenager who has a relationship of
good emotions with parents will avoid the internet
addiction of teenagers (Liu, Fang, Zhou, Zhang, &
Deng, 2013) and also reduced the brawl, while also
increasing the ability to confront conflict (Hakim,
2015). The relationship between teens and parents
who are less harmonious make teenage frustration
towards interpersonal relationships with parents. The
weak relationship between teens and parents because
of the lack of attention given and closed
communication, making the emotional needs of
teenagers will not be fulfilled.
The results of the study also illustrate that for
prone psychopath subjects are on the extent the
medium. This grade of psychopathy is a warning in
the development of teenagers. Though not too high
for teens, this level is already a tendency to be
dangerous. This occasion caused by emotions of
teenagers who tend to increase. Besides
susceptibility to wrong in the Association. Juvenile
delinquency:can devide into few form such as,
Delinquency, as usual: scrappy, like lingering in,
ditching school, go without saying goodbye.
Delinquency leads to violations and crimes, such as
Steering without a license, burglary, breaking traffic
signs particular Delinquency, such as drug use,
premarital sex, abortion, murder (EB Surbakti, 2013;
Ekowarni, 1993).
Additionally, psychopathic empirically have
believed associated with violent behavior. The
results of this study are consistent with research
conducted by Boumaster (2001). In General; people
with a high tendency of psychopathy will tend to
have, but different from previous studies in the study
found no correlation between emotional closeness of
parents with psychopathic tendencies (Baumeister,
2001). Although statistically, the proximity of
parents is not able to be the moderator on the
relationship between empathy and psychopathic
personality, the proximity of parents and children is
an essential factor in the formation of one's empathy.
The purpose of this research that proves the
closeness of emotions the children of parents
showed that children who feel close emotionally
with parents would have good empathy. Parents who
are emotionally close with will tend to teach good
behavior in children. These same results with
research conducted by Eisenberg and his colleagues,
who in his work invites the old man with his son,
saw the movie together. Then they asked about his
feelings after watching the film. The results show
that parents who have the immediacy of emotion in
children will tend to help tackle the problem
effectively compared with parents who are not close
to the child. Although parent-child emotional
closeness not related with psychopathic tendencies
statistically, these studies provide enough hope that
closeness with the emotion of the child and the
parents have a positive correlation (Eisenberg et al.,
The role of the parent, in general, is so important
in fostering their children empathy. For practical
effort to increase empathy, like, first, conditioning
with the words "thank you," "sorry" and "please."
Child empathy in the family will learn by teaching
children to utter the “miraculous words"
(Cahyaningrum, Andayani, & Setiawan, 2018;
Kalimayatullah & Wahyuningsih, 2016). Please,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
sorry and thanks. To teach the word parent should
make persuasion by demonstrating the benefits that
accrue if uttered that Word both for himself and
others. A child should teach to recognize also the
reaction changes the emotions after the words
spoken. For example to say the magic words point
also be material that should teach to children. It will
cause them normative belief, by means. The child
will believe speech is as expressed by his parents are
an advantage for themselves.
Second, storytelling is a considerable way to
increase child empathy (Browne, 2010), storytelling
activity conducted by the parents to the child.
Storytelling would provide the proximity of parents
and children (Hariana, Muktadir, & Lusa, 2018;
Winangsih et al., 2018). Besides, the child will train
in their imagination (Larasati, 2018). The contents of
a good fairy tale, full of example story and values of
goodwill teach to children. Storytelling time also
becomes a concern. Sleep time preparation is a
suitable moment. The reason can put forward is
because at the time the child was physically
experienced tire and require recovery physically.
Third, invite the child to feel the feelings of
others a broader perspective taking (Heck,
Chernyak, & Sobel, 2018). One way is to visit the
orphanage or places of less fortunate people. In
addition to helping improve empathy in less
fortunate people. Visit places like orphanages and
about-where people who are less fortunate will also
increase gratitude (Decety, Meidenbauer, & Cowell,
This research shows that children's emotional
closeness and the role of parents is high efficiency in
it through empathy, even though it does not directly
affect the psychopathic personality, but when
empathy is increasing will decrease the tendency of
a psychopath. The role of the family becomes very
important then, from these studies it is
recommended to more significantly encourage the
emotional closeness of more elderly parents to
produce children behave appropriately and will
ultimately promote a peaceful society.
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