Representation of Islamic Culture in Textbooks at Islamic Boarding
Schools: Study on Textbooks at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
, Mahmudah Fitriyah Z. A.
and Neneng Nurjanah
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Keywords: Indonesian Language textbook, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, representation of Islamic culture.
Abstract: This study aims to describe the representation of Islamic culture in Indonesian language textbooks used in
schools located in Islamic boarding schools. This is based on the idea that since the new order Islamic
education has been recognized as an official institution that is different from secular education. This
recognition has the consequence that Islamic education should be able to realize Islamic elements in every
component of its teaching, one of which is in the preparation and use of textbooks for each subject. The data
presentation method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, which will describe the data and analysis
results in depth and as is. The textbooks studied were textbooks used in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
(PMDG). Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that the textbooks used in the Gontor Islamic
Boarding School had represented a lot of Islamic culture. Islamic culture is represented through the
characteristics of akhlakul karimah which refers to the five characteristics of Rosul. From five the
characteristics of akhlakul karimah that not found is listening skills. Factors that influence it are because
textbooks are prepared independently.
Education in Indonesia is divided into several
elements. This is because of the diversity possessed
by the Indonesian people. A pluralistic society
requires the Indonesian people to be able to maintain
tolerance well. One of the efforts made was the
establishment of many educational institutions.
Educational institutions in Indonesia must be able to
facilitate all the diversity of their communities.
Existing pluralism includes language, culture,
and religion. Seeing this plurality in Indonesia
stands educational institutions that come from
almost all official religions in Indonesia. We can
find Islamic schools, Christian schools, Hindu
schools, Buddhist schools, and Catholic schools.
This educational institution stands from the lowest
level (basic) to the highest level (college). That way,
the community can choose education in accordance
with the conditions and objectives of each.
Ministries that have the authority as
education providers starting from the basic to the
secondary level are the Ministry of Education and
the Ministry of Religion. The thing that
distinguishes between the two is the name and
content of religion contained in it.
As a school under the auspices of Kemanag,
MTs and MA is a reference for the formation of
akhlakul karimah. This is influenced by several
things. Besides because it is indeed under the
influence of religion also because the content of
religious subjects that are quite a lot is expected to
provide an example that will be brought in life.
Therefore, the responsibility of the subjects carried
out in schools under the Ministry of Religion is quite
large, both for general and religious subjects.
Seeing such great responsibilities should also
receive considerable attention from the authorities.
The responsibility to provide good examples or
lessons is not only absolutely the responsibility of
religious education. Appropriately, as a school under
the Ministry of Religion also provides material that
always connects with akhlakuk karimah. The linkage
must be seen in all learning materials. That way, the
responsibility of Religion subjects can be shared for
all subjects so that students will be accustomed to
getting good examples of morality in all material.
The example that must be included in each
learning component contains at least five basic
characteristics of Rosul. These qualities must be
embodied in the material that will be taught to
children. Every material both in writing and verbally
Nuryani, ., Fitriyah Z. A., M. and Nurjanah, N.
Representation of Islamic Culture in Textbooks at Islamic Boarding Schools: Study on Textbooks at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor.
DOI: 10.5220/0009928213861393
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1386-1393
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
must always remind the example of the
characteristics of the Prophet. There are five moral
principles that we can directly model and practice in
our daily lives. The five noble traits are humble
(tawadhu), respectful, listening in dialogue, caring
for others, and honest and trustworthy. Exemplary
characteristics can be included in textbooks used by
students and teachers.
The preparation of textbooks used in Islamic
schools under the supervision of the Ministry of
Religion should be the responsibility of the Ministry
of Religion. The hope is that the authors understand
well the needs and contents of Islamic culture that
will be included. However, it is necessary to conduct
an in-depth study and research thoroughly in order
to obtain tangible results. After doing research, it
will be recommended to several parties so that it can
be used as an option in making policies in compiling
In this section will be presented about the
theory used as a reference, methods used, and
discussion of data.
2.1 Theory
Representation is an important part of a
process in which meaning is produced and
exchanged among members of the community
(Stuart Hall, 2003). Representation is generally
understood broadly as an illustration or embodiment
of an idea. How an idea can be realized or read by
others, in what form, and in a broad form of
representation that is widely understood.
Representation can be realized through
language. Language is the result of a nation's
culture. Through language everything can be
conveyed and understood by others. Saphir and
Whorf said that language is a representation of the
culture of the people. Communities that are rich in
culture usually have wealth in their language.
Reflections on language and culture can take many
forms, including vocabulary, sentence form, and
developing discourses. Language as a container and
reflection of the culture of the people who own it
and from our language can find out how high the
level of culture of a nation.
One of the things that must appear in relation
to Islamic culture is positive values as described in
the Al-Quran. These values are not the values
absorbed from the Arabs but the values that are
indeed guided in the scriptures. In the holy book has
been guided or taught about the values of Islamic
culture that must be possessed by every human
being, especially for Muslims. Character values in
the AL-Quran that are guided are also known as
moral terms. This morality should be owned by
every adherent of Islam so that this religion can be
an example for other adherents of the moral beauty
of their adherents. Syihabudin and Aam Abdussalam
had conducted research on Islamic education related
to the concept and its implementation in a global
context (Syihabudin and Aam Abdussalam, 2015).
The findings of the study were to direct educators to
the importance of the content of al-akhlaq al-
karimah, the teacher as a role model and
revitalization of the ijtihad tradition in the
classroom. At least we can emulate the five
characteristics of Rosul, which are humble
(tawadhu), respectful, listen in dialogue, care for
others, and honest and trustworthy
In one book (Sandy, 2013) it was written that
the jahiliyah, dirty, angry, angry Arabian people
always waged war on trivial matters, lowered the
dignity of women, changed to khaitu ummah (the
best people) with nobility and moral glory. This
transformation cannot be separated from the role of
the Prophet in spreading the teachings that promote
salvation and peace. This is clearly a lot we find in
our daily lives today. The many moral setbacks that
occur today may be one of the causes is that we are
all less imitating the nature of the Prophet.
Therefore, it's time to return the community to
emulate the morality of the Prophet. One way is to
include concepts about the morality of the Prophet
who must be modeled into the world of our
education. Through the use of various components
of education to include Islamic cultural values or
moral values Rosulullah is expected to restore our
example to his morals.
Textbooks are books designed for use in class
carefully prepared and prepared by experts or
experts in the field and equipped with appropriate
teaching facilities and harmonious (Bacon in
Tarigan, 2009). Textbooks are books used by both
students and teachers in teaching and learning
activities. The material in textbooks is the realization
of the material listed in the curriculum (I Gusti Putu
Nasution in Prastowo (2012) mentions the
function of textbooks
1. As reference material or reference material by
2. As an evaluation material
Representation of Islamic Culture in Textbooks at Islamic Boarding Schools: Study on Textbooks at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
3. As a tool to assist educators in implementing
the curriculum
4. As one of the determinants of teaching
methods or techniques that educators will use
2.2 Research Methode
This study uses a qualitative descriptive
method that describes data and phenomena as they
are. Data obtained from Indonesian language
textbooks used in Islamic boarding schools. This
research is a study that is a document study with
content analysis approach. The data in this study are
in the form of words contained in textbooks. The
words that are intended are words that are used in
several elements / aspects of the textbook.
The analysis is carried out by utilizing
research instruments that have been compiled in
previous activities. Instruments are arranged in the
form of tables which are also used for data
presentation. This instrument covers two things,
namely the instrument used to view cultural values
related to the morals of fellow human beings and the
instruments used to see cultural values related to
morals towards other creatures (animals and plants).
That way, the data will be presented in the form of
tables which are then given a check list for further
The following is a table of instruments of
representation of Islamic culture in the category of
properties (Akhlakul Karimah)
No Akhlakul Karimah Clear Not
Humble (Rendah Hati)
Respectful (Pandai
Listen in dialogue
(Menyimak dalam
Care for others (Peduli
terhadap Sesama)
Honest and
trustworthy (Jujur dan
2.3 Discussion
The discussion is carried out in two stages,
namely data presentation and data analysis
Table 1: Data on Islamic Cultural Values in
Indonesian Language Textbook 1 KMI PMDG
No Akhlakul Karimah Clear Not
Humble (Rendah Hati)
Respectful (Pandai
Listen in dialogue
(Menyimak dalam
Care for others (Peduli
terhadap Sesama)
Honest and trustworthy
Jujur dan Amanah)
Humility is embodied in instruction questions
and forms of questions. Respectful embodied in
examples of discourse, matter, and form of
questions. Listening to dialogue is not found because
there is more to the ability to read and write. Caring
for others is embodied in the sample points of
discourse and examples for material. Meanwhile, for
morals honest and trustworthy are embodied in
instruction points, examples of discourse, material,
and questions.
Some of the things found will be explained as
1) Humble
This attitude is important for every human being.
Especially for young people of national generation
who are recorded as students. They must have been
equipped with a humble attitude from childhood or
from the base. This is important because in this
world no one deserves to be boasted. Once a human
being is arrogant, he actually has destroyed himself..
The Prophet, who was recorded as a perfect
human being, never had a history of his arrogance.
In this textbook, there are many points which
contain or imply a humble value. This humble score
is embodied or manifested in instructions or
instructions about the problem and also the problem
itself. As shown in the following example.
Penutup, yang berisi permintaan maaf dan
ucapan terima kasih kepada pendengar/hadirin
(Closing, which contains an apology and thanks
to the audience / audience)
Apabila pada saat menyampaikan informasi
ternyata ada kekeliruan ucapan, segeralah minta
(If at the time of conveying information, there is
a mistake in saying, immediately apologize)
Setelah informasi selesai, sampaikan ucapan
terima kasih dan ucapkanlah salam penutup.
(After the information is complete, give a thank
you and say the closing greeting.)
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The point above shows how as a student they are
taught to apologize to listeners who do not even
know who the listener is. They are also taught to
thank anyone. The above points are only in the form
of instructions which if not read carefully the value
will be lost. Therefore, the teacher should also
emphasize in instilling verbal value in humility in
the teaching process. Based on these points, the
teacher actually has an entrance to help teach
humility by wanting to apologize to anyone.
Students can also always express their gratitude for
all the assistance they have been given.
2) Respectful
A smart attitude of respect is also important to be
owned by a student. Through its existence taught in
Indonesian textbooks students are expected to
emulate this trait so that the established
communication will work well. Examples of
applications found in Indonesian textbooks at KMI
PMDG are as follows.
Apabila kita akan menelepon seseorang, kita
harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut.
(If we are going to call someone, we must pay
attention to the following.)
Apabila orang yang dihubungi telah
menerima, ucapkan terlebih dulu salam kepadanya.
Setelah itu katakan siapa dan dengan siapa kamu
ingin berbicara.
(If the person contacted has received, first say
hello to him. After that, say who and who you want
to talk to.)
Berbicaralah seperlunya karena
kemungkinan orang lain akan menggunakan telepon
(Speak as needed because of the possibility that
other people will use the phone.)
Ucapkan terima kasih apabilia pembicaraan
telah selesai.
(say thank you if conversation has finished).
The above points are instructions or rules when
we will call. Adab like that is rarely done by the
public at this time. Therefore, students are invited to
follow the example of good character even with
anyone. When we call, we do not know who will
pick up the telephone kit (especially if we call with
an telephone). Therefore, respect through polite
language is the key to good communication.
Another example is as follows.
Fatimah akan menghubungi majalah Iffah
untuk mengkonfirmasi cerpen yang dikirimkannya
melalui e-mail. Fatimah menekan nomer telpon yang
dituju, lalu di seberang terdengar suara mekanis
yang mengucapkan salam dan memberi petunjuk
pada operator:
(Fatimah will contact Iffah magazine to confirm
the short story she sent via e-mail. Fatimah pressed
the telephone number, then the mechanical sound
came across the greeting and instructed the
Suara mekanis: Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Selamat datang di
redaksi majalah Iffah! Silakan tekan extention yang
Anda tuju, tekan angka nol jika Anda membutuhkan
(Mechanical sound: Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Welcome to the editor
of Iffah magazine! Please press the extension that
you are going to, press zero if you need help!)
Fatimah lalu menekan angka nol; terdengar
suara ‘tut’ dua kali, lalu pesawat telpon di seberang
diangkat oleh Zainab, operatir majalah Iffah.
(Fatimah then pressed zero; there was a "tut"
sound twice, then the telephone plane across from
was appointed by Zainab, operator of Iffah
Zainab: Assalamualaikum! Redaksi majalah
Iffah. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?
(Zainab: Assalamualaikum! Editor of Iffah
magazine. Can I help you?)
Fatimah: Waalaikumsalam. Ini Fatimah dari
Surabaya. Bisa bicara dengan Bu Sari?
(Fatimah: Waalikumsalam. This is from Fatimah.
Can I talk with Mrs. Sri?)
Zainab: Sebentar ya Bu, kami sambungkan.
(Zainab: waiting for a minute Mrs, we will
Based on examples of instructions and dialogues
described above the teacher gets a gap to get in to
bring students to have an attitude of smart respect.
We will never know who we are facing and who we
will meet. Therefore, having an attitude of good
respect with anyone will make our authority look
better. Luckily if those who call us are "officials" or
"commoners", as long as we have a smart attitude of
respect, everything will work well
3) Listen in dialogue
Listening ability is a fairly difficult ability.
Abilities like this cannot be easily mastered. Need
good character to be a good listener. In Indonesian
Language textbooks this is actually a good
opportunity to teach and train listening skills. With
Representation of Islamic Culture in Textbooks at Islamic Boarding Schools: Study on Textbooks at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
continuous training, students are expected to have
this ability well. However, unfortunately not many
textbooks contain material to train this ability.
Included in the textbooks used in KMI PMDG
also found less material or instructions that are
expected to teach the nature of "listening ability".
More material or instruction that refers to the ability
to read and write. Like material on Speech Text
Writing, Writing Diary, Reading Discourse and
Giving Conclusions in written form, and some other
material that tends to measure reading and writing
skills.Seperti yang terlihat pada contoh-contoh
Bacalah bacaan ini dengan seksama!
(reading skill)
(Read this reading carefully!)
Pernahkah kamu bermain di pantai? Sudakah
kamu menuliskan pengalamanmu itu? (writing skill)
(Have you ever played on the beach? Do you
write your experiences?)
Agar tulisan kalian enak dibaca, buatlah
kerangka karangan dengan memperhatikan bahan-
bahan yang sudah terkumpul dan terpilih. Misalnya,
kalian hendak menulis narasi tentang pengalaman
“Berkunjung ke Taman Impian di JATIM PARK
Malang”. (writing skill)
(In order for your writing to be pleasant to read,
create a composition framework by paying attention
to the materials that have been collected and
selected. For example, you want to write a narrative
about the experience "Visiting the Dream Park in
JATIM PARK Malang".)
Menyajikan informasi. (speaking skill)
(Presenting information)
Menulis Teks Pidato (writing skill)
(Writing speech text)
Tulislah sebuah teks pidato sederhana, yang
berisi tentang anjuran berbuat baik. Perhatikan
kelengkapan unsur-unsurnya serta porsi atau
volume masing-masing bagian. (writing skill)
(Please write a simple speech text, which
contains suggestions for doing good. Pay attention to
the completeness of the elements and the portion or
volume of each part.)
Setelah kalian mencermati contoh-contoh
penulisan buku harian, apa yang terpikirdi
benakmu? Sulitkah menylis buku harian? Tentunya
tidak, bahkan menyenangkan. Sekarang cobalah
kalian menuliskan pengamalamanmu di dalam
sebuah buku harian. (writing skill).
(After you look at the examples of diary writing,
what comes to mind? Is it difficult to write a diary?
Of course not, even fun. Now try to write your
experience in a diary.)
However, even so there are still lessons to teach
attitude to be a good listener. This teaching can be
implicitly found in the following example.
Sajikanlah informasi di bawah ini secara
bergantian. Caranya, yaitu 4 orang siswa maju ke
dapan kelas untuk membacakan berita atau
menyampaikan infomasi secara bergiliran.
(Present the information below alternately. The
method is that 4 students advance to the classroom
to read the news or submit information in turn.)
Based on the example instructions above there is
actually a lesson that when their colleagues are
delivering information in front of the class, the other
colleagues must be able to become good listeners.
This is done because the process takes place
alternately. When one partner advances the other
becomes a listener. The next thing goes. That way,
students who read the news will feel appreciated if
their colleagues behind are listening to the
information they convey.
4) Care for Others
The attitude of caring for others is also very
important for every student to have. Especially
nowadays, the tendency of humans to have selfish or
selfish qualities. Not many people are able to feel
what others feel. Even when a disaster occurs in an
area there are still many people who are not
responsible for doing things that harm others.
Therefore, it is important to always teach and remind
the importance of this trait. As has been taught and
exemplified by the Prophet.
The components in learning are very many. If
one of them is able to facilitate the teaching of
manners or this attitude will certainly be a good tool.
Moreover, if all components of learning support
each other to be able to teach and remind all tips
about the importance of imitating the nature of this
Prophet. However, one of them has also been felt
pretty good.
One component that is representative enough to
support the teaching of these attitudes is textbooks.
Likewise with what was done in PMDG. Indonesian
language textbooks that are used quite a lot contain
things that can be used as a teaching tool to emulate
caring for others.
Examples of the discussion can be seen as
Apa yang terjadi jika iklim bumi mengalami
perubahan dari keteraturannya sekarang? Kita
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
mungkin belum dapat memberi jawaban yang pasti.
Sebenarnya, bagaimanakah situasi yang tengah
berlangsung di permukaan bumi kita ini sehubungan
dengan masalah pemanasan global (global
warming)? Temukan jawabannya melalui informasi
(What happens if the earth's climate changes
from its current order? We may not be able to give a
definite answer. Actually, what is the situation that
is happening on the surface of our earth in
connection with the problem of global warming?
Find the answer through the following information!)
Examples of the instructions above imply that
the current condition of the earth is not in good
condition. This is read through the discourse
delivered in writing. By reading the discourse,
students will know the condition of the earth that is
currently occupied. After knowing the condition of
the earth that is no longer stable and good, students
are expected to have a caring attitude towards the
surrounding environment and environment. This
attitude is the same as we have cared for others.
Because we occupy this environment with other
people, maintaining the environment means that we
also take care of others.
Tentunya kalian sudah mencermati format
surat pribadi. Sekarang, tulislah surat untuk
seorang sahabat yang sedang berduka cita karena
orang tuanya meninggal dunia!
(Of course you have looked at the format of the
personal letter. Now, write a letter to a friend who is
mourning because his parents died!)
The example above is in the form of instructions
or instructions to do assignments in the exercise of
writing Personal Letter material. By practicing
making the letter students are expected to have a
sense of caring or empathy, to feel the grief being
experienced by their friends. Without caring or
feeling the sadness of his friend students will not be
able to make or write letters well. Because what is
conveyed is the result of the taste and exceptions
they feel.
Murid yang baik tidak melakukan hal-hal
yang tidak perlu.
(Good students don’t doing unnecessary things)
Wacana “Anak yang Terbuang”
Matahari telah hampir masuk ke peraduannya.
Dengan amat perlahan, menurutkan perintah dari
alam gaib, ia berangsur-angsur turun, turun ke
dasar lautan yang tidak kelihatan ranah tanah
tepinya. Cahaya merah mulai terbentang di ufuk
barat, dan bayangannya tampak mengindahkan
wajah lautan yang tenang tak berombak. Di sana-
sini kelihatan layar perahu-perahu telah
berkembang, putih dan sabar. Ke pantai kedengaran
suara nyanian Iloho Gading atau Sio Sayang, yang
dinyanyikan oleh anak-anak perahu orang Mandar
itu, ditingkah oleh suara-suara geseran rebab dan
kecapi. Nun, agak di tengah, di tepi pagaran anggar
kelihatan puncak dari sebuah kapal yang telah
berpuluh-puluh tahun ditenggelamkan di sana.
Discourse on “Wasted Children”
(The sun has almost entered into the process.
Very slowly, obeying the commands of the unseen
realm, he gradually descended, descending to the
bottom of the ocean that did not appear in the realm
of the edges. The red light began to unfold in the
western horizon, and the shadow seemed to heed the
face of the calm, undulating sea. Here and there a
screen of boats has grown, white and patient. To the
beach, the sound of the Iloho Gading or Sio Sayang,
which was sung by the children of the Mandar boat,
was ignored by the voices of the triggers and harps.
However, a little in the middle, on the edge of the
fencing the visible top of a ship that had been sunk
there for decades.)
Based on the two examples above it can be seen
that the choice of questions is also prepared for
students to be able to see good attitudes and bad
attitudes. In the case of students being asked to
complete the points with the correct answer choices.
The sound of the problem also leads to the attitude
that must be possessed by students, that good
students do not do things that are not necessary. This
teaches that as students should always care for
others by not doing unnecessary actions that can
cause harm to others.
Meanwhile, for the second example, the
discourse presented was chosen which contained
elements of learning. Based on the title presented the
discourse invites students to feel a waste child. That
way, they will feel concerned about the life that the
beach children live.
5) Honest and Trustworthy
Honest and trustworthy are two basic traits that
will lead people to high happiness and authority.
These two traits must not be abandoned in every
activity and daily life. Therefore it is important to
always teach and remind our students and ourselves
also the importance of these two traits. Losing these
Representation of Islamic Culture in Textbooks at Islamic Boarding Schools: Study on Textbooks at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
two traits will make us enter the ranks or class of
Honest is an act where we always say the right
thing is right and wrong is wrong. How bitter the
truth and truth must be conveyed honestly.
Meanwhile, trust is an act where we never break a
promise. We can always be trusted to be able to hold
trust or trust. An example is if the teacher is doing
an evaluation, the teacher asks students to close the
book or not open the book. This must be carried out
entirely by students. If there are still students who
open a book or try to cheat then the student does not
have a trustworthy attitude. When students are asked
"Do you cheat?" And when the student answers "no"
then that is a category of dishonesty. With such
behavior the student has violated the two basic
characteristics above.
Given the importance of the two attitudes above,
as a teacher or educator, never be bored to keep
reminding of the importance of this attitude. One
effort that can be done is to enter the example of the
attitude in the material in the textbook. Likewise
with what was done by the compilers of the book at
KMI PMDG which tried to incorporate the
exemplary elements of the two attitudes into
The following examples can be listened to.
Kalian telah bertanya jawab dengan teman
atau dengan orang yang baru kalian kenal. Kalian
tentu mendapatkan informasi. Kemukakanlah
informasi data pribadi temanmu di depan orang
laib. Untuk mengemukakannya, kalian tidak boleh
menambah-nambahi informasi yang telah
didapatkan. Karena itu, sebaiknya tulislah dengan
rapi sesudah berkenalan dan berdialog, baru
kemudian sampaikan kepada orang lain hasilnya.
(You have asked questions with friends or with
people you just met. You certainly get information.
Bring your friend's personal data information in
front of the lost person. To put it forward, you
cannot add information that has been obtained.
Therefore, it is better to write neatly after getting
acquainted and dialogue, and then convey to others
the results.)
Based on the example above it is clear that when
conveying information obtained from people we are
forbidden to add or reduce. Convey information as is
as a reflection of our honest and trustworthy nature.
Delivering information that is obtained in its entirety
without adding to it or reducing it can also free us
from all prejudices if there are later things that are
not pleasing. Especially conveying information
about the characteristics of other people which must
be in accordance with what we get.
Jujur merupakan salah satu syarat bagi
keutuhan persahabatan.
(Be honesty is one of the conditions for
friendship integrity.)
The above example is found in the sample item.
Examples of questions given have led or directly
convey the importance of being honest. Dishonesty
will lead us to one of the characteristics of
hypocrites. Of course this will make us far from
friends. We can no longer be trusted people so many
people will stay away from us because they are
considered as people who cannot hold the mandate.
Benarkah pertemanan kalian itu sarat
dengan maksud tertentu?
(Is it true that your friendship is loaded with
certain intentions?)
Tega-teganya ia mengelabui teman sendiri!
(How could he fool his friends!)
Berdasarkan perhitungan dari bagian
pendataan KMI, siswa yang gemar pelajaran
Bahasa Indonesia mencapai 75%.
(Based on calculations from the KMI data
collection section, students who like Indonesian
language learning reach 75%.)
Berdasarkan dugaan saja, hal tersebut tidak
(Based on expectations, this is not true)
The examples above are in the sample questions
section for some material. With diverse material, it
turns out that it does not make it difficult to include
elements of teaching or incorporating honesty
values. The examples above are a small portion of
what can be displayed. It can be seen from the above
example of the importance of honesty and
trustworthiness, the loss if we (humans) are not
honest and trustworthy, and the importance of
conveying information based on actual data and not
guessing. Therefore, it turns out that through various
means and elements we can still incorporate values
or lessons about honesty and hold the mandate.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The conclusions of this study are that Indonesian
language textbooks used in PMDG contain many
representations of Islamic culture which refer to the
nature of morality. The five basic characteristics of
the Prophet which are the references represented in
this textbook are humble, respectful, caring for
others, and honest and trustworthy. Meanwhile, the
nature of listening in dialogue is not found because
learning demands more for the ability to read and
write. The factors that influence the many
representations of Islamic culture are because
textbooks are compiled internally by the team
compiling the PMDG book.
We would like to extend our gratitude to several
parties, especially the Institute for Research and
Community Service (LP2M) who have given us the
opportunity and facilities to present this article in
international forum. With these opportunities and
facilities we can ultimately learn a lot and meet other
good opportunities.
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Representation of Islamic Culture in Textbooks at Islamic Boarding Schools: Study on Textbooks at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor